Особливості перебігу В-клітинної хронічної лімфоцитарної лейкемії залежно від молекулярної характеристики генів важких ланцюгів імуноглобулінів

Виявлення впливу молекулярної структури генів варіабельних ділянок важких ланцюгів імуноглобулінів в комплексі з клініко-гематологічними факторами прогнозу на прогресування хронічної лімфоцитарної лейкемії В-клітинного походження та виживання хворих.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.08.2015
Размер файла 73,7 K

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One hundred and seven B-CLL patients were observed. Diagnosis was established based on clinico-hematologic and immunophenotypic criteria. The polymerase chain reaction with followed sequence were used for study of IgVH genes.

The most of patients (71.1 %) had unmutated IgVH genes, and the rest of ones (28.9 %) were mutated. It was different from CLL cohorts in Europe and USA, and could be explained by selecting for severe cases.

Patients with unmutated IgVH genes had B-symptomes and high WBC count at diagnosis more frequent than mutated cases. Richter transformation developed only in 8 patients with unmutated IgVH genes, and 5 of them expressed IgVH1-69 gene with stereotyped HCDR3. The most of autoimmune disorders (10 from 15) developed in IgVH3-11+ and IgVH1-69+ patients. Mutated IgVH4 gene family was associated with large tumor mass and CIII-CIV stages at diagnosis.

The frequency of positive response on therapy was not different depends on IgVH gene's mutation status, but duration of remissions was much longer in mutated than in unmutated cases (median 40 mo vs 21 mo, p=0.042). The patients with unmutated IgVH genes and high expression of CD38 antigen (>30 % of

B-cells) needed second line therapy the most frequent.

Some factors for prognosis of OS, PFS, and TFS were found. For CLL patients at A0-I stage the mutation status of IgVH genes and expression of CD38 antigen were the most significant, for patients at BII stage - the mutation status of IgVH genes and clinical features at diagnosis, for patients at CIII-IV no prognostic factors were found.

Key words: chronic lymphocytic leukemia, variable region heavy chain immunoglobulin (IgVH) genes, mutation status, prognostic factors.

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