Дослідження мотивації до вивчення іноземної мови у курсантів вищих військових навчальних закладів (військових навчальних підрозділів закладів вищої освіти)

Дослідження наявного стану мотивації до вивчення іноземної мови у курсантів немовних спеціальностей ЗВО та розробці плану-проспекту задля подальшого контрольно-формувального впливу на позитивні мотиваційні установки майбутніх військових фахівців.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 07.09.2023
Размер файла 69,5 K

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Список використаних джерел

1. Rieckmann M. Competence-based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. University of Vechta. 2018. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/323075748_Competence-based_Teaching_and_Learning_in_ Higher_Education (date of access: 19.06.2021).

2. Ghosh I. Ranked. The 100 Most Spoken Languages Around the World. 2020. URL: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/100-most-spoken-languages/ (date of access: 19.06.2021).

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7. Schaeper H. The first year in higher education: the role of individual factors and the learning environment for academic integration. 2020. Higher Education. Vol. 79(1). P. 95-110.

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14. Alqahtani A. F. A study of the language learning motivation of Saudi military cadets // Internat. J. of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, Vol. 6, № 4. P. 163-172.

15. Alqahtani A. F. English language learning motivation and English language learning anxiety in Saudi military cadets: A structural equation modelling approach // Arab World English J. (AWEJ), 2018. Vol. 9.

16. Ardavani S., Durrant P. How have political and socio-economic issues impacted on the motivation of Iranian university students to learn English. In C. Kennedy (Ed.). English language teaching in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Innovations, trends and challenges, 2015. P. 35-48.

17. Farr K. A study into the motivation of Swedish military staff officers to learn English // Koninskie Studia J^zykowe, 2016. Vol. 4, № 4. Р. 391-413.

18. Jodai H., Zafarghandi A. M. V., Tous M. D. Motivation, integrativeness, organizational influence, anxiety, and English achievement // Glottotheory, 2013. 4(2). P. 3-25.

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21. Dornyei Z. The psychology of second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.

22. Gardner R. C. Attitude/Motivation Test Battery: International AMTB Research Project. 2004. URL: https://publish.uwo.ca/~gardner/docs/ englishamtb.pdf (date of access: 19.06.2021).


1. Rieckmann, M. (2018). Competence-based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. University of Vechta. https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/323075748_Competence-based_Teaching_and_Learning_in_ Higher_Education

2. Ghosh, I. (2020). Ranked: The 100 Most Spoken Languages Around the World. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/100-most-spoken-languages/

3. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. (2019). The concept of English language development in universities. https://mon.gov.ua/ storage/app/media/2019-06-24-proekt-konts-angl-movi-1.docx

4. Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. (2019). Basic principles of language training of personnel in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. URL: https://nuou.org.ua/assets/documents/osn-zas-mp.pdf

5. Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. (2021). Roadmap for improving language training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (for 2021-2025). URL: https://www.mil.gov.ua/content/education/doroznya_karta_2021.pdf

6. Weinert, S., Artelt, C., Prenzel, M., Senkbeil, M., Ehmke, T., Carstensen, C. H., & Lockl, K. (2019). Development of competencies across the life course. In Education as a Lifelong Process (pp. 57-81). Springer VS, Wiesbaden. [In English]

7. Schaeper, H. (2020). The first year in higher education: the role of individual factors and the learning environment for academic integration. Higher Education, 79(1), 95-110. [In English]

8. Vila, L. E., Perez, P. J., & Coll-Serrano, V. (2014). Innovation at the workplace: Do professional competencies matter?. Journal of Business Research, 67(5), 752-757. [In English]

9. Brick, T. O., & Leboshina, N. V. (2016). Formation of stable motivation to study a foreign language in university cadets. Scientific Notes of the Department of Pedagogy, 39, 25-29. [In Ukrainian]

10. Zakharova, L., & Chernik, P. (2012). The structure of motivation to learn English in cadets of higher military educational institutions and ways of its correction. Bulletin of Lviv University. International Relations Series, 31, 350-359. [In Ukrainian]

11. Galkina, V. D. (2016). The use of blended learning technology in the formation of foreign language professional competence of military specialists. Bulletin of Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko. Pedagogical Sciences, 1(83), 24-29. [In Ukrainian]

12. Galkina, V. D. (2014). Content and structure of foreign language professional competence of future masters of military management. Bulletin of the National University of Defense of Ukraine: Science Series, 4 (41), 2429. [In Ukrainian]

13. Krikun, V. D. (2016). MResults of the analysis of the current state of formation of foreign language professional competence of future masters of military management. Military education: Science Series. Ivan Chernyakhovsky National University of Defense of Ukraine, 2 (34), 128-137. [In Ukrainian]

14. Alqahtani, A. F. (2017). A study of the language learning motivation of Saudi military cadets. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 6(4), 163-172. [In English]

15. Alqahtani, A. F. (2018). English language learning motivation and English language learning anxiety in Saudi military cadets: A structural equation modelling approach. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 9. [In English]

16. Ardavani, S., & Durrant, P. (2015). How have political and socioeconomic issues impacted on the motivation of Iranian university students to learn English. In C. Kennedy (Ed.), English language teaching in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Innovations, trends and challenges, 35-48. [In English]

17. Farr, K. (2016). A study into the motivation of Swedish military staff officers to learn English. Konihskie Studia J^zykowe, 4(4), 391-413. [In English]

18. Dornyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

19. Dornyei, Z. (2009). The psychology of second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [In English]

20. Jodai, H., Zafarghandi, A. M. V., & Tous, M. D. (2013). Motivation, integrativeness, organizational influence, anxiety, and English achievement. Glottotheory, 4(2), 3-25. [In English]

21. Wen-jun, L. I. U. (2007). On Cadets' Lack of Motivation to Learn English. Journal of Air Force Radar Academy, 03. [In English]

22. Gardner, R. C. (2004). Attitude/Motivation Test Battery: International AMTB Research Project. https://publish.uwo.ca/~gardner/docs/englishamtb.pdf

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