Дидактичні засади навчання іншомовного читання молодших школярів

Особливості сприйняття іншомовної друкованої інформації учнями початкових класів. Визначення дидактичних принципів навчання іншомовного читання учнів початкових класів. Опис компонентів змісту навчання читання на початковому етапі навчання іноземних мов.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.09.2013
Размер файла 46,0 K

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The above mentioned facts permit to regard the outerned tasks as being resolved since the psycho-didactic bases of the reading process has been defined; the junior schoolmates' regularities of perceiving and understanding a foreign language printed information have been stated; the techniques aimed at teaching junior schoolmates foreign language reading have been analyzed; the didactic principles of teaching foreign language reading to junior schoolchildren have been worked out; the components of teaching contents at the elementary stage of foreign language teaching have been distinguished; the didactic model of teaching foreign language reading to junior schoolmates has been developed. It guarantees to form all skills with the majority of the pupils. The book recommended for light reading at elementary school has been published; the developed teaching model constitutes its theoretical grounds. The school-book was introduced in ten schools in Odessa, Zaporozye and Nicolaev regions.

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