Methods of forming special competencies of bachelors of medical diagnostic technology and treatment during "Biological and clinical chemistry" discipline practical classes

Methodology for the formation of Bachelor's competencies in the field of technology of medical diagnostics and treatment in the discipline "biological and clinical chemistry" on the example of a lesson on the topic "conducting a glucose tolerance test".

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Methods of forming special competencies of bachelors of medical diagnostic technology and treatment during "Biological and clinical chemistry" discipline practical classes

O. S. Zablotska*, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor

The article defines the method of formation of special competences of bachelors in the technology of medical diagnostics and treatment during the "Biological and clinical chemistry" discipline classes on the example of a practical session on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test". The list of acquired competencies, which are formed during the practical session, has been established. Based on B. Bloom's taxonomy, the target and evaluation aspects of the program learning outcome "Perform quantitative and qualitative biochemical research, interpret the results" at the levels of cognitive, emotional (affective) and psychomotor spheres of the acquirers' personality are singled out. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of their competences have been established, namely: the possibility of access of students to the necessary resources of a student-centered educational environment and consideration of interdisciplinary connections. It is proved that among all the general didactic principles on which the formation of competences of students in practical training is based, the principle of connection between training and practice is the most important. Priority methods and means of competence formation have been selected.

The structure of the practical lesson is determined on the basis of competence by stages: preparatory (motivation of the educational activity of the students, checking the input level of knowledge), basic (studying the features of the structural and logical scheme and the algorithm for conducting the glucose tolerance test, introducing knowledge into the practice of performing this biochemical research), final (control and assessment of the level of mastery of the program learning outcomes by the students using testing methods, solving professionally-oriented situational problems, substantiating reports on the conducted research, conducting self-analysis of the students' activities, observing the manifestations of various spheres of their personality based on the methods of control and evaluation - maps and rating scales).

Key words: competences, program learning outcomes, Bachelor of Technology of Medical

Diagnosis and Treatment, biological and clinical chemistry, glucose tolerance test, structure of practical training, pedagogical conditions, methods and means of training, control, and evaluation.

Introduction of the issue

Laboratory diagnostics is one of the most important branches of medicine, which detects biochemical and molecular changes in the human body already at the preclinical stage, contributes to establishing an accurate diagnosis, and monitors the effectiveness of patient treatment. Thus, high-quality training of bachelors in specialty 224 "Technology of medical diagnostics and treatment", specialization "Laboratory diagnostics" through the acquisition of professional competences is a guarantee of their effective work in diagnostic laboratories of various profiles. The content of such competencies is defined in the Standard of Higher Education and educational programs of higher education institutions for the specified specialty, specialization, and level of higher education [13]. The professional competences of laboratory assistants, necessary for them to carry out laboratory analyzes in biochemical laboratories, are formed in institutions of higher education during the study of the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry". However, for the purposeful formation of higher education seekers of the special competencies proposed by normative documents, thorough scientific studies in the field of theory and methodology of professional education are required. First, it concerns the methodology of conducting practical classes based on competence, in particular, in the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry".

Current state of the issue

The analysis of scientific sources indicates the significant interest of scientists in solving the problems of training Bachelor of Technology of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment - TMDT bachelors.

Thus, the essence of all components of professional competences of bachelors and Master of Laboratory Diagnostics was investigated by V. Stepanenko [15].

O. Zablotska and I. Nikolaieva determined the chemical content of the competencies of TMDT [5]. Methodical models of competence formation of TMDT bachelors were proposed by O. Liubinska [8] andI. Nikolaeva [10].

Methodical approaches to the formation of professional competences of future specialists in laboratory medicine of the first and second levels of higher education were investigated in the most detailed manner. In particular,V. Stepanenko proposed to do this by means of critical thinking [14];

R. Yerominko, V. Kozar, O. Dolzhikova,O. Lytvynova took into account interdisciplinary connections, as well as the use of a modern laboratory base and the latest physicochemical methods of analysis) [2]; O. Mialiuk, M. Marushchak, O. Shtrimaitis used the method of solving clinical situational problems [9];

O. Zablotska, I. Nikolayeva, I. Khmeliar,O. Mialiuk investigated the above- mentioned issue in the course of conducting practical classes [4; 17]; during the independent work of higher education graduates the issue was studied by V. Petiunina, V. Makarov,R. Bachynskyi, L. Lukianova [11].

The peculiarities of the formation of special competences in the process of studying mandatory components of educational programs were investigated by I. Nikolayeva (on the example of the disciplines "Medical Chemistry" and "Analytical Chemistry") [10], O. Mialiuk,M. Marushchak,I. Khmeliar,O. Shtrimaitis ("Clinical laboratory diagnostics") [9; 17], O. Fedoseeva ("Histology, cytology, embryology") [16].

Outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article

At the same time, the problem of formation of special competencies of TMDT during their study of the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry" needs to be solved.

Aim of research is to describe the methodology of formation of special competences of TMDT bachelors and program results of training in practical classes in the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry" using the example of a practical class on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test".

Results and discussion

According to the educational program "Laboratory diagnostics" for training students of higher education of the first (bachelor's) level, field of knowledge 22 "Health care", specialty 224 "Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment", specialization bachelor tolerance glucose medical diagnostics

"Laboratory diagnostics", mandatory component "Biological and clinical chemistry" is studied during the 6th-8th semesters.

Based on the results of training, applicants pass a standardized test state (licensing integrated) exam Krok B (Step B) "Laboratory diagnostics", on which they solve clinical situational problems, as well asastatepractical-oriented comprehensive exam, where future specialists of laboratory medicine demonstrate practical skills in performing laboratory research. One of these practical skills - "Carrying out a glucose tolerance test and interpreting its results" is formed in a practical lesson in the 7th semester for 4 hours.

At the practical session on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test", the applicants acquire the following special competencies (SC - the abilities of a person to successfully socialize, learn, conduct professional activities, which arise based on a dynamic combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, attitudes, values, other personal qualities" [6]):

• SC01. Ability to perform safe professional practice in accordance with protocols, safety guidelines and applicable legislation.

• SC03. Ability to analyze samples and validate results according to existing protocols.

• SC05. Ability to interpret results based on scientific knowledge, understanding the relationship between testresults,diagnosis,clinical information, and treatment, and to present and communicate results appropriately and document confidential data.

• SC07. Ability to apply critical thinking skills to constructive problem solving.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the level of competence formation of higher education students can be "identified, planned, evaluated and measured" with the help of programmatic learning outcomes (PLO) - relevant knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, attitudes, values, etc. [12].

According to the matrix of conformity of the PLO defined by the Standard of Higher Education [13] and the competencies of the acquirers, the level of their formation in a practical session on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test" can be assessed with the help of PLO

13 "Perform quantitative and qualitative biochemical studies, interpret their results".

Based on the statement of scientists about learning outcomes as a program of actions, a kind of reference point for participants in the educational process [7] and based on B. Bloom's taxonomy [18], we have determined the target and evaluation aspects of PLO 13 as measures of the formation of the above-mentioned competencies of the acquirers at the cognitive level, affective and psychomotor spheres of their personality (Table 1).

Table 1

Target and evaluation aspects of PLO 13 "Perform quantitative and qualitative biochemical studies, interpret their results" in the context of conducting a glucose tolerance test

B. Bloom's taxonomy

elements [18]

The content of the target aspect (Educational goals of training applicants)

Content of the evaluation aspect (methods / means of identification,

measurement, evaluation)

Cognitive sphere (perception, attention, thinking, intelligence, memory,

imagination, etc.)


The applicant knows the purpose, algorithm and structural-logical scheme of the glucose tolerance test, the rules for constructing glycemic curves, their types and features of interpretation

Testing / assessment paper in test form, assessment card.

Oral survey / list of theoreticalquestions, assessment card of the entry level of knowledge of

the students in the practical session


The applicant understands the value of the


glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of


diabetes and other diseases; explains the

assessment card.





reveals the relationship between the type of

assessmentcardof the


entry level of knowledge of



practical session. Solving




problems, evaluation scale


The applicant applies relevant knowledge and critical thinking when solving specialized tasks related to conducting a glucose tolerance test, constructing glycemic curves, and interpreting their types

Observation of applicants' compliance with the stages of laboratory research, requirements for the construction of glycemiccurves/ observation scale.


orientedsituational problems/clinical

situationalproblems, assessment card


The applicant analyzes all stages and elements of the structural and logical scheme of the glucose tolerance test

Compilation of a step-by- step written report on the conductedlaboratory research / reports of the

scorers, assessment card


The applicant argues the conclusions at each stage of the glucose tolerance test, combines them into a general conclusion of the study

Formulation of the conclusionsofthe conductedresearch, interpretation of its results / reports of the applicants,evaluation


Evaluation / assessment

The acquirer evaluates the quality of the work performed, corrects professional actions to eliminate negative consequences

Self-analysis of the student's work in class / card of self-analysis of the work of students of higher education in practical


Emotional (affective) sphere (emotions, interest, feelings, aspirations, will, etc.)


The applicant perceives (passes through themselves) information related to conducting a glucose tolerance test, types of

glycemic curves and their interpretation

Observationofthe emotional sphere of applicants at all stages of laboratory research / observation card


The applicant reacts and gives answers to problematic questions related to the conduct

ofaglucosetolerancetestandthe interpretation of glycemic curves

Value orientation

The applicant is aware of the importance of the glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of internal human diseases, personal responsibility for the result, their own motives for mastering the ability to conduct the specified research for the future effective activity in the biochemical laboratory, shows interest and demonstrates readiness to conduct the research, defends their point of

view regarding the interpretation of glycemic curves



The applicant agrees with their classmates

(futurecolleagues) on the algorithm for

conceptualiza tion

conducting research and interpreting its results (solving clinical situational problems), selects the most important from the set of data provided in situational

problems, identifies problems, and finds ways to solve them constructively

Characteristic s of the value system

The applicant demonstrates respect for ethical principles regarding the non- disclosure of research results, demonstrates positive professional, social, and emotional


Psychomotor sphere (working movements and actions as the basis of professional activity)


The applicant identifies, imitates, copies the skills related to conducting a glucose tolerance test and constructing glycemic


Observation of the level of automaticity, accuracy and coordination of the necessarywork movements and actions during the performance of laboratory research, the construction of glycemic curves / observation card

Reproduction of manipulation


The applicant adheres to the standards of professional activity, performs this biochemical research in accordance with

approved algorithms and methods

Achieving a level of accuracy

The applicant practices the technique of conducting a glucose tolerance test and constructing glycemic curves until

automaticity achieved


The applicant improves the sequence of professional actions by combining two or more skills (equipment of the workplace, preparation of working solutions, sugar load, use of laboratory medical dispensers, work with a thermostat, photoelectrocolorimeter, measurement of optical density, calculation of glucose concentration, construction of a

glycemic curve, generalization of results, their interpretation)


The applicant demonstrates automaticity, accuracy and coordination of the necessary work movements and actions during the performance of this biochemical study, the

construction of glycemic curves

The effectiveness of the process of formation of competences of bachelor's degree higher education seekers, specialty 224 "Technologies of medical diagnosis and treatment" in this practical lesson should be ensured by the observance of the following pedagogical conditions in HEIs:

• the ability of higher education seekers to access the necessary resources of a student-centered educational environment (intellectual-communicative, organizational,educational-methodical, informational,technological,material-

technical [6]);

• considering the interdisciplinary connections of the content of the subject of this practical lesson from the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry" with other components of the educational program "Laboratory diagnostics" (Table 2).

Table 2 Interdisciplinary connections of the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry" in the context of a practical lesson on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test" with other components of the educational program "Laboratory diagnostics"

Components of the educational program / topic (for intra-

disciplinary connections)

Contents of training programs of educational components

Preliminary interdisciplinary connections

Medical chemistry

The value of glucose for the human body, qualitative reaction to glucose and its conduct, photometric determination of substances, construction of graphs of the dependence of optical density on the concentration of

substances, molar concentration of substances, its calculation

Techniquesoflaboratory works

Rules for working with medical dispensers, a thermostat, a photoelectrocolorimeter, the technique of measuring optical density, the molar concentration of substances, its


Analytical chemistry

Photometricresearchmethodasanexampleof physicochemicalmethodsofanalysis,photometric

determination of the quantitative composition of substances in solutions

Manipulation technique in

clinical medicine

Manipulation technique for taking blood from a finger


Ethical rules of communication with patients


evaluation results

medicinewith ofresearch

Diabetes and its classification

Associated interdisciplinary connections

Occupational health

Rules of safe activity at the workplace

Intra-disciplinary connections

Metabolism of substances and energy (lecture class)

Glycolysis, ways of converting glucose

Biochemistryof carbohydrates (practical lesson on the topic: "Determination of glucose


Photometricmethodofdetermination concentration in human blood serum



The formation of competences of learners during the practical session on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test" should be based on all general didactic principles, namely: scientific content and teaching methods, systematicityandconsistency, accessibility, consciousness and activity, clarity, individualization, connection of learning with practice [1]. However, the last principle is of particular importance, as it provides for the maximum approximation of the educational activity of the applicants to the professional one.

At various stages of the practical training, priority methods and training tools are used for the formation of the competencies of the applicants and the evaluation of the PLOs, namely:

• teaching methods - simulation of the professional situation of conducting a glucose tolerance test, research method, solving situational problems with professionally oriented content, testing, oral interview, observation, drawing up a step-by-step written report on the conducted laboratory research and its defense by the test takers, self-analysis of the work of the test takers in class;

• teaching aids - laboratory equipment and reagents (dishes, medical dispensers,thermostat, photoelectrocolorimeter, glucose working solution, etc.), didactic aids (a collection of situational problems and tests in biological and clinical chemistry [3], a printed workbook with methodical developments for each practical lesson in biological and clinical chemistry).

Group and individual forms of organization of educational activities are used to form the competences of students to conduct a glucose tolerance test at various stages of practical training.

The following Structure of a practical lesson on the topic "Conducting a glucose tolerance test" is offered:

І. Preparatory stage (the duration of the stage is 30 minutes):

1. Motivation of the educational activity: it takes place in the form of a conversation, during which the value of the glucose tolerance test for the diagnosis of diabetes, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, acromegaly, diffuse liver damage, hyperthyroidism, glycogenosis, insuloma, hypothyroidism, Addison's disease, myxedema, liver cirrhosis, etc. is updated.

1. Checking the entry level of knowledge according to a list of theoretical questions for work in small heterogeneous groups:

1. Insulin, its biochemical significance.

2. Diabetes, its classification.

3. Type I diabetes.

4. Type II diabetes.

5. Steroid diabetes.

6. Gestational diabetes.

7. Complications of diabetes.

8. Diagnosis of diabetes.

9. Methodology for determination of glucose content in blood serum.

10. Types of glycemic curves and their interpretation.

Note: the content of questions 1-8, 10 was discussed in lectures, question 9 - in the last practical session on the topic "Determination of glucose concentration".

Assessment of knowledge and understanding of students takes place in the process of discussing theoretical issues in small heterogeneous groups. Based on the results of the work, the group leader fills in the appropriate evaluation card (Table 3).

Table 3

Assessment map of the applicant's entry level of knowledge in a practical session:

Full name

The content of the theoretical question

Does not possess or possesses knowledge at a low level (1-

59 points)

Has mediocre knowledge (60-73


Possesses knowledge at a sufficient level (74-

89 points)

Has a high level of knowledge (90-100


1. Insulin,itsbiochemical


2. Diabetes, its classification

3. Type I diabetes

4. Type II diabetes

5. Steroid diabetes

6. Gestational diabetes

7. Complications of diabetes

8. Diagnosis of diabetes

9. Methodology for determination

ofglucosecontentinblood serum

10. Types of glycemic curves and

their interpretation

Average score on a 100-point scale (the sum of all scores for each of the ten questions is divided by 10)=

IІ. Main stage (the duration of the stage is 80 minutes):

1. The theoretical part, which involves familiarizing applicants with the structural and logical scheme (Fig. 1) and the algorithm for conducting laboratory research.Researchersestablish relationships between types of glycemic curves and various internal diseases.

Glucose tolerance test algorithm:

• * Prepare a workplace for research;

• * Explain to the patient the purpose, conditions (fasting) and essence of the glucose tolerance test;

• * Carry out the manipulation of taking blood from the patient's finger (first test);

• * Add 1000 мl of glucose working solution to the test tube;

• * Add 10 мl of the patient's blood serum;

• * Place in a thermostat for 12 minutes at t=370С;

• * Measure the optical density on a photoelectrocolorimeter at a wavelength of 540 nm;

• * Determine the concentration of glucose in the patient's blood serum, compared to the result of the calibration sample;

• * Carry out a sugar load (pour 75 g of glucose into a cup, mix with drinking water in the presence of the patient and let him drink);

• * Determine the glucose in the patient's blood serum every 30 minutes for three hours (second to seventh samples).

Fig. 1. Structural and logical scheme of the glucose tolerance test

1. The practical part consists in mastering the practical skills of preparing the workplace for conducting laboratory research, preparing working solutions, using laboratory medical dispensers,athermostat,a photoelectrocolorimeter, calculating the molar concentration of substances, carrying out a sugar load, summarizing

the results of the conducted research, constructing glycemic curves and their interpretation.

2. The practical individual task:

Applicants conduct a glucose tolerance test according to the developed structural and logical scheme and algorithm. Compare the obtained results with the normal value of glucose in the blood serum. Determine the type of glycemic curve. Formulate a laboratory diagnosis. Fill out the analysis form.

Compose a step-by-step written report on the conducted laboratory research.

ІІІ. The final stage (the duration of the stage is 50 minutes):

1. The defense of the written report on the conducted laboratory research is evaluated according to the evaluation card (duration - 20 minutes) (Table 4).

Table 4

Substantiation of the report from the conducted laboratory research evaluationcard:

Full name



Presence of a



Total score

of the



of laboratory

of a general


results of all


curve and

test results (2


stages of the

of each stage



of the work


of the

of its type (2

and a

according to

research (2







form (2

and logical


scheme and

algorithm (2


Average score on a 100-point scale (the sum of all scores for each of the ten questions is divided by 10)=

1. Conducting testing based on the materials of the assessment paper in a test form (duration - 10 minutes

1. Indicators for prescribing a glucose tolerance test for a patient are:

A type I and II diabetes;

B osteoporosis;

C obesity;

D rheumatism.

2. The sugar load is formed due to the patient's intake of glucose by mass:

A87 g;

B 75 g;

C 50 g;

D 45 g.

1. During the glucose tolerance test, the optical density of the patient's blood serum is measured:

A once;

B 3 times;

C 5 times;

D 7 times.

2. According to the results of the glucose tolerance test, we can build:

A graphofopticaldensity dependence on glucose content;

B bloodserumconductivity curve;

C glycemic curve;

D scale of electrode potential of blood plasma.

3. Glucose content is measured during the glucose tolerance test at the wavelength (nm):





4. During the study, the patient's blood serum is kept in a thermostat for 12 minutes at the temperature:

A370 С;

B240 С;

C560 С;

D480 С.

5. The glycemic curve of the patient, marked in red, can be used to diagnose:

A diabetes;Aцукровий діабет;

B insulinoma, hypothyroidism;

C hyperthyroidism;

D normal condition.

4. According to the patient's glycemic curve (question 7), marked in yellow, it is possible to diagnose:

A insulinoma, hypothyroidism;

B hyperthyroidism;

C diabetes;

D normal condition.

5. According to the glycemic curve of the patient (question 7), marked in green, it is possible to diagnose:

A insulinoma, hypothyroidism;

B hyperthyroidism;

C diabetes;

D normal condition.

6. Determination of the glucose level during the glucose tolerance test is carried out:

A every 30 minutes during 3 hours period;

B every hour during 2 hours period;

C every 30 minutes during 2 hours period;

D every 2 hours during 4 hours period.

Assessment of the knowledge and understanding of the applicants is carried out according to the appropriate map (Table 5).

Test results of applicants in a practical session evaluation card:

Full name

Table 5

№ of task

Score (1 point per right answer)






Average score on a 100-point scale (the sum of all scores for each of the ten questions is

divided by 10)= …………….

3. Solvingprofessionallyoriented situational problems with explanations of the conclusions reached (duration - 10 minutes):

1. The man was taken to the hospital in a comatose state. Objectively observed: Kussmaul-like breathing is noisy, there is a noticeable smell of acetone in the exhaled air, the skin is dry, the tone of the eyeballs is reduced, the glucose content in the blood

is 21.0 mmol/l. Diagnose the patient's condition:

A Renal coma

B Hyperglycemic coma CToxicoseptic shock DHypoglycemic coma EHepatic coma

2. The doctor assumes that the patient has diabetes. Which of the laboratory studies is the most informative in this case?

A Blood analysis for liver samples

B General blood test

C Glucose tolerance test

D General analysis of urine

E Coagulogram

3. The patient's daily diuresis is 15 liters. Urine is hypotonic. Complaints of thirst, frequent and excessive urination. Specify the primary diagnosis of the patient.

A Diabetes

B Gestational diabetes

C Steroid diabetes

D Diabetes insipidus

E Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

4. After receiving the form with the results of the blood serum glucose analysis, which were significantly higher than the norm, the patient asked the laboratory technician what other laboratory tests could be performed to determine the risk of developing diabetes complications. The laboratory assistant recommended conducting additional research on:

А. Glycated hemoglobin В. Liver tests

С. Rheumatic tests

D. Creatine phosphokinase Е. Aldosterone.

5. The laboratory assistant gave the patient the results of the glucose tolerance test (glycemic curve). The patient asked the laboratory assistant to explain the results of the study. What answer should the laboratory technician give in order not to violate ethical standards?

А. Interpret the results

В. Advise the patient to consult a doctor for clarification

С. Deny patient's request

D. Advise to contact the senior laboratory technician or the head of the laboratory

Е. Advise the patient to search for information on the Internet.

Assessment of the level of mastery of PLO 13 applicants by the method of solving professional-oriented situational problems by the applicants takes place according to the evaluation scale (Table 6).

Table 6

The scale for evaluating the results of solving situational problems by students:

Full name

№ of situational test

Partially correct analysis of the condition of the

problem, but incorrect answer (1 point)

Correct analysis of the condition of the problem, correct answer (2 points)






Average score on a 100-point scale (the sum of all scores for each of the ten questions is divided by 10

An important method of evaluation is the self-assessment of the applicants, which implies a high level of their reflection. Thus, students fill out a self- analysis card (duration - 10 minutes) (Table 7).

Table 7

Formation of learning outcomes for students of higher education in a practical session introspection card:

Full name


Learning outcomes of each research stage

Low or absent proficiency (1-59


Moderately proficient (60-73


Sufficiently proficient (74-89


Highly proficient (90-100


Carrying outa

glucose tolerance testand interpreting itsresults (as one of the types of biochemical research)

Workplaceequipment andimplementationof

safety measures

Preparationofworking solutions




patient of the essence of the glucose tolerance test


biological material (blood from a finger)

Separation of serum from

blood by centrifugation

Determination of the level of glucose in the patient's

blood serum

Conducting a sugar load

Taking the required amount of blood serum and working glucose solution using medical


Workingwiththe thermostat


densityona photoelectrocolorimeter


glycemic curve

Filling out the analysis


Deciphering the obtained results

Average score on a 100-point scale (the sum of all scores for each of the ten questions is

divided by 10

During the students' performance of tasks with solutions and solving professionally-orientedsituational problems, as well as when they fill in the self-analysis card, the educator has the opportunity to summarize the results of his observations during the practical session in the observation card (Table 8).

Table 8

Card of observation of the manifestations of various spheres of the personality of the applicants during the practical session:

Full name

Contents of observation

Does not possess required knowledge/skills or possesses at

a low level (1-59 points)

Possesses required knowledge/skills at a mediocre level

(60-73 балів)

Possess required knowledge/skills at sufficient level (74-89 балів)

Possesses required knowledge/skills at a high level (90-100 балів)

Evaluation of the results of observation of the cognitive sphere of the

applicant's personality

Observance by the applicant ofsafety measures and stagesof laboratory


Observance by

theapplicant ofthe

requirements forthe

construction of glycemic


Observance by the applicant of the requirements for the construction of glycemic


Perception by the applicant of information,

emotional response to it

Awarenessof the significance of theglucose tolerancetest forthe

diagnosisof human internal


Awarenessof personal responsibility forthefinal


Expressionof interestand




conductthe specified researchfor future effective activityina biochemical



readinessto conduct


Showing respectfor compliance withethical principles regarding non- disclosureof

research results

Evaluation of the results of the observation according to the level of automation, accuracy and coordination of the necessary work movements and actions of the


Demonstrates automaticity, accuracyand coordination of thenecessary work movements andactions duringthe performance of this biochemical study,the construction of

glycemic curves

Average score on a 100-point scale (the sum of all scores for each of the ten questions is

divided by 10)=……………..

The assessment of the formation of PLO

13 in the applicants during the practical session is calculated according to the data in the Table 9.

Table 9

Assessment of the formation of the PLO 13 in the higher education seekers (HES) during a practical session:

Full name

Initial knowledge assessment

Substantiation of the report on the conducted laboratory research


Solving practical situational tasks


Observing the HES's performance of laboratory research

Average score from Table 3

Average score from Table 4

Average score from Table 5

Average score from

Table 6

Average score from

Table 7

Average score from

Table 8

Assessment of the work of HES in the practical session (the sum of the average points from Tables 3-8 is divided by 6; the assessment is determined on the ECTS scale)

At the end of the practical session, the students receive a task for independent work: to compose three situational tasks on the topic studied.

Conclusionsandresearch perspectives

Conducting practical classes in the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry" on a competency basis has its own characteristics. The purpose of such classes is the formation of competences of future bachelors in the technology of medical diagnostics and treatment, aimed at their effective professional activity in biochemicallaboratories.These competencies are identified, measured and evaluated using the program learning outcome "Perform quantitative and qualitative biochemical research, interpret their results". Competence formation of students in the practical session takes place under the condition that students have access to the necessary resources of a student-centered educational environment and taking into account the interdisciplinary connections of the content of the subject of this practical session from the discipline "Biological and Clinical Chemistry" with other components of the educationalprogram"Laboratory diagnostics", based on structural logical scheme and algorithm of laboratory research, provide for the use of modern methods and means of training and evaluation of program results of training of applicants.

A promising direction of further scientific research is the development of a methodology for the formation of competences of the "Technology of medical diagnosis and treatment" bachelor's degree holders in other practical classes in the discipline "Biological and clinical chemistry".


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