Клінічне значення місцевого неспецифічного протеїназно-інгібіторного потенціалу при хронічних захворюваннях гастродуоденальної зони у дітей

Аналіз зміни місцевого неспецифічного протеїназно-інгібіторного потенціалу шлункового соку у хворих із хронічним поверхневим гастритом. Діагностика та прогнозування перебігу хронічних запально-деструктивних захворювань гастродуоденальної зони у дітей.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.06.2014
Размер файла 44,3 K

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Ключевые слова: протеиназы, ингибиторы протеиназ, гастродуодениты, дети.


Babich I.A. Clinical importance of local not specific proteinase-inhibitor potential at chronic diseases of a gastroduodenal zone in children. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate's degree in medical sciences by speciality 14.01.10 - pediatrics. - Crimean state medical university by S.I. Georgievsky of MPH of Ukraine. Simferopol, 2002.

The dissertation is devoted to questions of increase of diagnostics efficiency and forecasting of current chronic inflammatory-destructive diseases of a gastroduodenal zone in children on the basis of parameters study proteinase-inhibitor potential of a gastric secret. During clinical researches the participation proteinase-inhibitor system in pathogenesis of damage of a mucous membrane in the patients with a chronic pathology of gastroduodenal zone is proved. The specifications of local not specific proteinase-inhibitor potential in children of control group are revealed.

It is established, that the parameters of local proteinase-inhibitor potential in children with a functional pathology practically do not differ from parameters of control group. The influence of the period of disease, degree of weight of inflammatory process proceeding in a mucous membrane of a gastroduodenal zone on parameters of not specific proteinase-inhibitor gastric secret is investigated. It is determined, that in the period of an aggravation the activity of not specific proteinase amplifies, the maximal changes are found out in the patients with erosive and hypertrophic gastritis, minimal - at superficial gastritis. Established that including to treatments scheme of a dalargins endonazal electrophoresis are corregate effectivety a disbalans in local non-specific proteinase-inhibitor system on patients with erosive gastritis.

The direct dependence of a dissimination degree and mucous membrane of Helicobacter pylori with parameters of not specific proteinase-inhibitor potential activity is proved. The compensated state of local not specific proteinase-inhibitor system is revealed at transition from lean to stimulated phases of gastric secretion in the patients with the superficial forms of lesion.

Key words: proteinases, inhibitors of proteinases, gastroduodenitis, children.

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