Роль Києво-Могилянської та Духовної академій у розвитку хорового мистецтва України (за матеріалами їх нотозбірні)
Характеристика процесу розвитку хорового мистецтва в Києво-Могилянській та Духовній академіях впродовж XVII – початку XX ст. Аналіз музичних смаків окремих регентів та їх внеску у комплектуванні нотниці, еволюції репертуару хору, нотної бібліотеки.
Рубрика | Музыка |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 27.07.2015 |
Размер файла | 38,7 K |
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Ключевые слова: нотная библиотека хора Киевской духовной академии, хоровое искусство, печатные издания, рукописи, партитура, поголосники, песнопения.
Rudenko L. G. The role of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Theological Academy in development of choral art of Ukraine (after the materials of their music collection). - The Manuscript.
The thesis for competitions of scientific degree of Candidate of Arts Studies, on specialty 17.00.03 - Music art. Rylsky Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2010.
The present thesis considers the process of choral art development in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Theological Academy during XVII-th century - the beginning of XX-th century. Considered literature together with archive documents makes possible to investigate the educating activity of Kyiv Academy as a higher orthodox educational institution, which scientific potential directly influenced the development of sciences, education and culture of Ukraine and Russia. Having based on the modern approaches the significance of the institution was estimated; additionally it's superiority over all educational institutions (founded either on the model of the Academy or by it educates) at the territory of Russian empire was pointed out. In the investigation the great attention was paid to the educational activity of the professors and educatees of the Academy for the benefit of the development of the Russian sciences and culture, which reached its highest points as early as in the XVIII-th century. At the author's point of view it was the most significant fact that nether one branch of the Russian education acted without the disciples of Kyiv Academy; they headed Russian science, education, musical art as well as state affairs during one and a half of century.
Matters of periodical publications, some contemporary studies, and the information from different internet sites made available to observe the history of the Academy as theological educational institution, and to accent it's meaning as a original, all-sufficient cultural and educational centre that controlled processes of Ukrainian cultural life during the every stages of it's development, and was the basic factor of national self-identification. The contribution by the disciples of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Kyiv Theolo¬gical Academy to formation of professional choral art of Ukraine and Russia that consisted in the implementation of the multi-voice part choral singing into the music accompaniment of the orthodox liturgy during XVII-th - the beginning of XXth centuries is considered in the thesis. Historical and musicological literature concerning the topic of the development of church multi-voices singing in the Kyiv Academy leads to state the fact that this institution was an original inward centre, due to which the music life of Russia reached his summit of proficiency to the end of XVII-th - the beginning of XIX-th centuries.
The history of formation of the music library of Kyiv Theological Academy (it chronological frames include XIX-th - the beginning of XX-th centuries) as well as the structure of this library and it source studies potential, is complexly investigated in the thesis. That makes possible to enlarge the information about the history of the activity of Kyiv Academy chorus. After the manuscript records, we obtained the information about music taste of some precentors and choir repertory. The input by precentors to acquisition and the new editions and manuscripts appending of music library was investigated. The reconstruction of music library of KTA choir was made, that gives possibility to introduce into scientific- and performance practice the little-known till nowadays materials, which directly concern the history and development of choral art and works of unrenowned and famous composers of Ukraine and Russia.
After the marginal records, the unknown names of academic choir participants (90 names) were found out. All manuscripts and printed issues of music library of KTA choir which now are kept in historical-cultural fund of the Department of Libraries Gatherings and Historical Collections of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine were worked out, processed, systematized and included into the database. The scientific entry of music documents (manuscripts and printed editions, 600 positions in total), the index of composers' names, index of liturgical chants and vesper are attached to the thesis.
Key words: music library of Kyiv Theological Academy choir, choral art, source studies- and bibliographical codification of sheet music documents, printed issues, manuscripts, musical scores, pogolosniki, chants.
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