Energy Gap: Bibliometric Analysis

The paper deals with analyses of the leading scientific directions to investigate the energy gap. The main goal is to analyze the tendency in the scientific literature on energy gap to identify the future research directions of the primary determinant.

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Дата добавления 30.11.2020
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Energy Gap: Bibliometric Analysis

energy gap scientific literature

Vladyslav V. Pavlyk 1

The paper deals with analyses of the leading scientific directions to investigate the energy gap. The main goal of the paper is to analyze the tendency in the scientific literature on energy gap to identify the future research directions of the primary determinant, which influenced its volume. In the paper, the author used VOSviewer and Scopus Tools. The article reviewed papers (published 1991-2019) which indexed by Scopus and Web of Science. Using the Scopus analyse tools showed that in 2014 the numbers of paper which focused on energy gap began to increase. The scientists from the USA, China and India, had the most significant share of the documents on the energy gap. At the same time, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored most of the papers on energy gap. In 2014 the number of documents which focused on analyses of energy gap increased in such journals with high impact factor as follows: Journal of Economic Perspectives, Economic Modelling, Functional Ecology. The findings showed that the theme of energy gap is in the current trends of sustainable development and green energy. The data from VOSviewer identified 8 clusters of the papers which investigated the energy gap from the different points of views. The first significant cluster involved the keywords as follows: energy efficiency, energy-saving, energy efficiency gap etc. The third cluster focused on sustainability and climate change. The second and fourth clusters concentrate on engineering and technological aspect of the energy gap. The third and the first clusters located close to each other. It allowed proving that one of the significant parameters on energy gap were: sustainability; energy efficiency gap; share of the renewable energy. Such tendency allows concluding that the energy gap should be analysed from economic and management point of views. Besides, considering the findings, the main dimensions which influenced the energy gap could be grouped as follows: technological; ecological; energy efficiency; sustainable development.

Keywords: energy, energy efficiency, green energy, gap, meta-analysis, Scopus, Web of Science.

Енергетические разрывы: библиометрический анализ

Владислав Владимирович Павлик *

*аспирант, Сумский государственный университет

В статье определены основные научные направления исследования энергетических разрывов с целью выявления основных детерминант, влияющих на их величину. Для анализа автором использовано програмное обеспечения VOSviewer и внутренние инструменты анализа наукометрической базы данных Scopus. В статье рассмотрены статьи, которые опубликованны в период с 1991 по 2019 годы и индексируются наукометрическими Базами данных Scopus и Web of Science. Результаты использования инструментов анализа наукометрической базы данных Scopus показали, что в 2014 году количество научных статей, посвященных исследованию энергетических разрывов, начала увеличиваться. При этом наибольшее количество статей было опубликовано учеными из США, Китая и Индии. В то же время, чаще всего исследования вопросов энергетических разрывов было осуществлено Национальным фондом естествознания Китая и Министерством энергетики США. Следует отметить, что статьи по анализу энергетических разрывов опубликовано в таких высоко рейтинговых журналах как: Journal of Economic Perspectives, Economic Modelling, Functional Ecology. Полученные результаты показали, что тема энергетического разрыва коррелирует с современными тенденциями распространения вопросов достижения устойчивого развития и увеличения удельного веса зеленой энергетики в общем энергобалансе страны. На основании полученных данных VOSviewer было выделено 8 кластеров массива научных статей, которые исследовали энергетические разрывы с разных точек зрения. Первый кластер включал таки ключевые слова как: энергоэффективность, энергосбережение, энергоэффективность и просчее. К третьему кластеру вошли статьи, посвященные анализу стабильности и изменению климата. Второй и четвертый кластеры были сосредоточены на инженерно-технологических аспектах энергетических разрывов. Третий кластер расположен ближе всего к первому кластеру, что позволяет выделить следующие параметры энергетического разрыва: устойчивость; разрыв энергоэффективности; удельный вес возобновляемых источников энергии. Такая тенденция позволяет сделать вывод, что энергетический разрыв следует анализировать с экономической и управленческой точки зрения с целью разработки и внедрения действенных механизмов и инструментов их минимизации. Кроме того, результаты исследования позволили выделить следующие группы параметров-воздействия на величину энергетического разрыва: технологические; экологические; энергоэффективности; устойчивого развития.

Ключевые слова: энергетика, энергоэффективность, зеленый энергетика, разрыв, метаанализ, Scopus, Web of Science.

Еенергетичні розриви: бібліометричний аналіз

Владислав Володимирович Павлик *,

* аспірант, Сумський державний університет,

У статті визначено основні наукові напрями дослідження енергетичних розривів з метою виявлення основних детермінант, що впливають на їх величину. Для аналізу автором використано програмне забезпечення VOSviewer та внутрішні інструменти аналізу наукометричної бази даних Scopus. У статті розглянуто статті, що опубліковані у період з 1991 по 2019 роки та індексуються наукометричними базаами даних Scopus та Web of Science. Результати використання інструментів аналізу наукометричної бази даних Scopus показали, що в 2014 році кількість наукових статей, присвячених дослідженню енергетичних розривів, почала збільшуватися. При цьому найбільша кількість статей було опубліковано вченими з США, Китаю та Індії. У той же час, найчастіше дослідження питань енергетичних розривів було профінансовано Національним фондом природознавства Китаю та Міністерством енергетики США. Слід відмітити, що статті щодо аналізу енергетичних розривів опубліковано у таких високо рейтингових журналах як: Journal of Economic Perspectives, Economic Modelling, Functional Ecology. Отримані результати показали, що тема енергетичного розриву корелює з сучасними тенденціями поширення питань сталого розвитку та зеленої енергетики. Дані VOSviewer дозволили виокремити 8 кластерів масиву наукових статей, які досліджували енергетичні розриви з різних точок зору. Перший кластер включав такі ключові слова: енергоефективність, енергозбереження, енергоефективність тощо. До третього кластеру увійшли статті, що присвячені аналізу стабільності та зміні клімату. Другий та четвертий кластери були зосереджені на інженерно-технологічних аспектах енергетичних розривів. Третій кластер розташований найближче до першого кластеру, що дає підстави виокремити наступні параметри енергетичного розриву: стійкість; розрив енергоефективності; питома відновних джерел енергії.

Така тенденція дозволяє зробити висновок, що енергетичний розрив слід аналізувати з економічної та управлінської точки зору з метою розроблення та впровадження дієвих механізмів та інструментів їх мінімізації. Крім того, результати дослідження дозволили виокремити наступні групи параметрів-впливу на величину енергетичного розриву: технологічні; екологічні; енергоефективності; сталого розвитку.

Ключові слова: енергетика, енергоефективність, зелена енергетика, розрив, метааналіз, Scopus, Web of Science.

Introduction. The current trends of increasing of world competitiveness, strengthening climate issues provoke the extending of the mechanisms which allow solving the abovementioned issues. In this case, one of the most important goals is increasing of country's energy security which is relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Thus, considering the main dimensions of the country's energy security, it would be necessary to decrease the energy gap of the national economy.

Problem statement. Results of the analysis showed that traditionally scientists the energy gap identified as a difference between current and optimal energy consumption in the country [1, 7, 5]. The group of the scientists Sotiriou C., Michopoulos A., Zachariadis T., Nepal R., Irsyad M. I., Chen G. Q., Wu X. D., Guo J., Meng J. and Li C. proved the relationship between the volume of the energy gap and stability of the national economy [12, 9, 11, 2]. At the same time, the scientists Gerarden T. D., Newell R. G., Stavins, R. N., Reddy, B. S. in the papers [4, 10] allocated three main groups of dimensions which influenced on the volume of the energy gaps: market failures, behavioural factors and measurement errors. Hunt A. and Greenstone M. identified five parameters which impacted on the energy gap, such as: economic potential, technological, growth potential, social potential and available social capital. Besides, the range of the scientists proved that volume of energy gap directly relates from the share of the renewable energy in the country's energy balance and quantity of green investments on energy efficiency projects [6, 8, 3].

The findings allow concluding that the universal approach to identify the parameters which influenced the energy gap has not accepted by the worldwide scientific community.

The purpose of the research is to analyse the tendency in the scientific literature on energy gap as a core element of the country's energy security to identify the main dimensions which have an impact on it.

Results of the research. For the analysis, the papers indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science were used. Using of Scopus tools showed that the numbers' pics of documents on energy gap was in 1994, 2003, 2007. In 2014 the numbers of paper which focused on energy gaps issues began to increase. It could be proved by spreading climate issues around the world. In 2019 the number of documents which analysed green intellectual capital was increased by 129 % compared with the 2014 year (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The dynamic of papers' number on energy gap in Scopus [developed by the Pavlyk V. using Scopus Analyse Tool]

At the same time, the energy gap was analysed within of subject area as follows: Business and Management, Social Sciences, Multidisciplinary - 20 %; Material Science - 24 %; Physics and Astronomy - 25 % (Figure 2). The findings allow concluding that scientists focused on the technological aspects of the energy gap. In this case, it is proved that not a lot of investigations analysed the energy gap from the economic point of view.

The analysis by country showed that mostly the scientists with the USA, China, India and Japan affiliations investigated the energy gap issues. The top countries' affiliation of the scientists who studied the green intellectual capital issues showed in Figure 3.

Figure 2. The subject's areas of the papers on energy gap in Scopus

[developed by the Pavlyk V. using Scopus Analyse Tool]

Figure 3. The country s affiliation of the scientists which analysed the energy gap issues [developed by the Pavlyk V. using Scopus, Web of Science and VOSviewer]

At the same time, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10 650 papers) and the U.S. Department of Energy (2 000 articles) sponsored the most significant share of the investigations on the energy gap.

The results of the analysis showed that the most cited paper was published in the high ranked Scientific Journal as follows:

• Journal of Economic Perspectives (SNIP 6.69).

• Energy and Environmental Science (SNIP 4.62).

• Functional Ecology (SNIP 1.77).

• Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (SNIP 3.69).

The most cited (with citation more 3000 times) authors on energy gap were Snaith H., Kim J., Gratzel M. (Figure 4). At the same time, the chines scientists have the most significant share of the papers Zhang I., Zhang H., Wang Y.

Figure 4. The scientific clusters of the authors who analysed the energy gap
[developed by the Pavlyk V. using Scopus, Web of Science and VOSviewer]

Figure 5. The scientific clusters of papers on the energy gap issues [developed by the Pavlyk V. using Scopus, Web of Science and VOSviewer]

The findings from VOSviewer identified 8 clusters of the scientific papers which analysed of the energy gap from the different points of views (Figure 5).

Thus, the most significant group (red cluster) contains the papers which analysed the energy gap from the energy efficiency point of view. The second and fourth clusters could be named as a technological cluster. These clusters combined papers which contained the keywords as follows: solar cell, power generation, energy conversion, photocatalyst, adsorption etc. The third cluster merged 19 items which focused on climate change, economic issues of the energy gap, CO2 emissions, food print, sustainability etc.

Noted, that first cluster closes located to the third cluster. It means the stronger relations between that scientific clusters. Such results showed that despite the range papers which analysed of the energy gap from the technical point of view the actual is explaining the energy gap from economic, sustainable development and climate changes points of views.

Thus, considering the findings from Figure 4, the most related areas with the energy gap were energy efficiency, sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy.

Conclusions and prospects of further research. The findings proved that the energy gap is a new direction for investigation which formed in separate scientific school. The numbers of papers become increased from the 2014 year. The findings from VOSviewer allow identifying 8 clusters; 2 of them have a close relationship. The first most significant cluster involved the keywords as follows: energy efficiency, energy-saving, energy efficiency gap etc. The third cluster focused on sustainability and climate change. The 2nd and 4th clusters concentrate on engineering and technological aspect of the energy gap. Such tendency allows concluding that the energy gap should be analyzed from the economic and management point of views. Besides, considering the findings, the main dimensions which influenced the energy gap could be grouped as follows: technological; ecological; energy efficiency; sustainable development. For further analysis, it would be necessary to analyse the most significant time of analysing. The findings focused on a strict combination of keywords which limited the applications of results. The cluster authors analysis would allow visualising and identifying scientific schools and scientists' cooperation in further investigation.

Funding: This research was funded by the grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Nos. g/r No 0117U003932).


1. Backlund, S., Thollander, P., Palm, J., & Ottosson, M. (2012). Extending the energy efficiency gap. Energy Policy, 51, 392-396.

2. Chen, G. Q., Wu, X. D., Guo, J., Meng, J., & Li, C. (2019). Global overview for energy use of the world economy: Household-consumption-based accounting based on the world input-output database (WIOD). Energy Economics, 81, 835-847.

3. Chirichenko, Y., & Fisunenko, N. (2018). Marketing determinants of the development of the investment market: innovations in the assessment of demand and supply (case study for the construction industry). Marketing and Management of Innovations, 3, 81-94.

4. Gerarden, T. D., Newell, R. G., & Stavins, R. N. (2017). Assessing the energy-efficiency gap. Journal of Economic Literature, 55(4), 1486-1525.

5. Hunt, A., & Greenstone, M. (2012). Is There an Energy Efficiency Gap? Journal of Economic Perspectives,.26 (1), 3-28.

6. Ibragimov, Z., Lyeonov, S., & Pimonenko, T. (2019). Green investing for SDGS: EU experience for developing countries. Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 867-876.

7. Jaffe, A. B., & Stavins, R. N. (1994). The energy-efficiency gap What does it mean? Energy policy, 22(10), 804-810.

8. Lyeonov, S., Pimonenko, T., Bilan, Y., Streimikiene, D., & Mentel, G. (2019). Assessment of Green Investments' Impact on Sustainable Development: Linking Gross Domestic Product Per Capita, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Renewable Energy. Energies, 12(20), 3891.

9. Nepal, R., al Irsyad, M. I., & Nepal, S. K. (2019). Tourist arrivals, energy consumption and pollutant emissions in a developing economy-implications for sustainable tourism. Tourism Management, 72, 145-154.

10. Reddy, B. S. (2003). Overcoming the energy efficiency gap in India's household sector. Energy Policy, 31(11), 1117-1127.doi:10.1016/s0301-4215(02)00220-3

11. Scott, K., Giesekam, J., Barrett, J., & Owen, A. (2019). Bridging the climate mitigation gap with economy-wide material productivity. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(4), 918-931.

12. Sotiriou, C., Michopoulos, A., & Zachariadis, T. (2019). On the cost-effectiveness of national economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions abatement measures. Energy policy, 128, 519-529.

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