Philosophical foundations of a new approach to the work of community police officers
The philosophy of a new approach to the professional activity of a police officer contributed to the formation of the concept of community-oriented policing, which focuses on new requirements: police officers and community residents work together.
Рубрика | Философия |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.01.2024 |
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Philosophical foundations of a new approach to the work of community police officers
Eleonora Skyba
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
(Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine)
Філософія нового підходу до професійної діяльності офіцера поліції посприяла формуванню концепції суспільство-орієнтованої поліції, що зосереджена на нових вимогах: офіцери поліції та мешканці громади співпрацюють разом над створенням принципово нового підходу до сучасного способу вирішування проблем територіальної спільноти щодо створення безпечного середовища. Зусилля сучасного поліцейського офіцера громади має зосередитись не тільки і не стільки на викликах щодо вже здійсненних злочинах, скільки на попередженні правопорушень. Поліцейські офіцери громади мають опосередковано впливати на підвищення загального рівня правосвідомості через спілкування із можливими правопорушниками як виховна робота, спілкування із мешканцями громади щодо страху перед злочинністю, встановлювати партнерські відносини, спрямовувати спільні зусилля на підвищення рівня якості життя цієї громади та середовища взагалі. Філософія ця заснована на вірі, що задля досягання цих цілей поліція має розробити та запропонувати населенню новий тип відносин, який ґрунтується на розширенні ролі самого населення у вирішенні місцевих справ. Поліцейські відділки мають дозволити пересічним громадянам на свій розсуд встановлювати соціальні пріоритети та надавати певну владу щодо залучання їх зусиль на покращення якості життя у на території їх проживання. Запровадження у практичну площину такої філософії переміщує увагу та зусилля поліцейських відділків з відповідей на дзвінки громадян щодо здійсненних правопорушень у сторону адресної уваги на вирішення суспільно важливіших питань цієї спільноти та підвищення загального рівня правової культури та в результаті підвищення рівня правосвідомості.
Поліцейська діяльність в світі сучасних вимог має вирішувати завдання важливість для безпечного середовища яких постійно зростає. Для розуміння сенсу та соціального призначення професійної діяльності поліцейських офіцерів громади вони мають розуміти глибинне філософське обґрунтування цих нових вимог та розглядати проблему громадської безпеки проблем як таку, що посідає чемне місце серед суспільних цінностей, що є фундаментально важливих для виживання людини у сучасному світі. Поінформованість представників поліції із найкращими світовими здобутками у цій сфері допомагає збагачувати світосприйняття світу, розвиває навички критичного мислення, спонукає бачити внутрішню логіку розвитку подій та привчає прогнозувати наслідки тих чи інших інноваційних ініціатив. professional philosophy officers
Ключові слова: поліція, орієнтована на громаду, соціальна безпека, соціальна цінність, соціальна місія поліції, community policing.
The new approach proposed to the work of a community police officer aims to introduce cooperation between the police and the people of community in order to create a safe social and cultural environment through various direct and indirect forms of influence on the level of legal culture. As it is generally recognized and prove, this approach of community police officer practice is built on the principles of constant communication, cooperation and trust between representatives of law enforcement agencies and community residents, which ensures crime prevention through increased legal awareness indicators and respect for the legal guidelines of society. Given the innovative approach to policing and the means and level of interaction, both residents and community officers must work together to build a safe environment.
Keywords: community-oriented policing, social safety, social value, social mission of the police, community policing.
Relevance of the study. The police in the modern world have to solve many problems, and they all occupy an equally honorable place among the values important for human survival in the modern world. The awareness of police representatives with the best world achievements in this field helps to enrich the world perception of the world, develops critical thinking skills, prompts to see the internal logic of the development of events and teaches to predict the consequences of certain innovative initiatives that the police should offer to society.
Recent publications review. The main trends of the study of this relatively new approach to the organization of the modern type of police, which organizes its strategy on the basis of partnership with the local community, despite a certain level of coverage, still has many gaps. Among Ukrainian researchers, attention should be paid to the works of V. Bratkovskyi, V. Vysotskyi, R. Grankivskyi, N. Didyk, D. Yosifovych, K. Kostovska, L. Sukmanovska, Yu. Khatniuk, O. Khytroi, who analyze the conceptual foundations of the new approach.
V. Kononets studies the peculiarities of reforming units in the National Police bodies under the "Community Police Officer" project. T. Slipchenko examines partnership as a European experience. V. Melnyk examines the peculiarities of the implementation of this approach in rural areas. Summarizing the experience, it should be noted that the philosophical foundations of the partnership strategy, which is what this study is aimed at, have not been sufficiently studied.
The research paper's objective is to analyze the strategy of community policing from the point of new philosophical approach to the organization structure; to determine the internal essence of partnership as the fundamental instrument of putting into the practice the strategy of community policing.
Discussion.The concept of community-oriented policing, which introduces security in the community, is spreading all over the world and already has a sufficient history in the world. The essence of its social mission is that police representatives, in order to find new innovative methods of interaction with the local population, direct their efforts to establishing interaction with citizens. In Ukraine, the question of the effectiveness of crime prevention with the help of police officers is relevant and not yet sufficiently well studied in terms of the impact on the safety of public order. Programs that are well established and work successfully in specific communities have validation, but successful strategies can be copied and transferred to other territorial communities only after taking into account the problems, structure and organization and personnel of each individual community [1].
In their study "International Perspectives on Community Policing and Crime Prevention", Dilip K. Das and Stephen P. Laub provide a diverse and wide-ranging analysis of the challenges facing modern policing. Researchers have collected evidence about the huge variety of police activities for the protection of public order and the means and forms of crime prevention in different countries of the world. An analysis of the state of community-oriented police is provided, both in countries where this type of police has been operating for a long time, and in countries that are in the process of transition from colonial status to independence. The experience of countries associated with major political and social changes and which should transfer the experience of other countries to modern democratic requirements, but taking into account their specificities, is interesting. The chapters in this study provide insight into policing and crime prevention in a variety of specific settings. They points that the new approach is based on the recognition of the need to involve the public in crime prevention via a new type of police- community relationship, and which ties all these different efforts together [2].
The authors of this study have very deep knowledge in the theoretical plane and rich experience in the practical application of the acquired knowledge. Steven P. Laub is a professor and director of criminal justice programs at Bowling Green State University. He is the author of four editions of Crime Prevention: Approaches, Practice and Evaluation, Juvenile Justice, three editions (with John Whitehead) and Victimology: An Introduction (with William Dorner), as well as numerous articles. Dr. Lab served as Visiting Professor at Kiel University in the United Kingdom during the Fifth International Symposium of Police Chiefs in The Hague. Dilip K. Das works as a professor at the State University of New York (Plattsburgh). The author of several books and numerous articles, Dr. Das has been organizing annual symposia since 1994 as founder/president of the International Police Chiefs Symposium (IPES). He was also a co-author of a book highlighting the activities and relevance of the symposiums. Dilip K. Das is also known as the editor-in-chief of the journal "Police Practice and Research: An International Journal", which is the official publication of IPES. Steven Lab noted that the research presented is the result of a three-day conference sponsored by the International Symposium of Police Chiefs in June 1998 in The Hague. The purpose of this symposium was to bring together scholars and practitioners from around the world to discuss community policing and crime prevention. Symposium participants provided basic information on the experience of combating criminal offenses, taking into account the experience and specifics of police work in their countries, and held discussions on the state of preventive innovative initiatives.
The result was a very informative look at the diversity of policing, community policing, and experiences of forms and methods of crime prevention in different countries around the world. The proposed presentations of police work should testify to the diversity of the most innovative methods and forms of work, as well as the huge variety of challenges that modern police must overcome. It was made a very important observation in this sense that despite the use of the same terms in different countries; their actual application is very different compared to some countries. It has been pointed out that, for example, it can even be argued that in some countries, such as China, public policy has historically been the norm of its kind and that many of the new initiatives, due to certain specificities in this area, lead to a departure from participation in the affairs of the local community . The experiences shared by representatives of the police of different countries and collected in this important research prompt us to a critical analysis and a comprehensive reflection on the opportunities and challenges faced by the modern police in the issue of crime prevention and to understand that even similar problems in each individual country have their own specific solutions depending on personnel and social changes within individual countries [2].
The team of authors working at the Medical National Academy of Sciences, as a result of a careful analysis of modern challenges and future projects, presented their vision of what the police should develop in order to timely and reasonedly respond to the demands of society, which is in a state of constant social, cultural and economic changes. Research findings were proposed and presented in Proactive Policing: Impact on Crime and Communities. The study Proactive Policing: Effects on Crime and Communities aims to examine proactive policing as a proposed strategic approach used by police agencies to prevent crime that has not yet been critically reviewed in the US. Such an approach was developed in response to a crisis of confidence in the police that began to emerge in the 1960s in this country due to the worsening of social relations, the increase in the level of crime and a certain public uncertainty about the effectiveness of already familiar and outdated approaches to the work of police stations. As a response to some social skepticism, innovative policing methods began to emerge from the 1980s and 1990s, and a new police policy began to take shape, which aimed to develop and implement a more proactive approach. In this sense, the declared term "preventive policing" should serve to define all new police strategies, one of the objectives of which is to prevent or reduce the level of crime and social unrest and which are not an active threat from the point of view of urgent attention primarily to solving crimes, which constantly continue to happen. Preventive police work differs from the everyday work of police officers in the need to act preemptively depending on specific situations. The innovative component of the modern approach to the work of the police, on the other hand, belongs to the strategic decision of the police to engage in preventive police actions through the creation of certain programs with the aim of reducing the level of crimes. Today, innovative strategies with a proactive focus are widely used in the United States of America in policing. They act as programs that are purposefully combined with one single goal and do not have the character of isolation. Such programs are used by certain police units and introduce ideas that are crucial to modern police work [3].
The modern strategy of proactive policing aims to analyze evidence, data and discuss methodological gaps in such areas as: the impact of various innovative forms of active police work on the level of crime; the possibility of using such active forms in a means that leads to any discrimination; it is possible to use them only in a legal way; research reaction to such innovative forms of work of the territorial community. The study provides an opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of preventive police activity, which should include not only and not so much its impact on crime prevention, but also its broad social significance for the community and society as a whole. Pointing to the peculiarities of proactive work, the study indicates that such work is focused on preventive activities through the mobilization of human resources and the initiative of police personnel, aimed at expanding efforts that can reduce the level of crime through various projects. This contrast with the usual standard of work, which is to attract and mobilize resources after an offense has been committed, should focus efforts on doing crime prevention work. Now the very strategy of police work has changed, which is understood as a combination of many aspects of activity such as law and law enforcement, analysis of the appropriate response of society, racial and gender differences and possible challenges due to these factors, a deep understanding of the meaning of the concept of crime and social unrest and various types of violence [3].
Authors Linda S. Miller, Karen M. Hess, and Christine H. Ortmann focused their attention on Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving, which has gone through eight editions, focusing on solving problems of interaction and partnership between the public and the police. The work is a practical and up-to-date guide to the introduction of effective cooperation between the police and society. After introducing the history of culture and philosophy as a socially important movement of community policing practice, which deeply influenced the formation of modern police strategies, the authors focused special attention on recommendations for the application of practical strategies and basic skills that should help to find and apply effective solutions to a wide range of problems in the work their police stations and when working together in their communities.
The study pays special attention to the new challenge in the work of the police with the public, which should build, shape and consolidate various kinds of partnerships between the community and the police, which will be aimed at increasing the level of trust and, as a result, will increase the level of the general legal culture and strengthen mutual understanding in order to achieve a common good for community [4].
Linda S. Miller is the former executive director of the Upper Midwest Police Institute (UMCPI) and a former sergeant with the Bloomington, Minnesota Police Department. She knows all the challenges facing the police first hand, because she has a lot of practical experience in this matter. Having worked in the department for twenty-two years, she was a patrol chief, a misdemeanor prevention officer, a patrol officer and a police dispatcher. Sergeant Miller was a member of the Minnesota Association of Police Officers and Policewomen, the International Police Association, the Midwest Gang Investigators Association, the International Association of Policewomen, and the Minnesota Association of Policewomen, and she was a member of the People's Delegation of Women in Law Enforcement in the Soviet Union in 1990. She often speaks to public groups and works as an experienced instructor who has something to say about the specifics of building new strategic projects. Karen Mathison Hess, Ph.D., has written extensively on law enforcement issues and has earned a reputation as an accomplished educator in the field due to the consistent teaching style that she builds upon for each study guide. Dr. Mathison is the co-author of several publications, including: Law Enforcement Management and Supervision, Juvenile Justice, and others. As the authors of this study themselves indicate, many of the known strengths of Dr. Mathieson's practical presentation, as well as her research insights, remain distinctive features of this analysis.
Kristin H. Ortmann holds an M.A. in Chief Justice from the University of Cincinnati and has spent more than twenty years researching various aspects of the judiciary. She has coauthored numerous educational publications, served as a reserve officer for the Rosemount, Minnesota Police Department, and is a member of the Academy of Criminal Justice, the American Society of Criminology, and others.
In Reinventing Policing: Crime Prevention, Community and Public Safety, co-authored by William R. Kelly, Daniel P. Mears, and Madalena Almans, it is noted that modern policing is facing a crisis; a situation arose that led to the understanding of the need for immediate reformation. The main problem today is that many proposed strategies work only as a response to partial changes. Despite the discussion of the need to change the strategy itself due to insufficient number of initiatives, the fundamental problem is being ignored. Policing relies heavily on a reactive approach that does not focus on a systematic and comprehensive approach to crime prevention. Researchers warn that in most cases, the police act as a response to an already committed offense and work on calls from the emergency service or direct their actions to targeted patrols or protection of already reported crime scenes. That is, a large part of the police's work is to eliminate the causes and prevent crime. In addition, it is necessary to have a certain institution that has a crime prevention strategy as a priority goal in its activities and should ensure efforts so that police representatives contribute to putting into the practice this goal [5].
Kelly and Mears propose a new strategy that should place the responsibility for real crime prevention on the police and other governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations. They consider how, from the very beginning, historically, crime prevention has not been the primary goal of policing and has not affected policing. One of the reasons is a structural flaw. The field of police activity was considered to focus on tracking and focusing on the fight against various causes of crime. Therefore, in the end, modern police cannot demonstrate any institutionalized commitment or systematic approach to crime prevention strategy. The standard approach of yesteryear is designed in such a way as to eventually experience burnout and accept failure as the result of all activity.
The new invention of the strategy of police activity studies and analyzes this problem. And as a response to these challenges, the authors offer their solutions. First, they propose to make a significant number of reforms in the current practice of police activity. Secondly, they require rethinking the structure, personnel and directions of practical activities of police representatives, which should affect the attitude and understanding of public safety as a public value. Researchers believe that despite the fact that this change is significantly related to the solution of certain problems, it is the only effective means to influence the reduction of the crime rate and increase the level of legal awareness by establishing a high level of public trust in the actions of the police. The proposed outcome of thorough research into gaps in police work reveals moral and systemic failures, systematizes research findings, analyzes successes, and suggests a path to real reforms and social justice through specific strategic plans. Such research is of great value, because it meets the requirements of the current situation. Kelly and Mears use their years of experience studying the criminal justice system to address the key question of how to improve modern policing. The authors emphasize the need to focus on crime prevention and public safety, which will turn new perspectives into practical implementation of more fair and effective police work in the future. The proposed strategy contributes to the improvement of the work of the police in social and legal projects of the future. In The Reinvention of Policing, authors Kelly and Mears offer an actionable, constructive account of the crises and challenges in the work and existing standards of modern policing. Such a critical vision is feasible using the broad context of research on the failure of the police as a system to reduce or eliminate crime. Such careful analysis allowed the authors to propose a clear and convincing path to a new modern model of police activity, which ensures the protection of public safety not only through direct police actions, but also through cooperation with the community through forms and means of crime prevention. Such strategic changes are an example of proposing and preparing transformative reforms in police activity [5].
As we can see the philosophy of the Community Policing approach is centered on the concept that police officers and people work together to create a innoative approach to opportunities to solve the problems of today's community, which have direct and indirect links to crime itself, the fear of crime, the quality of life and the environment in general. This philosophy is based on the belief that in order to achieve these goals, the police must develop and offer a new type of relationship to the population, which is based on the expansion of the role of the population itself in solving local affairs. Police officers should allow ordinary citizens the discretion to set social priorities and provide some authority to engage their efforts to improve the quality of life in their area of residence. The implementation of such a philosophy in the practical plane shifts the attention and efforts of police officers from responding to calls from citizens regarding offenses to the direction of focused attention on solving more socially important issues of this community.
The problem statement is to build a democratic Ukraine of European standard and it should not be based solely on discussing the problems but it requires radical changes in the legal field, where a person, person's and freedoms must become a priority [6].
This approach requires that police at the police stations shift the focus of their work from law enforcement and combating already committed crimes to preventive work functions. The police should perform much broader functions creating conditions that will lead through indirect actions to the reduction of public fear of crime, help to establish and maintain order in society as a value of this community. Such measures will ensure that harmony and social welfare will be the goal of policing and, in turn, will lead to a reduction in crime and eventually replace arrests as the main focus of police work. Experience shows that the approach based on the principles of Community Policing reduces public fear of crime, increases citizens' sense of security, safety and trust in the police, which affects the level of legal awareness and legal culture. Such a philosophy has a formative influence on such aspects of the work of police stations as the distribution of powers, the development of creative thinking and attitude to the case, the ability to cooperate on the basis of trust and respect, the expansion of professional functions, involvement in community affairs, the recognition of common socially important values, the ability to listen to needs and community problems [7].
The Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights (UHSPL) made the report "Implementation of "Community Policing in conditions of war and martial law". This is the largest association of human rights organizations in Ukraine, uniting 27 human rights nongovernmental organizations. The work of the Union contributes to the development of a humane society based on respect for human life, dignity and harmonious relations between people, the state and nature through making a platform for cooperation between members of the Union and other participants of the human rights movement [8].
As indicated in the preface to the report, the conditions of martial law in Ukraine contributed to the search and improvement of solutions regarding the implementation of the approach of cooperation and partnership between the police and citizens. The proposed innovative approach still needs additional solutions, analysis and improvement, paying attention to the specific features of each territorial community. The need to implement the project of the national safe community concept determines the relevance of the process of training specialists. The relevance of this topic implies the need to establish feedback between the police and the community. The overall mission of this approach is community safety. When studying the innovative model of law enforcement activity, it is noted that the main specific feature is the rejection of the traditional professional model of law enforcement activity, and the orientation of activities to meet the needs of the local community in order to prevent new offenses [8].
The term "Community policing" does not have an established translation into Ukrainian. The translation should focus on the meaning of the concepts "community" - community, society and "policing" - police, law enforcement activity. The shortest cognitive definition of this terminology is community-oriented law enforcement. Broader and more relevant to the content is the definition that it is a law enforcement activity focused on the needs of the local community. This approach works as the implementation of constant interaction between the police and the population. It is aimed not so much at responding to an already committed crime, but at directing the efforts of both the community and the police to prevent crime.
The basis of the innovative approach is based on partnership relations between the community and police oficers, where their cooperation itself is noted as a value of society, and partnership relations between police authorities and the community act as a policy tool for the prevention of crimes in society [9].
The Law "On the National Police" contains norms that establish the principles of the "Community policing" approach at the legislative level.
One of the components of the police reform is taking into consideration the public opinion when evaluating the work of the police. These requires enshrined in Part 3 of Art. 11 of the Law. The principle of police interaction with state and local authorities of self-government is regulated by Art. 5 of the Law, according to which "the police in the course of their activities interact with law enforcement agencies and other bodies state power, as well as local selfgovernment bodies in accordance with the law and other regulatory legal acts." The means and forms of implementation of the main provisions of "Community policing" coincide and are based on the requirements of Section II of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police", which is devoted to the principles of police activity, among which are fundamentally important for the implementation of the "Community policing" approach, namely: openness and transparency (Article 9) and interaction with the population on the basis of partnership (Article 11), the formation, development and further strengthening of which is the basis of an innovative approach to the problem of crime prevention in the territorial environment, the formation of trust and legal culture [10].
Today, the police propose, apply and analyze from the point of view of effectiveness new forms of implementation of the innovative approach. For example, they put into practice the new practice such new forms of cooperation as "Neighborhood Watch" (Odesa region), initiatives on the work of dialogue/consultative groups in the community (Odesa region) can be introduced at the initiative of a police officer into practical activity. According to the results of studies of the state of financial and organizational opportunities, the local community can support the work of community police officers with involving local businesses and authorities in such support to organize the work of police local office, etc [11].
Such kind of support can also be, for example, the creation of an information platform "We are in the district", which informs the population about possible and planned events, conducts preventive conversations to prevent new illegal actions. The public formation "Safe Life" helps the police in ensuring public order (the city of Dnipro). For the sake of increasing the level of security and protection of public order, it can also be the installation of video surveillance cameras in the yards of residential buildings, on children's playgrounds, in small courtyard squares (the city of Dnipro). Police representatives of various cities tell the residents of their community how not to become a victim of various types of fraudsters (the city of Nikopol) and so on. We can all clearly see that the work of community police officers had have an effective impact on the consolidation of society during wartime, and in a certain way it contributed to the strengthening of civil society from the first days of a full-scale war. Community police officers are actively involved in the evacuation of the civilian population, in receiving humanitarian aid for the victims. They take care of the issues of internally displaced persons, work with people to prevent the collaboration, go to the places of shelling by the Russian occupiers, guard the places of shelling and conduct outreach work to prevent injury to the population and provede the safity [12].
In the autumn of 2022, the next stage of project implementation started in Ukraine, within the framework of which the training of community police officers took place in their work, taking into account the challenges of martial law. When discussing the issues how the communities of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast can join the project, the participants of the information session organized by the Regional Office of "U-LEAD with Europe" in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast together with representatives of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast said that communities in our region were among the first to take practical steps to create a safe environment for their residents. The purpose of the event was to establish communication and partnership between representatives of the police and communities. The main task of such a meeting is to introduce certain actions regarding the exchange of opinions regarding the "Community Police Officer" project, to discuss the problem and analyze successful practices.
Nowadays on the territory of Dnipropetrovsk region there are 46 territorial communities, where more than 900 thousand residents live, more than 90 community police officers work. The level of public trust in the current community police officers is increasing, because the community police officer is a reflection of the police reform at a new level. According to the results of the implementation of this idea, society should obtain a new level of public safety, raise the indicator of police interaction with the community to a new partnership level. It is especially important for the successful implementation of the new approach that the community provides the community police officer with premises under the police station, which is equipped with the necessary instuments. Provision of official housing for a community officer is not just a whim or a comfort, but an effective tool for establishing partnership, cooperation and mutual understanding, the officer himself becomes a resident of this territorial community through such means. Therefore, community police officers not only respond promptly to community challenges, but more importantly, actively form partnerships with residents, involving them in important joint matters. Thus, in addition, the police officer is supposed to report on his activities to the community every three months at the general meeting of the community [12].
Summing up, we consider it necessary to note that the policy of Community Policing is based on the principles of understanding and partnership between law enforcement agencies and citizens of this community. Interaction between officers of the community and its residents should ensure, through various innovative means and forms, the most favorable mode of communication between law enforcement officers and residents of the territorial community. Trust as one of the effective tools for increasing the level of environmental security is formed thanks to many factors, not least of which is the partnership between the parties of any project. The introduction of the philosophy of partnership into the practical sphere has its positive consequences, because it is known that the organization of work based on the principles of mutual assistance, trust and respect for the values of each of the parties has results due to purposeful activity, due to persistence in achieving the goal. Partnership as a fundamental value for the implementation of the Community Policing policy in practical activity operates according to its mechanism as an "agreement", where the parties - project participants, agreeing on common goals and tasks, cooperate to achieve their common needs. Cooperation between police officers and residents of territorial communities should step by step increase the level of safety of the public environment, prevent crime, and establish the safity as the fundamental value of community and the legal state. It is resulted into establishing public relations based on the principles of integrity and respect for human rights.
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12. Neighborhood watch. Tools for increasing trust to the policy. URL: (access date: 20.06.2023).
13. Project "Community police officer in Dnipropetrovsk region. URL: ofitser-hromady. (access date: 20.06.2023).
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