Педагогічні умови використання фітоклімату в реабілітаційно-профілактичній роботі дитячих будинків для дітей-сиріт

Екологічне виховання дітей-сиріт в дитячих будинках України. Організаційно-педагогічні умови ознайомлення вихованців з елементами народної ботаніки. Формування у дітей 6-7-річного віку інтересу до пізнання лікарських рослин як чинника фітоклімату.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.09.2013
Размер файла 107,8 K

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In the dissertation the skilled-material bases of formation of performances about fitoclimate are opened; the basic sites fitoenvironment about children's houses and factors of their formation are determined; the pedagogical conditions, law and tendency of education and knowledge interests of children to plants of a natural environment are determined; the features of methodical maintenance of process of acquaintance of children with medicinal plants by a rehabilitation-preventive way are opened.

The model of alternative modular technology of organization educational-knowledge work on acquaintance of children with medicinal plants is created; are developed a didactical-illustrative material for game activity according to a subject; system of training tasks for definition polyfunctionality of medicinal plants; the abstracts of complex-thematic blocks on acquaintance of children with medicinal plants are developed.

The materials of research can serve addition to the programs, existing in Ukraine, of preschool education; methodical fillings of sphere “Nature” in base components preschool and state standards of an initial comprehensive school.

Keywords: fitoenvironment, fitoclimate, oxygen-enriching, filtering, gas-defending, ionizing, fitoncidical functions of plants, ecological, fitocenotical, regular, art - decorative, improving-expedient principles of acquaintance of children with plants in the children's house for the children - orphans.

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