Ефективність комплексної терапії загострення хронічного пієлонефриту у вагітних

Дослідження гісто- та ультраструктури дитячої та материнської частин плаценти при фізіологічному перебігу вагітності. Аналіз впливу базової терапії у поєднанні з фітолізином на показники клініко-лабораторних досліджень плаценти при пієлонефриті вагітних.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 24.06.2014
Размер файла 46,5 K

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120 (one hundred twenty) pregnant women with aggravation of chronic pyelonephritis and 20 (twenty) women with physiological course of pregnancy where divided into five groups: I group - pregnant women with chronic pyelonephritis who got basic therapy (control group) (n=30); II group - pregnant women with chronic pyelonephritis who got basic therapy combined with phytolisin (n=30); III group - pregnant women with chronic pyelonephritis who got basic therapy combined with б-tocopherol (n=30); IV group - pregnant women with chronic pyelonephritis who got basic therapy combined with phytolisin and б-tocopherol (n=30); V group - pregnant women with physiological course of pregnancy (n=20).

There were used clinic-laboratory, biochemical examinations of pregnant women and morphological investigation of women's in childbirth placenta.

It was found that treatment of aggravated chronic pyelonephritis of pregnant women with basic therapy applying, has better clinic-laboratory, biochemical results and ultrasound investigations of kidneys in 57,3% of patients; 70,3% of women who used phytolisin combined with basic therapy got positive therapeutic effect; 72,9% of pregnant women got the same effect combining the same treatment with б-tocopherol; complex usage of phytolisin and б-tocopherol on the ground of basic therapy was effective for 88,6% of women.

Pathomorphological changes after basic therapy applying in placenta of women in childbirth who have pyelonephritis - are not characteristic. They are displayed in the form of edematic-infiltrative and dystrophic - necrotic processes on the ground of expressed disorders in local blood flow and activity of apoptosis. Complex therapy promotes complete recovery of morphofunctional state of placenta, it leads to reduction of edematic-infitrative manifestations, dystrophic-necrotic processes and apoptosis phenomena; it activates intracellular compensatory-adaptive reactions, which is positive for histo-ultrastructural organization of syncytial-capillary membranes.

Key words: pregnancy, pyelonephritis, phytolisin, б-tocopherol, placenta, apoptosis.

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