Формування якостей господині у дівчат-підлітків у позакласній роботі

Теоретико-методологічний аналіз філософської, психолого-педагогічної й соціологічної літератури з проблеми формування якостей господині у дівчат-підлітків. Засади процесу формування у дівчат-підлітків якостей майбутньої господині в позакласній роботі.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.10.2013
Размер файла 34,0 K

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We investigate problems of formation of qualities of the mistress in the girls-teenagers in extra-curricula activities. We take up the views of scientists of various periods on labour upbringing of youth and especially on training of girls for fulfilling their domestic duties in the future family, and also preparation of them for the role of mother, wife and keeper of family hearth.

We discover the essence of the concept “woman-mistress”, give characteristics of every single component of this concept, and also we investigate the connection among these components.

We present a theoretical model of exemplary mistress and also factors, which influence the formation of the mistress qualities in girls-teenagers.

The analysis of contemporary position of labour upbringing of girls which is the fundamental basis of the formation of qualities of the mistress is also shown.

We determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the realization of system of formation of mistress's qualities in the girls-teenagers on the basis of work of hobby group “Mistress”, which consists of several courses: “The culture of appearance”, “The culture of home”, “The culture of nutrition” and also “The theatre of fashion”, “The lessons of morality and spirituality”.

Key words: labour upbringing, aesthetic upbringing, economic upbringing, a girl-teenager, spirituality, morality, family, thrift, creativity.

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