Перспективи використання нейромереж у вищій освіті України

Оцінка здатності нейромереж до автоматичної обробки й аналізу великої кількості даних. Захист приватності та персональних даних учасників освітнього процесу. Дотримання правил академічної доброчесності та поваги до інтелектуальної власності в Україні.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 18.01.2024
Размер файла 189,9 K

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[30] O. Nalyvaiko and A. Maliutina, “Use of chat boots in the educational process of a higher education institution”, Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, no. 48, pp. 117-122, Jun. 2021. https://doi.org/10.26565/2074-8167-2021-48-14

[31] A. I. Yanovets, N. S. Vavdiiuk, I. V. Konstankevych and K. I. Rud, “Chatbot management of the department of HEI”. Bulletin National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, vol. 100, № 4, pp. 241247, 2022.

[32] O. Nalyvaiko, O. Zhernovnykova, N. Nalyvaiko, and V. Molotok, “Academic Integrity in the Conditions Forced Distance Learning”, OpenEdu, no. 13, pp. 89-103, Nov. 2022. https://doi.org/10.28925/2414- 0325.2022.137

[33] M. Cammer, “Too bad to be fraud, Midjourney has yet to embark in science”. bioRxiv, 2023-01, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.28.526052


Prospects of using neural networks in higher education of ukraine

Oleksii O. Nalyvaiko

PhD in Education, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Pedagogy Department,

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

The research presents the possibilities of using neural networks to improve the learning process in Ukraine.

The work analyzed scientific research and practical developments regarding the use of neural networks in the field of education, considered the advantages and disadvantages of using this technology to improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

The most used and popular neural networks at the time of the research were determined: ChatGPT, Tome, Midjourney, Compose AI, Runway, Adobe Podcast.

In addition, the possibilities for the formation of some of the above-mentioned neural networks were analyzed.

The author of the study drew attention to the potential opportunities of neural networks in the system of higher education: the ability of neural networks to automatically process and analyze a large amount of data, which allows improving the quality of education; ensuring a more individual approach to each student; using neural networks to predict a learner's learning trajectory based on their academic performance and learning preferences, etc.

The study also indicated the need to solve a number of technical and ethical issues related to the use of neural networks in the higher education system, such as: protecting the privacy of participants in the educational process; establishment of rules for the use of their data and their derivatives in education and scientific work; compliance with the rules of academic integrity and respect for the intellectual property of others.

The research findings show that the use of neural networks in the higher education system of Ukraine has great potential for improving the learning process, but their implementation should be aimed at improving the quality of learning and promoting student development, and not at replacing teachers with the latest technologies.

Keywords: neural networks; chat bots; higher education; digital technologies; innovations in education; participants in the educational process.

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