Порушення функціонування тиреоїдної системи при тяжкій черепно-мозковій травмі, способи їхньої корекції

Патологія головного мозку, поразки гіпоталамуса і гіпофіза, зрушення в системі нейроендокринної регуляції йодного обміну. Зміни функції гіпоталамо-гіпофізарно-тиреоїдної системи. Декомпенсація гіпотиреозу при критичних станах у посттравматичному періоді.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 07.08.2014
Размер файла 46,7 K

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Прогностическим критерием исхода ТЧМТ при экзогенном введении ТГ является уровень Т4.

Ключевые слова: тяжёлая черепно-мозговая травма, “low T3 syndrome”, гипоталамо-гипофизарно-тиреоидная система, тиреотропный гормон, трийодтиронин, тироксин.


Rebkovets I.I. Thyroid system dysfunction at the severe craniocerebral trauma, the methods of their correction. - The manuscript.

The dissertation competition of a scientific degree of the Candidate of Medical Sciences on speciality 14.01.30 - anesthesiology and intensive care. - Dnepropetrovskaya State Medical Academy, Dnepropetrovsk, 2005.

The dissertation is devoted to studding the thyroid system dysfunction at the severe craniocerebral trauma (SCCT) and working-out of some methods of their correction. The purpose of the research is to lower the lethality at the SCCT.

All patients were randomized into three groups. The patients of the 1-st group got the standard intensive care. To the intensive care complex of the patients of the 2-d group morphine was added in small doses. Except the standard intensive care the patients of the 3-d group got the replacement therapy with thyroid hormones. The patients of the 1-st group had the “low T3 syndrome”. The level of triiodthyronin (T3) is the prognosis criterion of the issue of SCCT during the taking of the standard intensive care complex. During the administration of morphine in small doses the “low T3 syndrome” wasn't formed in the patients of the 2-d group as a result of activating the central section of hypothalamus-hypophysis-thyroid system (HHTS). The lethal outcomes came down by 14,4% by comparison with the results of the patients of the 1-st group. During the administration of morphine in small doses the level of thyrotrope hormone (TTH) is the prognosis criterion of the issue of SCCT. During the taking the replacement therapy with thyroid hormones the patients of the 3-d group didn't have the “low T3 syndrome” as a result of influencing the peripheries section of the HHTS. The lethal outcomes came down by 14,6% by comparison with the results of the patients of the 1-st group. During the exogenous introduction of thyroid hormones the prognosis criterion of the issue of SCCT is the level of thyroxin (T4).

Key words: severe craniocerebral trauma, “low T3 syndrome”, hypothalamus-hypophysis-thyroid system, thyrotrope hormone, triiodthyronin, thyroxin, morphine.

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