Music therapy as a social and pedagogical technology

Analysis of the history of the formation of music therapy for a better understanding of the place, place of music in society from antiquity to the present. Content of research on the problem of using music therapy in socio-psychological and socio-pedagogi

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Music therapy as a social and pedagogical technology

Lokareva G. V., PhD in Pedagogy, Professor; M. A. Gualotunya R., Postgraduate student

Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

This article presents a brief analysis of the history and the formation of music therapy to better understand the place that music occupies in the society from the ancient days to the present; the content of research into the problem of using music therapy in social-psychological and social-pedagogical work in different countries of the world is illustrated; it examines how this type of therapy can be used to achieve different goals and represents the work of various researchers and practitioners in this field who have contributed to the development of this wonderful therapy to the world.


music therapy, social and pedagogical technology, therapy, client, music therapist.

МУЗИКОТЕРАПІЯ ЯК СОЦІАЛЬНО-ПЕДАГОГІЧНА ТЕХНОЛОГІЯ Локарєва Г. В., д. п .н., професор; М. А. Гуалотунья Р., аспірант

Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Україна

У статті представлено короткий аналіз історії становлення музичної терапії для кращого розуміння місця, яке музика займає в суспільстві від античності до сьогодення; проілюстровано зміст досліджень проблеми використання музикотерапії в соціально-психологічній та соціально-педагогічній роботі в різних країнах світу; розглянуто, як цей вид терапії використовується для досягнення різних цілей, а також представлено роботу різних дослідників та практиків у цій галузі, які сприяли розвитку цієї чудової терапії світу. У сучасних умовах психічні, емоційні та соціальні проблеми впливають на здоров'я дорослих і дітей у будь-якому віці. Збільшення кількості випадків психосоматичних захворювань, психічних та емоційних розладів потребує пошуку нових форм ефективного лікування, що не викликають довготривалих, а іноді негативних наслідків лікування завдяки певним медикаментам. Музика є одним з інструментів, що використовується та сприяє поліпшенню стану здоров'я людей з фізичними та психічними розладами. Таку практику називають музикотерапією. Ця галузь знань застосовує всі можливості музики, щоб допомогти клієнту (пацієнту) подолати свої проблеми. Дивовижна річ у музичній терапії полягає в тому, що вона використовує різноманіття художньо-естетичної інформації музичного твору, а також інформацію, яку надає пацієнт про свою музичну історію, що створює ефективний робочий метод. Музичний терапевт використовує різні техніки і музику залежно від завдань, які він хоче виконати в терапії. Доведено, що музика відіграє дуже важливу роль у кожному суспільстві та в діяльності людини і використовується як для насолоди, так і для соціально-психологічного та соціально-педагогічного впливу. З давніх часів музика використовувалася для лікування, бо, маючи формуючий характер, вона гармонізувала й очищувала (катарсис), полегшувала біль. У статті підкреслюється, що в наукових дослідженнях позначено вплив музики на функції людського і тваринного організму на рівні психосоматики людини. Крім того, що музика сприяє соціалізації та зменшує стрес, вона використовується у лікарнях, освітніх центрах, громадських місцях, центрах реабілітації для лікування депресії, стресу, хвороби Альцгеймера, Паркінсона, реабілітації з людьми, що страждають аутизмом, проблемами соціальної адаптації, в допомозі жінкам, що постраждали від домашнього насильства. У всіх цих випадках було встановлено, що музика є ефективним засобом для соціальної, фізичної та емоційної реабілітації. music therapy psychological social

Ключові слова: музикотерапія, соціально-педагогічна технологія, терапія, клієнт, музикотерапевт.

Formulation of the problem In today's context, mental, emotional and social problems affect the health of adults and children at any age. An increase in the incidence of psychosomatic illnesses, mental and emotional disorders requires the search for new forms of effective treatment that do not cause negative effects to the body due to long term of treatment by some certain medications. Music is one of the tools used to help improve the health of people with physical and mental disorders. This practice is called music therapy. This field of knowledge uses all the possibilities of music to help the client (patient) overcome their problems. The amazing thing about music therapy is that it uses a variety of artistic and aesthetic information on a piece of music, as well as information provided by a patient about their music history, which creates an effective working method. The music therapist uses different techniques and music depending on the tasks he wants to accomplish in the therapy.

Analysis of recent research and publications

In many countries of the world, music therapy has become a scientific field that summarizes the accumulated experience, finds different forms, methods of work with different categories of clients and a variety of their social psychological and socio-pedagogical problems. Important studies that have contributed to the development of music therapy as a scientific field, have practically and experimentally proven the effectiveness of its use, have taken place in Germany, the USA, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, China, Japan, Slovakia, Poland, Brazil, Cuba and others. In Spain, Serafina Poch was a pioneer in introducing music therapy in her home country and in working with children with special needs; in Argentina, Rolando Benenzon is the founder of the use of music therapy in the treatment of patients with autism, in a coma, Alzheimer's syndrome and also training professionals in this field; in the USA - Kenneth Bruscia, Barbara Wheeler conducts important studies on the use of music therapy in different countries; the founder of music therapy in the UK is a researcher, Juliette Elvin, she has used music therapy for children and young people in the treatment of their physical, emotional or mental disorders; Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins use music therapy based on the Orff Orchestra. This method was designed to maximize the socialization of children with disabilities. Theoretical and practical methodology of social-pedagogical work and music therapy is presented in the scientific works: G. Lokareva, Fidey, O. Fil, T. Bosh, R. Benenzon, L. Konovalova, Shuster, O. Derkach, A. Wolf, K. Bruscia. The job of a social educator is to help people occupy a certain place in society, re-educate themselves and improve their quality of life by incorporating scientific developments in music therapy into the practice of social and pedagogical work.

Purpose: to consider the genesis and role of music therapy in solving socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical problems of man and society; to illustrate the world's achievements in the theory and practice of music therapy as a scientific field.

Outline of the main research material

The therapeutic effect of music has been known since ancient times. Music therapy is associated with Apollo, the god of the arts and his son, Asclepius, the god of healing. Medicine in ancient times was closely connected with music, art, philosophy, mythology and religion. The ability to sing and play musical instruments was one of the qualities a doctor needed. The healing power of music is mentioned in ancient writings of Greek scholars and philosophers. Plato offered to treat rheumatism by singing and playing musical instruments. Pythagoras confirmed that music helps one maintain inner harmony. A philosopher expressed the following opinion: “Music can heal people's madness.” Aristotle believed that music influences the release of emotional tension, psychological fatigue and catharsis [18].

The Bible, 1 Samuel, says that King Saul disobeyed the Lord and therefore the grace of God left him, and the Lord allowed the unclean to come to Saul and disturb his peace. It can be said that King Saul suffered from psychological problems through depression, envy and paranoia. In order to solve the king's problems, his servants began to look for someone who could play the harp. “And when the evil spirit of God came to Saul, David took up the harp and began to play; and Saul became free and better, and the evil spirit departed from him” (1 Samuel 16: 14-23). So, it can be said that David fulfilled the role of music therapists and in the book of Psalms he wrote, one can find songs that serve to relieve various mental and spiritual ailments, they also serve to create joy, strength, confidence, peace, love.

3000 years ago, Turkish Shaman, Piron and Bashmar used singing and dancing occasions for healing. Music was also used in funeral rituals to sing to the dead. By this time there were already “therapists” called “Bucksy” or “Kam” who had a great knowledge of music, rhythm and dance. They also took on the role of psychologists, educators and sociologists as they responded to the needs of society. One of the methods used by ancient Turkish Shaman, which has survived in many regions of Asia and Europe up to this day, is called “Karakorga,” which is a healing dance, which is now considered a type of active music therapy [9].

In the 1930s, after World War I, German therapists used music to treat stomach ulcers; Swiss therapists used it for the treatment of mild forms of tuberculosis. Music from Austrian doctors was anesthesia for women who gave birth. The use of music and sound as anesthesia has also occurred in dental and surgical practice. Doctors in Germany and Japan have established the healing effect of music by Mozart and Beethoven in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers. Beethoven's works influenced the treatment of patients with arthritis and rheumatism. All this practice became the basis for the development of music therapy after the Second World War.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the technological capabilities of music therapy in the study of physiological reactions occurring in the body in the process of musical perception have significantly increased. It is proved that music actively influences the functions of all vital physiological systems, the intensity of various physiological processes, such as: breathing, circulation; even leads to certain hormonal and biochemical changes. There are also studies showing that music improves school and social environments.

The founders of the Russian School of Philosophy, I. Dogel and I. Sechenov, noted that (musical) marches had a great influence on the muscles. Psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist Volodymyr Bekhterev said that music affected the heartbeat, breathing and activity of endocrine glands. At the same time, in the same year, physiologist Ivan Tarkhanov proved that melodies that made people happy led to an increase or decrease in heart rate and normalization of blood pressure, depending on the melody they were listening [16].

In one of his previous articles, the author (G. Lokareva) “Music therapy as a technology for forming a healthy lifestyle of students and youths” [17] discusses the powerful influence of artistic, psycho-energetic and aesthetic types of information contained in a work of music can be used as a preventive aspect in rehabilitation educational-psychological and social-corrective work with students. In view of this, the author believes that the introduction of artistic and aesthetic information in all its forms is useful for the correct and healthy formation of young people. With the help of music and all the artistic and aesthetic possibilities offered by art, great changes can be made. Therefore, the job of a social educator is to help organize a student's vacation time. It can be implemented through the arts to promote creativity, develop cognitive activity, and engage young people in healthy leisure time. A social educator helps students use their free time to solve their problems through a passive perception of works of art.

Five-element of Chinese therapy has been widely used to treat depression, anxiety, premenstrual syndrome, chronic pain, and more. Sometimes it was combined with other therapies. Scientists believe that it can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, chronic fatigue, improve the quality of life of cancer patients and improve the mood of the elderly. Scientists believe that the combination of music therapy with electro-acupuncture can reduce neonatal acidosis and shortness of breath during childbirth [11].

In Japan, music is used in hospitals to treat stress in patients suffering and of course, those not able to get to health care facilities. The waiting room at the Mimihara General Hospital in Osaka is filled with music that makes ambulatory patients distracted and forget about their worries. In addition, Japanese researchers have shown that singing has great health benefits, especially for the elderly [12].

Music therapy is used in the Slovak hospital Kosice- Shatz to increase the weight of newborns. According to doctors, it reduces stress in children. Children sleep more peacefully and relaxed. Toddlers begin to experience classical music after birth. Doctors believe that it is better to use the works of Mozart or Vivaldi for infant health and brain development [14].

A new term is introduced in the conceptual apparatus of music therapy in Poland, which refers to work with children, young people and adults with congenital or acquired visual impairment. The term “Tiflomusicoterapia” is translated from the Greek word “tyflos” which means blindness. The founder of this work, who introduced the term, is music therapist Pavel Cylulko. Often, children with visual impairments feel stress not knowing what is going on around them, so when using TifloMT, professionals use techniques such as guided imagination with music to stimulate imagination in young patients; improvisation with percussion instruments for stress relief; exercises of physical expression for the development of motor skills of children [3].

Children's Center Munchen is one of the largest children's health centers in Germany that uses music therapy based on the Orff Orchestra to work with children with disabilities, as well as neurological and physical dysfunctions. In Germany, the Nordoff-Robbins model is used to train music therapists as well as other professionals. This method was also designed to maximize the socialization of children with disabilities. N. Nordoff and K. Robbins suggested using both group and individual forms of work [4]. At the Beelitz- Heilstatten Parkinson's Clinic in Brandenburg, music therapy is used to normalize the involuntary movements of patients [6]. Children with autism or speech developmental delay learn to express their thoughts through music [15].

A Michigan neurologic study conducted by Michigan Edward Roth (conductor and music therapist) presents the results of working with children with autism and shows that when children played musical instruments, the brain areas responsible for communication became active. Another study, Frontiers in Human Neurology, mentions that playing musical instruments reduces stress and increases the synthesis of the hormone oxytocin, which is very beneficial for people diagnosed with autism [8].

In Brazil, a Music Therapy program was conducted in 2012 for people living on the streets seeking for food, clothing and shelter. This program was implemented to develop communication through music therapy. A study by the authors of this project on the foundations of the humanities and social sciences has enhanced the effectiveness of the results of professional communication with these people [2]. Using these bases, the terminology of “social and public music therapy” may be justified.

Cuba has launched a self-esteem program for women victims of domestic violence through music therapy. This project was called - “The Feminist Perspective in Music Therapy.” This study found that 70% of women reduced their stress levels, but failed to reduce 30% of women because they were divorced. The graphs of the results of this study clearly show how much anxiety, depression, irritability, and other symptoms suffered by these patients have been reduced through music therapy [5].

In Ecuador, music was used to convey messages and preserve traditions. In a book “The History of Music in Ecuador” by Mario Godoy, noted that tradition was very important at that time for the Incas. These songs have kept alive the traditions, stories and parables related to the Andean space connection. The researcher also noted that music was used to cause rain, cure disease, and drive away evil spirits [7]. In addition, music in Ecuador helps children and young people to be part of society, music brings people together regardless of social status. The Ecuadorian Foundation for Youth Orchestra (FOSJE) gives children and adolescents the opportunity to learn to play musical instruments, regardless of social class or ethnic group.

In some parts of Africa, the role of the music therapist is played by an herbalist who heals and uses plants, animals and music to treat the sick. Local doctors or magicians also use music to treat patients. In healing rituals, these doctors play drums made of python skin to remove the evil spirits that a person is suffering from. Music, dance and religion are very important in African society. In African churches, children from an early age receive free music education, hence their musical culture. Religious music in this continent devotes to dance or movements and singing to God [1].

The study by O. Skille and Sorsdal described how beneficial it is to use vibroacoustic therapy for different patients. Patients with Rett syndrome had a relaxing effect so that they had a dream. In autism cases, patients were so focused on the sounds and vibrations that they did not notice that someone was disturbing them (as we know, people with autism refuse any contact) [13].

In Sweden, a study called “The Impact of Vibro-Acoustic Music on the Behaviour of People with Autism and Developmental Disorders.” The results of this study showed that vibroacoustic therapy reduced the aggressive behaviour of patients, improved well-being, participants were able to rest while receiving therapy [10].

Music has a positive effect on a baby who has not yet been born. Being in the womb, the baby listens to music and these sounds have a great impact on her emotional state. After 14 weeks, the fetus responds to rhythm, melody and dynamics. You can already tell if your baby likes this tune or not.

Music that contains an active rhythm affects certain areas of the brain and activates or synchronizes the brain as a whole. Many scientists believe that listening to music, the work of the major hemispheres is activated and its performance is improved. As the brain adapts to the rhythms of the outside world, the choice of music can achieve the desired effect of relaxation or increased activity. Any music or sound is closely related to each person with a certain event or memory, be it happy or sad, so this melody makes sense and evokes certain emotions.

Analysing the essence of the concept of music therapy, it was noted that many scientists perceive the term “music therapy” is usually quite different. For some authors, music therapy is a science or a tool, for others it is the art therapy, method, technique, art, form of psychotherapy, or spiritual medicine. Despite the lack of a single definition, it can be seen that music therapy is the use of all forms of musical expression to achieve positive changes in a person, or to diagnose or detect the verbal and non-verbal manifestations of a person's mental state. Music therapy is a tool that helps rehabilitate patients with physical, mental, psychological and social problems.

Conclusions from the study and prospects for further exploration in a given direction

It is proved that music plays a very important role in every society and in human activity and is used for enjoyment as well as for socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical influence. Since ancient times, music has been used for healing because it has a formative character, it harmonizes and cleanses (catharsis), relieves pain. The Bible also indicates that music has been used to have a therapeutic effect. Scientific studies have shown that music influences the functions of the human and animal organism at the level of human psychosomatics. In addition, music promotes socialization and reduces stress. Music is used in hospitals, educational centers, public places, rehabilitation centers for the treatment of depression, stress, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, rehabilitation with people with autism, problems of social adaptation, and assistance to women affected by domestic violence. In all these cases, music has been found to be an effective tool for social, physical and emotional rehabilitation.

So, note that the development of music therapy as a theory and practice around the world does not occur simultaneously, that is, in some countries it has many years of experience and is recognized by science. In some countries, however, music therapy is beginning to be recognized by governments because of the benefits it provides in the areas of health, social and vocational education. These areas require further theoretical analysis and experimental and empirical research.


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