Media planning as a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of business structures’ digital marketing activities
The main purpose, presented in this article is to investigate and identify the problematic aspects, key features and factors of effective media planning, a conceptual scheme for creating a digital media plan as an important component of digital marketing.
Рубрика | Маркетинг, реклама и торговля |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 2,0 M |
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Media planning as a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of business structures' digital marketing activities
Oksana Zghurska
D.Sc. in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchange, State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Olena Vynogradova
D.Sc. in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing, State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Oleksandr Yerankin
D.Sc. in Economics, Professor of the Department of Marketing named after A.F.Pavlenko, Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Olena Korchynska
D.Sc. in Economics, Professor of the Department of Marketing, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Nataliia Ovsiienko
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing named after A.F.Pavlenko, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Assan Aisulu
PhD Student, Lector of the Department of Management, State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
Згурська О., Виноградова О., Єранкін О., Корчинська О., Овсієнко Н, Айсулу А.
Медіапланування як необхідна умова підвищення ефективності цифрової маркетингової діяльності бізнес-структур
Основною метою дослідження є вивчення та визначення проблемних аспектів, ключових особливостей і факторів ефективного медіапланування, розробка концептуальної схеми створення цифрового медіаплану як важливої складової цифрового маркетингу в напрямі досягнення економічної ефективності бізнес-структур.
Для досягнення поставленої мети використано методи систематизації та узагальнення, наукового абстрагування, аналітичного аналізу. Для виділення економічної складової реалізації медіаплану використано методи системного підходу, системного аналізу та метод логіко-математичної формалізації з метою дослідження та вивчення об'єктів шляхом відображення змісту й структури медіапланування в розрахунковій формалізації.
Визначено та обґрунтовано ключову роль медіапланування в цифровій маркетинговій діяльності як важливої складової комплексного планування рекламної кампанії, ефективної фінансової аналітики для отримання високих показників ефективності діяльності бізнес-структур.
На основі врахування структурних ринкових трансформацій в умовах інформатизації та інтелектуалізації суспільства визначено характер зв'язку між фінансовими показниками та відповідними цілями бізнес-структур, що обґрунтувало необхідність включення визначених маркетингових і загальних цілей ефективності бізнесу в структуру цифрового медіаплану. У напрямі досягнення високих показників ефективності маркетингової діяльності розроблено концептуальну схему створення цифрового медіаплану як важливої складової цифрового маркетингу в напрямі досягнення високого рівня економічної ефективності бізнес-структур.
Визначено, що економічна ефективність розробки та реалізації маркетингового проєкту залежить від аналітичної обробки та прогнозування даних щодо діяльності бізнес-структур у реальному часі, автономних кампаній та розвитку штучного інтелекту. Доведено, що в цифровому медіаплані стейкхолдери, які є представниками бізнес-структур або зовнішніми партнерами, відіграють ключову роль у сприянні досягненню найвищого рівня економічної ефективності бізнес-структур на довгострокову перспективу цифрового розвитку.
Ключові слова: бізнес-структура, цифровий маркетинг, медіапланування, рекламна кампанія, впізнаваність бренду, цільова аудиторія, цифровий медіаплан, лояльність до бренду
The main purpose, presented in this article is to investigate and identify the problematic aspects, key features and factors of effective media planning, a conceptual scheme for creating a digital media plan as an important component of digital marketing in the direction of achieving economic efficiency of business structures.
To achieve this goal, in the article, the methods of systematization and generalization, scientific abstraction, and analytical analysis have been used. To highlight the financial component of the implementation of the media plan, the methods of the system approach, system analysis and the method of logical-mathematical formalization were used for the purpose of research and study of objects by displaying the content and structure of media planning in a calculated form.
The key role of media planning in digital marketing activity is defined and substantiated as an important component for comprehensive financial planning of an advertising campaign, effective financial analytics for obtaining effective results of business structures' activity.
Based on taking into account structural market transformations in the conditions of informatization and intellectualization of society, the nature of the relationship between economic indicators and the corresponding goals of business structures was determined, which proved the need to include the defined marketing and general business performance goals in the digital media plan. In the direction of achieving high-performance indicators of marketing activities, the article developed a conceptual scheme for creating an effective digital media plan.
It is determined that the economic efficiency of marketing project development and implementation will depend on real-time analytics and forecasting, autonomous campaigns and the development of artificial intelligence. It is proved that in a digital media plan, stakeholders, which are representatives of the business structure or with external partners, play a key role in contributing in order to achieve the highest level of business structures' economic efficiency.
Keywords: business structure, digital marketing, media planning, advertising campaign, brand awareness, target audience, economic efficiency, brand loyalty
media planning business digital marketing
In modern conditions of the growing level and changing nature of the consumption of goods of mass demand, transformation processes are taking place in the sphere of advertising of goods and services. Such trends are usually accompanied intensification of competition, including in the advertising market. A condition for the survival of companies on the market is the effective application in practice of modern methods of organizing and managing marketing communications in order to optimize costs and as a result, increase the company's competitiveness on the market.
Concentrating efforts and resource potential on modern trends will open up various prospects for business structures, among which it is worth noting the following: the target audience attracting and establishing long-term commercial rela-tionships with customers, increasing loyalty and trust in the brand, providing a personalized approach to each client and a flexible response to changing needs. The listed advantages are the key principles of a customer-oriented approach, based on which a certain business structure has every chance of increasing competitiveness and promoting its brand to a higher level.
Digital media planning in digital marketing is a decisive factor in the success and effective promotion of products or services of the business structure, which allows to achieve a high level of competitive advantages in the target markets. For the achievement of tactical and strategic goals of the development of business structures, media planning should be considered as a key driver of the success of digital marketing and economic activities of economic entities.
Important issues of the formation and development of digital marketing are widely studied in scientific and special litera-ture, which is connected with the rapid development of electronic commerce in modern conditions. In particular, such authors as O. O. Marchuk [11], M. A. Oklander, O. O. Romanenko [12], M. T. P. M. B. Tiago and J. M. C. Verissimo [14] have studied the essence, role, key features of the digital marketing, its meaning, types and directions of prospective marketing and general business processes' development in the long run.
Well-known authors such as O. Z. Ugolkova [16], Z. Wang, & H. G. Kim [19], P. Whitla [21], D.V. Yatsyuk [23], L. Zhao, & J. S. Zhu [24] considered and substantiated the economic aspects of digital marketing, namely, the key issues of increasing the economic efficiency of business structures based on effective media planning of their marketing activities.
According to such well-known scientists as A. Barredo Arrieta, N. Diaz-Rodriguez, J. Del Ser, A. Bennetot, S. Tabik, A. Barbado, S. Garcia, F. Herrera [1] suppose that media planning in digital marketing is one of the most optimal and effective methods of strategic marketing planning of business structures, which is confirmed by numerous author's studies.
O.Y. Byelikova, I.P. Fomichenko, V.O. Shashko [2] considered the conceptual aspects of the instrumental and methodological complex of electronic commerce while declaring a steady positive trend towards the growth of the role of electronic commerce in providing innovative opportunities to business structures of various spheres of activity and forms of management.
A.M. Kaplan, & M. Haenlein [10], in their study revealed the key role and benefits of using digital marketing in social networks, considering it as a tool for establishing a close relationship with the target audience.
M.T. P.M.B. Tiago and J. M. C. Verissimo [14] focused on the key role and importance of digital by defining digital marketing as a structured electronic media methodology for promoting products or services to a target market. A key objective in this aspect is to engage the target audience by closely engaging with companies through digital media.
D.V. Yatsyuk [23], A. M. Kaplan, & M. Haenlein [10] suggest that the use of traditional marketing is worsening day by day due to the intensive use of digital marketing tools by young consumers for online shopping. Further, the study also shows that the use of traditional marketing is still prevalent among the mature customer group. Thus, the paper concludes that one of the best decisions for the company is to try to create a combination of the two strategies i.e., a combination of traditional and digital marketing that will satisfy the needs of a mature group of customers, as well as a young group of target audience.
Assuming the significant contribution of well-known domestic and foreign scientists, it is considered necessary to devote the research to the problematic aspects, key features and factors of effective media planning, conceptual scheme for creating a digital media plan as a key requisition for digital marketing effectiveness.
The general purpose of the scientific research is to investigate and identify the problematic aspects, key features and factors of effective media planning, conceptual scheme for creating a digital media plan as an important component of digital marketing in the direction of achieving economic efficiency of business structures.
The object of the research is the process of investigating and identifying the problematic aspects, key features and factors of effective media planning, conceptual scheme for creating a digital media plan as a key requisition for digital marketing effectiveness. While solving this scientific problem, in the article have been used the methods of systematization and generalization, scientific abstraction, and analytical analysis. The application of generalization and synthesis methods made it possible to identify the valuable problematic aspects of digital marketing campaign. The formal-logical method and the method of systemic, structural and functional approaches were applied in order to better understand the processes of media planning and to develop the conceptual scheme for creating an effective digital media plan in digital marketing activity.
The use of the scientific abstraction method created an opportunity to accumulate the entire range of scientific results obtained into a single concept that reflects the relevance of the topic, to identify the key directions of development, goals, objectives and features of the adaptation of digital marketing tools and methods in the activities of business structures. The method of analytical diagnostics enabled to form the conceptual scheme for creating a digital media plan in order to achieve a high level of digital marketing effectiveness as well as business structures' prerogative competencies and optimal level of their competitiveness.
To highlight the financial component of the implementation of the media plan, the methods of the system approach, system analysis and the method of logical-mathematical formalization were used for the purpose of research and study of objects by displaying the content and structure of media planning in a calculated form.
Traditional marketing is defined as offline marketing where marketers attract and involve potential audiences through print media, television, radio, direct mail, telephone calls, or billboards. Instead, digital marketing is marketing that is available online. Digital marketers focus on impressionable customers who interact with online content, including search engine optimization, social media marketing, native video or native pictures.
Digital marketing is characterized by significant advantages over traditional marketing, as it [2]:
¦ reduces irrational costs;
¦ adapts to new technologies;
¦ more accurately covers the target audience.
Amount of expenses
In digital marketing, the use of content in different formats, which thereby allows easy conversion from one to another, contributes to the effective use of costs and their optimization. Digital marketing also reduces wasteful costs, such as spending on television or billboard advertising, which is seen equally by those interested in the company or product and those who are not. In traditional marketing, part of the budget is always spent on consumers who never buy a product or service. On the contrary, digital advertising can effectively select the target audience that is most likely to be interested in a certain product or service.
Innovative technologies
Various technologies allow organizations to more effectively engage and cooperate with customers, which is an important part of digital marketing, as developing good relationships with customers online has the potential for them to find your business, become repeat customers, and even recommend you to others.
Digital marketing tools also allow the company to collect data effectively and measure the results of your marketing activities. Prompt response to changes in performance allows digital marketers to diversify their operations in the target market if the current marketing activity does not bring the expected results. Evaluating digital marketing success is very important to get the desired results because there are processes of ultra-fast adaptation to constantly changing innovative technologies. And it is the tools, methods and techniques of digital marketing that always provide potential opportunities to involve and attract customers, call they're for buying actions in completely different, more prospective ways.
Target audiences
Digital marketing tools and data allow you to reach customers far beyond traditional marketing. Ad visibility and audience reach can be customized to fit the needs of your entire business. When you reach the right audience, you have a better chance of increasing sales and developing sustainable customer loyalty programs.
Digital marketing also has certain problems for management which are directly related to costs, technology and target audiences. For each identified prior advantage also for related issues (Figure 1).
In digital marketing, media plans play a crucial for providing a complete understanding of the marketing campaign content before, during and after its launch. Effective media plans are characterized by certain requirements for the number of impressions and the number of clicks in the process of launching a marketing media campaign. It is worth noting that the number of impressions is determined by the number of ad impressions, while the number of clicks measures the corresponding performance goals - these are numerical goals applied to marketing goals or specific campaigns in a media plan.
The effectiveness of an advertising campaign reflects an indicator of the profitability level of advertising costs (ROAS is a numerical value that is calculated as the ratio of the income received to the amount spent for advertising).
ROAS (return on ad spend) -- profitability of advertising expenses. Shows the amount of revenue for every dollar invested and helps you evaluate the performance of a campaign, group, ad and even a keyword. The budget for launching and supporting the campaign is taken into account in the calculations. At the same time, the costs do not include, for example, the salary of a designer, PPC specialist or copywriter, as well as the cost of the product and the cost of delivery.
ROAS = revenues / expenses,
where income is the amount of income received from the advertising campaign; expenses - the amount of expenses exclusively for the advertising campaign.
ROAS is characterized as a target level of efficiency that is taken into account when implementing a media plan and contains detailed information about the frequency of ad impressions and a list of all media channels, including radio, television, newspapers, magazines, SEO (Search engine optimization) and SMM (Social Media Marketing) [5]. The main requisition for creating a digital media plan is to consider the target audience and consider about the budget, spending on media channels, media mix, and the ads campaign duration, to figure out the key performance indicators, or KPIs, the performance goals and metrics which are obligatory for measuring and reaching the targeted performance.
The goal of the business is to achieve a high level of economic efficiency, as well as expand market share and improve the quality of service to target consumers. A marketing objective is a specific goal of a marketing strategy that is based on a business objective and includes: increasing brand awareness, increasing web traffic, attracting new leads and increasing brand loyalty. A key performance indicator, or KPI, is a numerical measurement used to evaluate the success of a business.
Taking into account the issue of creating an additional performance goal for each business campaign, the campaign level performance goals have to be included in individual digital media plans. In order to form performance goals for campaigns, it should be accounted into a performance measurement for an overall marketing goal [10, p.62].
To determine the level of return on investment in an advertising campaign for each digital channel, the performed analytics and conclusions from the analysis will allow us to achieve the appropriate level of return on investment in advertising. Return on advertising spend (ROAS) is identified as a certain numerical value that can be calculated as the volume of product sold multiplied by the unit cost of that product divided by the total cost of advertising. For example, if the cost of advertising for the sale of three units of the product for UAH 1000 is UAH 800, the ROAS will be UAH 3.75, that is, for every UAH they spend on advertising, the ROAS will be UAH 3.75.
It is worth noting that conversion rates are calculated according to the following formula: conversions / total number of clicks x 100 = conversion percentage (Table 1).
Therefore, the conversion rates of an e-commerce store are calculated using the following equations:
¦ Electronic mailing: 90 / 1200 x 100 = 7.5%
¦ Social networks: 30/1000 x 100 = 3%.
The click-through rate is calculated using the following formula:
total clicks / total impressions x 100 = percentage of clicks.
Therefore, the CTR of an e-commerce store is calculated using the following equations:
¦ Electronic mailing: 1,200 / 80,000 x 100 = 1.5%.
¦ Social networks: 900 / 90,000 x 100 = 1%.
Table 1. Target performance indicators of an e-commerce store
Note: *CVR = Conversion rate? **CTR = Click-through rate.
The target performance indicators of the electronic-commerce store (goals for Q4) |
Business Goal: ¦ By the end of Q4, increase annual revenue by 10% over 2020. Marketing Goals: ¦ By the end of Q4, increase the combined CVR from all marketing channels by 2% (two percentage points) above the CVR in Q3. ¦ By the end of Q4, increase the combined CTR from all marketing channels by 5% (five percentage points) above the CTR in Q3. |
Media Channel |
KPIs |
Industry Benchmarks |
Q3 Performance |
Q4 Performance Goals |
CVR* |
8.3% |
7.5% |
By the end of Q4, increase the conversion rate to 8.7%. |
CTR** |
2% |
1.5% |
By the end of Q4, increase the click-through rate to 2.3%. |
Social Media |
4% |
3.33% |
By the end of Q4, increase the conversion rate to 4.1%. |
1.1% |
1% |
By the end of Q4, increase the click-through rate to 1.6%. |
Summarizing the target performance indicators, we note the following:
1. Each performance target is based on a conversion rate or click-through rate - metrics that relate to both the business goal of increasing revenue and the marketing goals of increasing conversion rate and site traffic.
2. Each performance target indicates the desired increase in conversion rate or click-through rate, thereby defining a benchmark for achieving the goal.
3. Each performance target targets an achievable increase in conversion and click-through rates (between 5% and 1.2%) based on both industry benchmarks and Q3 performance data.
Summarizing, we note that the level of profitability can also be expressed as a numerical value, a certain ratio or a corresponding percentage. Based on the essence of the business goal (for example, increasing the rate of return by 10 per cent) and the marketing goal (achieving 5:1 ROAS), it is possible to assign separate ROAS targets for each digital channel of the advertising campaign.
In 2022, the global volume of income from the implementation of media planning increased by almost 20,38 %. Media channels occupy a significant share of the online trade sector in global markets (Figure 2).
Business structures in their activities use the results of previous marketing campaigns in order to establish ROAS goals for the new campaign. If historical data isn't available, it also can be possible to make the best estimate and adjust the targets after monitoring and conducting some of the initial metrics from the campaign. Due to dynamic changes, which are allowed nowadays, the relationship between performance metrics and marketing goals demonstrates why it's important to include performance goals in the process of digital media planning (Figure 3).
It is also worth noting that customer acquisition for an E-commerce store depends on traffic to the site: the more traffic coming to the site, the greater the chance of acquiring new customers. A campaign is planned to help generate more traffic to the site to improve customer acquisition. For example, the business structure sets an initial performance goal of a 20% increase in weekly new visitor counts to match the desired business goal. To determine whether the structure is meeting performance goals, it is obligatory to monitor the metrics for new visitors to the site and compare them to the previous baseline numbers. Furthermore, it may take more than one performance target to satisfy a business goal.
The bounce rate which is identified as the number of bounce sessions divided by the number of total sessions considered a key indicator for observing and counting increases in new visitors, the number of returning visitors.
In a modern information-developed society exist many other performance targets for bidding general business and marketing strategies that allow Google Ads to track targets and ensure, provide appropriate managerial decisions. Both Smart Bidding and Manual Bidding use performance targets for the following parameters [14]:
1. Cost per acquisition (CPA).
2. Cost per click (CPC).
Cost per acquisition (CPA) is defined as the average cost paid for each conversion. Operating comparative data from previous campaigns can be the main prerequisite for using average CPA as a performance target. The campaign can then be optimized to try to achieve a lower CPA to increase the ROI of the campaign. Industry averages are typical values found within an industry, such as CPA for search advertising for the automotive industry, CPA for Facebook advertising for clothing brands, and CPA for e-commerce.
Cost-per-ciick (CPC) is defined as a metric used in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. One way to control costs is to manage the CPC for each campaign since for pay-per-click campaigns that have the highest priority can be allocated more funds.
Therefore, understanding the effective application of CPA, ROAS and CPC helps to manage campaigns by adjusting daily costs or CPC to maximize conversions. With Intelligent Bidding, Advanced CPC combines manual bidding with CPA or ROAS indicators.
Marketing analytics can be applied to a customer journey, website, application, or marketing campaign. They all depend on a process to monitor desired KPIs and performance goals. During a campaign, a team of digital marketing might set goals, run tests, monitor metrics, make adjustments, and then repeat the process until the desired goals are met. Software tools are required for marketing analytics (Google Analytics and Google Ads) to monitor metrics and measure campaign performance, run tests on pages, ads, and target groups, and plug into a website to test content options.
An A/B test, also known as a split test or bucket test, is an online test of two variants that determine the better-performing option. One goal of an A/B test might be to test which page and which response performs better based on the number of clicks. During the test, traffic is equally split between the two pages. In other words, 50% of traffic is randomly directed to one page and 50% of traffic is randomly directed to the other page. One direct response outperforms the other by receiving more clicks. As a result of the test, deploying the direct response ad that got more clicks. Teams choose their tools based on capabilities, features, and cost, as well as some tools are designed for monitoring events, like click analysis, monitoring of visuals and graphics, or displaying dashboards. Other tools are designed for more sophisticated analytics, which often depends on a combination of organization, team, and project needs. Understanding the capabilities of the tools the team of business structure uses will enable to choose the metrics which benefit the digital marketing media company.
Predictive analytics applied to models built from collective viewing histories enable digital marketers to identify effective audiences for a successful campaign, starting with the business structure entering the target market. Predictive analytics also can help marketers choose the optimal page or ad without A/B testing, saving time and money. Offline marketing uses real-time analytics to automate marketing activities: autonomous marketing can adjust an underperforming message automatically which, as a consequence, can increase the impact of multi-channel marketing campaigns. Autonomous marketing can also be highly effective in promoting and maintaining customer loyalty programs [16].
And it is artificial intelligence is the field of development of intelligent machine learning and software that imitates and duplicates human thinking or professional activity. Multi-channel campaigns are often difficult to manage because of the amount of content that needs to be created for each channel. If AI can be used to help create and personalize content, marketers can offer context-specific experiences for users, optimizing which in e-commerce can turn more browsers into buyers. These trends are finding their way into platforms and systems. As an example, Google Ads offers automated bidding, and Google Ads smart bidding uses machine learning to analyze data in real time to show the right message to the right customer at the right time.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the economic efficiency of marketing project development and implementation will depend on real-time analytics and forecasting, autonomous campaigns and the development of artificial intelligence. In a digital media plan, stakeholders play a key role in contributing to its success and they are representatives of the business structure or with external partners to achieve marketing goals. For each marketing project or campaign, it is necessary to coordinate the process of identifying stakeholders, documenting their needs, and establishing and maintaining positive relationships with them based on mutual trust [18].
Stakeholders (interested parties) can be representatives of:
¦ the digital marketing department of business structure;
¦ business structure (in general);
¦ external partners (not from the business structure).
Internal stakeholders are positioned as employees of the business structure, support a marketing project or campaign, benefit from its results, and are representatives of many divisions of the structure, in particular:
¦ sales department;
¦ creative content department;
¦ consumer rights protection department;
¦ market research department;
¦ department of Information Technologies;
¦ public relations department;
¦ product management department.
External stakeholders are also interested in partnership relations, especially in the process of implementing a media campaign together with an external advertising agency. In this aspect, the key requisition for the dissemination of information for external interested parties is the determination of the conditions and prospects for the implementation of contractual agreements, the relevant restrictions and requirements.
The optimal method for tracking and identifying the level of influence and needs of potential participants, as well as determining the level of communication for cooperation with stakeholders is a stakeholder map, also called an influence grid, which includes two variables: influence and interest (Figure 4). Influence is the ability of a stakeholder to persuade people to take certain actions. For example, if your marketing campaign needs a larger budget, high-impact stakeholders can step in to give your campaign a higher funding priority. Interest can be defined as the degree of impact of the project on the goals of the interested party.
Figure 4. Stakeholder map with four quadrants
Disposition stakeholders in one of the four quadrants on the map make it possible to identify their expectations and provide them with data without overwhelming them with information. Business structures' resources, energy, and motivation are the organizational currency that the company is spending constantly, and, as a consequence - it is obligatory for businesses to make sure that spending it on the things that have the most business impact or value. Stakeholder maps allow you to effectively work with stakeholders without spending a lot of time and energy.
Taking into account the above, a list of potential internal stakeholders for a marketing campaign should include sales managers in the «Inform and respond to needs» field and IT analysts in the «Provide new information field». At the request of the sales manager to know if a marketing campaign will help them achieve their sales goals is possible to share information with them on a planned, frequent and regular basis. On the other hand, IT analysts may not use campaign metrics but may play a role in achieving results, as less frequent but regular updates will be more appropriate for strategic marketing campaign.
The factor of interaction with interested parties is the most important condition for successful cooperation because effective and profitable implementation of innovative projects and campaigns with stakeholders within the framework of a high culture of cooperation is possible only with a high level of trust. The equation for building trust is as follows:
Trust = (Openness + Reliability + Closeness) / Self-Orientation
Thus, an effective contribution that a business structure can make to its marketing project or campaign is to spend its own organizational and managerial currency to build and maintain trust with stakeholders.
The diversity and constant development of innovative technologies contribute to the rapid spread and adoption of digital marketing, which, in turn, is more cost-effective and more adaptable than traditional marketing. Digital marketing tools provide more advanced and targeted audience selection for marketing campaigns. However, these advantages are associated with certain challenges, as the crowded and noisy digital space makes it more difficult for a business structure brand to stand out, whose marketing specialists must keep up with technological advances and rapidly changing customer behaviour.
Activities in the digital marketing sphere involve effective media planning of various advertising campaigns to promote products or services. It is worth noting, that during the planning process, a lot of problems arise that make it difficult to achieve the main goals, one of which is the ever-increasing diversity of media. Additionally, this makes it possible for the media planner to select the most suitable media instrument, method, and channel; on the other hand, newly emerging media are usually not included in media measurements, and the media planner can only predict how many people will see the posted advert.
Another problem when choosing media is the noise level (radio technical term) of a particular media. This means that if in a given media there are a large number of advertising messages per unit of time or unit of area, then our advertising message will be much more difficult to notice in this media than in another, with a lower noise level. Sometimes this indicator is called media clatter, which is measured as the average number of advertisements, seen by one person per week. Some planners intuitively feel that placing a client's advertisement among many advertisements from other advertisers will reduce the real opportunity to notice a particular advertisement and they must either choose another media or other medium or come up with some kind of extraordinary move that will draw the attention of a consumer fed up with advertising to this very thing. advertising message provided that all advertisers, together with advertising agencies, make the same efforts.
An important problem is the insufficiency of data from existing media measurements. A media planner almost always requires more media measurement data than research companies offer. This is even in large advertising agencies that subscribe to almost all databases existing in the media market. In small agencies, planning decisions are made in the complete absence of any information on the media preferences of the target audience.
Some data cannot be made available because the cost would be prohibitive and no one would want to buy it, and some data cannot be made available because it simply cannot be measured. As a rule, a media planner is faced with the problem of lack of time to develop a high-quality media plan, since in order to do the job well, the media planner needs time to extract from databases and comprehend the information received.
There is a problem of pressure on the ideas of media plan creativity when a huge amount of data and an appeal to the statistical reliability of the data provided on the choice of media leads to the fact that a fairly standard statistical format is used and media plans made by different media planners become similar to each other.
The client's pressure on the media planner regarding the choice of certain media has a certain influence on the decisionmaking procedure. Influence is often also exerted by the pressure applied by the client services of the advertising agency, the agency's managers, who promote certain media affiliated with the advertising agency.
The last problem is the problem of the objectivity of the media planner itself, taking into account the fact that the media planner, like a living person, can be influenced by one or another theory, which affects decision-making on the choice of media and the number of outputs planned for them.
In our opinion, taking into account the result of the study, the effective development and implementation of a media plan, the main thing is the financial component and cost planning. Media planning costs are the main and significant component of the marketing activities of the organization. Usually, a certain business structure is limited in its own resources. Media planning helps organize work with mass media, minimizing the use of internal and external resources of the company, but focusing on this for the maximum possible result. Thus, a business structure that does not consider it necessary to coordinate its activities in working with media often turns out to be an object of planning, a means to achieve strategic goals. Appropriately, already at the very early stages of work, a certain organization must determine the structure of work in its development strategy with the media, clearly plan work in the field of digital marketing, or on the contrary - be a planned entity of economic activity in a dynamically changing market.
The scientific works of Nelson Field, K. have greatly influenced media planning. Instead of focusing on your brand's current customers, Nelson Field believes it's better to grow by finding new customers. Basically, they can be found in other brands, in people who are already familiar with your category. Reaching out to as many of these "category buyers" as possible shows the most brand growth. And since then, reaching the maximum possible share of category buyers has been an important goal of many media plans. Field's work shows that niche media are mostly used in conjunction with broader channels.
Warc's "Anatomy of Performance" white paper also describes those multiple contacts have a greater effect. In fact, each type of medium has its own optimal frequency of contact, which varies from three to twelve. One of the most important factors is the length of your campaign. With a longer campaign, you can't expect someone after one contact to still remember the message three months later. Nelson Field talks about "constant planning for newness" which is not possible for every brand in terms of budget, but with smart planning, there is the potential to regularly reach a large part of the target group with a single contact.
It is worth agreeing with the opinions of prominent scientists regarding the importance of the role of effective planning since the presence and implementation of an effective media plan provides the organization with many advantages, namely in such aspects as increasing the level of effectiveness of the marketing strategy of the brand in the direction of attracting potential customers, supporting potential customers and promoting them through the sales funnel; expanding organic reach and ensuring constant increase in brand recognition and achievement of key financial performance indicators; development of effective methods and means of achieving economic efficiency based on the creation of a media plan in the direction of the formation of effective channels of distribution and sales of products.
In addition, it is useful to use multiple channels to reach as many people as possible in your target group. Research conducted by Analytics Partners shows that using multiple media for the same budget increases the return on investment due to the increase in the share of coverage of different target audience groups. And the experience of many e-commerce parties shows that investing more in Google and Facebook after a certain point doesn't work anymore. Those ponds were empty at some point.
Thus, With the help of additional media channels, new people of the target group are reached, who can then be attracted to the funnel. Effective strategic media planning in close relationship with multi-channel marketing efforts will enable potential customers to be directed into the sales funnel. The importance and consistency of the customer experience within the funnel will provide an opportunity to save financial costs and bring income, while the absence of obligations to develop and implement a comprehensive, integrated media plan for the enterprise will help to direct customers to cooperate with competitors.
In the modern activities of business structures, media planning plays a key role in achieving their marketing and general business goals. In digital marketing, effectively developing a media plan helps determine which communication channels are most effective in reaching your target audience.
Trends in the development of media planning show that its importance for business will only grow in the future. Advertising technology and analytics tracking make media planning more accurate and efficient, reducing risk and increasing business success.
Media planning is a critical aspect of advertising campaign development. By understanding media planning concepts, such as media channels, reach, frequency, and impressions, and the characteristics and issues involved in media planning, it can be possible to develop a more effective advertising campaign. The ability to write a media plan is an essential skill for any PR and marketing professional. There are many benefits in media planning that can help achieve great results for certain business structures:
¦ the opportunity to better know the target audience of your product or service for more effective interaction;
¦ individual choice of channels and platforms for the promotion campaign;
¦ determine when and how often the created content will be distributed for effective promotion campaign;
¦ the ability to learn and investigate the latest trends and technologies;
¦ providing the organization with the necessary resources, in particular financial, which consists in optimal distribution of available resources and media planning of new revenues in the future;
¦ conduct business analytics based on financial performance indicators for the purpose of making informed decisions and improving the economic efficiency of business structures for the long term.
In the research media planning is considered a crucial part of the business structure's strategic development by coordination and cooperation of its activity in an online environment. It is substantiated that the main ways to improve economic efficiency at enterprises are: the use of innovative technologies, risk minimization, calculation of the minimum amount of financial resources for savings production costs through effective media planning, unification of media plans, the use of economic and mathematical methods and automated systems management of media planning, formation of stable business conditions activities, more intensive use of strategic media planning, introduction of the budgeting system and its automation, using the indirect method in drawing up a media plan, application controlling. In modern conditions of informatization and intellectualization of society, everything the search for ways to improve media planning becomes more important in enterprises.
Recommendations for using media planning in business include the following rules. It is important for business structures' activity to identify the target audience, study the market and competitors, select the most effective communication channels and create an effective communication message. It is also advisable to stay on top of trends and new technologies in media planning to ensure a leadership position in a particular industry.
To summarize, it should be noted that an effective advertising campaign requires a well-thought-out strategy and a clear understanding of target audiences and media channels, whether through media planning, buying, or combining both. As a result of this lack of alignment during the planning process has a massive impact on the buyer in the context of a significant increase in the level of sales to ensure a high level of economic efficiency. Additionally, the high level of importance of media planning for business lies in the following obvious advantages: effective media planning helps to promote a brand, increase brand awareness, attract new potential target audiences, and, as a result, significantly increase the financial profit of a business structure. At the same time, insufficient attention to media planning can lead to the insignificant effectiveness of an advertising campaign and a decrease in business income.
As prospects for media planners, it is worth noting the mandatory and necessary coordination with the client of key performance indicators and media metrics. One of the struggles, particularly with digital media, is the double-edged sword of measurement. In reality, having a clear focus around a single business KPI when planning can help the value of the plan. It forces the team to evaluate all aspects of the client's funnel rather than focusing on impacting a single portion of the funnel. That's not to say agencies and media can't support multiple touchpoints within a brand's funnel, but those should be separate plans for each touchpoint.
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