Study of individual orthodontic signs in the pupils of junior school age from Uzhhorod

Realization of stomatological inspection of the population. Exposure of prevalence of dentition in the children and adolescents. Study of individual orthodontic indications in the pupils of junior school age in Uzhhorod. Methods of dental examination.

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Дата добавления 28.12.2017
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Horzov Uzhhorod National University

Study of individual orthodontic signs in the pupils of junior school age from Uzhhorod

V.S. Melnyk, A.V. Sabov


Dental examination of the population indicate that the prevalence of dentition in the children and adolescents (by criteria of dental aesthetic index - Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI, 1989) is the average 54 %.

The aim of the study - to research individual orthodontic indications in the pupils of junior school age in Uzhhorod. There were examined 152 junior pupils - 46.7 % boys and 53.3 % girls.

Materials and Methods. There was conducted dental examination, basic methods of which including: the height of the chin, breathing character, condition of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), closing of the lips, nasolabial and chin folds, size of mouth slit, speech, harmful habits. The obtained data were recorded in a specially designed Table of orthodontic accounting indications.

Results and Discussion. According to the research chin height was normal in 58.2 %, decreased in 33.5 % and increased in 8.2 %. More than a half of primary school children (55.3 %) had a breach of closing lips. Nasolabial and chin folds were expressed moderately in 58.6 % children. Among the most common bad habits were: bite lips and cheeks 84.8 % of the 152 investigated children. A substantial difference between the boys and the girls were found.

Conclusions. We determined the following facts: studied orthodontic signs had a high prevalence among Uzhhorod children of primary school age. The specialists may strengthen the work with prevention of identified violations, involving parents, teachers, logopedists and dentists.

Key words: pupils; individual orthodontic signs; dental examination; the investigation.

Вивчення індивідуальних ортодонтичних ознак учнів молодшого шкільного віку м. Ужгорода

Резюме. У ході епідеміологічного стоматологічного обстеження було виявлено, що поширеність неправильного зубного прикусу в дітей та підлітків (за даними Стоматологічного естетичного індексу (DAI, 1989) становить у середньому 54 %).

Мета дослідження - вивчити індивідуальні ортодонтичні особливості в учнів молодших класів м. Ужгорода. Обстежено 152 дітей, серед них 46,7 % хлопців і 53,3 % дівчат.

Матеріали і методи. Проведено стоматологічне обстеження, основні методи якого включали: висоту підборіддя, характер дихання, стан нижньощелепного суглоба, закриття губ, носогубні впадини, впадини підборіддя, розмір ротової щілини, мову, шкідливі звички. Отримані результати наведено у спеціально розробленій таблиці обліку ортодонтичних особливостей. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Згідно з даними дослідження, висота підборіддя була нормальною в 58,2 %, зменшилась у 33,5 % та збільшилась у 8,2 %. Більше ніж у половини школярів відзначали порушення закриття губ. Носогубні впадини і впадини підборіддя були помірно виражені у 58,6 % дітей. Серед шкідливих звичок найбільш поширеним було кусання губ та щік - 84,8 % із 152 обстежуваних дітей. Виявлено значну різницю між хлопцями та дівчатами.

Висновки. У ході дослідження встановлено, що вивчені ортодонтичні ознаки мають високий показник поширеності серед дітей молодшого шкільного віку м. Ужгорода. Спеціалісти повинні посилити роботу щодо попередження виявлених порушень, залучаючи батьків, учителів, логопедів і дантистів.

Ключові слова: учні; індивідуальні ортодонтичні ознаки; стоматологічне обстеження; дослідження.

Изучение индивидуальных ортодонтических признаков учащихся младшего школьного возраста г. Ужгорода

Резюме. Во время эпидемиологического стоматологического обследования было выявлено, что распространенность неправильного зубного прикуса в детей и подростков (по данным Стоматологического эстетического индекса (DAI, 1989) составляет в среднем 54 %).

Цель исследования - изучить индивидуальные ортодонтические особенности в учащихся младших классов г. Ужгорода. Обследовано 152 учеников, среди них 46,7 % мальчиков и 53,3 % девочек.

Материалы и методы. Проведено стоматологическое обследование, основные методы которого включали: высоту подбородка, характер дыхания, состояние нижнечелюстного сустава, закрытие губ, носогубные впадины, впадины подбородка, размер ротовой щели, язык, вредные привычки. Полученные результаты приведены в специально разработанной таблице учета ортодонтических особенностей.

Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Согласно данным исследования, высота подбородка была нормальной в 58,2 %, уменьшилась в 33,5 % и увеличилась в 8,2 %. Более чем у половины школьников отмечали нарушение закрытия губ. Носогубные впадины и впадины подбородка были умеренно выражены в 58,6 % детей. Среди вредных привычек наиболее распространенным было кусание губ и щек - 84,8 % из 152 обследуемых детей. Обнаружено значительное различие между мальчиками и девочками.

Выводы. Во время исследования установлено, что изученные ортодонтические признаки имеют высокий показатель распространенности среди детей младшего школьного возраста г. Ужгорода. Специалисты должны усилить работу по предупреждению выявленных нарушений, привлекая родителей, учителей, логопедов и дантистов.

Ключевые слова: ученики; индивидуальные ортодонтические признаки; стоматологическое обследование; исследование.

individual orthodontic indication


In school-age children the entire body is actively developing and improving. The rate of growth and development of individual organs and functional systems slightly reduced compared to pre-school age, but it is still quite high. It is noted that a characteristic feature of the growth process of a child's body is uneven [3, 7]. Various authors note that in recent years the level of prevalence of functional abnormalities increases

Dental examination of the population indicate that the prevalence of dentition in the children and adolescents (by criteria of dental aesthetic index-Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI, 1989) is the average 54 % [1]. It is also necessary to note that the functional disorders of dentition are not only a problem of human health, but also an important aspect of the formation of the personality and social status [2, 4].

The goal of the research was to study the individual orthodontic signs in Uzhhorod pupils aged 6-11 years.

Materials and methods

This work is a fragment of the complex topic of scientific-research work of Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the Uzhhorod National University "The prevention, diagnosis, treatment of major dental diseases in children in Transcarpathia” (registration number 0116U003555). Dental examination of the child population was conducted by staff of the Department of pediatric Dentistry, the Dental Faculty of UzhNU, along with 5th year students during the passage of the production practices of Pediatric Dentistry, using the criteria and methodology of the World Health Organization [3, 7]. The objects of theexami - nation were the pupils, who study in secondary schools of Uzhhorod city (school № 2 and № 3) [5, 8].

We examined 152 junior pupils - 46.7 % boys and 53.3 % girls. The obtained data were recorded in a specially designed table of orthodontic accounting indications. Sex-age composition of the investigated children is presented in the Table 1. Statistical data processing was carried out using student t-test probability.

Results and discussion

The height of the chin determined full-face by ratio distance basics nose to the most convex point of the chin. It was discovered that only in 58.2 % of the children the chin height was evaluated as normal; and the boys are less likely than girls, but the difference was statistically unreliable.15.8 % of the boys and 17.8 % of the girls had reduced height of the chin (only 33.5 % of the children); in 5.2 % and 3.0 % respectively increased (or 8.2 %). As we can see, among pathological symptoms it is often met the height reduction of the chin than the increasing, regardless of the gender of the baby. The nature of breathing was predominantly nasal - 82.9 % of the children. Although an oral type of breathing also had a place in 17.1 % cases.

Analyzing the State of the TMJ, we dealt with the following parameters: painfull mouth opening, painless mouth opening, clicks or crunch during the movements in the joint. There were marked the single (1 among the boys and among the girls) cases of the painful opening of the mouth. Any difficulty in opening of the mouth is fixed. Clicking at movement in the joint observed at 3.9 % in the boys and 4.6 % in the girls; crunch - 5.3 % and 5.9 %, respectively (p < 0.05). We found the statistical tendency of the increasing of the presence of these symptoms as children without interrelation with article.

Quiet closing the lips also is formed in the process of growing up, instead of excessive compression or incomplete connections. So, at the age of 6-7 years up to 6.7 % of children have a quiet closing lips against 38.1 % aged 8-11 years (p < 0.001). Reliable difference between the sexes was found. Overall, more than half of the pupils of junior classes (55.3 %) had the breach of closing the lips, in almost equal shares: incomplete closing of the lips - 25.6 % and excessive compression of the lips - 29.6 %.

Table 1. Distribution of children by age and article

Age/ Gender






























100 %

Reliably more often in children we met smooth shown nasolabial folds of the chin than strongly expressed: 34.9 % and 6.5 %, p<0.001. More than half (58.6 %) of the children named folds were expressed moderately. As they mature, certain increased the frequency of anti-aliased folds (from 9.1 % in age 6-7 years before 32.6 % to 8-11 years).

It is more often observed reduction of the amount of oral clefts (mode - 61.2 %) than the norm or increase (p < 0.05), regardless of the gender. size of mouth meet age norm in 32.9 % of the cases, and as they mature, this sign of approaching normal.

As you know, formation following must be completed prior to taking a child to school. However, only 21.6 % of children 6-7 years old were not registered any deviations. The rest of the first-graders weren't able to pronounce the "r" and, much less, T - 48.4 % and 21.6 %, respectively.29.7 % are not able to pronounce the sizzling sounds; 40.5 % - whistling. Each 10 child didn't have expressive language. The average number of violations per 1 formation following 0.87 amounted to a child; 1.62 violations accounted for 1 child aged 6-7 years and 0.6 violations - 1 child 8-11 years. To complete elementary school education the negative trends in formation of the language were corrected and up to 11 years of age already 60.0 % of the students spoke without deviations. significant fluctuations formation depending on gender also was not revealed.

Among the most common bad habits there were: bite lips and cheeks 84.8 % of the 152 investigated children. The girls did it correctly more often than boys (p < 0.05). Biting nails, seeds and pen was detected in the investigated 55.9 % of 152 children, and these bad habits boys have more often than girls (p < 0.05). The habit of sucking finger or pen was met in 11.2 % of the 152 investigated, which is significantly less than the previous bad habits. The average number of unhealthy habits made 1.96 % of the 1 child; 2.08 habits had 1 child aged 6-7 years and 1.93 habits - 1 child 8-11 years. As we can see, as the maturing children of the prevalence of all bad habits increased in 2.9 times < 0.05. The results of our study are presented in the Table 2.

Table 2. Individual orthodontic signs in the Uzhhorod pupils

Orthodontic signs

Boys, %


Girls, %


Together, %

The height of the chin













Nature of breathing









State of the TMJ

Painful mouth opening




Painless mouth opening




Clicks or crunch during the movements in the joint




Closing of the lips













Fold: shown nasolabial and chin













The size of the mouth slit













Formation of the language









Bad habits

Biting lips and cheeks




Biting nails, seeds, pen




Sucking finger or pen





According to the research chin height was normal in 58.2 %, decreased in 33.5 % and increased in 8.2 %. In the analysis of the TMJ abnormalities were not detected in 78.3% of the examined children. More than half of primary school children (55.3 %) had a breach of closing lips. Nasolabial and chin folds were expressed moderately in 58.6 % children. Only 21.6 % of children were not registered any deviations in language. Among the most common bad habits were: bite lips and cheeks 84.8 % of the 152 investigated children. A substantial difference between the boys and the girls was found. The specialists may strengthen the work with prevention of identified violations, involving parents, teachers, logopedists and dentists.

List of literature

Размещено на

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4. Дорошенко С.І. Розповсюдженість зубощелепних аномалій та деформацій, а також дефектів зубів та зубних рядів серед дітей шкільного віку м. Києва / С.І. Дорошенко, Є.А. Кульхінський // Вісник стоматології. - 2009. - Т.2. - С.76-81.

5. Лучинський М.А. Частота зубощелепних аномалій у дітей різних адаптивних типів Прикарпаття / М.А. Лучинський // Вісник соціальної гігієни та організації охорони здоров'я. - 2013. - Т.1 (55). - С.31-34.

6. Поширеність зубощелепних аномалій серед дітей шкільного віку Закарпатської області / А.М. Потапчук, Рівіс Олу, К.В. Зомбор // Проблеми клінічної педіатрії. - 2013. - Т.1 (19). - С.58-63.

7. Ославський О.М. Розповсюдженість та види зубощелепних аномалій у дітей м. Одеса / О.М. Ославський // Вісник стоматології. - 2010. - Т.1. - P.38-40.

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