Організація діяльності ліцею технічного профілю в системі неперервної професійної освіти

Дослідження проблем у педагогічній теорії і практиці. Визначення організаційних та методичних напрямів діяльності ліцею технічного профілю як суб’єкта навчального науково-виробничого комплексу. Основні напрями забезпечення неперервності технічної освіти.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 02.08.2014
Размер файла 35,6 K

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Ключевые слова: система непрерывного профессионального образования, технический профиль, образовательная система региона, учебный научно-производственный комплекс, профильная и допрофессиональная подготовка, лекционно-практическая технология, пятиминутный резерв учебного времени, спаренные уроки инвариантной составляющей, научно-методическая деятельность.

Nakazny N.A. The organization of the Technical Lyceum Activities in a System of Continuous Professional Education. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for acquiring of scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical science in the field 13.00.04 - theory and methodology of professional education. - Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of professional education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2005.

The research work is devoted to the problem of organization of activities at the lyceum of a technical profile in a system of continuous professional education. The retrospective analysis was made for the notions of the words “education”, “continuous education”, “professional education”, “continuous professional education”, “technical education”; it was defined the place and the role of lyceum as an establishment of profile and preprofessional training of youth, and the distinctive peculiarities of lyceum functional activities for the insurance of resultative educational process.

The dissertation is devoted to the research of organization of activities in the technical lyceum in a system of continuous professional education. The analysis of native and foreign profile and preprofessional training of youth, regular-legal basis of lyceum function was made; the main definitions of research and especially the role and the place of technical lyceum in the regional educational system was analysed.

The managing functional criterion defines the level of accordance of managing approaches to the actual problems of profile training; the structurally process criterion defines the efficiency of the lyceum activity in a variant part of the curriculum; the criterion of professional competence of scientifically-pedagogical staff defines the qualitative and professional level of scientifically-pedagogical staff activity; the result criterion of educational process follows the level of students' educational achievements in the technical lyceum; the professional orientation criterion of students defines the level of seniors' skills formation for the future professional activity according to the technical profile training.

It was revealed the priority directions of lyceum interaction with the subjects of educational scientific industrial complex (the organization of industrial educational practices, introduction of innovative technologies to the educational and industrial process of the complex); the regional necessities in specialists with technical education were taken into consideration (the definition of the peculiarities of the regional educational sphere, the realization of the careful selection of students engaged in technical activity, the continuous process ensuring with the creative growth of the future technical profile specialists); the principle of continuous technical education in the organization of the profile students' training and scientifically-methodological activity of the subjects of educational process was realized (the improvement of the training technologies of profile preparation, the assortment of professionally-active teachers engaged in searching experimental work the organization of activity of pedagogical staff to publish the profile subjects textbooks); the psychological support of profile students' training in the lyceum was worked out by cooperation of the lyceum psychologist, pedagogical staff and students. It was proved that in a modern period of time lyceum performed as an essential part of regional educational scientific industrial complex; and it is closely connected with it in organizational, structural, staff, legal and other relations.

It was shown that promotion of effective activity of technical lyceum as educational establishment of profile and preprofessional youth training is assisted by its function in the educational scientific industrial complex. It realizes the principle of succession in the content and organizational-methodological forms, educational work in higher technical educational establishments and technical lyceum.

The key words: a system of continuous professional education, technical profile, regional educational system, educational scientific industrial complex, profile and preprofessional training, lecturally practical technology, 5 minutes reserve of educational time, paired lessons of invariant part of educational process, scientifically-methodological activities.

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