Teaching english to pre-school children and children in a primary school

Method and techniques of teaching pre-school children. Three stages in teaching a foreign language in schools. General outline of a daily lesson. Goals and objectives of education. Principles of foreign language teaching. Teaching aids and materials.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 23.09.2012
Размер файла 103,9 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

The atmosphere around of the culmination can be created by a various image. For example, “I see, you are ready to see film... and to discuss it”, “Now we can play a game. Let's distribute the roles”, “Now we shall write down the plan - program of our performance on a theme”, “At last we can read article... and to express the attitude to it (or to write the summary)”.

It is noticed, that though such culminations represent, as a rule, most difficult kind of activity, they remove weariness, as serve to realization of communicative tasks, have for the pupil obvious intellectual sense and release of the educational process from monotony of draft work at a lesson.

The responsible moment of a purposeful lesson is its end. The pupils should see, feel, that they have learned at a lesson to give an estimation of activity, psychologically and actually to be prepared for the independent work outside of a lesson. Thus it is unessential to give to the end of a lesson the convex organizational form of a type: “So, what we today did at a lesson?”. In the answer the pupils sometimes count up quantity of words acquired at a lesson, or name the grammatical form, above which worked. Such “inventory” poorly demonstrates their actual progress in mastering by language at the given lesson and pushes the pupils on that formal “the report”. It is necessary also to remember, that the pupils by the end of a lesson get tired, therefore summarizing needs to give the form removing weariness. It is represented to us, that as the best way of summarizing it is necessary to consider the inclusion of the acquired knowledge, skills in game activity such as language game, for example to guess a word, to pick up a rhyme to the acquired words; to play a pantomime, that the pupils have described that they see, using grammatical structure (modelling phrase, speech sample); game in the teacher: the teacher - schoolboy interrogates the pupils in volume of the material, acquired at a lesson, and “exposes estimations”. In this case pupils will leave from a lesson with sensation of the progress in mastering language and with a sufficient stock of positive emotions, that is important for the further doctrine.

The richness of contents of a lesson. The requirements and the richness of contents of a lesson cover the following moments: first, importance of the material, with which operate at a lesson (the dominant of the richness of the contents); secondly, adequacy of receptions and exercises to tasks of a lesson; thirdly, optimum correlation of the education of the pupils in mastering a material and its use in speech.

The examples, used at a lesson, are fragments of dialogue, therefore they should be connected to the person trained and teacher, that, unfortunately, is not always observed. Even such themes, as “Family”, “Biography”, “Travel”, “School”, “Sports”, are studied in a separation from reality connected to life of the schoolboy, class, school. Samples and examples used at a lesson, should be valuable in the educational attitude. For this purpose it is necessary, that the teacher had certain stock of poems, songs, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, jokes, embodying national wisdom and wisdom of the great people, and that he could use love of youth to the winged words. Such material should be ordered by the teacher and is connected to the certain language facts and to be included in the educational process as required.

Thus, the dominant of the contents should reign at a lesson. It creates intensity and provides respect of the pupils for a subject.

The educational situation should be whenever possible adequate to a real situation of the dialogue, in which the mastered language phenomenon is used.

The educational situation should be extreme clear to the pupil. It means: the task (about what is precisely determined to ask what to learn from the interlocutor, about what to tell, that it is necessary to prove, to specify, to deny and so on). The pupils know that from them is required, that they can make, as the performance of the task is supplied concrete language (word, word collocation, structure) and speech (ready speech clichйs) with a material acquired or acquired. In a case if the necessary word is unfamiliar to the schoolboy or he has forgotten it, the teacher or the comrades will come to him to the aid; they know, how it is necessary to execute the task, what means are necessary for him, they know, that the dialogue will pass in favorable conditions at the benevolent relation of the partners to each other; they know, that will learn, having executed the task.

The educational situation should help to bring up at the schoolboys the attentive attitude to the classmates, “the interlocutors in dialogue”, feeling of initiative.

The educational situation should stimulate motivation of the doctrine, cause in the pupil interest to the task and desire him to execute.

Activity of the pupils at a lesson. The activity of the pupils at a lesson should be shown to them in speech and thinking activity, and it, in turn, is connected to the education of their speech initiative. In practice of the education to the foreign language, unfortunately, initiative of the pupils is poorly stimulated. The teacher is rather active at a lesson. It creates an obvious skew in the distribution of activity of the teacher and pupils. The teacher still dominates at a lesson, transforming learning in passive objects of the influence. The depravity of such situation consists not only that non-uniformly the time of a lesson between the teacher and pupils is spent, but, the main thus the law of dialogue supposing equality of his partners is broken; the pupils can not perceive the teacher as partner, if the initiative of dialogue only in his hands. The most part of time at a lesson is allocated thus: the teacher sets questions, and the pupils answer them. As though various these were these questions (questions within the framework of speech exercises, questions on a theme, text, questions connected to organization of a lesson and others), the pupil has an impression of the monotonous control: during all lesson the teacher asks them. Such atmosphere of the prevailing control is in the contradiction with an atmosphere of dialogue stimulating active participation everyone in the act of dialogue.

According to a modern line in pedagogics (with the concept of the reflexive education) the activity of the teacher should consist in the organization of activity of the pupils, involving them in the active education process, in transformation them in the true subjects of speech activity.

When we speak about speech and thinking activity of the pupils, it means both internal and external activity. The internal activity correlates with thinking, external activity correlates with speech. For the internal activity is very important richness of contents of a lesson. The pupils should be induced to search.

Stimulates internal activity controlled search of the linguistic information, due to which by the pupil reveals the meaning of foreign of the language phenomena and through it comes to sense.

The development of internal activity is promoted also by independent work of the pupils in mastering a language material at the development of speech; leading questions, notes, the support managing it, successfully stimulate internal work think.

It is indissolubly connected with the internal activity its external display - sounding speech of the pupils. Each schoolboy should express at a lesson. In conditions of a mass comprehensive school to give such opportunity to everyone means the mobilization of all existing forms of work.

Motivational provision of a lesson. The motivation at a lesson is provided first of all with the comprehension by the pupils the success of study of foreign language, the sensation of the educational progress. Only in this case lesson will make sense for the schoolboy, he willingly on it goes. The large role in the motivational maintenance of a lesson belongs to availability of the offered tasks in each “point” of a lesson. The pupil is easy and with desire carries out the task, if it contains the getting over difficulty for him; the easy task is not interesting. It is necessary, that the task was carried out with the certain pressure. It is achieved with the building of exercises is strictly forward (gradation); to the schoolboy is assisted as a bright sample of the performance necessary support, keys and means of a reinforcement.

For the comprehension of success, the estimation and self-estimation is important also. When we speak about the estimation, we mean not only estimation as a ball. Use of a wide scale of the approval is represented by more important to us with which can and the teacher along with verbal and not verbal of the approval, as should have: a smile, gesture, intonation. The estimation can proceed also from the schoolboys, participants of the carried out tasks, when they have standard of performance, when they use special phrases - clichйs of a type: you are right, you are not right, you are mistaken also others. It is all means, external feedback carrying objective character and the estimation from the side.

The contents of the material used at a lesson, also can create conditions for the motivational providing of a lesson. It is important, that the material was personal focused.

Lecture 15

neaching english teaching lesson

The cycle of lessons as the mechanism of the educational process


The cycle of lessons as mechanism of the educational process

The first stage

The second stage

The third stage

Among many conditions, which are necessary for the achievement of any educational purpose, the knowledge of the process of mastering is one of main. During the education to speaking the description of the process of mastering of a speech material is necessary, because it gives to the teacher an opportunity precisely to imagine the basic marks on the ways to the planned purpose, basic tasks of each pieces of a way, the major means of the performance of these tasks. Differently, the knowledge of the process of mastering of a speech material provides competent basically organization of the education.

Thus first of all it is necessary to recollect, that the skill is based on skills - lexical, grammatical, pronouncing. Certainly, in process of speaking all three kinds of skills are merged together or, speaking differently, lexical, grammatical and pronouncing of the side of speaking are indissoluble. But such solidity arises not at once, not by itself. That it to achieve, it is necessary any of the sides alternately to put forward on the foreground and to take possession of it. It is quite clear, that it is impossible, for example to form lexical and grammatical skills simultaneously.

All said convinces that the occurrence of skill at mastering by any doze of the speech material is possible only after the formation and the accumulation of skills. Hence, at first there should be a stage of work, during which the specified kinds of skills are formed, then - the stage, on which develops speech skill.

Thus, it is worth while to allocate three stages of work above the speech material:

1) Stage of formation of speech skills;

2) Stage of perfection of speech skills;

3) Stage of development actually skills.

The planned three stages of work is not pieces of all course of the education, and stages, periodically repeating during the course, through which each time there passes the certain doze of a speech material. The process of education (mastering), thus, gets the cycle character, and three stages of the cycle becomes the mechanism of the educational process. Such cycle also provides a quantitative gain, and main, steady increase of a qualitative level of the speech skill.

The first stage.

The first stage, as a rule, has two sub-stages: the formation of the lexical skills and the formation of the grammatical skills. We have written “as a rule”, as at the senior step of the education, when all necessary grammatical phenomena are already mastered, grammatical sub-stage can and to not be. The lexical sub-stage can be absent, if there are no new lexical units. As to “phonetic” sub-stage, it is not switched on in it on the rights of the independent sub-stage. It is explained to that pronouncing skills are formed at an initial step of training, then there is a perfection of the pronouncing skills. And the perfection can occur during the formation of lexical and grammatical skills, for this process is impossible without pronouncing a speech material. It is important to notice, that such approach allows saving precious educational time.

The work at the first stage passes on the basis of an oral advancing. It means that at the first stage there is no work above the text. The new lexical material and the new grammatical phenomenon so to say, are withdrawn from that text, on the basis of which there will pass work at the second stage, and are acquired everyone on sub-stage, without the presentation of the text. All exercises of the first stage oral, though visual and impellent reinforcements take place. They are carried out as record on hearing and perusals micro-texts, made specially.

It is necessary also to note, that the contents of the micro-texts and exercises at the first stage (as well as texts on subsequent) is constructed on the basis of the principle of novelty. At the first stage the conditional and speech exercises are carried out, as they allow to form skills of due quality.

The second stage.

The second stage is a stage of the perfection of skills and it is carried out at the work above the text. The text, which is used at the speaking training at the given stage, we conditionally names by colloquial text, as on the character he essentially differs from the texts intended for reading training. If the text for reading is an embodiment of especially written speech with all by its features, syntactic complexity, the colloquial text is the same oral statement, but fixed in writing.

In the colloquial text, as a rule, there should not be a new lexical material, which would not be acquired at the first stage (or in the previous themes). It is the obligatory precondition of the performance of a task of the given stage - the perfection of skills.

It is necessary first of all to remember, that the text not end in itself, the work at the given stage is conducted not to remember its contents and material. To remind of it is necessary, because very much often all work above the text is reduced to reading it, answers to questions and retelling (in a class or house). Even if the schoolboy will learn the text and then will reproduce it, it will not result in the perfection of skills, especially to the development of speech skill. That is why the colloquial text should be only substantial base for the statement of the pupils. The ideas contained in the text, should serve an occasion to the dialogue.

Certainly, expressing the attitude to read (heard), the schoolboy can (and must!) to use the material of the colloquial text. But he can not (and does not must!) to retell the text, for all environmental with the text are familiar. Expressing the attitude, the pupil carries out each time any new speech task, and consequently, he will need different speech units: and what contain in the text, and what he has acquired earlier. Thus, the combination of the speech material will be carried out. Due to the combination also there is a perfection of skills of possession of the speech material.

It is necessary to notice, that the combination here is appreciably limited as against those on the following, third stage. The restrictions these are imposed by necessity to improve possession by the certain and the concrete speech material. Therefore, the planning of the work with the colloquial text, it is necessary to provide “purposeful collision” of skills acquired at the first stage, with earlier acquired. So, if at the first stage the past time of the verb is acquired, it is necessary to include in exercises of the second stage such tasks, which would force the pupil in the statements to oppose this time to other past or past - present and future. In this case the perfection of skills of the possession of the temporary forms will go on a way of their differentiation, such important quality of skill, as stability will become stronger.

Similar occurs and with the pronouncing skills.

As to perfection of the lexical skills, it will be more successful, than the plenty of combinations, connections will be “acquired” with this or that word. That is why it is extremely important to include in exercises of the second stage those words from a stock of the pupils, with which help it is possible to form combinations on the basis of words acquired at the first stage.

The perfection of speech skills at the second stage is carried out also due to the visual reinforcement: the pupil reads the text, then, in connection with the tasks, is compelled repeatedly to look through it that promotes storing.

Thus, if to express essence of the second stage in brief, it consists in the following: the transformation of the material of the colloquial text and its combination with acquired earlier with the purposes of expression of the attitude to the contents of the colloquial text.

Using a known terminology, it is possible to say, that at the second stage the prepared speech of monologic character develops.

The third stage.

At this stage all qualities of speaking as activity and as product develop.

The specificity of work at the given stage consists that the speech material and it is used in completely new situations, for the decision of new speech tasks, more difficult both with psychological, and from the linguistic points of view.

The visual verbal support here, as a rule, no. The illustrative support serve only stimulus to speaking and direct speech not in substantial, and only in the semantic attitude. Any supports take place only at the initial stage of the development of skill.

If at the of perfection stage of skills the discussion goes within the framework of one problem, here are desirable of the semantic coordination of the given problem with others or with parts of the same problem.

The main feature of this stage is also that teaching to the dialogue in its dialogical, group and collective form here is carried out.

At the third stage speech exercises are carried out, which the main characteristic is the motivated expression of the ideas, that is possible only at original situation, at the presence of the speech and thinking tasks and other factors, about which was already spoken above.

The described cycle of work is structural unit of the educational process. The cycles are repeated, the certain doze of the speech material accustoms to each of them, and the speech skill with each time is improved, yet will not achieve the level, to which all necessary characteristics are peculiar.

Each stage consists of the certain stages of work, which observance basically is necessary. The quantity of the lessons in the cycle depends on the step of the teaching and from quantity of the material.

In each cycle it is supposed to acquire any one grammatical phenomenon and from 30 up to 60 lexical units, basic weight from them is at lexical lessons, some words in addition is at the lesson of the second stage. Thus, for mastering 1500-2000 lexical units (quite sufficient for dialogue) and necessary grammatical phenomena is required about 30 cycles, that is no more than 240 lessons - time, with which any educational institution has.

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