Life strategy as a component in construction of the personality’s living space

The philosophical and psychological characteristics of life strategy are considered as a factor in the construction of a person’s living space. Analyzed the contradictions arising in the preparation of future specialists for the design of life strategies.

Рубрика Философия
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 05.02.2019
Размер файла 18,3 K

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УДК: 159.923:316.477


N.M. Falko

The article examines the philosophical and psychological characteristics of life strategy as a factor in the construction ofpersonality's living space. The author analyzes the contradictions that arise when preparing future professionals for the designing and realization of life strategies on the grounds of system-synergetic and subjective-active approaches. The author characterizes the basic principles of the academic process at university, contributing to the formation and development of the life strategies of an individual. It is noted that the main activities aimed at training future professionals for the designing and implementation of strategies in their life are: the formation of life-purpose attitudes of future professionals through the definition of the sense of their own life and life strategy, the formation of life ideals, students ' involvement in practical activity for the designing and realization of life strategies to ensure the development of the emotional sphere of consciousness. Thus, the main directions of the activity aimed at the future specialists' training for projecting and realization of life strategies are such ones: 1) formation of the future specialists' life-purpose attitudes through the recognition of their own sense of purpose and life strategy, formation of the life ideals; 2) students ' participation in the practical activity on projecting and realization of life strategies which implies their planning, development of the ability to anticipate your own future; 3) support of the emotional sphere of consciousness which implies enrichment of the emotional background of the students ' groups life aimed at the development of the emotional component of the future specialist personality. The chosen directions of the educational activity require educational actions directed at the development of cognitive, emotional and practical activity spheres of the personality and correspondingly at teaching the students projecting and realization of the life strategies; development of the programme of their fulfillment by each student; creation of conditions and possibilities to analyze, to stand up for one's opinions, beliefs and life stances.

Keywords: life strategy, living space, personality, self-organization, self-development, life stance.

Н. M. Фалько


Розглядаються філософсько-психологічні особливості життєвої стратегії як компонента побудови життєвого простору особистості. Аналізуються суперечності, що виникають при підготовці майбутніх фахівців до проектування та реалізації життєвих стратегій із позицій системно-синергетичного та суб'єктно-діяльнісного підходів. Характеризуються основні принципи організації навчального процесу у виші, що сприяють формуванню та розвитку життєвої стратегії особистості. Визначаються основні напрями діяльності, що орієнтують на підготовку майбутніх фахівців до проектування та реалізації життєвих стратегій: формування сенсожиттєвих настанов майбутніх фахівців через визначення сенсу власного життя та своєї життєвої стратегії, формування життєвих ідеалів; залучення студентів до практичної діяльності з проектування та реалізації життєвих стратегій; забезпечення розвитку емоційної сфери свідомості.

Ключові слова: життєва стратегія, життєвий простір, особистість, самоорганізація, саморозвиток, життєва позиція.

Подано до редакції 04.06.14

Н. H. Фалько


Рассматриваются философско-психологические особенности жизненной стратегии как фактора построения жизненного пространства личности. Анализируются противоречия, возникающие при подготовке будущих специалистов к проектированию и реализации жизненных стратегий с позиций системно-синергетического и субъектно-деятельностного подходов. Характеризируются основные принципы организации учебного процесса в вузе, способствующие формированию и развитию жизненной стратеги личности. Определяются основные направления деятельности, ориентированные на подготовку будущих специалистов к проектированию и реализации жизненных стратегий: формирование смысложизненных установок будущих специалистов через определение смысла собственной жизни и жизненной стратегии, формирование жизненных идеалов, включение студентов в практическую деятельность по проектированию и реализации жизненных стратегий, обеспечение развития эмоциональной сферы сознания.

Ключевые слова: жизненная стратегия, жизненное пространство, личность, самоорганизация, саморазвитие, жизненная позиция.

Unstable economical and socio-political situation in modem Ukrainian society, rapid life conditions, variety of ideological orientations, pluralism of opinions and political ardencies demand each person's constant selfdetermination. The social life of people at the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries underwent much greater changes than it had done during the previous centuries-long history of the humanity. In the conditions of the market economy the most in demand and successful specialists are those ones who deeply realize their own social and professional calling, objectively assess the degree of their readiness for a certain activity, the necessity of sustained self-improvement in order to be competitive at the labour market. It concerns the abilities and skills of the future specialist to define the prospects of his own life, to develop life strategies, to find professionally and socially acceptable ways to achieve the aim and objectively assess his own activity.

The research works of native and foreign scientists (G. Ball, A. Brushlynskyi, O. Leontiev, S. Maksymenko, S. Rubinstein, V. Chudnovskyi, I. Yakymanskyi etc.) point out that the specialists' professional level considerably depends on how much harmonious their living space is. The lack of personal abilities to develop one's own life strategies, to act and to adjust one's behavior in correspondence with them results in the person's loss of vitality, the will to life, interest in its process and results [2; 3; 4].

Due to the things mentioned above the problem of the professionally-oriented organization of the future specialists' living space and conscious development of life strategies gains its special relevance in the field of educational policy. psychological life strategy philosophical

In the attempt to carry out the complex research of the life strategies Y. Reznik and Ye. Smyrnov distinguish personal (subjectively significant), cultural (objectively significant) and social-organizational (intersubjective) dimensions of the life strategy [5]. The contemporary scientific thought dealing with just partial manifestations of the general problem of the future specialists' training for the conscious development of the life strategies does not offer any systemic solutions of this problem. Insufficient development of philosophical and psychological and technological grounds of the training process which prepare the future specialists for projecting and realization of the life strategies breeds a range of contradictions:

between the high-level social and personal significance of the activity directed at the development of the life strategies in order to provide highly-professional and civic activity of the specialist, efficiency of his work, satisfaction with life and the lack of abilities among the students and graduates of educational institutions to project the life strategies, to realize and transform them efficiently;

between the teachers' demands for efficient teaching techniques in order to train the students of educational institutions to project and realize the life strategies and insufficient scientific development of the corresponding contents and technology of the educational activity;

between the students' personal life strategies which embrace strategic goals, plans, dreams etc. and their actual possibilities, the demands of the society. The contemporary society faces the contradictions between the tasks which are set for higher educational institutions as social institutions of the future specialist development and the degree of their realization in the course of studies and educational work. There is still the task which demands the future specialist training to make his own life and develop the conditions which can provide his need for seeking and realizing the purpose of life, the ability to organize his own life, to change and develop it.

While developing the models of future specialists training for projecting and realization of their life strategies we relied on system-synergetic and subjective-active approaches. The system-synergetic method belongs to a general scientific one for the ideas of the general theory of systems and synergetics are well-established and are widely used as methodological landmarks in nearly all the kinds of science including philosophy and psychology. The process of future specialists training for projecting and realization of the life strategies ought to be of systematic character; and it is impossible without selforganization. From the positions of the system approach the notion “subject” characterizes one of the levels of the human development and the form of organization of his system-based features.

The necessity to use the subjective-active approach in the research is determined by expanding the subjective factors in future specialist's activity. The fundamentals of this approach were stated in the works by G. Aksionova, R. Asadullina, K. Abulkhanova-Slavska, B. Ananieva, A. Brushlynskyi, S. Hodnyk, S. Rubinstein, P. Reshetnykov, and V. Slastionin [1; 3]. The subject of activity is characterized by its ability to adjust the structures of personality and the structure of activity. The personality which has its own structure, “logics” of its personal-psychological organization, rebuilds it according to the life demands. The subjective-active approach requires constant engagement of the subject in the activity on the projecting and realization of the life strategy, which can help in one's own development being the subject of one's own life.

Realization of the system-synergetic approach involves the interaction of two systems. On the one hand, it is the personality itself as a complex self-regulation system, and, on the other hand, it is the system of pedagogical influences and creation of conditions which favour the students' training for the projecting and realization of their life strategy. The basis of the future specialists training for the projecting and realization of their life strategies is the complex of major and determinative statements and demands which are the principles of the educational process:

The principle of subjective self-determination. Realization of this principle implies creation of the conditions in the educational institution for the student to choose his own position, goals and ways of selfrealization in definite life circumstances; to be aware of his/her individuality, unique character, abilities (I can) and desires (I wish) in their relation with each other and the environment (I and Me, Me and the others, Me and the society, Me and the world, Me - personal - reality), and also for the personality to be able to choose the major strategies and directions of the personal growth; the creation of mechanisms of acquisition and demonstration of the inner freedom by a person. The educational process which is organized in accordance with the described principle involves such stages as: the future specialists' realization of the aim and purpose of their own lives, their own human and professional calling on the basis of understanding the major philosophical conceptions of the life purpose; learning and perception of their own self (emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual) within the context of the pedagogical activity; development of life and professional prospects (goals, plans for life and professional activity, directions of the professional and personal self-improvement).

The principle of success dominance. This principle is based on the idea that a person is the subject of creative, educational and cognitive, professional and administrative activity. Success is a technology which can be taught. While realizing this principle special attention should be paid to the fact that present-day students are teenagers aged from 15 to 19 years old. It is just in this age that the social orienting points and cultural demands of a young man are able to support, expand or destroy those forms of behavior which have already been formed and they can require the development of new ones. Realization of the success dominance principle implies understanding one's own personal and professional mission as the main aim in life; understanding the role and place of studying in the structure of life; its main tasks; development of students' need for achieving the best results in all the spheres of life while performing certain actions; teaching the strategies of successful realization of life plans; teaching the future specialists the technique of exposure of the best creative self-realization zone.

The principle of interrelation of self-development and self-organization. As it has been stated before, one of the main features of the personality which is peculiar to the subject of one's own life is the ability for selfdevelopment and self-organization. In wide-scale practice the process of students' self-development (self-study, self-education) is built separately from the process of their life self-organization, it is not connected with those definite life tasks which are being performed by future specialist at this moment. Therefore, students demonstrate the low level of self-development motivation. The principle of interrelation of life self-development and selforganization is based upon the interrelation and interdependence of these processes, their entity. Realization of the principle of interrelation of life self-development and self-organization implies the following:

recognition of the problems which students face in their life activity;

teaching future specialists self-organization in accordance with their life tasks;- stimulating students for the reflection of organization of educational, working, physical and sport, household activities, having a rest and making plans for selfdevelopment process on this basis.

The principle of life experience reflection. Realization of this principle implies: development of the students' positive attitude to the reflection as a characteristic feature of the human consciousness; teaching future specialist the methods of observation, self-control, selfanalysis, self-regulation; development the future specialists' abilities to analyze their sensations, feelings, emotional stress, thoughts and actions; development of the need to analyze not only personal experience but also the experience of other people.

The principle of life constant. According to S. Rubinstein, it is not only that a person depends on life but the life, its stages, their contents and life events depend on a person. Hence, a person himself chooses the main direction of his own life, the way of life, defines its main goals, the stages of their achievement and realizes all these things in practice. Realization of the life constant principle implies: determination towards the stability of life plans and strategies; development of the future specialists' sense attitude towards the realization of such a life strategy as the best results of achievement in the personal and professional development; formation of the intention to improve the results, determination to achieve your own goals, strong desire to have everything done your own way.

The principle of training and education of the future specialists in the context of their life strategy. The process of training and education of future specialists at educational institutions is regulated by the State educational standards, curriculum, syllabus, rules and regulations and other regulatory documentation. The contents of the tasks being done by students in the classroom and during their extracurricular activities are determined by the mentioned above documents. However, these tasks, as a rule, are not in the least connected with life strategies, plans, life activity feelings of future specialists. The principle of students' training and education in the context of their life strategy implies, on the one hand, stable and well-aimed work of teaching staff as for the creation of conditions in order to grasp the personal meaning of the offered contents of education, and on the other hand, it implies the use of personally oriented content and technologies of the educational activity, orientation of the whole educational process towards the student, his inner world, life plans, strategies and interests.

Realization of this principle is possible on condition that the adaptive technologies of the educational activity are used: personally oriented problem teaching, differentiated teaching, communicative teaching, program teaching; technologies of individualized teaching, group and collective methods of teaching; creation of conditions for the students to grasp the personal meaning in studying the disciplines provided by the syllabus; creation of conditions providing the choice and realization of the pupils' individual life strategies within the educational institution; orientation of the whole educational process at the student, his inner world and interests; exposure and development of future specialist's abilities inherited from nature; development of the students' self-study level, their creativity.

The complex of the aims, approaches and principles gives a possibility to understand better the main directions, contents, mechanisms of realization of the defined educational tasks in the actual pedagogical process at the higher educational institution.

Thus, the main directions of the activity aimed at the future specialists training for projecting and realization of life strategies are such ones: 1) formation of the future specialists' life-purpose attitudes through the recognition of their own purpose of life and life strategy, formation of their life ideals; 2) students' participation in the practical activity on projecting and realization of life strategies which implies their planning, development of the ability to anticipate your own future; 3) support of the emotional sphere of consciousness which implies enrichment of the emotional background of the students' groups life aimed at the development of the emotional component of a future specialist's personality. The chosen directions of the educational activity require educational actions directed at the development of cognitive, emotional and practical activity spheres of the personality and correspondingly at teaching students projecting and realization of their life strategies; development of the programme of their fulfillment by each student; creation of conditions and possibilities to analyze, to stand up for one's opinions, beliefs and life stances.


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