Бібліотечна селекція документів в умовах інформатизації

Основні види бібліотечної селекції документів, співвідношення та взаємодію між ними в умовах інформатизації. Основні ознаки первинного відбору документів у фондах сучасних бібліотек. Характеристика завдань підготовки бібліотечних кадрів у сучасних умовах.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.10.2013
Размер файла 46,5 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Основным выводом диссертации есть определение деятельности по формированию фондов, организации их сохранности и использования на основе отбора как технологии, которая в условиях перехода к информационному уровню социальных коммуникаций трансформируется в интегративный процесс селекции в едином информационном пространстве.

Ключевые слова: библиотечная селекция документов, библиотечный отбор документов, информатизация, документ, документные ресурсы, формирование библиотечного фонда, использование библиотечного фонда

Bulakh T.D. Library selection of documents under conditions of informatization. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for the scientific degree of a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in speciality 07.00.08."Book Science, library science, bibliography science". - Kharkiv, 2006.

For the first time library selection is explored as a systemic phenomenon that has been formed under the influence of the changes in external environment. The main steps of the development of the theory of library selection have been determined that made it possible to reveal the prerequisites of transformation of library choice into library selection of documents and its place in the technology cycle of formation of library collection in different historic periods. On the base of concretization of its main processes the author has substantiated the quantitative composition and content filling of the main types of library selection under conditions of informatization. The peculiarities of the primary selection of separate information media are described and the main landmarks that should be guided by in determining ratio between documents in the process of acquisition of the collection are formulated. The technology of library selection is proposed which takes into account the functions of the library institution under conditions of informatization. The electronic system of library selection as a perspective direction of the work of national libraries is characterized. The main aspects of the improvement in educating specialists in this sphere under conditions of informatization are described.

The principal conclusion of this thesis is determination of the activity in acquisition of library collections, organization of their preservation and use on the base of library selection as a technology. This technology under conditions of transition to the information level of social communications is being transformed into the integrative process of library selection in a single information environment.

Key words: library selection of documents, library choice of documents, informatization, a document, document resources, acquisition of library collection, use of library collection.

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