Формування професійної майстерності майбутніх учителів у системі вищої педагогічної освіти Канади
Політичні, соціально-економічні та організаційно-педагогічні передумови підготовки майстрів у системі освіти Канади. Концепції професійної майстерності в канадській та українській педагогіці в контексті осмислення нових вимог до підготовки вчителя.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 30.09.2013 |
Размер файла | 42,5 K |
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В диссертации исследуется проблема формирования и развития профессионального мастерства будущих учителей в системе высшего педагогического образования Канады. В работе раскрыты политические, социально-экономические и организационно-педагогические предпосылки становления современной системы профессиональной подготовки учителей Канады в XIX-XXI вв.; проанализировано развитие теории и практики профессионального педагогического образования в высших учебных заведениях Канады; проведен сравнительный анализ концепций профессионального мастерства в канадской и украинской педагогике в контексте осмысления новых требований к подготовке учителя ХХІ века. В диссертационной работе исследовано и проанализировано формирование профессионального мастерства будущих учителей в системе высшего педагогического образования Канады, определены пути использования положительного канадского опыта в системе высшего педагогического образования Украины на современном этапе.
Ключевые слова: профессиональное мастерство, профессиональное педагогическое образование Канады, профессиональная подготовка, педагогическая практика, активные методы обучения.
Karpynskaya L.A. Formation of Future Teachers' Effectiveness in the System of Higher Teacher Training Education in Canada. - Manuscript.
The dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.01 - General Pedagogics and History of Pedagogics. - South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, Odessa, 2005.
The dissertation is devoted to the problem of formation and development of teacher effectiveness in the system of higher teacher training in Canada. The author has given a complete analysis of the development of theory and practice of teacher education in Canada in the 19-th - 21-st centuries. In the course of the research, major factors that influenced the development of the system of higher teacher education and main stages of the development of the theory and practice of teacher education have been defined and characterized; historical premises for the formation of the modern teacher training system in Canada were given; the main tendencies influencing the aims and contents of teacher education have been thoroughly investigated. We have come to the conclusion that socio-economic conditions, including the related supply and demand of teachers, have been one of the most important factors in determining the quality of teacher education in Canada.
The researcher has analyzed the development of higher education in Canada in the 19-th - beginning of the 21-st centuries. It has been concluded that at present higher education in Canada is represented by four types of educational institutions such as universities, university colleges, community colleges and CEGEP colleges. Canadian university is an institution of higher education that takes students who have completed their high-school education and prepares them for degrees. In the process of the research, the stages of the development of the Canadian university have been founded: a) 17-th - beginning of the 19-th centuries - the university was financially and ideologically dependent on church; b) the end of the 19-th - beginning of the 20-th centuries - university was separated from the church, in university curricula besides theology and humanities were added new professional specialties, courses and programs; c) the end of the 20-th - beginning of the 21-st centuries - an independent university that is financed by the state and offers a mix of opportunities in a variety of educational settings; creating of the on-line universities.
According to the historical analysis of the development of the teacher training in Canada, we have concluded that Canadian pedagogical system has 4 stages in its development: a) the stage of the non-professional teaching (17-th - middle 19-th centuries); b) the period of normal schools and universities (the 19-th century); c) the stage of normal schools, state normal schools, teacher training colleges and universities (the 20-th century); d) the stage of universities (admission requirements to the Faculties of Education increased, a great variety of educational programs is offered)
In the course of the research, the comparative analysis of the structure of teacher effectiveness in Canadian and Ukrainian scientific literature has been given. Canadian research on teaching effectiveness has been presented in the context of the evolution of educational research in America and Great Britain that greatly influenced Canadian pedagogical researches. The author has carried out the analysis of a gradual evolution in the researchers' conception of the nature of teacher effectiveness that had four main stages of development: presage-product studies, experimental studies, process-product model, teacher knowledge and beliefs model.
Presage-product studies attempted to identify the psychological characteristics of an effective teacher by looking at personality characteristics such as flexibility, attitudes such as motivation to teach, experience and background.
Following the relative, although far from total, failure of the presage-product studies, researchers looked at teaching styles. Most of their initial studies on teaching styles developed dichotomies along the "non-directive versus directive" or "progressive versus traditional" lines.
Then researches turned to looking at specific teacher behaviors as a possible cause of pupil achievement. In this they were influenced by behaviorist learning theory, which was developed by psychologists such as I. Pavlov, A. Bandura, etc.
Recently, attention has shifted from teacher behaviors to teacher subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. Teacher beliefs and self-efficacy have been examined in order to identify the role such factors have in teacher effectiveness.
Critical comprehension of the results of this research gives the possibility of their creative use in the organization of professional teacher training at teacher training Ukrainian institutions.
Key words: teacher effectiveness, professional teacher training in Canada, professional pedagogical preparation, school experience, active methods of instruction.
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