Sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality: philosophical-cultural and anthropological analysis
The conceptualization of sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality in context of socio-cultural and anthropological analysis. Analysis of cultural personality development in sports foundations, which hardens a person.
Рубрика | Философия |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.10.2021 |
Размер файла | 65,8 K |
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Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Lithuanian sports university
Melitopol, Kaunas
cultural sport anthropological personality
Relevance of the research is that the sports person goes to the highest goal - winning in sports activities that require formation integrity of the individual in the context of high demand which are implementing rights in the sports world, which is determined by the essential dynamic systems. The goal of the research - the conceptualization of sports culture as a means of improving the integrity of sports personality in context of socio-cultural and anthropological analysis. Objectives of the research: to explore the "force field" of cultural principles of formation and development of a holistic personality in sports culture; to identify the philosophy of sports culture of an individual in the philosophical and anthropological analysis context and anthropological examination of sports activities and sports culture as a manifestation of the human problem in the sports field; to find out cultural bases conditions of integral personality formation in sports culture; to reveal sports individuality as sports culture object and subject and essentially universal factors of personality integrity in sports culture; to give formation analysis of integral personality cultural bases in sports culture in philosophical and anthropological analysis context. The article presents an analysis of cultural personality development in sports foundations, which hardens a person both physically and spiritually; it is substantiated that in philosophical and anthropological analysis sport context of acts as an appropriation process of immanent human forces; it is proved that anthropological examination of the sports world is the completion of the objectification process, ie acts as a self-reflection kind of man, aimed at the integrity formation; sexual dimorphism issue, which is the basis of socio-cultural (gender) differences in men's and women's sports, has been clarified. It is proved that sports culture is an physical and spiritual expression values of a sports personality; expression of the generic essence of sports personality competitiveness. Directions for sports culture development in modern society have been developed.
Key words: personality, integral personality, sports personality, cultural dimensions of sports, sports culture Problem statement and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks.
БІЛОГУР, В. Є. - доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри теорії і методики фізичного виховання та спортивних дисциплін, Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (Мелітополь, Запорізька область, Україна)
АНДРЮКАЙТЕНЕ, РЕГІНА - доктор PhD соціальних наук (менеджмент), доцент, зав. кафедри бізнесу та економіки, Маріямпольська колегія (Маряямполе, Литва), лектор Литовського університету спорту (МАриямполь, Каунас, Литва)
Актуальність дослідження в тому, що спортивна особистість прямує до найвищої мети - перемоги у спортивних діях, що потребує формування цілісності особистості, у контексті якої виявляються високі потреби реалізації людини у світі спорту, що детермінуються динамічними сутнісними системами. Мета дослідження - концептуалізація спортивної культури як засобу удосконалення цілісності спортивної особистості в контексті соціально-культурологічного та антропологічний аналізу. Завдання дослідження: дослідити силове поле» культурних засад становлення і розвитку цілісної особистості у спортивній культурі; виявити філософію спортивної культури особистості в контексті філософсько-антропологічного аналізу та антропологічну експертизу спортивної діяльності та спортивної культури як виявлення проблеми людини у сфері спорту; з'ясувати умови формування культурних засади становлення цілісної особистості у спортивній культурі; розкрити спортивну індивідуальність як об'єкт і суб'єкт спортивної культури та сутнісно-універсальні фактори формування цілісності особистості у спортивній культурі; дати аналіз формування культурних засади становлення цілісної особистості у спортивній культурі в контексті філософсько-антропологічного аналізу. В статті представлено аналіз культурних засад становлення особистості у спорті, який загартовує людину і фізично, і духовно; обґрунтовується, що в контексті філософсько-антропологічного аналізу спорт виступає як процес привласнення іманентних сил людини; доведено, що антропологічна експертиза світу спорту є завершенням процесу об'єктивації, тобто виступає як своєрідна саморефлексія людини, направлена на становлення цілісності; з'ясовано питання статевого диморфізму, що лежить в основі соціокультурних (гендерних) відмінностей в чоловічому і жіночому спорті. Доведено, що спортивна культура є вираженням фізичних і духовних цінностей спортивної особистості; вираженням родової сутності змагальності спортивної особистості. Розроблено напрямки розвитку спортивної культури у сучасному суспільстві.
Ключові слова: особистість, цілісна особистість, спортивна особистість, культурні виміри спорту, спортивна культура
БИЛОГУР, В. Е. - доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой теории и методики физического воспитания и спортивных дисциплин, Мелитопольский государственный педагогический университет имени Богдана Хмельницкого (Мелитополь, Украина)
АНДРЮКАЙТЕНЕ, РЕГИНА - доктор PhD социальных наук (менеджмент), лектор Литовского университета спорта (Каунас, Литва)
Актуальность исследования состоит в том, что спортивная личность стремится к высшей цели - победе в спорте, формированию целостностной личности, в контексте которой реализуются высокие потребности человека в мире спорта, которые детерминируются динамическими сущностными системами. Цель исследования - концептуализация спортивной культуры как средства совершенствования целостности спортивной личности в контексте социально-культурологического и антропологический анализа. Задачи исследования: исследовать силовое поле
культурных основ становления и развития целостной личности в спортивной культуре; выявить философию спортивной культуры личности в контексте философско- антропологического анализа и антропологическую экспертизу спортивной деятельности и спортивной культуры как выявление проблемы человека в сфере спорта; выяснить условия формирования культурных основ становления целостной личности в спортивной культуре; раскрыть спортивную индивидуальность как объект и субъект спортивной культуры и сущностно-универсальные факторы формирования целостной личности в спортивной культуре; дать анализ формирования культурных основ становления целостной личности в спортивной культуре в контексте философско-антропологического анализа. В статье представлен анализ культурных основ становления личности в спорте, которые закаляют человека и физически, и духовно; обосновывается, что в контексте философско-антропологического анализа спорт выступает как процесс присвоения имманентных сил человека; доказано, что антропологическая экспертиза мира спорта является завершением процесса объективации, то есть выступает как своеобразная саморефлексия человека, направленная на становление его целостности; выяснен вопрос полового диморфизма, что лежит в основе социокультурных (гендерных) различий в мужском и женском спорте. Доказано, что спортивная культура является выражением физических и духовных ценностей спортивной личности; выражением родовой сущности состязательности спортивной личности. Разработаны направления развития спортивной культуры в современном обществе.
Ключевые слова: личность, целостная личность, спортивная личность, культурные измерения спорта, спортивная культура
The main text
The context of the research is based on ”'personality” concept as a definition of the cultural foundations integrity in sport, that integrates, first, organic, biological, innate behavioral aspects of personality development; secondly, cultural activity forms and norms of groups to which the individual belongs; third, it is characteristic of the roles performed in different cultural situations. Scholars believe that for cultural foundations analysis of personality development should distinguish the following dimensions: 1) epistemological; 2) axiological; 3) normative; 4) anthropological. Therefore, cultural foundations forms and development of a holistic personality in sports - is a socially determined level creative, conscious human activity as a mature, objectified in sports values, traditions and norms. Adequate sports cultural understanding is possible only through the study of man in its entirety. Most philosophers who have studied integrity insist that the subject who realizes himself in sports should be viewed from the standpoint of holistic functioning in the natural environment. The whole personality, as a sports relations subject, is determined by conscious activity and its exclusivity in the systemic sports connections that are formed in joint sports activities. An active sports personality in the context of knowledge of the sports world is carried out with the help of will, energy, activity, intelligence, thinking, human experiences. Athletic personality is a link through which the physical training of the younger generation takes place. Sports personality formation as a whole is due to the fact that an individual in sports activities with other individuals through this change transforms himself as a person. As V.Visitey notes, "if sport is basically a positive socio-cultural activity, then educational technology should be built with a focus on the development of this objectively inherent sport potential" [1, p.120].
An analysis of recent research and publications that have led to the solution of this problem and on which author relies.
Highlighting previously unsolved parts of general problem to which this article is devoted to.
Athletic personality moves to the highest goal - victory in sports, which requires integrity in education of the individual, in the context of which will be the high human realization needs in the sports world, determined by essential structures ("dynamic essential systems"). The latter determine the consciousness and sports person behavior to become a joint sporting activity (the principle of activity mediation), caused by awareness degree of their relationships and reality. Cultural research basic methods of formation and integral personality development in sports are the means and receptions directed on anthropological displays research of the person. In the context of the formation and integrity development of the sports personality are, first of all, approaches to define sports personality essence and as an individual, as a sports subject and interpersonal relations: 1) as an ideal representation in other sports groups;
2) as a subject of sports activities and the system of interpersonal relations that develop in the process of communicating with their peers; 3) as an ideal oneself representation in other people and comparing oneself with others in relation to physical, technical, tactical conditions). The sports subject is represented orientation by design and psychosomatic self-regulation methods of the athlete's personality, aimed at forming existential and sports life cultural principles - communication, formation of social personal maturity or social recognition, obtaining unique sports experience even at an early age. Therefore, self-regulation is the "force field" of the human existence movement in sports, which "directly" and affect the formation of the system as a single organism,... self- determination as the realization of their self-identity, boundless selfaffirmation, decisive choice in any situation» [2, p.81].
The purpose of the research - the conceptualization of sports culture as a means of improving sports personality integrity in socio-cultural and anthropological analysis context
Objectives of the research:
- to explore the "force field" cultural principles of formation and holistic personality development in sports culture;
- to identify the sports culture philosophy of the individual in philosophical both anthropological analysis context and anthropological sports activities examination and sports culture as a manifestation of the human problem in sports field;
- to find out the conditions for the cultural principles formation of a holistic personality in sports culture;
- to reveal sports individuality as an object and sports cultural subject and essential-universal factors of integrity formation in sports culture;
- to analyze the cultural principles formation of a holistic personality in sports culture in the philosophical and anthropological analysis context
Presentation of the main material of the research with the obtained scientific results substantiation.
1. "Power field" of cultural formation and development principles of a holistic personality in sports culture
The "force field" of cultural formation and development principles of a holistic personality in sports culture reveals the cultural personality development dimensions, manifested through the development of organic, biochemical, innate behavioral prerequisites for personality development, through activity phenomena in which its selfrealization; through various cultural situations in which the individual acts as an object and subject of the formed activity process. A holistic sports personality must have a developed consciousness and self-awareness, which includes mental regulation awareness of some important activity aspects. It should include in the analysis of the integrity of the individual unity of material principles and spiritual content of the human psyche, as man is the unity of spirit and body, it must respond to the dichotomy of its existence not only through thought but also throughout the process of their lives, their feelings and actions. The newly formed sport focuses on philosophy revealing the human relationships meaning, so it involves understanding sport as human self-realization, one of which is an objectification process, which turns into the objectification of its subjectivity and individuality. As noted by E. Andros, "... philosophical anthropology focuses on invariant (in this case universal), stable natural, anthropocultural and personal qualities of man, taken in their socio- historical fluidity, specificity in relation to a particular era" [3, p.5 ].
2. Sports cultural philosophy of individual in philosophical and anthropological analysis context
Sports cultural philosophy of individual in philosophical and anthropological analysis context makes it possible to understand sports as an appropriation result of the human world. These products represent cultural world of man. Relationships in sports are reflected in the dialectic of natural and artificial, biosphere and noosphere, and do not reduce the philosophy of sport only to the objectification of the physical world products. Therefore, in our opinion, we should proceed from the unity of objective and subjective in the sports world, and, consequently, the mutual transitions from one to another. The objectification process of physical and spiritual essence is manifested in sports, because, having physical data, a sports person achieves significant success in sports, realizing both his physical and spiritual-cultural essence. Philosophical and anthropological analysis of the cultural principles formation of a holistic personality in sports is reduced to the following provisions:
1) the consciousness of a holistic personality is an anthroposociocultural genesis product; 2) products objectification of the spiritual and cultural world is carried out only in material process, in our case, sports activities; 3) the sports activity itself takes place within the objective reality for each group in the context of trends [4, 311p].
Indeed, it is the philosophical and anthropological analysis of the studied problem that addresses the problems of personality, individuality, subjectivity, self-worth of the individual in anthropological analysis need, as the objectivity carriers of sport are subjects as carriers of a certain culture in the sports world. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the philosophy of sport reveals the objective subjective factor conditionality, objective and subjective interaction, which contributed to a deeper appeal to individual subjective world in sports world and which ends its activities in sports world and after the end of his sports career, facing many problems of existence and facing many problems (health, financial problems, loneliness, disability). As a modern anthropological approach to the analysis part of an individual integrity in the sports world, the objectification and criteria selection for anthropological examination of problems in the sports world, relations and transformations that would contribute to overcoming political and economic reduction to the highest achievements. Only anthropological analysis contributes to the realization of the highest physical and spiritual human development interests as an individual specific sports subject and creating conditions for overcoming alienated objectification forms of the sports world personality as a subject of transformative activity [5, P.134142].
3. Anthropological sports activities examination and sports culture as a human problems detection in sports
In the context of anthropological analysis, we single out anthropological expertise, which is aimed at transforming the individual's sports activities and needs to be reformed. Economic expertise includes certain economic indicators that reflect economical efficiency concept of sports activities, which in business conditions plays a significant role. Political expertise includes indicators of political effectiveness in transformations taking place in the country. In fact, man, his needs and interests, desires and preferences exist only in the abstract in the economic context and political efficiency, so only anthropological expertise pays attention to human problems based on the assessment of reforms and their relevance to the place of man in the modern sports world. Therefore, anthropological examination of the sports world is a necessary continuation and natural end of objectification process, ie acts as a kind of self-reflection, making a person really aware of himself as a real active sports history subject of his country, creator in his own sports life. Thus, the anthropological examination subject area of the sports world is determined by the following successive stages: 1) analysis of the human physical development phenomena; 2) objectification process of physical and spiritual world in direct sports activities; 3) realization of the achieved result in objectification and subjectivation context, ie the achievement of the effect with the filling of its adequate meaning.
Using philosophical and anthropological analysis, we focus first on the knowledge of the phenomenon of man, who must comprehend his existence first as such, and then take root in it. It is the real sports life that includes the real connection between the "I" and the being in which a person realizes his essence. Man, who is closely connected with the sports world, is a part of this world, and is in it as a world that is refracted through man and realized in the human essence. After all, being is in each of us and at the same time exists "for us and through us." The objective being is the physical and spiritual world, which has value for a person who realizes his essence and gives meaning to his whole being through the discovery of mental states.
4. Cultural principles formation of a holistic personality in sports culture
Cultural principles formation of a holistic personality in sports culture in philosophical and anthropological analysis the context shows that the individualization of man in the sports world is used to describe the organic nature of the human personality, various aspects of its existence. The very "individualization" concept indicates man as a "cultural atom", ie an integral element of social life. The concept of individualization indicates a form of overcoming by the individual atomicity and elementality, the transformation of sports life into a form of human self-realization. Individualization of man in the world of sports is determined by the following factors: 1) natural and biological (natural conditions); 2) social (work and its social development, communication, language, culture, family, social differentiation, upbringing, education, religion). Individualization is the most important content of anthroposociocultural genesis, which is based on the fundamental and primary basis of physical development of the individual and his physical hardening. Human individualization is a characteristic feature of the philosophy of sport, which is historical, attributively present throughout the process of anthropo-socio-cultural genesis and consists in the dialectical unity of attribution and situationality. The main intensive development of individuality in the world of sports (diversity of its forms) begins with the formation of secondary reflection (second level of personality development), ie that people begin to realize their individualization, which begin to realize in sports (self-esteem, self-esteem, self-presentation, selfactualization). Therefore, the individualization of integrity - is an expression of the essence of his personality, which is constantly in a state of reflection and self-reflection (self-analysis) and is able to develop as a person seeking his destiny in the world of sports, as he has all in relation to man and his material and rational, household, daily needs; in the service of what is unattainable, incomprehensible and creates vital energy "[6, p.33].
5. Sports personality as an object and subject of sports culture
Athletic personality is a person who is able to freely determine the goals of his sports activities (career), to adjust his activities in case of noncompliance of the means with the set goals. However, philosophers argue that each individual can have different complexity of the uterus, have different shape, its relative stability of the system, imagine itself as a complete harmony of hours, but the harmony of the parts and is the basis of individuality. at the same time, it is both a subjective reproduction of the objective reality of the external world and a self-consciousness that acts as the core of the internal spirituality of the sports world. This is seen as a relatively separate from the outside world internal system of the world with its values, life plans, deeply personal experiences, self-esteem, aspirations. The inner world of a sports person is constantly working, and the degree of stress of a sports person is an indicator of the spiritual and physical wealth of the individual, a measure of his individuality. As O. Punchenko notes, “In objective terms, culture is determined by the level of social, economic, political and spiritual development of society, and in subjective terms depends on the degree of social and spiritual development of the individual. The unity of the objective and the subjective is expressed in the fact that culture is a measure that reflects the level of development of society and the individual "[7, p.62].
Sports results as products of the inner spiritual and physical world of the individual are objectified (exteriorized, materialized) and embodied in certain social and cultural forms, relationships, institutions. Complex ways of transition from a closed system to an open system, the individuality of the athlete makes a specific contribution to the general sports culture of civilization - physical and spiritual culture, which carries out personal creation of man as a subject of sports The athlete's personality is characterized by its individuality. human being, and the products of their sports activities change the surrounding reality and make a unique contribution to the sports development of both the individual and society. Individuality, which characterizes the integrity of the personality, formed in the Renaissance and Enlightenment, is a system of inherited and acquired properties, such as originality, uniqueness, uniqueness, which are a direct manifestation of human essence and in its individual sports life - creative, bright, autonomous, a healthy, integrally hardened physically and spiritually personality that forms invariants, constants of sports culture and its universals in the context of categories of extreme existence [7, 416p.].
In our opinion, individuality concept for the formation of the sports personality integrity includes unique physical and spiritual world content of the man, because not all people are athletes. Individuality and its derived individuality is an attempt to comprehend the integrity of a particular subject by determining whether a person can become himself, an original and unique personality; it is a holistic sports personality characteristic, which reveals it as a single and multilevel structure, which is connected with holistic ideas about the individual and is manifested on both the biological and mental and social levels. It is no coincidence that the term "individuality" means the unity of the world's diverse sports, especially in the context of globalization, when there are many new and modern sports that did not exist before.
In order to explain how the essence "individuality" manifests itself in the sports world, it is necessary to present a sports person not only as an open but also as a closed system. Individuality as a holistic system includes the following attributes inherent in a group of athletes: 1) attributes that characterize the individual as a representative of the species and society 2) special features inherent in participants in specific sports situations; 3) individual items specific to its cultural organization and social environment. Sports personality as a whole is formed in the context of the cultural factors influence of modern society, which has a cultural existence in which the individual and general, natural and social interact, conditioned by each other and merging into a holistic cultural formation of an individual as a whole. Therefore, sports individuality due to the influence of cultural factors is manifested differently in the sports world. Therefore, its corresponding realization personality forms which are distinguished: subject, biological, social, cultural. The most common individuality features, especially sports, are integrity, originality, uniqueness, activity, which to some extent are inherent in all its forms. The individuality identification as a cultural integrity is not in the list of its special features, but in the definition of its main system-forming factor, which determines the integrity an individual.
6. Essentially universal factors of formation of integrity of the person in sports culture
The essential and universal integrity factors of the individual in sports culture are identity, the ability to be oneself within the natural, social and cultural whole, endurance, the sports training formation of the individual. Only on this basis, given the uniqueness and uniqueness, its internal structure and mechanism of formation are revealed. The integrity of the personality, which is formed due to the sports image of the individual, is organically included in general connections, its place in everyday sports situations, an element of which it is, is revealed. This notion of sports personality integrity, formed on the basis of the cultural modern social foundations, makes it possible to connect it with the cultural development processes and trends, because without a connection with the general, individual integrity does not exist. However, another extreme is also undesirable - the another extreme reduction - the reduction of individuality to only one property of a sports person, because individuality is lost either in the universal, general or individual. Giving a holistic man view in the integrity of his individual and general properties, the individuality concept characterizes him as a specific being, given the autonomy of his existence. Each human race member is a separate original world, which, being included in the social structure, retains its relative independence. Therefore, each individual acquires independence due to the role it plays in society. Therefore, individuality should not be understood as the absolute independence of the individual from the outside world, but it does not dissolve in society, each individual, having their own abilities and capabilities, must form an individual lifestyle. It is a sporty lifestyle that is special, full of its values. This determines the need for individual independence and human activity through self-affirmation in the sports world and filling it with their sporting values.
7. Cultural principles formation of a holistic personality in sports culture in philosophical and anthropological analysis context.
Thus, the cultural principles formation of a holistic personality in sports culture in philosophical and anthropological analysis context considers the whole person all over the world of culture as a way of human existence in the unity of identifying unique and general, natural and social, cultural and anthropological sections and personality characteristics. The essential massification tendencies of society, standardization, devaluation, alienation and man leveling at the beginning of the XXI century raise the question of the human right to civilized existence. This is required by the growing contribution role to all spheres of full social and practical life, including sports. Person's sports culture development can be explicated as an generic essence expression of competitiveness in the sports world, which is not only a broadcast of the sports culture world, but also technological methods attitude to sports, sports values and behavior patterns. In the sports world culture, an integral personality is cultivated due to competitiveness in sports as a substantial basis for personality formation. It is no coincidence that N.Visitei defines competitiveness as one of human self-identification basic moments. In his opinion, “competitiveness is universal. The person is constantly involved in a competitive relationship. Competition is one of the forms in which the deepest potential of human existence is realized [1, p.83].
Among all definitions kinds of a person that exist in modern philosophy, there is no such characteristic as sports personality formation, sports culture formation as an expression of the culture interaction, education, and sports. Sports culture is a part of culture, which is based on the education interaction, sport, culture, which represents the intellectual, spiritual, physical activity of a person for the development of an integral personality, which includes activities results that provide a person's basic desire for play, competition, creativity in a concrete reality....
8. Sports culture is associated with the physical improvement of a person, which embodies the physical values of an individual.
Sports culture is impossible without the spiritual formation values that represent the display of the whole nature variety, beauty, dignity, meaning of life, the so-called selfvaluable, semantic values that contribute to the formation of a person as an integral personality and directly depend on a specific environment. Spiritual values in conjunction with physical values are necessary to ensure human life, which reflect the human world. According to our criteria, spiritual values in conjunction with the physical ideals of selfdevelopment of a person and the cultivation of his body constitute a person's sports culture, since it is a form of individual and human existence in the context of the interaction of culture, education, sports, aimed at the development of an integral sports personality. The philosophy of a person's sports culture as an expression of the interaction of culture, education, sport, due to its specificity as a form of unity of spirit and body, expresses the uniqueness of this system of imperatives. Sports culture as a general-substantial category of human existence is unique, since it includes all imperatives for imitation. Sports culture is opposed to nature, it is associated with the process of achieving a more perfect, physically stable being, based on the functions of culture [2, p.91].
The development of a person's sports culture as an expression of the generic essence of competitiveness in the world of sports is a reflection of the whole variety of human relations, facing the natural world, society, and a person who cultivates the humanistic intellectual aspect of social relations associated with the formation of self-valuable, semantic ways of human existence.
A sport culture as a substantial matrix of personality development reflects the inner position of a person's being as the creator of his own destiny and is produced by the world of sports, which focuses on the intrinsic value of a sports personality. Sports culture includes the formation of sports values, the value of which does not decrease, but increases. Sport as a product-program of activity is an expression of emotional, intellectual and sensory action, thanks to which the consciousness of an athlete and his self-awareness, being constantly in a state of stress, is further strengthened. It is no coincidence that sports activities are aimed at cultivating results to achieve their sports goals.
9. Person's sports culture development as a generic essence expression of sports person's competitiveness
At the heart of person's sports culture development as a generic essence competitiveness expression in the sports world, the development of all personality inclinations, which are transformed in certain sports types practice and are an element of the individual's life process, is discoursed. The essential sports relationship, physical perfection and spirituality are the harmony of the soul with the individual sports world, the implementation principles, meanings and sports activity standards.
Person's sports culture development as a generic essence expression of competitiveness in the sports world is aimed at the interaction of culture, education, sports, which in general lead to the formation of an effective, rational and humanistic essence of sports culture. The basis of sports culture is the selfimprovement of a person's being and his values, the combination of the idea of human existence with the idea of activity, which acquire meaning in the context of the cultivation of sports activity and values. Sports competition as an individual and social interaction ultimately depends both on the person himself and on the conditions that society creates in the form of socio-cultural determinants for the development of the world of sports, on the ability of a person to self-regulate his generic essence and liberate his potential to become a person as a result potential competitiveness, which is inherent in man by nature [3].
Among all kinds of definitions of a person that exist in modern philosophy, there is no such characteristic as a sports personality. At the heart of the development of a person's sports culture as an expression of the generic essence of competitiveness in the world of sports is the interaction of education, sports, culture, which represent the intellectual, spiritual, physical activity of a person to form an integral personality, which includes the results of activities aimed at the cult of sports victories, including biogenetic psychophysiological human phenomena. Competitiveness is based on culture, which is associated with the physical and spiritual improvement of a person, which embodies the physical and spiritual values of the individual in correlation with the processes of the society-state as a whole. Sports culture is impossible without the formation of spiritual values, which represent the display of the whole variety of nature, beauty, dignity, meaning of life, the so-called self-valuable, semantic values that contribute to the development of a person as an integral personality. Spiritual values, together with physical ones, play the role of axiological support of human life, which reflect the inner state of the human world. Spiritual values, together with physical ones, constitute a person's sports culture, since it is a form of individual and human existence in the context of the interaction of culture, education, sports, aimed at the formation of an integral personality [4].
10. Directions of development of sports culture of a sports personality in the context of globalization
An important role in the development of a person's sports culture as an expression of the generic essence of competition in the world of sports is played by:
1. Motivation of the athlete as one of the most important roles in achieving athlete performance. But it cannot be assumed that the higher the athlete's motivation, the more effective the athlete's success. The reward for success is the incentive, and the perception of it is the motivation. Excessively high motivation increases the level of anxiety and fear of the athlete and requires stability, quick response and endurance.
2. Psychological support seems to be a decisive factor in achieving success, therefore, close cooperation of a doctor, psychologist, coach, athlete is necessary, who ensure the creation of a decent psycho-emotional climate in the team, create effective psychodiagnostics of an athlete, taking into account the typology of the nervous system, personal characteristics of personality and sport, teach the athlete the art selfcontrol and self-regulation in order to consciously control oneself at all stages of sports activity [5].
In modern conditions, there is a globalization of innovations, migration processes, science and education, political institutions, culture and sports. Globalization in sports is the transformation of sport into a global, universal human phenomenon, which has a significant impact on all aspects of people's lives. Sports globalization promotes an awareness of the interdependence of the world as a whole. The globalization of migration processes leads to a growing number of refugees, large-scale illegal migration, various forms of movement of people, and an increased demand for highly qualified labor. All this leads to the fact that globalism is being formed as a type of consciousness on a planetary scale that arises in the process of globalization.
Representatives of globalization are modeling a certain image of the future and, accordingly, strive to rebuild society. Globalization puts social transformation within the spatial organization of social relationships and trade-offs that are characterized by prevalence, intensity, speed, and impact. Globality is today a qualitative characteristic of the sports world, which reveals the movement towards integration and integrity, manifests itself in all dimensions of being and human consciousness, means the formation of a community of social, economic, political, legal, sports relations. In different parts of the world, people react differently to global changes: globalization can not only unite but also divide peoples. - and even through sports. All of the above processes indicate that globalization is turning into the main paradigm of social development [6].
Sports culture as a substantial basis for personality development is a reflection in the inner world of a person of the totality of the entire variety of human relations, facing the natural world, society, a person who cultivate certain ideals of beauty, dignity, self-valuable, semantic ways of a person, recorded by the experiences of sports actions. At the heart of sport as a substantial basis for personality development are universal values and needs, addressed to the will, moral norms and physical and spiritual health of a person, the actualization of those values of sports life that give rise to delight, strengthen healthy human forces, cultivate sports ideals and norms. Sport as the substantive basis of human existence indicates the cultural, social or personal significance of sports phenomena and facts of being, which are evaluated from the point of view of good and evil, justice and injustice, morality and anti-morality, sublimation and transgression. In this regard, sports values play the role of an axiological basis for needs and interests, feelings and goals, plans and ways of realizing sports values. Sport as a substantial basis for personality development reflects the inner state of a person's being.
Today, in the context of globalization, sports culture is an integral part of global culture, and the concept of "big sport" has become a legitimate part of big politics. Sports culture in the modern world plays the role of an influential force capable of both consolidating and separating large groups of people. In the postindustrial era, sports culture in the mass consciousness of people began to increasingly express the social and cultural solidarity of peoples. It is sports culture that is becoming an important element of the general culture and one of the most common types of activity in developed countries; it is constantly, from time to time, engaged in by the elderly, people with disabilities, children, youth and adults. Sports culture is directly related to the economic prosperity of countries, insofar as it is associated with competitiveness, the level of social and labor activity of citizens and the cost of medicine. In sports clubs, schools, in group classes, group differences are “melted down” that contribute to social integration. Thanks to sport, contacts are established not only between professional athletes, but also between citizens of different countries. As for the role of professional athletes, on the one hand, they contribute to the identification of their nation, and on the other, they learn to think in supranational, global categories.
As a results of the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Person's sports culture development as an generic expression essence competitiveness in the sports world includes the sports analysis as a substantial basis for the development of a person and its generic traits, thanks to which a person realizes himself in the sports world, as well as thanks to his own self-construction, which is a person's free choice development self-regulation personalities in sports.
2. Sport as an ontological and axiological reality is crystallized in the reflection of human qualities. Therefore, sports culture as a competitive interaction acts as a necessary stage in the individuality formation.
3. Today the sports world is not complete without commercialization, then the question naturally arises: how does commercialization affect the change in sports personality world, does commercialization harm sports development culture and the harmonious development of an individual. Commercialization, the laws of the market should be connected with culture and education, based on the humanistic values of the sports lifestyle, strive to receive joy from achieving sports success, be brought up on good sports examples and respect for the universal ethics principles and morality in sports world.
4. Competitiveness of a person in the sports world as an generic essence expression of the person develops purposefulness, a complex of volitional feelings, moral and ethical standards.
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