Стан гемокоагуляційного гомеостазу та можливості корекції його змін у хворих з первинною легеневою гіпертензією та синдромом Ейзенменгера при тривалому спостереженні

Оцінка змін плазмового, тромбоцитарного та еритроцитарного гемостазу у пацієнтів з первинною легеневою гіпертензією та вродженими вадами серця у фазі синдрому Ейзенменгера. Вплив еритроцитаферезу на коагуляційний потенціал крові під час лікування.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2014
Размер файла 48,0 K

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Ключевые слова: гемостаз, тромбоциты, эритроциты, первичная легочная гипертензия, врожденные пороки сердца, синдром Эйзенменгера, артерио-венозная разница, аспирин, эритроцитаферез.


Susak I.A. Hemocoagulation homeostasis condition and opportunities of correction of their changes in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart diseases on stage of Eisenmenger syndrom at long supervision. - Manuscript.

The thesis on the competition of scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on speciality 14.01.11. - Cardiology. - The Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, 2004. In thesis the data describing a condition of curtailing blood system and functional activity of blood platelets and erythrocytes at primary pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart diseases on stage of Eisenmenger syndrom are submitted. Is established, that the changes of coagulation potential, adequate to different stages of disseminated intravascular coagulation, and in most cases - by its third, hypocoagulation, phase are characteristic for these diseases. The informativity of hemostatic parameters is appreciated concerning the 1-year's forecast survival rate of the patients with primary pulmonary hypertension. The one-orientation of changes plasmatic, blood platelets and erythrocytic section of the system of hemostasis is established at both forms vascular pulmonary hypertension. The changes of arterio-venous difference of parameters of blood coagulation activity at the patients with primary pulmonary hypertension and Eisenmenger syndrom in comparison with the donors and among themselves are analysed. The results of 1-year's supervision behind dynamics of parameters thrombocytic and plasma hemostasis of the patients under influence of treatment with use of therapy by aspirin are submitted. The influence erythrocytpheresis on parameters coagulation blood of activity at the patients with secondary polycythemia is investigated.

Key words: hemostasis, blood platelets, erythrocytes, primary pulmonary hypertension, congenital defects of heart, Eisenmenger syndrom, arterio-venous differences, aspirin, erythrocytpheresis.

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