Components of psychology, literary studies, historical and pedagogical sciences as the factors of biography study

Taking into account "the whole range of individual manifestations of personality" in the study of the phenomenon of creativity. Consideration of biography as a psychological phenomenon. Demonstration of cognitive capabilities of the biographical method.

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Дата добавления 23.09.2020
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Components of psychology, literary studies, historical and pedagogical sciences as the factors of biography study

Rozman Iryna


The article deals with the issues of studying the biographical approach through the lens of psychology, literary studies and historical and pedagogical sciences. It is stated that when studying the phenomenon of creativity it is necessary to take into account "the whole spectrum of individual manifestations of personality".

Key words: psychological analysis, historical disciplines, biographical studies, pedagogical biography.

У статті розглядаються питання вивчення біографічного підходу через призму психології, літературознавства та історико-педагогічних наук. Зазначено, що при вивченні феномену творчості необхідно враховувати «весь спектр індивідуальних проявів особистості». Закцентована увага на те, що розглядаючи біографію як психологічний феномен, саме вона документує особистість та її історію і демонструє пізнавальні можливості біографічного методу для соціального проектування особистості. Доведено, що біографія має універсальний потенціал для вивчення цілісної особистості через історію її формування і розвитку. З'ясовано, що тісний взаємозв'язок історико-педагогічної та історичної науки часто призводить до перетинання і накладання предмету їхніх досліджень, хоча в теорії це розмежування визначено досить чітко. Висвітлено лінії перетинання між біографістикою в історико-педагогічній науці та літературознавстві у спільних підходах до розв 'язання концептуально значущої проблеми співвідношення персоналії (вчений, митець, письменник) та її творчості.

Ключові слова: психологічний аналіз, історичні дисципліни, біографічні дослідження, педагогічна біографістика.

Significant scientific-theoretical and research-instrumental potential has the experience of biographical approach developed in psychology. Scientists define in it three main components: bio- biographical (study of objective living conditions, events of environment and behavior in it of the person); history of experiences (evolution of the human inner world); history of human creativity [4; 5, p. 10-19; 6]. In this perspective, we note the productive idea for pedagogical biography that according to which in studying the phenomenon of creativity it is necessary to take into account "the whole spectrum of individual manifestations of personality", that is, not be limited by "criterion of social value", since its result can be individually significant, acting as a motivating factor for the unique exceptional personal development of the creator [4, p. 158].

In Western psychology, the biographical method as a system of means of research, diagnosis, correction and design of the human life path turned out in the first third of the twentieth century and focused on retrospective comprehension of the life of known historical figures. biography psychological cognitive

In Soviet psychology, the famous psychologist M. Rybnikov first addressed to the biographical method. In 1920 he published a unique in content and scientific importance work "Biographies and their study", where he revealed its cognitive capabilities in the study of the common human potential. Considering biography as a psychological phenomenon documenting personality and its history, the scientist identified the cognitive possibilities of the biographical method for the social design of personality, studying the conditions for achieving creative success, showed that potentially outstanding people are born much more than those who became them. He substantiated the idea that biography, revealing a holistic and changing world of spiritual phenomena, that allows to study them through the lens of conditionality of social situations, nature of upbringing, individual characteristics [8].

In the 70 - 80's of the XX century. biographical method in psychology has acquired the status of a separate conceptual approach to the study of personality, based on ideas about its as a product of its own life, that is, its own biography (B. Ananiev [1], I. Kon [2], N. Lohinova [5] and others). His pivotal tenet of "personality is the way of life of human" states that the method of biographies has universal potential for the study of the whole personality through the history of its formation and development. This provides the key to study and understand the professional and creative development of the "human-leader". Important methodological importance for pedagogical biography is the study of the modern Kazakh scientist N. Lohinova, which revealed the essence and cognitive possibilities of the biographical method in psychology, which is equated with psychobiographical [5].

The close relationship between historical and pedagogical and historical science often leads to the intersection and overlapping of the subject of their research, although in theory this distinction is quite clear. This circumstance and the experience accumulated by historical biography, determines its important, comprehensive scientific and methodological significance for the development of pedagogical biography, which finds expression in the use of its term systems, scientific work on the development of biographical genres, methods of analysis of biographical sources, technologies of writing biographies, creation of biobiographies, resources of biographical information, etc.

However, historical science preserves the approach of "monopolizing" biography as a "special historical discipline." It was approved by V. Chyshko [10] and it is shared by many authorities.

Considering "problematic" recently extended terms "military", "medical", "pedagogical", "musical", "agricultural", etc. biography, they recognize the legitimacy of their appearance in the conditions of development of "special in character theoretical and methodological developments, related to the specificity of [sectoral] research » [10, p. 129]. This ignores the fact that philosophy, literary studies, psychology, other fields of knowledge have no less rich than historical science, experience of biographical research.

Talking about the lines of intersection between biography in historical-pedagogical science and literary studies, we focus on the common approaches to solving the conceptually significant problem of correlation between the person (scientist, artist, writer) and his work. It is through biography that the researcher-biographer seeks to understand the atmosphere of the era of creation of the work, without which it is impossible to fully understand its content, the level of artistic skill, place in the literary process.

Interesting and useful for pedagogical biography is the experience of studying the Ukrainian literary process of the nineteenth century., which shows how the understanding of the relationship, the interdependence between the study of the writer's biography and his work, was formed. Researcher O. Holovii showed its dynamics and content. The first stage is represented by literary-critical works of representatives of the mythological school (M. Maksymovych, M. Kostomarov), in which the writers' biographies were either not submitted or covered in a fragmentary way, performing formal informative functions, so that the influence of the biography on creativity was not traced. The second stage was the development of the biographical method thanks to P. Kulish, who, reflecting on the connection between the writer's life path and his creative achievements, showed the importance of the author's biography as a conceptual factor of artistic creativity. The third stage was marked by the approval of this method by the efforts of I. Franko, who developed a scientific approach to the study of biographies, which is to justify its impact on the content (subjects, problems, chronotope, characters) and formal (style features) levels of works. He contributed to the development of the psychoanalytic foundations of the biographical method, because by delving into his writers 'inner world, he showed the interdependence of the authors' psychological and philosophical features and their texts. [2].

The experience of literary criticism has a great methodological importance for pedagogical biography, because artistic creativity gives a wide scope for the realization of the individuality of the artist, who, unlike the scientist, is not burdened with the principle of "scientific objectivity". The «creative history» of a work of art is closely related to the biography of the author, which helps to capture the organic unity of the human-artist and his creation. This is reflected in the concept of "creative individuality", which states that the personal factor of creativity, both artistic and scientific, can not be eliminated in principle, because it is present not only in its process, but also in the final "product".

For teacher-biographer it is useful to have a set-up for their comprehensive study "without prejudice"; "from the position of authors / participants"; to describe the behavior of "prominent" and "average" people who find themselves in unique situations; in order to identify the "everyday life of subcultural enclaves", as well as "everyday things", "individual cases" often have a fateful impact on the creativity and life of a person.

Interpretive models developed in sociology are oriented towards revealing the general laws of the development of scientific and socio-cultural processes and, what is especially important for understanding the "subjective meaning of events" from the point of view of the person. This requires a comparison of different source materials and facts, and allows the scientist to form his "subjective" view of the well-known, "objective" processes and phenomena, and therefore to abandon the established stereotypes and offer their own interpretation of scientific ideas, views, theories.

The experience and principles of application of the method of personal documents in sociology direct the efforts of the scientist to search for the senses, meanings, functions of biography-life, and in such a way allow to refute the traditional, common in historical-pedagogical researches, "integrals" and "matrices" of deducing "success stories" , because every person's life and creative ways are a priori exceptional and unique. They are accompanied not only by "ups and downs" and "achievements", but also by "wandering through", "spiritual and creative crises", "mistakes", "false conclusions", which do not diminish the real place and value of the person in history in general and pedagogical thought, in particular, but indicate what the “thorny path of creativity” is.

Studying the interdisciplinary links of the identified fields of knowledge allows us to identify two common scientific and methodological aspects that combine them with pedagogical biography. The first relates to the experience of creating galleries of biographical figures that denote the history of the development of philosophy, historical science, literary studies, psychology, sociology. The evolution of the biographical genre is accompanied by many changes in its structural and semantic content, giving rise to two extremes in the form of diminishing meaning, ignoring one of its components: biography / life or biography / creativity. Depending on the outlook, the author's professional level and his or her tasks, the relationship changes in the triad of biographer / researcher - personalities - text / work and creativity / activity, but the tendency confirming the unbroken unity of biography / life and creative biography of personalities (the person remains dominant) [7].

The second aspect is source studies, related to the methods of analysis and use of sources, including materials of personal origin. Developed in the historical science, psychology, literary studies, sociology methods and techniques of working with them give the biographer an effective tool for deeper penetration into the creative laboratory of the artist, scientist, researcher. In this perspective, the development of a new field of linguistics - linguomethodology, was identified and tested for the use of contextual and interpretative methods that take into account many subjective and objective circumstances, approaches to the study of the phenomenon of text [6].

Therefore, given the structural ramifications of pedagogical science, the degree of maturity of historical and pedagogical knowledge, the accumulation of a large array of studies on the pedagogical staff of Ukraine and abroad, on the one hand, and the traditions and experience of the development of biographical direction in various fields of science, on the other, gave rise of the necessity of isolation and presentation of pedagogical biography as a separate field (sub-discipline). First, in such a status, it can finds its place in the bosom of historical and pedagogical science, and in perspective, despite the all-encompassing personalized nature of the educational process and pedagogical thought, and in the structure of all pedagogical science.


1. Ananev, B.G. 2001. Chelovek kak predmet poznaniya [Man as an object of designation]. SPb: Piter.

2. Golovij, O., 2015. Formuvannya biografichnogo metodu v ukrayinskomu literaturoznavstvi XIX st. [Formation of the biographical method in Ukrainian literature of the nineteenth century]. Naukovij visnik Shidnoyevropejskogo nac. un-tu im. Lesi Ukrayinki: Filologichni nauki. Literaturoznavstvo, 9, pp. 33-37.

3. Kon, I.S. 1984. V poiskah sebya. Lichnost i ee samosoznanie [In search of yourself. Personality and self-awareness]. Moscow: Politizdat.

4. Konovalchuk, V. I., 2012. Vykorystannia biohrafichnoho metodu dlia doslidzhennia problemy tvorchoi realizatsii osobystosti [Using the biographical method to study the problem]. Filosofiia, pedahohika, psykholohiia, pp. 158-164.

5. Loginova, N.A. 2001. Biograficheskij metod issledovanij i korekcii lichnosti [Biographical method of research and correction of personality]. Almaty.

6. Onoprienko, V.I., 2010. Biograficheskij metod v psihologii i sociologii [Biographical method in psychology and sociology]. VisnikNac. aviac. un-tu. Filosofiya. Kulturologiya, 2, pp. 130-136.

7. Popik, V., 2008. Svitoglyadni zasadi rozvitku ukrayinskoyi biografistiki ta formuvannya nacionalnih resursiv biografichnoyi informaciyi ХХІ st. [World outlook principles for the development of Ukrainian biography and the formation of national resources of biographical information of the 21st century]. Ukrainian biography, 4, pp. 8-41.

8. Rybnikov, Nikolaj Aleksandrovich 1920.

Список використаних джерел

1. Ананьев Б.Г. Человек как предмет познания. СПб.: Питер, 2001. 288 с.

2. Головій О. Формування біографічного методу в українському літературознавстві ХІХ ст. Науковий вісник Східноєвропейського нац. ун-ту ім. Лесі Українки: Філологічні науки. Літературознавство. 2015. № 9. С. 33-37.

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