Формування моральної культури як складової професійної підготовки майбутніх юристів

З’ясування змісту, сутності і структури моральної культури майбутніх юристів та вивчення стану її сформованості. Експериментальна перевірка ефективності педагогічних умов процесу формування моральної культури студентів навчальних закладів у галузі права.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.07.2015
Размер файла 149,3 K

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It is established, that formation of moral culture is probably possible at observance of the following pedagogical conditions: realisation modern educational technologies in teaching and educational process; perfection of a socially-pedagogical component of the content of study by means of ethical filling of educational subjects, special course “Ethics of the Lawyer” studying, and realisation of practical preparation under the conditions of “Legal clinic”; intensification of educational function of scientific and pedagogical workers, curators and instructors of students groups; strengthening of influence of students collectives and their self-government institutions to the attraction to participation in intellectual-informative, cultural-educational and public work.

Application of psycho diagnostic techniques has allowed obtaining statistical data which give the basis to assert, that the tasks of the research are realized. Positive dynamics of the moral culture development has confirmed efficiency of projected system and has given the chance to ascertain acknowledgement of the hypothesis of research, the assigned task is reached.

By the results of the research the scientifically-methodical grant on formation of moral culture of the future lawyers is worked out.

Key words: culture, moral culture of the future lawyers, professional etiquette of the lawyer, formation of moral culture, pedagogical conditions.

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