Marketing management in the field of theatre arts
Dynamics of publishing activity for the search queries "marketing management" and "theatre arts" in the scientometric databases. Competitive analysis of Ukrainian theaters. the of marketing strategies for successful promotion of theater productions.
Рубрика | Маркетинг, реклама и торговля |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.12.2024 |
Размер файла | 875,7 K |
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Marketing management in the field of theatre arts
Mariia Demchenko, department of Marketing, Sumy State University
Even taking into account the difficult conditions of life in Ukraine, society always strives to restore itself by filling itself with positive emotions. Considering these aspects, the theater industry is still growing even faster than during the pandemic since 2020. Accordingly, today marketing is an important tool for the successful functioning and development of theatrical art, ensuring its accessibility, popularity and financial stability. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of marketing management support in the field of theatrical art. The results of the analysis of queries in the Google search network, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science confirm the relevance of the researched topic. An analysis of the dynamics of search queries for the period from 2004 to May 2024 showed significant fluctuations in interest in marketing management and theater arts, which were caused by economic crises and the COVID-19 pandemic. After the recovery in 2022, new marketing platforms such as TikTok have contributed to positive changes in the field of marketing management. Geographical analysis shows a predominance of interest in theater arts in Canada, Australia, Great Britain and Ireland, while in China, Brazil, Germany and Ukraine there is a greater interest in marketing management.
The author revealed an increase in the level of interest among the scientific community in the field of research into the effectiveness of marketing management in the theater industry. This is evidenced by the general increase in the number of scientific works over the past five years by almost 20%, taking into account the rather wide geography of publishing activity. A competitive analysis of four of the largest and most popular theaters of Ukraine - Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theater, Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater, Solomiya Krushelnytska Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater and Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre - emphasized the importance of modern marketing strategies and active using social media to successfully promote theater productions.
Keywords: marketing management, marketing analysis, theater arts, communication channel, competitiveness.
Маркетинговий менеджмент у сфері театрального мистецтва
Марія Демченко, кафедра маркетингу, Сумський державний університет
Навіть враховуючи складні умови життя в Україні, суспільство завжди прагне до відновлення на наповнення себе позитивними емоціями. Враховуючи ці аспекти, театральна індустрія й досі розвивається навіть швидше ніж при пандемії з 2020 року. Відповідно, сьогодні маркетинг є важливим інструментом для успішного функціонування та розвитку театрального мистецтва, забезпечуючи його доступність, популярність та фінансову стабільність. Метою статті є проведення аналізу ефективності підтримки маркетингового управління в сфері театрального мистецтва.
Результати аналізу запитів в пошуковій мережі Google, наукометричних баз даних Scopus and Web of Science підтверджують актуальність досліджуваної теми. Аналіз динаміки пошукових запитів за період з 2004 по травень 2024 року показав значні коливання інтересу до маркетингового управління та театрального мистецтва, що були обумовлені економічними кризами та пандемією COVID-19. Після відновлення у 2022 році нові маркетингові платформи, такі як TikTok, сприяли позитивним змінам у сфері маркетингового управління. Географічний аналіз свідчить про переважання інтересу до театрального мистецтва в Канаді, Австралії, Великій Британії та Ірландії, тоді як у Китаї, Бразилії, Німеччині та Україні більший інтерес спостерігається до маркетингового управління.
Автором виявлено зростання рівня зацікавленості серед наукової спільноти в сфері дослідження ефективності маркетингового управління в театральній індустрії. Про це свідчить загалом зростання кількості наукових праць за останні п'ять років майже на 20 %, з врахуванням досить широкої географії публікаційної активності. Проведений конкурентний аналіз чотирьох найбільших та найпопулярніших театрів України - Національний академічний драматичний театр імені Лесі Українки, Національний академічний драматичний театр імені Івана Франка, Львівський національний академічний театр опери та балету імені Соломії Крушельницької та Київський національний академічний Молодий театр, підкреслив важливість сучасних маркетингових стратегій і активного використання соціальних медіа для успішного просування театральних постановок.
Ключові слова: маркетингове управління, маркетинговий аналіз, театральне мистецтво, канал комунікації, конкурентоспроможність.
Marketing in the theater arts includes promoting productions to attract audiences and increase ticket sales. This involves creating attractive advertising, using social media, engaging the community and using traditional media channels. Effective theater marketing also focuses on building relationships with patrons by offering special promotions and providing memorable experiences to encourage repeat visits. This requires creativity, strategic planning and a deep understanding of the target audience [1-12].
To study the dynamics of interest in this topic on a global scale, using the Google Trends tool [13] an analysis of the dynamics of queries in the Google search system was carried out according to the following parameters:
The geography of the request is the whole world;
The search query period is from 2004 to 2023;
Search categories - all;
Search keywords - «marketing management» and «theatre arts».
Years marketing management -- theatre arts:
Figure. 1. Interest rating in the Google search engine for the keywords «marketing management» and «theatre arts»
Source: constructed by author based on data [13]
Analysis of the dynamics of search queries (Fig. 1) regarding the topic of marketing management for the period from 2004 to May 2024 revealed several significant trends. From 2004 to the end of 2007, there was a gradual decline in user interest, with a peak decline in 2008, which can be attributed to the global economic crisis. After that, from 2009 to the spring of 2013, a certain stability was observed, as the market recovered, new businesses began to open, which caused an increase in interest in marketing management.
From 2013 to the spring of 2020, interest fluctuated, the overall dynamics were positive, but in March 2020 there was a significant decline due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was not until 2022 that the situation normalized, when the restriction was lifted and businesses began to recover. From the beginning of 2022 to May 2024, there were positive developments due to new marketing platforms such as TikTok, which greatly influenced social media promotion strategies.
An analysis of the dynamics of searches for theater arts showed that from 2004 to 2008, interest fluctuated significantly. The key moment was 2008, when, due to the global economic crisis, interest in theatrical art fell significantly and did not recover to the pre-crisis level. From 2008 to March 2020, interest remained stable, with no significant ups or downs.
The pandemic of 2020 had a catastrophic impact on the theater arts due to quarantine restrictions, leading to a significant decline in interest. However, by May 2024, the situation is gradually improving, the number of requests is increasing, and people's interest in theater art is reviving.
Searches for the keywords «marketing management» in the world show fluctuations that depend on the economic state and the general situation on the market. At the same time, interest in «theatre arts» requests has been gradually decreasing since 2004.
It is also important to take into account the geographical dynamics of search queries for a more detailed understanding of the situation (Fig. 2).
According to Figure 2, it can be concluded that in Canada there is a significant preponderance of searches for the topic «theatre arts» (64%) over «marketing management» (36%). In Australia, this distribution is 60% and 40%, respectively.
Figure 2. Geography of interest in the Google search engine for the keywords «marketing management» and «theatre arts»: [13]
In Great Britain, the predominance of the cultural sphere is even more pronounced - 74% against 26% of interest in marketing management. In Ireland, the situation is similar, with 61% of requests for performing arts, while 39% for marketing management. Thus, the greatest interest in the cultural sphere is observed in Great Britain.
Analyzing the countries more interested in business than culture, the highest indicators are shown by China (91% marketing, 9% theater), Brazil (94% and 6%, respectively), Germany (97% marketing management, 3% cultural activities), and Ukraine (90% marketing, 10% theater).
Analysis of latest research and publications
The analysis of the interest of the scientific community in the research topic, based on publications indexed by the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science [14, 15], made it possible to form a sample that includes 3,823 scientific publications using the keywords «marketing management» or «theatre arts».
Figure 3. Dynamics of publishing activity for the search queries «marketing management» and «theatre arts» in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science
Source: constructed by author based on data [14, 15]
The results of the study indicate a significant increase in the dynamics of publishing activity in the field of marketing management and theater art research since the early 2000s. This indicates the increased interest of the scientific community in these directions, which indicates their perspective and relevance in modern conditions.
The largest number of publications is concentrated in the field of «Business, management, accounting» - 34.6%, which indicates a significant interest in the subject of marketing management. The second place in the number of publications is «Social Sciences» with a share of 13.3%, which includes research on theater art. The third place is occupied by the category «Economy, finance, econometrics» with 10.7%, which also indicates marketing management. A significant number of publications also belong to fields such as engineering, computer science, arts and humanities, and decision theory. Thus, it can be concluded that the majority of scientific articles and works are related to business and management, in particular marketing management, but studies in the field of culture and art also occupy a significant share of the total number.
Economics, Econ... (10.7%)
Figure 4. Distribution of scientific publications by field of research Source: constructed by author based on data [14, 15]
Figure 5. Geography of publication activity by the search queries «marketing management» and «theatre arts» in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science
Source: constructed by author based on data [14, 15]
It is also worth paying attention to the geographical distribution of publishing activity (Fig. 5). The leaders are the United States (864 publications), Great Britain (454 publications), China (377 publications), India (216 publications), Australia (135 publications), Indonesia (96 publications), Germany (91 publications) and Ukraine (43 publications).
At the same time, it is possible to note the TOP-5 articles with the largest number of citations (Table 1).
Table 1. TOP-5 most cited publications for the search queries «marketing management» and «theatre arts» in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science
№ |
Title of the article |
Authors |
Year of publication |
Journal |
Number of citations |
1 |
Ethics and marketing management: An empirical examination |
Chonko L.B., Hunt S.D. |
1985 |
Journal of Business Research |
382 |
2 |
Redeployment of brands, sales forces, and general marketing management expertise following horizontal acquisitions: A resource-based view |
Capron L., Hulland J. |
1999 |
Journal of Marketing |
370 |
3 |
Successful Export Marketing Management: Some Empirical Evidence |
Madsen, T.K. |
1989 |
International Marketing Review |
277 |
4 |
What makes a good case study? A positivist review of qualitative case research published in Industrial Marketing Management, 1971-2006 |
Beverland M., Lindgreen A. |
2010 |
Industrial Marketing Management |
243 |
5 |
Research into environmental marketing/management: A bibliographic analysis |
Leonidou C.N., Leonidou L.C. |
2011 |
European Journal of Marketing |
220 |
Source: constructed by author based on data [14, 15]
In the process of analyzing the presented articles [16-24] a comprehensive study of various aspects of marketing management was carried out, which made it possible to identify key trends and problems in this field. Ethical aspects are considered, emphasizing the importance of ethical principles in marketing, as well as the importance of multilingualism in tourist call centers. The negative consequences of myopic strategies in SEO are studied, the importance of aligning the views of the brand and customers is emphasized. The challenges of the growing importance of environmental aspects in marketing are considered, as well as a positivist review of qualitative case studies. Empirical studies of successful export marketing management and reallocation of brands and sales forces following horizontal acquisitions highlight the importance of a strategic approach and efficient use of resources. Overall, the research highlights the importance of integrating different approaches to improve the effectiveness of marketing strategies and ensure long-term success.
Research results
Taking into account the relevance of the research topic, a competitive analysis was conducted of the four largest and most popular theaters of Ukraine - Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theater, Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater, Solomiya Krushelnytska Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater and Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre.
The analysis of Kyiv theaters showed that the selection of institutions for the study was justified by their popularity among the city's residents and the diversity of the repertoire, which includes drama, comedy, and lyrical performances. The Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater and the Lesya Ukrainka Theater have a similar positioning, both were founded in the 1890s, and have a similar repertoire and style of communication with consumers. However, the Ivan Franko Theater actively uses TikTok to promote its work, which leads to the rapid sale of tickets for some performances. This distinguishes it from the theater named after Lesya Ukrainka, which uses social networks less actively.
Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre is an example of a modern approach to theatrical art and marketing. His performances on social topics and active use of influence marketing, including cooperation with Ukrainian bloggers, attract the attention of a young audience. A professional team works on managing social networks, which increases the effectiveness of theater promotion.
The Lviv National Academic Theater named after Solomiya Krushelnytska, with its classical approach and world-renowned name, continues to maintain its reputation through tours and participation in international championships. However, its marketing strategy is more focused on traditional methods, with less attention to the digital sphere, which is similar to the approach of the theater named after Lesya Ukrainka.
Figure 6. Number of followers on Instagram and Facebook accounts of theaters (data as of 05/22/2024)
Source: constructed by author based on data [25-28].
Table 2. Integral indicator of competitiveness
Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theater |
Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre |
Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre |
Lviv Opera and Ballet Theater |
Marketing, points |
3 |
4 |
5 |
3,5 |
max |
0,6 |
0,8 |
1 |
0,7 |
Site availability, points |
4,5 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
max |
0,9 |
1 |
1 |
0,6 |
Number of scenes, pcs. |
3 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
max |
1 |
0,6 |
1 |
0,3 |
Pricing policy, UAH |
250 |
250 |
350 |
300 |
min |
1 |
1 |
0,71 |
0,83 |
The number of plays performed in 2023 |
533 |
577 |
334 |
200 |
max |
0,92 |
1 |
0,57 |
0,34 |
0,84 |
0,9 |
0,85 |
0,6 |
According to the results of the study (Table 2), the most competitive production was the production of the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater, the integral index of which was 0.9. This is due to the largest number of performances played in 2023 - 577, as well as strong promotion in social networks, as evidenced by the large number of followers on Instagram and Facebook. The active involvement of a new generation of consumers through these platforms, affordable prices and a userfriendly, intuitive site have also become significant success factors.
Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre took second place with an integral index of 0.85. The decisive factors were a high score in marketing, an easy-to-use site and the presence of three stages, which allows to attract more spectators and hold up to three performances at the same time. However, the average ticket price is UAH 350, which is the highest among competitors. In addition, fewer performances were performed in 2023 compared to other theaters.
In third place is the National Academic Drama Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka with an integral index of 0.84. This indicates that there are several aspects that need improvement. The main problems are the insufficient effectiveness of marketing and management of social networks, which leads to a lower number of followers compared to competitors. It is necessary to develop a clear concept of working with these platforms. Despite this, the theater held 533 performances in 2023, which indicates a significant activity of the institution.
The fourth place was taken by the Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Solomiya Krushelnytska. The main reasons for this were a difficult to use site, the least number of performances and the presence of only one stage for performances, which limits the number of simultaneous spectators.
publishing marketing management theater
An analysis of the dynamics of queries in Google Trends showed fluctuations in interest in marketing management and theater arts, significant impacts of economic crises and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as current trends in the use of new marketing platforms such as TikTok. The geographic dynamics of search queries demonstrate regional differences in interest in culture and business.
The analysis of scientific publications indicates a significant interest of the scientific community in marketing management and theatrical art.
According to the results of the study, the most competitive was the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theater with an integral index of 0.9. This has been achieved thanks to a large number of performances for 2023, effective use of social media, affordable ticket prices and a user-friendly website. Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre takes second place with an integral index of 0.85. The key success factors are a high level of marketing, a user-friendly website and the presence of three stages, although high ticket prices and fewer performances are limiting factors. Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theater takes third place with an integral index of 0.84. The problems are the insufficient effectiveness of marketing and social media management, which leads to a lower number of followers. However, the theater held a significant number of performances in 2023. The Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Solomiya Krushelnytska ranks fourth due to a difficult-to-use website, the smallest number of performances and the presence of only one stage for performances, which limits the number of simultaneous spectators.
Competitive analysis of Ukrainian theaters emphasizes the importance of modern marketing strategies and active use of social media for successful promotion of theater productions.
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2. Sargeant A. (1997). Marketing the arts--A classification of UK theatre audiences. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 5(1), 45-62.
3. McDowell E.L. (2022). From transaction to enaction: reframing theatre marketing (Doctoral dissertation, University of Leeds).
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7. Nielsen D.S. (2019). Theatre Talks-Audience Development in Three Perspectives: Marketing, Cultural Policy and Theatrical Communication. Zarzqdzanie w kulturze, 20(3), 397-409.
8. Lim Y.J., Lee Y.S. (2018). A Study on Marketing Revitalization Plan of Performing Arts Theatre Using Realistic Contents. ^Цё^ЗЖ, 19(2), 309-318.
9. Irek N.E. (2016). Advertising as an Effective Promotional Tool for Theatre Marketing in Nigeria, 47.
10. Miller R.L. (1989). Marketing small college and university theatre programs. Journal of Arts Management and Law, 18(4), 65-89.
11. Bussell, H., & Forbes, D. (2006). "Friends" schemes in arts marketing: developing relationships in British provincial theatres. International Journal of Arts Management, 38-49.
12. Jukic D. (2022). The Janus Face of Theatre: Marketing Analysis. In 26th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management (SM 2021) (pp. 419-427).
13. Google Trends (2024).
14. Scopus (2024).
15. Web of Science (2024).
16. Chonko L.B., Hunt S.D. (1985). Ethics and marketing management: An empirical examination. Journal of Business Research, 13(4), 339-359.
17. Duchene A. (2008). Marketing, management and performance: multilingualism as commodity in a tourism call centre. Language Policy, 8(1), 27-50.
18. Mizik N., Jacobson R. (2007). Myopic Marketing Management: Evidence of the Phenomenon and Its Long-Term Performance Consequences in the SEO Context. Marketing Science, 26(3), 361-379.
19. Ambler T., Bhattacharya C.B., Edell J., Keller K.L., Lemon K.N., Mittal V. (2002). Relating Brandand Customer Perspectives on Marketing Management. Journal of Service Research, 5(1), 1325.
20. Viswanathan M., Rosa J.A., Harris J.E. (2005). Decision Making and Coping of Functionally Illiterate Consumers and Some Implications for Marketing Management. Journal of Marketing, 69(1), 15-31.
21. Leonidou C.N., Leonidou L.C. (2011). Research into environmental marketing/management: a bibliographic analysis. European Journal of Marketing, 45(1/2), 68-103.
22. Beverland M., Lindgreen A. (2010). What makes a good case study? A positivist review of qualitative case research published in Industrial Marketing Management, 1971-2006. Industrial Marketing Management, 39(1), 56-63.
23. Koed Madsen T. (1989). Successful Export Marketing Management: Some Empirical Evidence. International Marketing Review, 6(4).
24. Capron L., Hulland J. (1999). Redeployment of Brands, Sales Forces, and General Marketing Management Expertise Following Horizontal Acquisitions: A Resource-Based View. Journal of Marketing, 63(2), 41.
25. Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theater (2024). Access:
26. Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre (2024).
27. Kyiv National Academic Molodyy Theatre (2024).
28. Lviv Opera and Ballet Theater (2024).
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