Судово-медичне значення накладень клітин слизової оболонки порожнини рота на жувальних гумках

Дисертація присвячена дослідженню цитологічного складу плям слини на різних поверхнях використаних жувальних гумок. Запропоновані і розроблені прийоми вилучення використаних жувальних гумок при проведенні огляду місця події, підготовки їх для досліджень.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2014
Размер файла 47,7 K

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The dissertation is designed to study the cytologik structure of saliva spots on different surfaces of used chewing gums. Rational methods of withdrawing used chewing gums detected during the examination of the site of incident, their packing and preparation for study are proposed and developed. The. tactics of the sequence of studying chewing gums in case of the detection on their surfaces of trassologic traces (finger-prints, traces of teeth).

The technique of the withdrawal of epithelial cells of the oral cells of the oral mucosa from the surfaces of used chewing gums has been developed. The proposed technique provides the maximum complete withdrawal epithelial cells, it promotes a consequent identification based on sexual and antigenic properties, by means of studying the nuclei for the presence of Х- and Y-chromatin, as well as revealing antigenes with the help of RMА.

It has been determined, that for the elimination of epithelial cells from the surfaces of used chewing gums both acetic acid and the physiological solution of sodium chloride are suitable. The use of the physiological solution of sodium chloride are for extraction of the oral mucosa cells from the surfaces of used chewing gums, is promising in case it is necessary to further study the cells by DNA-analysis.

The possibility of the sexual and antigenic attribution of the oral mucosa cells according to the isoserologic system АВО has been determined depending on the condition of storing used chewing gums, from the moment of their use up to the moment of their study (different temperature modes, humidity, the length of storage).

The safety of sexual chromatin and the group antigen's of isoserologic system АВО in the cells on the surfaces of chewing gums has been determined depending on the action of environment factors (temperature modes, humidity, the length of storage).A dependence between establishment of the sexual and group attribution of the oral mucosa cells has been revealed. The data have been obtained which testity to the fact that even if it is impossible to carry out the sexual attribution of the cells it is still possible to performe their group one.

The safety of sexual chromatin and group antigenes of isoserologic system АВО in the oral mucous cells depending on the trace-perceiving object has been estimated.

The results of the developed technique expand the limits of forensic cytological expert examination of the cells revealed in traces layers on the material evidence, at the expense of a possibility to carry out their sexual and group attribution according to the isoserologic system ABO. In this case the microobjects under examination find the most rational and effective use in the process of their study, the probability of obtaining a reliable conclusion about the studied objects being also increased. The basic results of the research have been introduced into practice.

Key words: sexual chromatin, group antigens, oral mucous, chewing gums, exanimate of the site of the incident.

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