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10. Campany R. F. Two Religious Thinkers of the Early Eastern Jin: Gan Bao and Ge Hong in multiple contexts // Asia Major (third series). 2005. Vol. 18, 1. P. 175-224.

11. Chan A. K. L. A Tale of Two Commentaries: Ho-shang-kung and Wang Pi on the Lao-tzu // Lao- Tzu and the Tao-Te-Ching / ed. by L. Kohn, M. LaFargue. Albany: SANY Press, 1998. P. 89- 117.

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16. Ozkan Cuma . A comparative analysis: Buddhist Madhyamaka and Daoist Chongxuan (twofold mystery) in the early Tang (618-720). MA (Master of Arts) thesis. University of Iowa, 2013. 63 p. DOI 10.17077/etd.o9rxrm2t

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1. Assandri F. The Yijing and Chongxuan Xue: An Onto -Hermeneutic Perspective. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 2011, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 397H1.

2. Assandri F. Understanding Double Mystery: Daoism in Early Tang as mirrored in the FDLH (T 2104) and Chongxuanxue. Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 2005, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 427-440.

3. Campany R. F. Two Religious Thinkers of the Early Eastern Jin: Gan Bao and Ge Hong in mult i- ple contexts. Asia Major (third series), 2005, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 175-224.

4. Chan A. K. L. A Tale of Two Commentaries: Ho-shang-kung and Wang Pi on the Lao-tzu. In: Lao-Tzu and the Tao-Te-Ching. Ed. by L. Kohn, M. LaFargue, Albany, SANY Press, 1998, p. 89-117.

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6. Kohn L. Qingjing jing Yþ Scripture of Clarity and Quiescence. In: The Encyclopedia of Taoism. Ed. by F. Pregadio. London and New York, Routledge, 2007, vol. 2, p. 800-801.

7. Kohn L. Taoist Mystical Philosophy: The Scripture of Western Ascension. Albany , SUNY Press, 1991, 345 p. (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture).

8. Komjathy L. Daoist Texts in Translation (e-book). Published by Center for Daoist Studies, 2004, 56 p.

9. Luo Zhongshu. Lun cheng xuanyinde chuangxue fangfa m BېpId@ // Nwn.On Cheng Xuanyin's method of Twofold mystery. Zhexue yanjue (Philosophical Studies). 2010, no. 9, p. 63-69. (in Chin.)

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11. Maslov A. A. Tradition of Transformative Initiation in Taoism and the Concept of xian. Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology, 2020, vol. 19, no. 4: Oriental Studies, p. 9-24. (in Russ.) DOI 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-4-9-24

12. Miura Kunio. Qingjing Clarity and Quiescence. In: The Encyclopedia of Taoism. Ed. by F. Pregadio. London and New York, Routledge, 2007, vol. 2, p. 799-800.

13. Nanhua zhenjing zhushu m?^㵎`/sےAp`AC_Zn. The True Canon of the Southern Flower. With commentaries by Guo Xiang, Cheng Xuanying and Cao Chuji. Beijing, Zhonghua shuju, 1998, in 2 vols, 629 p. (in Chin.)

14. Ozkan Cuma. A comparative analysis: Buddhist Madhyamaka and Daoist Chongxuan (twofold mystery) in the early Tang (618-720), MA (Master of Arts) thesis. University of Iowa, 2013, 63 p. DOI 10.17077/etd.o9rxrm2t

15. Pas J. F., in cooperation with Man Kam Leung. Historical Dictionary of Taoism. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 1998, xliii, 414 p.

16. Robinson R. H. Some Logical Aspects of Nagarjuna's System. Philosophy East and West, 1957, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 291-308. DOI 10.2307/1397476

17. Sharf R. Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism: a reading of the Treasure Store Treaties. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005, 416 p., (Studies in East Asian Buddhism).

18. Shen Zhongshu, Qin Weigang. Liuchao lingbaojing zhongde Ge Xiangong m_iAvH㤁BB Z I // @vn.Ge Xiangong in the Canons of the Lingbao School of the Six Dynasties Period. Zongjiao xue yanjiu (Study of Religions), 2007, no. 3, p. 1-9; no. 4, p. 2-11. (in Chin.)

19. Tang Yijie. Cheng Xuanying and the Study of the Twofold Mystery. In: Taoism. Ed. by Mou Zhongjian, trans. by Pan Junliang, S. Normand. Boston, Brill, 2012, p. 149-175.

20. Zhongguo Daojiao shi mj / ׎n.History of Taoism in China, ed. by Qing Xitai. Chengdu, Sichuan renmin chubanshe, 1996, in 4 vols., 2940 p. (in Chin.)


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