Psychological and pedagogical course of teaching Russian as a foreign language: the stage of speech adaptation

Psychological and pedagogical components of the linguodidactic strategy of teaching Russian as a foreign language in Russian universities. Features of the initial stage of training. The main factors that determine the vectors of pedagogical activity.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 05.03.2021
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Accordingly, linguodidactic technologies at the stage of speech adaptation should have a heuristic nature, be focused on students' cognitive/communicative/axiological expectations and combine various forms of material presentation. At the same time, the synchronization of all types and aspects of speech activity should be correlated with a specific learning objective. Thus, listening, speaking, reading and writing can be both a goal and a means of learning, whereas lexical, grammar and phonetic material is presented in all types of speech activities. Relevant educational content, systemic and comprehensive approach to selecting topics, intensive in-class work mobilizing the students' inner psychological capabilities, sequence of stages in speech skills formation, planned organization and control of students' independent work aimed at developing an ability to incorporate speech control mechanisms and providing potential for further language mastering, are integral elements of success in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

From our point of view, the above conditions, which determine the linguistic and methodical vectors of the educational process at the stage of speech adaptation, allow students - along with foreign language mastering - to elaborate and develop skills, which provide an ability to integrate the gained knowledge, contextually apply and acquire the competences in interpersonal and ethnocultural dialogue, as well as in the future profession.


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