Особливості клініки, діагностики та лікування кровоточивих гострих виразок та ерозії шлунка та дванадцятипалої кишки

Аналіз причин розвитку, особливостей клінічних проявів, характеру ураження та локалізації кровоточивих гострих виразок та ерозії шлунка і дванадцятипалої кишки. Алгоритми діагностики та лікувальної тактики з урахуванням особливостей протікання хвороби.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.07.2014
Размер файла 205,5 K

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Bobkov O.V. Peculiarities of clinic, diagnostics and treatment of bleeding acute ulcers and erosions of stomach and duodenum. - Manuscript.

Dissertation for a Candidate degree in medical sciences by speciality 14.01.03 - surgery. - The Crimean state medical university named after S.I. Georgievsky, Simferopol, 2005.

Scientific work is devoted to improvement of treatment results of bleeding erosion and acute stomach ulcers and a duodenum (BE, BAU) on the basis of purposeful diagnostics of causal diseases and pathological conditions, and as correct medical tactics. The retrospective analysis of 836 case records of patients with named pathology has revealed, that as the reasons of occurrence of BE and BAU diseases of a stomach, somatic diseases, alimentary-ecological factors, ulcerogenic medicines, stress serve. Each of the reasons of factors causes characteristic enough typical injuries of mucous membrane, its localization and the characteristic of gastroenteric bleeding. In connection with these characteristics the diagnostic algorithm which gives a direction of search of causal disease and a pathological condition is received. Peculiarities of mucous membrane injury, the characteristic of gastroenteric bleeding and the causal factor were in a basis of the received medical algorithm which enables to develop medical tactics in each concrete case. Medical process must be complex and develop from endoscopic hemostasis at active bleedings, the further treatment of mucous membrane injury and necessary simultaneous therapeutic influence on causal disease or a pathological condition. In treatment of BE and BAU and, especially, for endoscopic hemostasis effective appeared a local ozonotherapy.

The entered improvements are introduced at treatment of 295 patients and expressed in reduction of terms of BE healing from 7 - 10 days up to 5 - 7, and BAU - from 10 - 14 days up to 7 - 10. Lethality has come to light not informative for an estimation of results because it depends not on injury of mucous membrane, but from causal diseases and pathological conditions.

Key words: bleeding erosions, bleeding acute ulcers, gastroenteric bleeding, causal factors, diagnostics, treatment.

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