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Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 05.06.2022
Размер файла 46,1 K

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38. Boychenko, N.V., Tropin, Y.M., & Panov, P.P. (2013). Technique and tactics in wrestling. Fizicheskoe vospitanie i sport v vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyakh: Sbornik statey IKh mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, 52-56.

39. Strykalenko, Y., Shalar, O., Huzar, V., Yuskiv, S., Silvestrova, H., & Holenco, N. (2020). The correlation between intelligence and competitive activities of elite female handball players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(1), 63-70.

40. Strykalenko, Y., Shalar, O., Huzar, V., Voloshynov, S., Homenko, V., & Bazylyev, S. (2020). Efficient passage of competitive distances in academic rowing by taking into account the maximum strength indicators. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol.20 (6), Art 474, pp. 3512 - 3520.

41. Shalar, O., Strykalenko, Y., Huzar, V., Homenko, Y., & Popovich, T. (2019) Psychological readiness of handball players for the competition. Sport science international scientific journal of kinesiology, 12, issue 1, 95-102.

42. Shalar, O., Huzar, V., Strykalenko, Y., Yuskiv S., Homenko, Y., & Novokshanova, A. (2019). Psycho- pedagogical aspects of interaction between personality traits and physical qualities of the young gymnasts of the variety and circus studio. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 19(Supplement issue 6), 2283-2288.

43. Strykalenko, Y., Shalar, O., Huzar, V., Andrieieva, R., Zhosan, I., & Bazylyev,S. (2019). Influence of the maximum force indicators on the efficiency of passing the distance in academic rowing. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), 19 (3), 1507-1512.

44. Strykalenko,Y., Huzar, V., Shalar, O., Voloshynov, S., Homenko, V., & Svirida, V. (2021). Physical fitness assessment of young football players using an integrated approach. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), 21 (1), 360-366.

45. Latyshev, M., Latyshev, S., Korobeynikov, G. Kvasnytsya, O., Shandrygos, V., & Dutchak, Y. (2020). The analysis of the results of the Olympic free-style wrestling champions. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(2), 400-410.

46. Rutkowska, K., Gierczuk, D., & Buszta, M. (2020). Selected psychological factors in elite Greco- Roman wrestlers at various levels of competition. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 20 (Supplement issue 3), 2277 - 2282.

47. Chernozub, A., Danylchenko, S., Imas, Y., Kochina, M., Ieremenko, N., Korobeynikov, G., Korobeynikova, L., Potop, V., Wojciech, J., Cynarski, & Gorashchenco, A. (2019). Peculiarities of correcting load parameters in power training of mixed martial arts athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 19 (Supplement issue 2), 481-488.

48. Chernenko, N., Lyzohub, V., Korobeynikov, G., Potop, V., Syvash, I., Korobeynikova, L., Korobeinikova, I., Mishchenko, V., & Kostuchenko, V. (2020). Relation between typological characteristics of nervous system and high sport achieving of wrestlers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol.20 (3), 1621-1627.

49. Melki, H., Bouzid, M., & Fadhloun, M. (2019). Correlation between Morphological and Functional Variables during a Specific Wrestling Test For Tunisian Cadet Greco-Roman Wrestlers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 19 (Supplement issue 4), 1282 - 1287,

50. Tropin, J.N., & Boychenko, N.V. (2017). Soderzhanie razlichnyh storon podgotovki borcov. Edinoborstva, 4, 79-83.

51. Tropin, Y., & Boychenko, N. (2014). Analysis of techno-tactical preparedness of highly skilled wrestlers of Greco-Roman style after changes competition. Slobozhanskyi science and sport bulletin, 2, 117-120.

52. Tropin, Y., & Chuev, A. (2017). Technical and tactical readiness model characteristics in wrestling. Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, 3(59), 64-67.

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