Authority of the teacher-educator

The concept of the true and the false authority of a teacher-educator. Experimental verification of the significance of personal and professional components the authority of the teacher. Pedagogical conditions of formation of the true authority.

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Дата добавления 13.10.2012
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If the requirements of the teaching profession to a person coincides with his personal qualities and capabilities, they speak of professional competence. The basis of professional competence are above all the ability of the individual. This term usually refers to such individual - psychological characteristics and that will help him succeed in anything. Understand their aptitude, interest to this area of ??work will help future teachers experience social - organizing, mentoring at the school, camp, etc. among younger, experience in organizing collective, group activities. Here we have in mind is not necessarily the public works commissioned, as it officially. Perhaps even more important to the knowledge of himself has an area of ??its own initiative. If the person to 'stick' younger comrades, if he manages to combine them for some things that others seem trivial (say, cut out of twigs whistle, feed stray cats, etc.), it may be a sign of developing a human pedagogical or organizational interests, aptitudes. And where addiction, will and ability.

Abilities students wishing to become a teacher can check After spending a counselor at the camp. If the children's fun, because he's inventor, able to organize students to good causes. If he can awaken in children initiative, initiative, ably led by their thoughts and deeds. And if he does not command, and carries the team. Has organizational skills, an interest in children, and sociability. We can say that he has the ability to become a teacher.

Also test your ability to identify and help students propensity specially created profiling classes.

Ate a child wants to be a teacher, he can try to conduct a lesson in elementary school under the guidance of a teacher.

If the requirements for a teacher and meet the person, then that person may want to choose a profession.

It may happen that the psychological characteristics are not fully comply with the requirements of the profession, they want to choose. But we should not put off. Indeed, many human ability, if he wants, can develop their own.

And so, the chosen profession. The main condition for its choice was relevant requirements this type of profession.

The second stage of the formation of the true authority of the teacher-educator is to master teaching skills.

First, the acquisition terms of pedagogical skills are in special education. The process of teacher training future teachers should be organized in a sequence corresponding to the laws of learning and mastering the skills and abilities.

At the first stage, students must obtain sufficient theoretical knowledge of psychology, pedagogy, information on teaching skills, their content and structure of the actions and skills from which they are formed, the ways and means of mastering them. It is important that students understand that they can learn through lectures, seminars and other forms of educational work (self-direction, course, degree,), and that depends on himself, on his ability to observe the phenomena of teaching, his aspirations and activity in the development itself. This stage should implement pedagogical practices that the latter does not become a way of trial and error, and that because of their ineffectiveness has not led to disillusionment with the possibilities of pedagogical activity. This familiarity with the psychological and pedagogical disciplines, both in theory and practice of education and training of students. authority teacher educator

A natural consequence of the first phase of creating the necessary guidance for making pedagogical decisions is the stage of educational practices (eg, at school, in the camp). It can be implemented in many different ways: on the analysis of activity of pedagogical situations, to build a model of pedagogical behavior, practical educational activities of students with children, etc.

All of these options are united by one common idea - to the future teacher himself must do all what he knows, but almost did not perform and therefore not capable of doing. Ability is the result of the action in question, moreover, of the one who masters them. Therefore only adequate action - means of mastering skills. It is well known that to know how to act, does not mean to be able to so act.

But stop at the second stage - so stop halfway. Process of learning pedagogical skills requires not only information about them and the appropriate action, but also a comprehensive understanding of the common and typical, private and multi-variant displays skills. Comprehensive analysis of action. This means that the evaluation should follow the practice of seminars, courses, and various other forms of education. Only then will be able to link theoretical knowledge with practice, learn and knowledge, and the ability to consciously and with a professional eye.

Thus, the third step should be the immediate precursor culminating educational practice, the objectives of which are specific: do not start all over again to master pedagogical knowledge and skills, and to grind the last direct practical teaching activities that very useful in the period of post-graduate professional adaptation.

Teaching practice for final year is the fourth and final phase of professional - pedagogical training of future teachers.

The higher education experience shows that the more accurately followed the above pattern, the more successful the process of professional development of future teachers.

The universities also generate communication skills. Future teachers need to know and own forms of communication and culture. Vocational training - teacher communication can be carried out in the classroom for teaching, special seminars and special courses, workshops, during teaching practice and other cases. It is particularly important that the student himself mastered techniques of training itself and regularly working out the necessary communication skills.

In the process of mastering the pedagogical means of communication are a number of stages.

In the first stage of learning to communicate develop the ability to reflect, to the realization of their own behavior in communication, the internal state of the individual and its external manifestation.

The second phase - learning to feel the intellectual, emotional, moral and volitional state students, the ability to stimulate the activity of students (view newsreels and TV monitor specific people).

The third stage involves the development of skills, not only to the perception and networking, but be sure to take an active and teacher impact on student mastery of ways these impacts.

Especially it is necessary to consider the problem of self-organizational skills of future teachers. One way or another in the process of learning from the accumulated experience of the students organizational skills. In the organizational skills of the future include the ability to ask the teacher work, monitor, evaluate results, make adjustments.

Organizational skills a student receives in the investigation:

1.Copy managerial actions teachers, others;

2.perenos experience organizing actions in new situations;

3.planirovaniya and implementation of the action on the instructions of teachers;

4.proyavleniya sufficient independence, initiative, organized pedagogically useful life of students: know how to build the future, set goals and objectives, to organize their response to the end, to evaluate the results.

The university also formed and personal qualities necessary for future teachers. This is a moral position for good, aesthetic expression, etc.

Moral self-education of future teachers is morally due to turn in personal-need to regulate their conduct in accordance with the norms of morality in the most diverse and specific life situation. The fact that the moral is always the attitude of men, and the interests of people can not match. Once the students have to establish the relationship between the two students "to justice", he immediately feels that each of them in the concept of justice puts their understanding. It is easy to be true in theory, and oh how hard - in practice!

The only real moral actions of the student (moral-cognitive, emotional, moral and ethical behavior) contribute to its moral self-education.

To successfully engage in moral self-education, little knowledge of morality. You must have an idea of ??their moral qualities, realistically assess yourself what qualities a fix, what to develop, what to get rid of, what to buy.

For practical teaching and education of future teachers is important and aesthetic self-education. Aesthetic tastes of the teacher evident in everything: in his appearance, manners, gait, acts in a relationship to the world, to work.

In the development of the aesthetic culture of the future teachers play an important role literature and art. With them are refined his thoughts, feelings and actions, his whole personality, so in education lays the basic components of pedagogical authority of the teacher-educator.

Further development of basic components and pedagogical skill acquisition occurs while teaching at the school. To teach the teacher gives a diploma on completion of teacher training institute. This is a formal level of becoming authority. It is characterized by the presence of power and role-based component of the authority.

In a statement, the authority responsible role teachers play the primary samoprezintatsiya when the teacher appears as an officer with designated authority, and children - as his students and pupils. At the first meeting with the pupils to tactfully convince them that it is not only because of the diploma in his pocket, and age, but because of the extensive knowledge and high culture of the people received the right to lead a team, be a teacher. The first lesson is not to be acquainted with the students, causing them to the magazine. While talking with one, the other loaf. And in a moment of idleness, noted K.D Ushinsky, man spoil and the head and the heart, and morality ... The first meeting with the pupils should be a celebration, fireworks.

The task of the teacher - to present yourself face. Show their strengths.

Justly I.Zyuzyukin teacher: "They need bright, with a" highlight "of the individual, not just a good man, and always something to rise above the rest, something had been given to excess."

Such a teacher must know his subject perfectly. But the "twist" that will attract guys can be a great knowledge of art literature, the ability to tell interesting, knowledge of cinema, theater, music, technology, sports, the ability to paint beautiful, etc.

The effect of the impact of the first lessons to students increases, the teacher begin to admire.

Using this approach, dating, remember that the younger students, the teacher is characterized by the impression of the first meeting. And often, one thing, however, as one mistake, an absolute and can create sustainable wrong impression about the elder. Change it in the future will be difficult. Here you can easily gain authority and quickly lose it. Therefore, the successful formation of the authority is to carefully control their behavior, very serious relationship for the first meeting, nedopuskanie missteps and mistakes, and if they happened - honestly admit it [18, 100]. From the first moment of contact teacher is important not to emphasize their role benefits, and an emphasis on personal samoprezintatsii. Humanity, trust, goodwill shall disclose his pupils affected.

Psychologists determine certain stages of the teaching authority. In the first phase the teacher acts as a source of information. At this stage, the teacher in front of students may be somewhat lacking in personality, his personality can not be fixed, or even perceived purely negative, but that does not beg its importance as the holder of the required information. Such a relationship is largely situational: they develop and are implemented only in a lack of information and break down if it is of sufficient accessible to the person concerned.

In the second stage it becomes the reference person whose opinion is listened to and taken into account students in solving personal and group challenges. This type of relationship, in contrast to the first stage of development authority, characterized by a "personal vision", "personal entertainment". At the same time, the high referentiality teachers do not exclude the possibility of the negative attitude of the student to him as an individual. Despite the fact that the ratio of the reference teacher interpreted the facts and circumstances played the role of a guide in life, it is often a student does not agree with this assessment, does not accept it as true and indisputable can sometimes take a position that is called a "contradiction".

With authority of his position and therefore can significantly affect the livelihoods of classroom staff, the teacher, as a rule, is the reference person for the students, whose views are considered when addressing both personal and public group tasks. Therefore, almost every student prior to selecting a particular practice of his conduct should relate their intentions from the perspective of a teacher. Although this position will not necessarily be accepted at school, it will have some influence on his subsequent actions.

It was only in the third stage it is authoritative. This stage is characterized qualitatively higher than in the previous two stages, the significance level of the teacher to student. Authoritative teacher is advanced confidence, his opinion is recognized initially true. Seen as a guide to action, and success is expected and anticipated. These relations are a clear evidence of personal preference and have deep emotion.

Evaluation of the teacher students are almost always strictly positive. If the reference teacher students, while not denying its importance to them, often do not detect them impressed the quality, but also the negative personal characteristics, then, describing the teacher who uses their authority, they describe its qualities exclusively with the "plus." Moreover, the same principle as the teacher can have different opinions, and some students in the same subject matter who they are - an authoritative or non-authoritative teacher.

So, we have consistently looked at three of the significance of the teacher to the student - "a source of information," "reference person", "authoritative person". These positions are on the one hand, are the nodal points of the quantitative growth of the importance of the teacher to the student, and the other - the borders that indicate qualitatively different levels of interpersonal preferences in the school community.

Fixing positions for each of the preceding prepare, but not in any way prejudge the transition to the next level in the hierarchy of interpersonal preferences, there is a necessary but not sufficient condition of this qualitative leap. At the same time, the loss position of "source of information" and "reference person" naturally leads to a loss of credibility in the eyes of the teacher students.

On the process of teaching authority has a major impact age children. So, the first-grade teacher prevails unlimited authority in all spheres of activity. Adolescents and young adults characterized by its "specification" - narrowing the scope of a definite impact, recognizing him only in one or more areas.

Finding teaching authority in a particular class depends on what level of development of group consciousness, the existing system of leadership, of which of the guys are right, the ball and formed a relationship with the teacher.

In the end, the nature of authority relations are determined by how complete and versatile disclosed in pedagogical communication teacher's personality, as he translates not only knowledge, but also the personal meanings, making the domain of students originality and richness of his personality.

Today, as a hundred years ago, the actual words of KD Ushinskogo that influence individual teacher is an educational force that can not be replaced with textbooks or moral maxims, nor a system of punishments and rewards.

Gaining and maintaining the authority of the teacher - hard, hard work to improve the professional status. For the authority to fight every second, every hour, every day. If the teacher is no longer up to date, not watching them, falls in the home, there is a relationship with the children on the path of familiarity and formality, alienated from the children, no matter how indisputable was his first teaching authority, he perish along with the disintegrating personality educator. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to constantly maintain its "authoritative" form, perform spiritual, moral ascent. It means to seriously analyze their relationships with the children, it is critical to understand their behavior, priodolevat mental weakness, callousness, cheap conceit and pride, preserve dignity and honor of teaching, keep your conscience be able to be responsive.

Also supporting the authority necessary for a teacher was not only the self-education, and self-education. The teacher must constantly replenish their knowledge of new techniques, technologies and other interesting innovations in their subjects and disciplines. Stay tuned for instructional materials and undergo further training.

Authority grows out of honest and pure relations, characterized by humility. The authority of the teacher is not an end in itself and not a value in itself. It acquires meaning and pedagogical effectiveness, not when used as a powerful force of administrative action, anti-children, maintaining external order. Its value is revealed most fully when his spiritual power is aimed at developing a pupil of the inner man, free will, talent, responsibility, self-determination, and creative self-manifestation. The use of authority in these areas, accepted and adopted children as an attractive spiritual force teacher.

So, we found that the formation of pedagogical authority are two conditions:

1.Pravilny career choice.

2.Ovladenie pedagogical skill:

a) an educational institution;

b) self-education, self-education (training courses).

The primary means of maintaining the authority of students is self-education and self-education, and only one who is constantly learning and improving themselves morally, has the right to teach and educate others.

2.Glava. Experimental verification of the significance of the various components (personal and professional), the authority of teachers for the various categories of subjects of the educational process

2.1 Objectives, content and organization of an experiment

In order for a teacher to successfully carry out its core tasks (training and education of the child) should be enough to be an authority in the eyes of his students. For this, he must have two main components of pedagogical authority (personal and professional (see section 1.2)). It must be assumed that, depending on who evaluates professional and personal significant properties (quality) teachers, they will be presented in different ways.

The purpose of our experiment was to test ascertaining put forward our hypothesis (the different components that constitute the teaching authority of the teacher, not the same for different categories of subjects of the educational process, depending on their age and educational experience). We want to check what professional and personal qualities deemed necessary for authoritative teachers different actors of the educational process. We have chosen the following subjects of the educational process:

1) children (primary school children, teenagers, high school);

2) graduate students of pedagogical high school;

3) teachers with experience (the experience of five years or more).

To identify professional and personal qualities of the teachers who are the most important for the younger students, we have chosen the following methods.

1.Metod works.

Children are invited to write an essay on one of those, "My favorite teacher," "How do I introduce a real teacher," "What character traits I wanted (a) to take over from his teacher."

2.Metodika "Continue offer."

Were given a sentence like: "I love my teacher because he ..."

(See appendix).

3.Metod ranking.

Offered as a teacher - the teacher, who had to be placed in order of importance (see Appendix).

To detect important professional and personal qualities of the teacher at the high school teens and used the same methods and methods, except the works, as with younger students. Also, the method of testing. The test was given in order to identify important qualities a teacher and the relationship between teacher and student.

To check the quality of the teacher, who appreciate the best graduate students and teachers with experience, we used the following methods:



Teachers and students - graduate high school teacher suggested to place in order of importance to the quality of the teacher suggested, and perform tests number 1 and number 2 (see annex). The purpose of the test is to identify the number one most important professional and personal qualities of the teacher. Test number 2 aims to identify the style of interaction between students and teacher.

2.2 Analysis of the results of an experiment

The purpose of our experiment was to test the claim that for all subjects of the educational process components (personal and professional) have a different meaning, depending on age and experience.

Consider the results of research. Let's start with the question of what qualities teachers believe the most important younger students. Analyzing the composition, it can be concluded that students emphasize in their teachers' kindness "," courtesy "," mind "," beauty "," love for children ". And as undesirable as a teacher, "anger", "Scream". Many students wrote that they like their teacher, and they would not want a friend. None of the works of the students did not indicate that the teacher must know his subject. In the writings of the children wrote as they think the teacher should not do, "yelling at children," "say one thing and do another," "to divide the children into pets and pets", "promise and not do," etc. the teacher should not accept "sloppiness in appearance", "bored in class." Most of the works were limited to the description of the personal qualities a teacher.

Using the technique of "Continue the sentence" we got the following results. The sentence "I love my master, because he ..." has the following options for add-ons: the "good", "fair", "sympathetic", "knows a lot", "beautiful", "is interesting lessons." Such quality as "kindness" identified forty-five of fifty-two.

The second sentence, "Master - is ..." had the following extensions: "good man", "dear person to me", "friend", "a person who teaches," "the man who teaches and loves kids," "man, who patiently teaches of children. "

It can be concluded that the teacher is the reference for the younger pupils. And giving a definition of the teacher, they point to are his qualities as kindness, love for children and patience.

The sentence "I would (a) be a teacher was ..." had the following extensions: "good", "normal", "beautiful", "softly", "fair", "patient", "neat", "the way it is. "

The sentence "I listen to the teacher, because he ..." had the following options to continue: "I said listen," "good," "fair", "senior", "our teacher", "older and wiser", "teach me."

The sentence "I do not like the teacher ..." was supplemented by the following options: 'he complains, "" anger, "" austerity, "" that he sometimes comes patience. "

Of these options, it is clear that such a quality as patience to primary school teachers.

The sentence "I like it when the teacher ..." was the following sentence: "Good", "patient", "speak", "explain", "is interesting lessons", "beautiful", "puts five." And it is not like it when the teacher:

"Upset", "angry", "swearing", "shouting", "raised his voice", "Do not ask me," "sets of two."

After analyzing the responses of younger schoolboys, obtained by writing and lengthy sentence, and given the results of the method of ranking, it can be concluded and place it in a table.

№ Indicators% of responses

1 Friendly 95

2 Patient 83

3 Likes children 64

4 Fair 57

5 Responsive 51

6 is interesting to Lesson 36

7 Good lesson explains 21

8 Many know 10

Demanding 9 7

10 Neat 3

Thus, the table shows that the most significant for younger pupils is the personal component of pedagogical authority. It is the qualities of kindness, patience, love of children and justice. Teacher's authority is based on what it in relationship to the child. This can be explained by the fact that younger students appreciate first teacher, first of all, clear them human qualities, but the assessment of professional properties difficult. It is also related to the psychology of younger pupils. For them, their teacher is the best. Before school closest loved ones for a child is his mother. In school, a child gets in a completely different situation, with different requirements and responsibilities. The teacher becomes a major figure of the child in school. He trusts him in all things. The teacher becomes a close friend of the child, if he is kind, patient, helpful. And he makes it to the same requirements as it presents to your loved ones. We think that this is why in the first place in primary school is the personal component of pedagogical authority.

Consider how to answer such questions seniors and teens.

Using the technique of "Continue proposal," we got the following results. According to an authoritative teacher of teenagers is: "a teacher who is able and knows how to interest the student, teach your subject so that the student understood it," "Teacher, which is respected."

According to them all, the teacher, "was able to find a common language with the student", "knew his subject," "loved his students," "well-trained", "students understand."

The sentence "The worst thing is when the teacher ..." had the following options to continue: "does not know his subject," "out of the mood", "evil." They do not like the teacher, "angry and polite," "can not explain the lesson", "screaming".

And the sentence "When I was approaching the teacher ..." they continued following response options: "I'm nervous," "I am not myself," "behave calmly."

After analyzing the test may say that teenagers feel worse when the teacher is not good enough knows his subject. Appearance of the teacher does not have any impact on their attitudes. The advice of the teacher they turn sometimes. If they get into trouble they talk about it to their friends or parents. But the example of the life they have left the teacher. The best teacher for them the one that gives them an interest in the subject, so that they are happy to deepen their knowledge in the subject.

High school students completed the task and the result is similar to the result of a study in adolescents. Authoritative teacher, in their view, is a man well-respected others. The main thing is that the teacher knew his subject and could explain the available material. They do not like the teacher responsible, is not fair, cries, puts himself above others. As well as teenagers, they get nervous when they were approaching a teacher. But unlike teenagers, high school students more demanding with regard to the individual teacher. The study shows that high school students more rigorously evaluate the teacher, his knowledge, technique lessons, look.

Given the rank results discussed above, we can conclude that significant professional and personal qualities of the teacher in the following table.

№ Indicators

teenagers% response rates

% response in senior

One good and easy way to introduce a lesson Knows 78

his subject 89

2 knows his subject well and is available 72 explains the lesson 86

3 Likes children 63 is interesting lesson 73

4 Good 57 68 Exacting

5 Fair 43 Fair 52

Patient 6 32 49 Loves Children

Responsive 7 26 34 Tie

Demanding Patient 8 20 25

Strict 9 12 12 Good

10 Many know six dresses

as befits a teacher 8

If we compare the results of the study primary school children, teens and seniors, it can be concluded. Junior high school student because of their psychological characteristics to place the personal component of pedagogical authority. He is completely under the influence of the teacher's personality, because of its relevance to their lives. Teenager and high school student is more selective for the individual teacher. This is due to their age psychological characteristics. They strictly assess the personality of the teacher. In contrast to the younger students, who are always happy when the teacher approaches to them, seniors prefer to stay at a certain distance from the teacher. Junior high school student always trust and believe what the teacher says to him, says the problems that concern him. High school students do not all can tell the teacher. They allow the teacher to take a responsible decision, in a situation relevant to the class as a whole, and in a learning activity. In situations such as personal trust is advanced to a lesser extent. Senior, recognizing the importance of the knowledge for future learning, in other places, more demanding with regard to the teacher and his knowledge of the subject, and the ability to explain the available material. Therefore, the most important school and adolescents consider professional component of pedagogical authority. And it is here that begin to evaluate the teacher as a person. Although it should be noted that personal qualities influence student achievement.

Let us now consider what are the qualities deemed necessary for the teaching profession teaching graduate students of the university.

Most teachers skills they believe: the knowledge of the subject and their teaching methods; ongoing analysis of its activities and self-improvement, knowledge of the needs and interests of students.

Using the method of ranking (see Appendix), we obtained the following results, which can be displayed in the table.

Indicators% of responses

Knowledge of the subject 83

Tact 65

Justice 52

Poise. Sensitivity. 37

Patience 26

Benevolence 21

Love for children. Responsibility. 17

Insistence 9

Courtesy. Sociability. 6

Self-education. Self-education. Hardworking 4

According to the obtained results show that the preference for graduate students of pedagogical high school give professional quality. This is because the nature of their activities (a college education). But the difference in the value of the components is not great.

According to the results of the test number 3, we can conclude the following. Graduate students believe that the style of relationships between teacher and student should be a democratic style.

We now consider the results of the study, which was attended by 23 teachers of Smolensk and the Smolensk region. To the statement of facts using the same methods as for graduate students of pedagogical high school.

After analyzing the test № 1, the following conclusions. The main knowledge and skills teachers think:

In any situation, remember that the student is an individual, to protect his dignity;

-The ability to speak competently and correctly, has a rich vocabulary;

-The ability to communicate openly and confidentially, to dialogue;

-The ability to keep your distance, do not go beyond the role of the teacher, not to stand on the same level with them;

-Knowledge of his subject and technique.

Using the ranking method, we got the results that we mention in the table.

Indicators% of responses

Knowledge of the subject 83

Love for children 76

Justice 41

Sensitivity. Ability to communicate. 38

Goodwill. 36

Patience. Demanding. 24

Responsibility. Tact. 21

Poise. 18

Self-education. Self-education. 12

Industriousness. 3

The table shows that teachers believe to be relevant both professional and personal components of pedagogical authority, by virtue of the nature of their activities (training and education of children).

According to the results of the test number 3, we can say that the dominant style of the teacher and student relationship is democratic, the most appropriate for the teaching authority. But some teachers observed the combination of authoritarian and democratic styles. It acceptable when the teacher's approach is flexible to work with students and is focused on the democratic style.

Compare our results with the results of studies carried out during 1994 and 2001. at the Yaroslavl State University K.D Ushinskogo. The total sample consisted of more than five hundred people. Were experienced by the students of the hospital and correspondence students with teaching experience of one year or more. Empirical data were obtained using a combination of methods, observations, interviews, questionnaires, analysis of school essays about the first teacher. The experts were asked what special skills they consider most important to work with the students of junior classes. The responses received are presented in table number 1 (see Appendix). Of the indicators shows that in the most important category for the first teachers included such knowledge and skills, which may well be characterized as a special on the merits or the method of their application in practice, (the ability to communicate with children, the ability to organize the children). In a place so named, and some general pedagogical skills (methodical, knowledge, age and individual characteristics of students, etc.). but by specially trained teachers ranked higher.

Expert opinion also interesting main character traits required teacher-educators in primary schools. The opinion given in the table number 2 (see annex). According to the principal of the rank order include such traits of primary school teachers as kindness, patience, diligence, sensitivity, honesty, self-control, perfectionism, etc. In general, the list of attributes has been very long. And all of these qualities are really important to the success of any professional teacher.

The final part of the experts were asked to give five main qualities needed primary school teacher. The data included in table number 3 (see appendix) of the indicators of the table that the restrictions placed on the list of the main qualities revealed the most important from the point of view of experts as teachers in primary schools. on the total number of elections can be obtained to make the following table.

№ Grade Indicators

1 Love for children

2 Training.

3 Patience

4 Kindness

5 Pedagogical skills.

We see that the results indicate that, for primary school teachers are equally important personal and professional components of teacher pedagogical authority.

We will review the results of another study, which involved teachers in urban and rural schools in the amount of one hundred and forty people, students Pedagogical Institute, seven hundred and Methodists ICC in the amount of twenty-two people. The results were processed and presented in the tables № 4,5,6 (see annex).

Consider the results. We select first the differences in the characteristics of personality traits relevant professional teachers, these three surveyed. The first difference is that if the "love for children" of teachers is in second place, the Methodists, a third of the students she is in sixth.

Another significant property of the individual professional teachers' teaching methods of ownership "of the teacher to the fifth set, students in eighth, and Methodists in second place.

If "fairness" of the students put on three times the case, then the teachers, it took only fifteenth place.

As the teachers and the students were to be found in the responses such a property, as the reasonable demands - 8% and 26%, respectively.

All three groups surveyed identified the following important properties of the individual professional.

Place of Performance% of responses

1 Knowledge of the subject 76

2 Love for children 35

Owning three methods of teaching 31

4 Goodwill 28

5 The ability to communicate 24

6 The love of his profession 16

7 Intelligence, Culture 14

8 The ability to take into account the psychological features of the 13

Respect for children 9 13

10 Mind, Intellect 12

Comparing these results with the results of our study, we find no significant differences between them.

Thus, analyzing the qualities a teacher-educator are most important for the different actors of the educational process, it is possible to draw the following conclusions.

Younger students consider the most important component of personal pedagogical authority. This is due to their psychological characteristics (teachers must meet the same requirements as to his family.) And also the ability to evaluate the quality of professional knowledge. Teens and seniors isolated as the most important component of professional pedagogical authority, although attached and no small importance of personal component. This is because the high school students are aware of the need for a good knowledge for further study. And so it is important that the teacher knew his subject and was able to explain available. Graduates Pedagogical Institute in connection with the specifics of their activities, said a more significant professional component. Experienced teachers consider important as a personal and professional components of teacher authority. We also believe that the two components are necessary authoritative teacher. Only when combined can earn your true authority.


In the study, we found that the authority of the teacher-educator is the most important means of educational influence. Teacher's authority - a special professional position, which determines the impact on the students, giving the right to make decisions, to express an assessment, to give advice. Truly credible teacher educator is not based on age and job privileges, and the high personal and professional qualities: a democratic style of collaboration with students, the ability to open communication, its commitment to continuous improvement, erudition, competence, fairness and kindness, a common culture, etc . etc. The true authority - it is the ratio of students to teachers, which encourages students to be always younger comrade teacher.

The purpose of our thesis was to identify the components that make up the content of teaching and the authority to determine their values ??for different categories of subjects of the educational process in the school. In the study, we identified two major components of pedagogical authority: personal (love of children, love of the profession, patience, kindness, justice, it.p.) and professional (pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical tact, communication style, etc.). These components are perceived differently by children of different ages. Elementary school students pay more attention to the appearance of the teacher, his kindness, patience, courtesy, gentleness in handling and not demanding of instructional techniques and knowledge of teachers. Students of middle and high school students evaluate their teachers from the point of view of the features of their character (rigor, integrity, sensitivity and compassion, truthfulness, respect for the students, etc.), knowledge of their subject, teaching skills. Authority enjoys a teacher who equips students a deep and abiding knowledge.

Also in the course of the study we conducted an experiment that aimed to position statement of the importance of the components of pedagogical authority in the present, as well as verification of the hypothesis. According to the results it can be concluded. Teaching authority of the components have different value to different stakeholders of the educational process, depending on the age and educational experience. For lower grades more important component of personal authority. Younger students belong to the circle of teachers highly - significant adults, he imitated, subject to its authority. Teens and seniors feel more important component of professional authority, but remains an important component of their personality. For high school students important knowledge that gives them a teacher, for further studies at other institutions. Teachers with experience (at least five) say important both components. Students - graduates - professional component (due to lack of experience).

We agree with the opinion of experienced teachers. For authoritative teacher required both components of pedagogical authority. But simply adding their mechanical enough. They should highlight the work of individual teachers.

It must be remembered that the way of forming relationships authoritative lengthy and complicated. We identified two conditions for the formation of pedagogical authority. This is the right career choice and mastering teaching skills.


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Appendix № 1

An experiment for elementary school students.

Ranking method:

Arrange the following in order of importance as an educator:

Kind, sympathetic, patient, fair, good explanation lesson many know, exacting, neat, honest, interesting is learned.

Methodology "Continue offer."

1.YA love my teacher because he ...

2.Uchitel - it ...

3.I would (a) be a teacher was ...

4.I listen to the teacher, because he ...

5. I like a teacher ...

6.Mne like to be a teacher ...

7.Mne not like it when the teacher ...

An experiment for teens and seniors

Ranking method:

Arrange in order of importance:

A fair, rigorous, demanding, kind, nice and easy way to introduce a lesson, patient, human, dressed as befits a teacher knows a lot, loves children, and responsive.

Methodology "Continue offer."

1.Avtoritetny teacher - it's ...

2.Glavnoe to teacher ...

3.Huzhe only when the teacher ...

4.I would (a) be a teacher was ...

5.B school, my teacher ...

6.Mne really do not like it when the teacher ...

7. When I was approaching the teacher ...

Method of Testing

Choose the option that you think is correct or most appropriate.

1.Po my opinion, worst of all, when the teacher:

A.Ne admits that some students it is not pretty, and makes fun making fun of them;

B.Vyzyvaet competitive spirit in the team;

V.Nedostatochno knows his subject.

2.Po my opinion, the best teacher is the one who:

A.Proyavlyaet interest to students, and each has an individual approach;

B.Vyzyvaet interest in the subject so that students are happy to deepen knowledge in the subject;

V.Sozdaet in a team atmosphere, where no one is afraid to express his opinion.

3.Okazyvaet whether the appearance of the teacher effect on your attitude to him:



V.Vse well

4.Obraschayus advice from a teacher:




5.U you happened nuisance. Whom do you tell:




6.Kto can you point out your weaknesses, who do you listen to:




7.Kto can be an example for you in your life?


B.Drug (girlfriend)

V.Literaturny hero.

An experiment for teachers and students - graduates.

Ranking method:

Place these on the most crucial characteristics (1) to least important (15):

Sensitivity, fairness, rigor, balance, responsibility, patience, kindness, creativity, self-education, self-education, sociability, tact, knowledge of the subject, courtesy, diligence.

Testing method.

Test № 1

What, in your opinion, the main skills (check out on a ten-point scale):

5 - high priority;

4 - important;

3 - fairly important;

2 - is not critical;

1 - does not matter;

0 - neutral;

-1-rather negative role;

-2 appears to play a negative role;

3-clearly negative role;

-4-harms in the educational process;

5-brings very harmful;

1.B any situation, remember that the student is an individual, to protect his dignity.

2.Umenie competently and correctly say the rich have the vocabulary to be a scholar.

3.Umenie confidently and openly communicate, engage in dialogue.

4.Umenie turn students in co-educational process.

5.Umenie put in place violate discipline, to protect the dignity of teachers.

6.Znanie needs and interests of students.

7B any situation calm.

8.Umenie keep your distance, do not go beyond the role of the teacher, not to stand on the same level with them.

9.Ne allocate pets, just taking all students.

10.Postoyanno analyze their work and self improvement.

11.Umenie leave your feelings aside, guided in dealing with the student only expediency.

12.Umenie vchuvstvovatsya the inner world of the student, empathize with him.

13.Znanie their subject methods.

14.Sohranenie tact.

Test number 2

Offered in the affirmative objective answers to questions about your character, relationships, habits, inclinations. If the statement corresponds to your behavior and attitude to students, put a plus sign (+), if it does not (-). Ate you are unfamiliar with some of these situations, try to imagine how you would behave in them.

1.B working with people, I prefer them to freely carry out my orders.

2.Menya annoyed when someone takes too much initiative.

3.I am able to objectively assess their students stand out among them strong, medium and weak.

4.I rarely insist on his own, so as not to cause irritation to the students.

5.Uveren that my evaluation of successes and failures uchaschihsyach accurate and fair.

6.I always requires students to strict compliance with my orders and instructions.

7.Mnogie consider me sensitive and responsive teacher.

8.Mne think of the team can not hide anything - neither good nor bad.

9.Na rudeness student, I try to find a response that does not conflict.

10.YA do all that students are eager to perform my bidding.

11.Suchenikami have close contact and companionship.

12.Chtoby not undermine your credibility, never admit their mistakes.

13.Mne think that students need to compliment each, even if not a significant achievement.

14.YA not criticize the student in front of others.

15. I have to ask for more than the demand.

16.YA often lose control of their emotions, especially when I'm bored.

17.YA sometimes manifest indifference to the interests and passions of students.

18.Mne enjoy analyzing and discussing with students their problems.

19.YA always to enforce its orders against all circumstances.

20.Chtoby better understand student, I try to imagine myself in his place.

21.Rabotu with children I can imagine how painful lesson.

22.YA try to develop a collective mutual aid and cooperation.

23.Ucheniki - irresponsible people, and therefore they need to be constantly monitored.

24.Luchshe only grant full independence to students in what to not interfere.

25.YA always admit his mistakes and choose the right solution.

26.Narushitelya discipline I dealt with severely.

27.Prezhde than scold a student, I try to praise him.

28.YA good interaction with the students and take their opinion.

29.Menya often accused of being too soft to the students.

30.Esli students would do as I ask, I would have achieved much more.

Appendix № 2

Table № 1

Professional-quality teachers

№ №% response rates rank

1 Methodological knowledge and skills

86.5 1

2 Knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of students 61.2 2

3 Characteristics of subjects of primary school

36.5 3

4 Ability to communicate with children 4 9.26

5 Ability to organize children

17.3 5

6 Ability to apply individual and differentiated approach to the disciples 9.7 6

7 Design pedagogical skills

7.7 7

8 Knowledge of social conditions and education of 5.8 8

9 Other skills

5.8 9

10 Overall great erudition 3.8 10

Table № 2

Personal qualities of the teacher

Number of professionally important traits teachers

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