Формування і розвиток системи підготовки кадрів у сфері туризму Російської Федерації: регіональний аспект

Процес становлення і розвитку російської системи підготовки кадрів у сфері туризму. Виявлення і вивчення формування професійної туристської освіти в Удмуртській Республіці. Визначення елементів системи підготовки кадрів для сфери внутрішнього туризму.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Дата добавления 02.12.2018
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Today in Russia there are several schemes for tourism training - starting with lyceum classes at secondary schools on to secondary and higher vocational training, retraining, advanced and short-term training [5, p. 111].

Lyceum classes aim to provide career guidance on tourism at the stage of secondary education. The lyceum training program is designed to last for one or two years. It introduces students to the basics of tourism, gives information on career in tourism and maintains interest in this kind of activity. Lyceum classes are usually run by secondary schools, but are supported by universities and involve university professors and curricula in the training process. For example, the Russian International Academy of Tourism (RIAT) supervised the work of lyceum classes at 24 Russian schools in 1999.

Recently, Russia has been rapidly developing the system of secondary training in tourism, but it is much less developed in comparison with other world countries. The shortage of staff having specialized secondary education and vocational training is particularly acute in the hotel industry with a large number of non-management jobs. For example, Moscow has only two specialized secondary educational institutions - Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality and Tsaritsino Moscow College for Personnel of Hotels, Restaurants and Small Businesses. Russian International Academy of Tourism also provides vocational training offering a one- year course for tour guides, travel agents and organizers. Training at the secondary education institutions lasts for three years and prepares subject-matter specialists, waiting and other services staff, and junior and middle managers. Tourism training as part of secondary vocational education is based on educational programs of the basic and higher levels for the following activities: hotel services, catering, transport services, and tourism.

Training to obtain a university degree in tourism is provided by a vast majority of Russian universities specializing in tourism in almost every big regional center, for example, in Chelyabinsk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Kostroma, Saratov, Stavropol, Sochi, Omsk, Orel, Ufa, Khabarovsk. On average, it takes 4 - 5 years of full-time or 5 - 6 years of evening or part-time training to get higher vocational education.

Graduates are awarded the specialist qualification or the bachelor's or master's degree.

Certain department and universities, as well as specially created centers for advanced training, offer various forms of additional education in tourism. In Moscow and Saint Petersburg, the Aviabusiness School of the Institute of Supplementary Education of the RIAT run courses on such systems as Gabrielle, Amadeus, Sirena and the IATA programs. The courses last from 10 days to several months. Short-term advanced training courses include seminars on topical issues of taxation, accounting, or changes in legislation. Students are awarded certificates upon completion. Another form of training is various seminars and workshops designed to improve the company's work on-site.

Retraining programs are offered by both universities and specialized training centers. Getting a second diploma takes from 1.5 to 2.5 years and has to be paid for. In 1995, the Business and Marketing Center opened at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. The Center offers a retraining program on the tourism business organization.

In general, it should be noted that at present tourism training is provided by over 300 secondary and higher educational institutions in the country.

One of the educational institutions involved in tourism training is Udmurt State University (UdSU). The Institute of Social Communications of UdSU has been offering a graduate degree in Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism since 1997 in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education No 39 of September 11, 1996. At that time, Udmurt State University was the first and only educational institution in the country where specialists in tourism were trained. The Institute launched the Master's program in Tourism in 2009 and the Bachelor's program in 2010.

Udmurt State University offers full-time and part time educational programs of first and second higher education in tourism. Both budgetary and extra-budgetary resources are used to finance the education. The number of applicants to get the degree in Socio-Cultural Service has been stable. Personnel working in service and tourism are much in demand, so the number of applicants wishing to get the training does not reduce. The program is popular not only among Udmurt students but also among students from the neighboring regions (Perm region, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, etc.). The total number of graduates having higher vocational education in SocioCultural Service and Tourism is now 1041 persons, including 209 graduates who did the full-time course, 258 graduates who did the full part-time course to get their first higher education and 496 graduates who did the shortened part-time course to get their second higher education. Thirteen students of UdSU have been awarded Master's degree in Tourism.

As was mentioned above, there is a growing demand for middle-level specialists in tourism in the labor market. This is also true about the tourism industry of the Udmurt Republic. Therefore in 1999 the Institute of Social Communications launched a secondary education program in Tourism. From 2001 to 2013, 474 students completed the course on Tourism at the College of Social Technologies and Services, including 285 students who did the full-time course and 189 students who did the part-time course.

Most graduates of Udmurt State University who got a degree in tourism have an employment with enterprises of the tourism industry in the Udmurt Republic and outside it - in the neighboring Russian regions with the rapidly growing tourism industry (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar region, etc.), as well as abroad.

The major department for the students doing Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism or Tourism is the Department of the Theory and Practice of Social Communications established in 1998. The department's personnel are the core of the republic's research potential in the field of tourism and services. So far four candidate and one doctoral theses on various aspects of tourism in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Udmurtia have been defended. Monographs and course books are published regularly. The department's professors regularly participate in conferences and seminars and publish their papers in specialized journals and books on tourism and socio-cultural services.

The department has direct contacts with the state and municipal agencies that oversee the development of tourism in the Udmurt Republic, the republic's tourist enterprises and hotels, Russian and foreign educational institutions offering tourism training.

The department's professors became the authors of the Strategy of Cultural Tourism Development in the Udmurt Republic in 2010 - 2015. In cooperation with the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Udmurt Republic they developed the republican target program Development of Inbound and Domestic Tourism in the Udmurt Republic in 2012 - 2018.

The department was involved in international educational activities in the field of tourism. In 2010, they began collaboration with the University of Cadiz, Spain. Today they have a good experience of student exchange on externship programs. In 2010-2013, the department participated in the international program Tempus Tuning Russia designed to harmonize European and Russian educational space in the field of tourism training.

Thus, Udmurt State University is currently a popular institution offering tourism training on the programs of higher and secondary vocational education. Research and educational potential of the faculty helps to keep the educational process in line with current research in the field of tourism and involve undergraduate and master students in conducting research. Close relations between UdSU and tourist enterprises of Udmurtia and state and local government agencies that oversee the tourism industry of the republic help to overcome such significant drawback of the national higher education system as its excessive academicism and make the educational process more practical.

In view of the above said, Udmurt State University does not yet have competition in the country in the field of higher education tourism training (new branches of major Moscow and Saint Petersburg universities do not have the same research and pedagogical potential and are not so attractive for applicants). UdSU also plays a role of the training ground for the republic's institutions of secondary vocational education in tourism through training teachers with specialized education and providing them with research and methodological assistance.

The clearest prospects for Udmurt State University in the field of tourism training are further development of continuous education through programs of supplementary education, advanced training courses, involvement of employers in the educational process to ensure greater practical orientation, continued research, including research that involve undergraduate and master students, participation in international educational projects and academic exchange programs.


підготовка кадри туризм професійний

Мерзлякова Г. В., Баталова Л. В., Оконникова Т. І.

Формування і розвиток системи підготовки кадрів у сфері туризму Російської Федерації: регіональний аспект

Розглядається процес становлення і розвитку російської системи підготовки кадрів у сфері туризму. Особлива увага приділяється виявленню і вивченню формування професійної туристської освіти в Удмуртській Республіці. На основі архівних джерел розглядається організаційна структура туризму, досліджуються форми і методи туристської освіти, починаючи з другої половини XIX століття і по теперішній час. Реконструйовано базові елементи системи підготовки кадрів для сфери внутрішнього (планового та самодіяльного) туризму, виявлено особливості підготовки кадрів для туризму. Показані існуючі схеми підготовки фахівців для туристської діяльності - починаючи з бази ліцейських класів у школі, середня спеціальна освіта, вища спеціальна, перепідготовка кадрів, підвищення кваліфікації та короткострокове навчання. Проаналізовано сучасну ситуацію та основні тенденції професійної підготовки кадрів для туристської галузі в Удмуртії.

Ключові слова: розвиток туристської освіти, туризм, підготовка кадрів, Росія, Удмуртія


Мерзлякова Г. В., Баталова Л. В., Оконникова Т. И.

Формирование и развитие системы подготовки кадров в сфере туризма Российской Федерации: региональный аспект

Рассматривается процесс становления и развития российской системы подготовки кадров в сфере туризма. Особое внимание уделяется выявлению и изучению формирования профессионального туристского образования в Удмуртской Республике. На основе архивных источников рассматривается организационная структура туризма, исследуются формы и методы туристского образования, начиная со второй половины XIX века и по настоящее время. Реконструированы базовые элементы системы подготовки кадров для сферы внутреннего (планового и самодеятельного) туризма, выявлены особенности подготовки кадров для туризма. Показаны существующие схемы подготовки специалистов для туристской деятельности - начиная на базе лицейских классов в школе, среднего специальное образование, высшее специальное, переподготовка кадров, повышение квалификации и краткосрочное обучение. Проанализирована современная ситуация и основные тенденции профессиональной подготовки кадров для туристской отрасли в Удмуртии.

Ключевые слова: развитие туристского образования, туризм, подготовка кадров, Россия, Удмуртия

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