Marketing in the study of regional tourist markets

The concept of the market as a specific factor for the development of the country's economy, the understanding of the concept of marketing research, reveals its essence and role, characterizes the most common types of research on regional tourism markets.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 21.07.2024
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Marketing in the study of regional tourist markets

Berkova Oksana

National Aviation University

Borisyuk Oksana

National Aviation University

The article examines the concept of the market as a specific factor for the development of the country's economy, deepens the understanding of the concept of marketing research, reveals its essence and role, characterizes the most common types of research on regional tourism markets. The current state of the global and regional tourism markets has been analyzed, and the main trends in their development have been determined.. It was established that marketing market research can be defined as the systematic collection, accounting and analysis of data on marketing and marketing problems in order to improve the quality of decision-making and control procedures in the marketing environment. It has been proven that currently marketing research of regional tourism markets is a necessary condition for successful activity and decision-making.

Key words: marketing, market, tourism, regional tourism market, marketing research of tourist market. regional tourism market

Беркова О. П.

Борисюк О. А.

Національний авіаційний університет



У статті розглядається поняття «ринку» як специфічного фактору для розвитку економіки країни та поняття «маркетингу» як одного з найбільш важливих і дієвих інструментів дослідження потреб ринку, ринкового середовища та мотивацій споживача. Поглиблено розуміння змісту поняття маркетингових досліджень, необхідність яких зумовлена потребою в інформації для попереднього прогнозу щодо зміни ситуації на ринку. Під «маркетинговими дослідженнями» розуміється систематичне збирання, оброблення та аналіз інформації з метою ухвалення обґрунтованих маркетингових рішень. У цілому маркетингові дослідження ринку є багатоетапним процесом, що включає збирання, обробку та аналіз даних. Розкрито роль маркетингових досліджень для туризму, охарактеризовано найбільш поширені види досліджень регіональних туристичних ринків. Серед них: постійно-продовжувані та спеціальні маркетингові дослідження, кількісні та якісні дослідження, первинні дослідження та вторинні дослідження, омнібус-дослідження та індивідуальні тощо. Систематична і безперервна інформація про стан туристичного ринку забезпечує оперативність реагування на зміни ринкової ситуації, зменшуючи економічний ризик туристичного підприємства. Проаналізовано сучасний стан глобального та регіональних туристичних ринків, визначено основні тенденції їх розвитку. Виокремлення регіональних туристичних ринків (відповідно до ЮНВТО на світовому ринку туристичних послуг виділяються шість регіональних ринків: в Африці, Америці, Східній Азії і Тихому океану, Європі, Близькому Сходу і Південній Азії) слугує аналізом концентрації руху туристів в масштабі світу. При цьому можна отримати більш детальне уявлення про тенденції розвитку світового туризму. Доведено, що інформація про стан регіонального ринку туристичної галузі забезпечує оперативність реагування на зміни ринкової ситуації, які пов'язані з соціальними, політичними й економічними викликами сучасності. Констатовано, що в даний час маркетингові дослідження регіональних туристичних ринків є необхідною умовою для успішної діяльності та прийняття рішень.

Ключові слова: маркетинг, ринок, туризм, регіональний туристичний ринок, маркетингові дослідження туристичного ринку.

Formulation of the problem

The concept of the market has passed a long history of its formation from the place where goods are purchased or sold to the market as a system of economic relations, which consists in the process of production, circulation and distribution of goods, as well as cash flows, which are characterized by the freedom of subjects in choosing buyers and sellers, determining prices, forming and using material and financial resources. The market today is a specific factor in the formation of the economic environment through which the country's economy and its society develop.

The current situation in the market requires more balanced decisions from its subjects, which must be made on the basis of an analysis of the market situation and its changing trends, as well as taking into account the likely reaction of the market to the decision made. This is the main content of marketing, in particular one of the types of research - marketing research, which can be imagined as a set of scientific and research activities aimed at obtaining reliable data, information materials on market conditions, conformity of material and technical and infrastructure support to the requirements of modern market development. Marketing research includes market size determination, analysis of trends in its development and influence of seasonal factors; analysis of the distribution of share of the market among competitors, study of market characteristics; definition of consumer composition; analysis of sales in markets, volume of commodity turnover.

As noted in the modern economic literature, one of the most promising areas of socio-economic development of the country is tourism.

The market of tourist services can be seen as a system of relations between the market entities (manufacturers of tourist products, solvent consumers, intermediaries). This market operates in a complex macro-marketing environment and is influenced by many factors, among which economic, social, technological, cultural, educational, demographic and ecological. Therefore, marketing researches of the tourist market is very important today because it allows to define basic market mechanisms such as demand, supply, prices, as well as consumer's behavior and activity in the field of competition. Market research is necessary for functioning of any tourism company. And the constant social, political and economic challenges of today only increase this need.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The basis for the marketing research of regional tourist markets was the study of both the world and domestic experience of development of international tourism, marketing and management of tourist activity, which was reflected in works of domestic and foreign authors, including O. Agafonova, J. Bowen, S.Briggs, L. Hryniv, Y. Zabaldina, I. Krykhovet- skyi, F. Kotlera [5], O. Lyubitseva [7], M. Malska, N. Mandyuk, I. Markina, L. Shulgina, G. Frolova and others.

Allocation of previously unsolved parts of the general problem

The main component of marketing activities is the marketing research, which consists in developing theoretical and analytical bases for studying the existing market needs in the conditions of competition, analysis of the behavior of competitors and consumers, reduction of losses during business activity, adoption of well-grounded management decisions to forecast the situation in order to adequately respond to changes that directly affect the company. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature sources confirmed that the issue of regional marketing research of tourist markets of different levels in Ukraine modern economic science practically does not study, which has caused necessity of such, in-depth, research.

Analysis of the global territorial structure of the tourist services market indicates the existence of six macro-regions, allocated by the World Tourism Organization by geographical principle and similarity of formation and functioning of national sectors of tourism, namely: Europe, America, Africa, East Asia and Pacific Basin, Middle East, South Asia. These macro-regions have a constant character, internal differences in the development of the tourist process and differ in the specificity of its organization. The category "regional tourist market" is defined by us as a set of economic relations that are formed under the influence of the market situation to ensure the purchase and sale of specific tourist goods and services in a specified territory with the aim of promoting its competitiveness and economic development, the coordinated activity of which ensures sustainable synergistic effect.

Modern economic development actualizes the need to increase competitiveness of tourist enterprises functioning on the global or regional tourist market. This task is especially urgent at a time of the "post-pandemic", when whole regional tourist markets have suffered much from the consequences of quarantine measures and restrictions. We are talking about the macro regional tourism markets of Asia and the Pacific region.

Table 1

Definition of the term "marketing research”






The function that connects consumers, customers and the public with marketing through information is data used to detection and identify marketing opportunities and problems; create, improve and evaluate marketing activities; monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a process.

European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research ЕСОМАР

Systematic collection and objective recording, classification, analysis and submission of data on behavior, needs, relationships, opinions, motivations, individuals and organizations (commercial enterprises, state institutions, etc.) in the context of their economic, public, political and everyday activities. Based on the objectives of this Code, the term "marketing research" also includes the concept of "social research", since they use the same techniques and methods of studying phenomena and problems not related directly to the marketing of goods and services.

Akulych I.

A type of scientific research aimed at the collection, processing, reflection and analysis of factual information on problems related to the marketing of goods and services.

Harkavenko S. [2]

Marketing research is the systematic collection, processing and analysis of data for the purpose of making informed marketing decisions

Zavyalov P.

Systematic collection, processing and analysis of data from those aspects of the company's marketing activity, within which it is necessary to make certain decisions, as well as analysis of the components of the external environment that influence the company's marketing activity.

Zozulyov A., Solntsev S. [4]

It is a systematic process of planning, gathering, analysis and presentation of market information, the purpose of which is coordination of interests of producer and consumer.

Kotler F. [5]

Systematic identification of the data required in connection with the marketing situation, which is facing the firm, their collection, analysis, results report.

Krykavskyi E.V., Kosar N.S., Mnyh O.B., Soroka O.A. [б]

It is a type of activity that, with the help of information, connects a consumer, a buyer and a public with marketing; information, which is received at the same time, is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems. Marketing Information System (MIS) provides information gathering and processing at enterprises.

Starostina A.

Systematic process of setting objectives of research, identification of volumes, collection, analysis of objective market information and development of recommendations for making concrete managerial decisions on any elements of the company's market-product strategy and methods of their realization for achievement of final results in the company's activity under the conditions of the formed marketing environment.

Hag P. [10]

Believes that market research is manifested to help in making the right marketing decisions and improving them

The purpose of the article

The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of marketing research and its peculiarities in the analysis of regional tourist markets, as well as the characteristics of modern trends in the development of tourist markets in macro- and micro-level.

Presenting main material

Marketing research throughout its history provides the society with information about the needs of producers, customers and users to evaluate, development and improvement of their marketing activities.

The concept of "marketing research" has found its reflection in many works of domestic and foreign scientists (Table 1).

In the analyzed researches, there is no single definition of the term "marketing research". In our opinion, the marketing research should be understood to collect information, systematize it and analyze it, in order to make correct management decisions, avoid risks and maximize satisfaction of consumers' needs.

The principal feature of the marketing research, which distinguishes it from the collection and analysis of internal and external current information, is its target orientation to solve a certain problem or complex of marketing problems. F. Kotler aims with which marketing research is carried out are divided into groups: Searching, descriptions, casual, test and forecast [5].

The modern tourist market is a sphere of satisfaction of the needs of the population in services connected with rest and substantial leisure and travel [7].

Research of any regional tourist market it is expedient to start with the short analytical reports of the situation on the global tourist market, and also to characterize tendencies of development of macro-regional markets. These macro-regions have internal differences in the development of the tourist process and differ in the specifics of its organization.

Despite the beginning of war in Ukraine, which is located in the center of Europe, international tourism showed stable indicators of recovery and relative growth in January-September 2022, when in the first nine months of 2022 the number of tourists from various countries reached 63% of level before the pandemic [11].

Approximately 700 million tourists made international trips from January to September 2022, which is more than twice (133%) more than the number registered for the same period of 2021. The results have been enhanced by strong delayed demand, increased trust in the situation, and by removing sanitary restrictions in an increasing number of countries [11].

Based on a comparison of 2019, the monthly number of arrivals in different countries grew from a minus of 64% in January 2022 to a minus of 27% in September. This positive dynamic of renewal of global tourism sector confirms fast and stable renewal of international travel during 2022 [11].

Tourism indicators were particularly high in the third quarter of 2022 (minus 26% compared to 2019). It was in the third quarter of 2022 that 340 million international arrivals were recorded worldwide, representing almost 50% of the total in nine months of 2022 [11].

Information on macro-directions (regions) is briefly presented below - dynamics of growth of tourist arrivals in the region. The indices of this indicator were given in 2022 (for the basis of comparison taken in 2018 and 2021).

According to the original UNWTO scenarios, in 2022 the number of international profits can reach 65% from the level of the pandemic.

However, the situation on the international market of tourist services in 2022 and next year remains difficult. These problems, according to experts, will affect the slowdown in the pace of recovery of the global tourism sector in the coming months. However, revenues from tourism exports can reach 1.2-1.3 trillion dollars, the USA in 2022, which is 60-70% more than in 2021, or 70-80% of the $1.8 trillion received USA in 2019 [11].

The renewal of the tourism industry at the global level and in the range of certain regions (Europe, America, Middle East, etc.) actualizes the research of regional tourist markets.

We note that research of regional tourist markets is the task of two interrelated theoretical and applied spheres

1) strategic marketing in tourism;

2) sectoral marketing research, taking into account the peculiarities of tourist activity.

As for methods of marketing research of regional tourist markets, it is possible to define the following most common groups.

From a methodological point of view, according to V. Middleton (2001), there are ten types of tourism marketing research, which are grouped as follows:

1. Constantly-continued and special marketing researches of tourist markets. The need arises when it is necessary for tourist operators to measure certain key parameters of the tourist market in a regular, constant way (daily, weekly, monthly).

Among the variables, which is in the focus of such monitoring, one can name: Speed of filling of hotel rooms, volume of sales, characteristics of the client, tourist services, which are in demand.

2. Quantitative and qualitative researches of regional tourist markets.

Quantitative research is always based on structural questionnaires, where each respondent should answer the same questions. These questions are often closed and the answers are based on previous experience. Quantitative methods are used to provide basic information.

Let's emphasize that quantitative research is related to the conduct of various types of surveys based on structured questions of the closed type, which are answered by many respondents. So far, this type of research is dominant in the world market of tourist services. Qualitative research involves gathering, analyzing and interpreting data by observing what people do or say. Observations and conclusions of these are of a qualitative nature and are carried out in an unstructured form.

3. Primary research and secondary research.

The primary research of regional tourist markets

is conducted when the tourist operator collects data directly from demand carriers (available and potential consumers, tourists) using such methods as observation, experiment and market survey. Secondary research involves the use of sources of information collected earlier by other research or research, often for purposes other than those related to marketing, and may be used by the enterprise in the research process.

4. By design type of research of regional tourist markets can be initiative, so-called "omnibus-research" and individual.

Initiative or syndicate studies - analysis of a specific tourist market at the initiative of a research company in the interests of a large number of client companies (tourist operators, tourist firms). The results of the research are owned by the research company and are free for publication.

Omnibus research - research conducted simultaneously for several clients and on several topics.

Ad hoc research - research, the results of which belong exclusively to a separate client company.

Let's note that specialized marketing and consulting firms specializing in primary research of tourist markets are interested in receiving requests for such marketing data on a regular basis. This is part of their marketing (sales) activity. This technique is actively used in marketing researches of regional tourist markets to receive information about all the most important aspects of consumer behavior of consumers of tourist services (tourists).

Omnibus is a general survey (questionnaire, interview) conducted on a representative sample, which is distinguished by some organizational and financial features. The basic organizational principle of the omnibus as the method of research is the following. The specialized marketing inquiry organization periodically (monthly, quarterly) conducts a representative sample (in the country or region) complex surveys, which include separate questions or blocks of questions offered by different customers. In other words, if a tourist company does not need (or not in his pocket) a special own poll, which is expensive, this organization in translation from English language "hitch a ride"; in other words, he buys the right to include a number of questions in his regular survey and shares the costs of conducting such research with other customers.

5. Research of regional tourism markets at the level of end users of tourist services (tourists) and at the level of distributors (tourist firms).

Consumer research is based on the use of such research tool as panel surveys, which belong to the so-called ones «sociological survey». Research at the level of tourist services distributor is less common in the tourist market. For example, several specialized marketing firms from the market research of tourist services conduct an audit of the sample of tourist agencies or tour operators, following the dynamics of hotel reservation, distribution of leaflets and brochures, other kinds of advertising, demand for different tourist directions.

6. According to the environment, the online and offline research of regional tourist markets differ. Offline research is a classic, traditional method of conducting any marketing research. Below, we will briefly point to the shortcomings of online research. It should be noted that for such methods of research, there is a tendency to fall in the level of respondents' response. A significant disadvantage of online research is that it is advisable to apply them only in two cases: When the target group consists exclusively of Internet users or the share of Internet users in the target group is high enough to extrapolate the research results to the entire general population.

7. Research of regional tourist markets can be grouped according to the time of carrying out: at introduction of tourist product on the market; at active sales of tourist product.

Examples of researches:"Life-placement" (research within the framework of trial marketing) is artificial creation of "life situations", when the product and the consumer communicate directly, and the consumer gets experience of using the new product Blind testing of the product - testing of the product by consumers who do not know about the brand and manufacturer yet. Concept product test - research of the complex process of choice of a product by a consumer in the order "assessment of the concept of a product - evaluation of a product".

8. By the technological feasibility of carrying out research of regional tourist markets are divided into ordinary and high-tech ones.

Among high-tech methods one can consider eye-tracking - research of processes of attention of consumers, their observation of environment (for example, when visiting a site of tourist operator), as well as assessment of behavioral response using special technologies, which makes it possible to track the direction, duration and other parameters of human gaze, as well as the use of special scans, Peopleraeters, EPOS, Google Forms, surveys in the social network, etc.

9. According to the subject of realization of research of regional tourist markets are divided into own and custom made.

An own researches are focused on finding out the opinion of the research companies' own clients or, if market research, without seeking assistance from external contractors. Custom made research is research that is performed for the company by external contractors with the provision of a report on the results of the market analysis.

It should be noted that recently there are more and more non-traditional forms of conducting marketing research of regional tourist markets, which are gradually entering the domestic market research practice.

In today's conditions, tourism faces new challenges. New segments appear and their flows shift. Therefore, in our opinion, marketing research of regional tourism markets should include a sustainable approach, that is, be integrated into management at the level of the tourism region and development goals to ensure the satisfaction of the needs of both visitors and residents of regional communities.

Marketing research will continue to play a major role in 2023, especially in the direction of customer support and improving travel security, as protecting customer information is essential to maintaining a high level of trust. And to achieve a level of trust without knowledge and the ability to use modern marketing research methods becomes extremely impossible in today's conditions.

You need to be able to adapt marketing research. When you understand the tactics of the regional tourism market, then you can adjust your actions to better reach the best potential visitors to the region.

Conclusions from the conducted research

It has been determined that marketing research is information gathering, systematization and analysis, with the aim of making good management decisions, avoiding risks and maximum satisfaction of consumers' needs. It has been established that marketing research should be carried out constantly and systematically. Information about the state of the regional market of the tourism industry ensures prompt response to changes in the market situation related to the social, political and economic challenges of today. The marketing research of the regional tourist market can provide analysis of target markets, analysis of the competitive environment or analysis of market trends. This may be a search, description or detection of cause-effect relationships.

Table 2

Dynamics of growth of tourist profits in the region

№ in order

Region name

Growth rate for 9 months (January-September) 2022, %


Middle East

+ 225 T (77% of the 2019 level)



+ 166 T (63% of the 2019 level)



+ 126 T (reached 81% of the pre-pandemic level)



+ 106 T (66% of the pre-pandemic level)



+230 T (83% of the pre-pandemic level)

Source: developed based on [11]


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