Threats of radioactive radiation: features of impaction on the environment and human health
Features of the impact of radioactive radiation on the environment and human health. Identification of the main threats to radiation public health and the environment. Connection of radiation factor with the state of somatic morbidity of the population.
Рубрика | Медицина |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 61,9 K |
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Central Ukrainian Institute of Human Development of the Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University.
Brykulska Myroslava Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, of the Department of Physical Therapy, Ergo Therapy
Deforzh Hanna Volodymyrivna, Doctor of History Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences and Methods of their teaching
Topicality. Today, during the war with the russian federation, it is extremely important to know how to act in the event of a man-made disaster, an emergency situation, for example, an explosion of a nuclear power plant, what the consequences may be in the event of such a disaster and how to prevent them.
The purpose of the article presents the features of the impact of radioactive radiation on the environment and human health, because under the influence of radiation, materials can become radioactive. Radiation from living cells alters their ability to repair itself, which can lead to death, damage or improper repair. The aim of this study was to identify the main threats to radiation to both public health and the environment. radioactive radiation health environment
Materials and methods. The risks of malignant tumors in the population living near nuclear facilities related to space radiation, as well as the impact of nuclear power plants on the environment have been identified.
Research results. The connection of radiation factor with the state of somatic morbidity of the population, indicators of prevalence of diseases among the adult population affected by the Chernobyl accident, contingents of patients with malignant neoplasms (per 100 thousand population) are considered. The biological effect of radiation is determined.
Conclusions. Thus, conducting research, we can say that radiation leaves many traces in our body. The effect of radiation on the body directly depends on the intensity of radiation and the length of stay in its field of action. The source of radiation can also be artificial sources, such as the use of certain industrial and medical technologies. A person cannot see, feel, hear, taste or smell ionizing radiation, but it can harm our health. This type of radiation comes from natural sources such as cosmic radiation, rocks or soil. The effects of natural radiation on humans are the cause of a number of certain pathogenic mutations and cancers.
Key words: radioactive radiation, cancer, human health, radioactive contamination, malignant neoplasms.
Брикульська М. В., Дефорж Г. В.
Актуальність. Сьогодні, під час війни з російською федерацією, надзвичайно важливо знати, як діяти в разі техногенної катастрофи, надзвичайної ситуації, наприклад вибуху на атомній електростанції, якими можуть бути наслідки, події такого лиха та як їм запобігти.
Мета роботи. У статті наводяться особливості впливу радіоактивного випромінювання на навколишнє середовище та здоров'я людини, адже під впливом радіації матеріали можуть самі ставати радіоактивними. Радіоактивне опромінення клітин живих організмів змінює їх здатність відновлюватися, що може призвести до загибелі, пошкодження або неправильного відновлення. Мета дослідження - визначити основні загрози радіоактивного випромінювання як на здоров'я населення, так і на навколишнє середовище.
Матеріали та методи. Визначено ризики.злоякісних пухлин у населення, що проживає поблизу ядерних установок, пов'язаних з космічною радіацією, а також вплив підприємств ядерно-енергетичного комплексу на стан довкілля.
Результати дослідження. Розглянуто зв'язок радіаційного фактору зі станом соматичної захворюваності населення, показники поширеності захворювань серед дорослого населення, що постраждали внаслідок аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС, контингенти хворих, які мають злоякісні новоутворення (на 100 тисяч населення). Визначено біологічну дію радіаційного випромінювання.
Висновки. Провівши дослідження, можна сказати, що радіоактивне опромінення залишає безліч слідів у нашому організмі. Вплив радіації на організм безпосередньо залежить від інтенсивності виділення радіації та тривалості перебування в полі її дії. Джерелом радіації також можуть бути штучні джерела, як-от використання певних промислових і медичних технологій. Людина не може побачити, відчути, почути, спробувати на смак або запах іонізуюче випромінювання, але воно може зашкодити нашому здоров'ю. Цей тип радіації походить з природних джерел, як-от космічне випромінювання, гірські породи або ґрунт. Вплив природної радіації на людину є причиною низки певних хвороботворних мутацій та онкологічних захворювань.
Ключові слова: радіоактивне випромінювання, онкологічні захворювання, здоров'я людини, радіоактивне забруднення, злоякісні новоутворення.
In physics, radiation is the same as radiation: from the longest radio waves, which transmit signals over long distances, to the shortest gamma rays, which, according to comics, created the Jackdaw. In everyday life, we used to call radiation from the decay of atomic nuclei, which is potentially dangerous - it is called ionizing, nuclear or radioactive. For convenience, the word «radiation» will be understood as this meaning.
In nature, there are unstable elements - radionuclides - that emit radiation. Particle fluxes from space (cosmic radiation), part of solar radiation, radionuclides in the environment are also radioactive and form a natural radiation background. Radioactive particles can also be synthesized artificially - in the process of research, the nuclear industry and more.
Under the influence of radiation, materials can themselves become radioactive, their chemical bonds weaken by changing their properties, and chemical elements transform into others. Radiation from living cells alters their ability to repair itself, which can lead to death, damage or improper repair. It can also cause mutations in DNA that, if not repaired, eventually lead to tumors.
High doses of radiation received in a short period of time from contact with radioactive materials lead to serious consequences - burns, acute radiation sickness (ARS), numerous pathologies that can occur over time, and even death. After the Chernobyl accident, 44 people died as a result of the ARS alone. Hundreds of thousands of liquidators working there in the following years experienced deteriorating health in almost all classes of diseases, rising incidence of thyroid cancer, leukemia, tumors, mental and endocrine disorders - and many other problems that affected not only them but their descendants.
The first malignant tumor - skin cancer caused by radiation, was diagnosed in 1902 by radiologists. It was further shown that radiologists have an increased risk of leukemia, myeloma, and most significant tumors. However, the use of protective measures has significantly reduced the risk of tumors among the profession.
The risk of lung cancer in miners due to the high concentration of radioactive radon gas in the mines has been studied in a number of studies in Czechoslovakia (before the country's collapse), the United States, Sweden and China. All of these studies have shown a significant increase in the risk of death from lung cancer. The dose-effect curve was strictly linear.
Data on the increased risk of developing malignant tumors among employees of various nuclear facilities are contradictory. Most epidemiological studies based on surveillance of this contingent did not show an increase in morbidity, and in some of them revealed a «deficit» of cancer, which can be explained by the so-called «healthy worker» effect. Some studies have found an increased risk of leukemia (other than chronic lymphoid) and myeloma. At the same time, a reduced risk of lung and prostate cancer has been shown.
The results of recent studies, which included primary data from employees of various nuclear plants in the United States and Canada, suggest a reduction in the risk of cancer as a result of the «healthy worker» effect, rather than an increase. It should be emphasized that the radiation dose received by employees at these enterprises did not exceed 5 cGy (0.05 Gy). A cooperative study that included American and British data on 76.000 nuclear workers showed that only 9 out of 3.976 cases of malignancies could be linked to radiation.
Purpose and tasks
The aim of this study was to identify the main threats to radiation to both public health and the environment.
Research methods
Medical scientists have the results of research conducted in different countries around nuclear plants. Most of these studies have not found an increase in cancer morbidity and mortality. Some studies have shown a slight increase in the incidence of malignancies in children. However, in most cases, these findings were not confirmed.
Studies in England have suggested that children living in the vicinity of the Sellafield nuclear plant have an increased incidence of leukemia. Leukemia affected only those children who were born in this town. It should be noted that among the employees of the nuclear plant in Sellafield there was no excess of malignant tumors in general or leukemia in particular. In addition, based on dosimetry data, it was difficult to predict an increased risk of leukemia. It has been suggested that the cause of leukemia in children was most likely parental exposure prior to conception, the mutagenic effect of radiation on germ cells. However, further research has not confirmed this hypothesis. It turned out that some parents of children with leukemia were chemists and had contact with various chemicals, the effects of which can also be explained by leukemia in children. obtained in Sellafield.
Research results
The use of ionizing radiation in medicine. The first data on the carcinogenicity of ionizing radiation were obtained from the observation of patients who were often exposed to radiation. Observations of the number of women with tuberculosis have shown that frequent fluorographic examinations to control pneumothorax, one of the treatments for tuberculosis, increase the risk of breast cancer 10-15 years after starting treatment. The highest risk rates were recorded in women who underwent frequent fluorographic examinations in adolescence and childhood. The increase in relative risk depending on the radiation dose was linear. Irradiation of the breast with a dose of 1 Gy has been shown to increase the risk of cancer of this organ by 60%. It should be noted that the breast is one of the most radiosensitive organs, the degree of which depends on age. Thus, during growth and development, the radiosensitivity of the breast is higher than after 50 years.
Data on the carcinogenic risk associated with mammography indicate that despite the possible small increase in the risk of breast cancer, exposure to radiation (the dose absorbed by the gland is usually 3 mGy) ultimately reduces this type of cancer mortality body. Calculations conducted in Sweden have shown that mammography screening of 100.000 women aged 50-69 years as a result of radiation can lead to death from breast cancer from 1 to 5 women. At the same time, as a result of screening, mortality from breast cancer decreased by 25%, i.e. the lives of 560 women were saved as a result of screening.
When screening for lung cancer using low-dose spiral CT, the effective dose is 0.2-1 MeV, which can lead to the development of 1-5 deaths from cancer per 100 thousand subjects. Doses of radiation in other methods of radiological diagnosis, in particular, fluorography, are higher. Therefore, the decision on each additional radiological diagnostic procedure must be justified.
Radiation therapy increases the risk of developing a second malignancy in cancer patients. An increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma has been reported in patients receiving radiotherapy for cervical and uterine cancer and lymphogranulomatosis. Radiation therapy for breast cancer also increases the risk of lung cancer. Probably the same reason to some extent contributes to the frequent development of cancer of the second breast. Based on a careful analysis of the role of radiation therapy in the occurrence of second tumors, it was concluded that radiotherapy is responsible for 5-10% of all other tumors. The role of other factors, including chemotherapy, hormonal status, and to a greater extent lifestyle factors that were causally related to the first tumors, namely smoking, alcohol consumption, nutrition, seem to be more significant.
Observations of children exposed to retinoblastoma have shown a significant increased risk of bone, soft tissue, CNS and melanoma tumors. It is known that retinoblastoma is often combined with the above tumors, but radiation further increases the risk of their development.
Risk of malignant tumors associated with exposure to indoor radon. Radon-222 is the source of half of the total dose of ionizing radiation that people receive from natural sources, and averages 1.15 mSv/year. However, the level of radon exposure varies considerably and can exceed the average by ten times or more. It is known that miners have a significantly increased risk of lung cancer as a result of radon exposure. However, the level of radon in residential areas is much lower than in mines, and therefore the study of the carcinogenic effects of radon in the premises is extremely difficult.
A meta-analysis of epidemiological studies conducted in different countries showed that BP (relative risk) of lung cancer associated with exposure to radon in residential areas is 1.2, and the percentage of lung cancer that is etiologically related to this factor is not exceeds 2%. It should be emphasized that high levels of radon are characteristic of stone houses and especially granite, as well as the first floors of houses built in rocky terrain.
Long-term consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Epidemiological studies of the long-term consequences of the Chernobyl accident have shown a significant increase in the risk of thyroid cancer among children. This increase can be partly explained by the screening effect. However, most of these cases are undoubtedly related to radiation. In 1986-2000, the incidence of thyroid cancer increased among children living in the most polluted areas of Ukraine.
The rate of thyroid cancer was six times higher in children who received a radiation dose above 1 Gy, compared with those who received a dose less than 0.3 Gy, and this difference was statistically significant. The researchers note that thyroid cancer in children associated with the Chernobyl accident is almost exclusively papillary histological structure, tumors are more common in children exposed to radiation under 5 years, and that the latency period between exposure to radiation and cancer is extremely short.
The results of epidemiological studies examining the link between the Chernobyl accident and thyroid cancer in adults are less convincing. However, in two groups of liquidators observed in Estonia, an increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer was found compared to the expected incidence based on thyroid cancer statistics in Estonia.
Epidemiological data do not indicate a link between the Chernobyl accident and the incidence of leukemia in children. An epidemiological study examining the dynamics of leukemia and lymphoma in children in 23 countries found no link between the small increase in leukemia incidence reported by researchers and radiation. Similar studies in Ukraine and Finland did not show an increase in the incidence of childhood leukemia. Studies of the dynamics of the incidence of adult leukemia in the most polluted regions of Ukraine did not reveal an increase in the incidence, which could be explained by the effects of radiation. However, an increased risk of acute leukemia was noted among the liquidators who received the highest doses of radiation.
Risk of malignant tumors associated with cosmic radiation. This problem has attracted the attention of researchers relatively recently. Jet crews are more at risk from this source of radiation. Crews that perform passenger flights receive an average of 3-6 mSv per year, and military pilots - about 9 mSv. Epidemiological studies of these groups have shown an increased risk of skin cancer and melanoma, malignancies that may be associated with increased exposure to sunlight during non-working hours. In addition, women in jet crews were found to have an increased risk of breast cancer, which can also be explained by the peculiarities of the flight attendants' reproductive history, in particular, late first childbirth and the absence of children. One study in Denmark showed an increased risk of dying from leukemia.
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