Strategic upgrade of the master’s programme "Mediation in Education" in digital transformation context

Training programs for mediators that take into account the intercultural contexts of conflicts that are significant in the digital environment in conditions of volatility and uncertainty. Upgrade of the master's program for the preparation of mediators.

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Дата добавления 09.04.2022
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This article presented a model of electronic support for “Mediation in Education” Master's programme focused on the optimal combination of e-learning tools with the professional specificity of mediators' training at SibFU and its ideology of openness and networking between universities and professional associations.

The survey methodology was based on a polyparadigmatic approach. It is intended to develop the professional competences of the future mediators with respect to the personal characteristics, at the same time forming the professional identity in the open Internet space of the academic universities and professional mediators' communities. According to the “Target Competence Model 2025”, the determining factor for the efficient interaction within digital media is communication skill.

The developed mechanism of the systematic electronic support for the “Mediation in Education” programme is designed to ensure the Master's students' satisfaction with the education that employs e-learning, m-learning and open online platforms. The results of the expert survey of the lecturers from the School of Education, Psychology and Sociology of SibFU and the future mediators among the Master's students confirmed the efficiency of the developed electronic support model. Further research on the problem may be focused on the search for approaches to modification of the electronic support, and, particularly, the use of adaptive learning, flipped learning, experiential learning, gamification, virtual and augmented reality with the simultaneous expansion of the networking partnership between the professional mediators' associations of Russia and foreign countries.

The comparative research revealed and experimentally verified the mutual connection between the personal and professional qualities of a mediator with a number of diagnostic techniques. The most important personal qualities required in the professional activity of mediators in Siberia and Kazakhstan were outlined. However, the experiment results actualized the ambiguity of the influence made by the given personal qualities of the Master's students of mediation (empathy, scepticism and credibility) on the success in training and efficiency of mediation procedures in the future (in the professional test format). All these open the new prospects for future research in the context of expansion of online mediation and e-learning practices.


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