Folk-song tradition in the development of individual spirituality

New pedagogical approaches, forms and methods of working to reveal spiritual and moral faculties of a young persons. The importance of music in the formation of the younger generation. Folk-song in continuity spirituality of the national culture.

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Дата добавления 28.12.2017
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Ivano-Frankivsk

UDK 378,034

Folk-song tradition in the development of individual spirituality

Klepar Mariya Vasylivna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Assistant Professor

е mail:

Formulation and justification of the relevance of the problem. Building a modern national education system leads to finding and implementing new pedagogical approaches, forms and methods of working that meet human development, contributed to reveal its spiritual, mental and moral faculties. In this regard, the importance of music in the formation of the younger generation.

And that folk-song performing ensure continuity of the national culture in the contemporary cultural space and the domestic outstanding achievements multifaceted role of centuries of folk art in the process of spiritual development of a young person.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The problem of folk-song tradition can be found in philosophical and cultural works of Krasikova M., S. Crimea, V. Skurativsky. The concept of value from the standpoint of philosophical and cultural categories developed by H. Lotze, H. Rickert, H. Myunsterberh, A. Drobnytskyy, Kant, A. Korshunov and modern philosophers, sociologists, cultural - A. Panarin, V. Barulin, M. Kagan, L. Mikeshyn, V. Orlov, V. Sagatovskiy, L. Stolovich. However, scientists were ignored issues folk-song creative role in identity formation, which contributed to the choice of the theme of the article.

The purpose of the article. The aim of the article is based on the folk-song tradition in the development of individual spirituality.

The main material of the study. One of the most important means of overcoming inertia spiritual personality at this stage, the main condition for its full development, the key to successful socialization and adaptation to complex cultural and historical conditions are folk song creativity. It is one of the most affordable means of implementation of national and universal experience, enables preserve the history of the people in the national memory. Paing attention to the features features folk song creation as a unique way to preserve the original Ukrainian culture that focuses the will, the mind of man and his world, is noting that it relies on the formation of culture of thinking, worldview. It is popular work embodies the highest spiritual values of the nation and is also the creator of the national cultural traditions.

Through folk song creation is possible conservation, inheritance rights and spiritual culture of people of culture or ethnicity as every nation, every nation has its own traditions, customs and rituals, accompanied by songs that elaborated over many centuries and time-honored. Ukrainian nation rich in tradition, celebrations and ceremonies, magnificent spirituality, since ancient times, our ancestors selected their most valuable asset enriching and economically transmitted from generation to generation. Calendar - ritual cycle today other new historical and social conditions, continues to thrive, supplemented, improved, actively exist and is widely used.

Considering the song creativity as a complex set of spiritual and material entities, researcher Leonid Popov believes that it is inherently multifunctional and performs the following functions [8, p. 289]:

- philosophical, cultural - the formation of ethnic self-identity as part of the planetary consciousness, overcoming the dangers of national thinking, prejudice and negative stereotypes towards members of other ethnic communities and their cultures;

- ethical and humanistic - accumulation and transmission of ideas of multiculturalism and social ethics of international communication, which reflects the cultural experience of mankind in its specific ethnic forms;

- humanitarian - cognitive modeling active interest in music and other native plants on display originality and uniqueness of the native culture in a dialectical unity of the state and the world;

- foster-reflexive - is realized on the basis of perception and awareness of the importance of cultural diversity for personal development and the progress of civilization, the formation of moral ideas and assessments, creating conditions for their conversion to belief stable and humane skills of constructive behavior;

- personality-developing - to stimulate the interest of man to himself, system needs, interests and attitudes aimed at understanding themselves as individuals, the subject of ethnicity, a citizen of the state of the world;

- cultural and communicative - aimed at providing meaning in the art that converted to sound a particular way of human interaction;

- the development of art and creativity, which is to ensure the inclusion and support of the process of the individual in the song creation and its evolution, which leads to the emergence of new patterns of song creation.

Song folk art exerted considerable influence on the spiritual world and its relationship with society and «contributed to the formation of adequate perception of society, moral position, positive attitude to national traditions and universal values» [10, p. 12].

Ukrainian folklore, national ritual calendar today focused allow formation of universal norms of moral consciousness, moral and ethical development of feelings, attitudes and habits of behavior of young people, and especially those directly preparing for future professional educational activities. And that creative use of future teachers of Ukrainian traditions will raise the level of training and education of students in modern school to a new level.

Teacher meaning folk song traditions state that they are the result of educational efforts for many generations and are always an important means of education. Through a system of traditions and customs of Ukrainian people creates himself, his spiritual folk culture, its nature, the national psychology of their children.

Folk song work - a phenomenon that goes beyond the usual opposition inside and outside, and material and spiritual provides «spiritual navigation» of man, society and humanity. It is through folk song creativity as a phenomenal form of broadcast tribal, national, historical memory, it becomes possible to save, inheritance rights and spiritual culture of people of culture or ethnicity.

The historical and scientific value of folksong traditions, preserved and prevalent in the territory of Carpathian and belong to a local ritual traditions, no doubt. So a very important consideration at this stage is respect for, work, labor traditions, tools, customs, songs and entertainment of our ancestors. And just as a personal memory of man forms his conscience, respect for the family and loved ones, relatives and friends - old friends - as the historical memory of the people forms the moral climate in which these people live.

The fundamental point is to study the idea of folk song creativity as one of the basic principles of formation and development of human culture. By implementing selection and accumulation of social experience and influencing the processes of socialization, folk song reflects the formation of the work involved in the culture. The above leads to a rethinking of values investigated phenomenon from the standpoint of human relations - folk song creativity, which is becoming more open and powerful.

Unfortunately, to date, not always youth has knowledge that the tradition of calendar holidays are a reflection of a particular, specific system of spiritual and moral values which, as an important axial mechanism regulates social relations, promotes outlook, the fundamental structures of morality and spiritual values especially in young people, «ideology intrinsic feature of our people as it is reflected in folk songs, is the high idealism on a religious basis. In a perfect human form, primarily emphasizes high properties of the soul» [1, p. 120].

So perfect, in the opinion of H. Vashchenko may just be a religious person. Preservation of old, traditionally performed traditional ceremonies calendar Carpathians, genetically rooted in goodness, human wisdom, lordship of hope provided by oral closely associated with this tradition, and has practical significance.

Conclusions and prospects for future research directions. So based on the above, we can note that the folk song creativity can be represented as a unique means of preserving national traditions of national experience and identity. Meanwhile folk song creativity appears as a specific expression of the philosophical, moral sentiments of the nation, which clearly demonstrates its socio-ethnic image.

folk song spirituality

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КЛЕПАР Марія Василівна - кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри початкого навчання ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника».

Наукові інтереси: дослідження народнопісенних традицій та їхнього впливу на формування духовності особистості.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR KLEPAR Mariya Vasylivna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Ivano- Frankivsk.

Circle of interests: folk-song tradition in the development of individual spirituality.

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