Music and poetry interaction: history, perspectives

Analysis of the possibility of creating a work of art consisting of elements related to music and poetry. The influence of the sound environment on the formation of speech. Description of the use of musical art to expand the emotional component of poetry.

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Music and poetry interaction: history, perspectives

Padalko Viktoriia

From ancient times art has been a life reflection, based on sense perceptions of a human. Images absorbed visual, sound, tactile, taste and other feelings, which were represented in different combinations. Sound feelings give an opportunity to capture instant impressions and to see changes, invisible to the eye. These elements are so important not only in musical art, but also in poetry. Poets often appeal to human hearing, moreover, poetry initially was a singing, a kind of cantillation. The relevance of the topic depends on the increasing interest to art synthesis. Also it is bound with interdisciplinary approach using, that involves multidimensional interpretation of arts and sciences. The aim of research is to represent the opportunities of the work of art which consists of elements related to different arts. Particularly, on the verge of music and poetry.

The human language was formed due to the sound environment. Music has its origin from the same source. Poetry and music still retain many common features: the presence of meter and rhythm, verbal/musical instrumentation, intonation/melody, etc. Ancient civilizations saw in this harmonious combination the highest form of musical and poetic development. So why did the distribution happen? Music and poetry started to gain independence with the developing of writing and musical literacy, invention of various musical instruments that can produce sounds mechanically, regardless of the human voice. The turning point for it was the Renaissance and, no less, the Baroque [2, p. 3-8].

Because of this distribution, the harmonious combination of arts was lost. It was revived later in complicated new forms. According to Y. Polfiorov, we can identify 3 degrees of musical and poetry art in one work:

1) Poem is just an impulse for the creative imagination of the composer; there is no reflection of its content in the music, so composition appears just “after” any text;

2) Poetic work is only reproduced in music; it's like a "mechanical combination” of the two arts;

3) Poetic work is embodied in music; this interaction led to the emergence of a “merged synthesis” of the two arts due to their “chemical combination”» [3, p. 16].

It is clear that exactly this «chemical combination» of music and poetry is the highest achievement of masters. That's why most of poets have the strong desire to get closer to music of the language. Musicians, on the contrary, have an attraction to the forms used by writers. A. Schopenhauer's words that the purpose of every art is to approach music are really apt. So will music and poetry unite again? Philosophers of XVIII century made predictions that not only they'll unite, but the word will become music itself [1, p. 222].

The boundary of the XIX-XX centuries stands out with a special cultural synthesis in Ukraine. Musical art has significantly expanded the possibilities of writers' self-expression, affected their level of spiritual comprehension of the world, deepened their artistic knowledge, crystallized their style. Music helped to enrich the subject and complete rhythmic melodies, changed the structure, introduced extensive associations, diversified symbols. This is confirmed by the huge creative archive of writers, both prose and poetry. Poets started referring to the principles of musical composition, to the general tendency of lyricism and intimacy. They took the idea of leitmotifs too and increased emotional tone of their poems as well. It must be mentioned that one of the key reasons for referring to the music was an adverse politic situation, which make society looking for hidden means of protection of national culture and self-identity. The means of musical art have become extremely important due to external legality.

Potential of an art work which combines means of music and poetry is limitless. Such work affects all our feelings, both consciously and subconsciously. It revives archetypal features and reminds us of who we truly are.

music poetry speech emotional speech


1. Brown J. A Dissertation of the Rise, Union and Power, the Progressions, Separations and Corruptions of Poetry and Music. London, 1763. 246 p. [in English].

2. Herasymova-Persydska N.A. Music in the word: analytical and cognitive projections // Naukovyi visnyk NMAU im. P.I. Chaikovskoho. Slovo, intonacia, tvir. Kyiv : UNTAM, 2003. Pp. 3-11 [in Russian].

3. Polfiorov Y.Y. Sound and musical elements in the works of Ukrainian writers. Kharkiv: Derzh. vyd-vo, 1929. 84 p. [in Ukrainian].

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