An assessment of the effect of touting on Nigerian seaport operations: a case study of Apapa port
The essential relationship between advertising and the provision of services, security measures and operational reliability, anti-theft protection, advertising influencers and operational reliability. Implementation of a strict policy against advertisers.
Рубрика | Маркетинг, реклама и торговля |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 87,6 K |
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An assessment of the effect of touting on Nigerian seaport operations: a case study of Apapa port
Obioma Reuben Nwaogbe
Caroline Onyinyechi Chieke
Ibeawuchi Nze
Nigeria Maritime University, Nigeria
Federal University of Technology, Owerri
In Nigeria, touting has been a challenge in the port, as it causes loss and diversion of cargo. Therefore, this study examined the effect of touting on the operational performance of the Apapa port. Specifically, a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to determine the extent of the touting on service delivery, security measures on operational quality dependability, pilfering on operations output safety, touting influencing elements on operational reliability, and touting activities on overall performance. Hypothesis one tested to what extent touts affect the service delivery of the Apapa port. The results showed that touts and their activities have effects on service delivery at Apapa port with multiple R values of0.826, F value of 99 degrees of freedom of50.860, a T value of 13.611 and a p-value of 0.001 calculated, which is less than 0.05 alpha value tabulated. Hypothesis two tested to what extent touting influencing elements affect the operational reliability of the Apapa port. The results show that touting impacting elements lower the performance reliability of the Apapa port with a multiple R of 0.861, an F value of 99 degrees of freedom of 68.161, a T value of 11.028 and a p-value calculated of 0.001, which is less than 0.05 alpha value. Hypothesis three tested to what extent touting activities affect the overall operational performance of the Apapa port. The results showed that touting influenced the overall performance of the Apapa port with a multiple R of 0.831, F value of 99 degrees offreedom of53.030, a T value of14.387 and a p-value of 0.001. It is less than an alpha value of 0.05. The results showed a relationship between touting and operational performance. It implies that the more touting activities there are, the greater the risk and possibility of loss of cargo. In addition, the results revealed a significant relationship between touting and service delivery, security measures and operational quality dependability, pilfering and operations output safety, touting influencing elements and operational reliability, and touting activities and overall performance. The study concludes that various security measures need to be in place to stop the activities of the touts. Therefore, the study suggests the eradication of touting, proper monitoring by security operatives of operational output such as cargoes, government provision of legal menial jobs for touts, and implementing a harsh policy against touts and touting activities.
Key words: seaport, touting, port performance, safety, security.
Оцінка впливу реклами на роботу нігерійського морського порту: приклад порту Апапа
advertising service reliability
У Нігерії реклама є проблемою в порту, оскільки спричиняє втрату та перенаправления вантажів. Тому під час дослідження вивчали вплив реклами на експлуатаційні показники порту Апапа. Зокрема, було розповсюджено анкету для самостійного заповнення, щоб визначити ступінь рекламування надання послуг, заходів безпеки щодо надійності та якості роботи, крадіжок щодо безпеки результатів операцій, рекламування елементів, що впливають на експлуатаційну надійність, і рекламування діяльності щодо загальної продуктивності. Згідно із першою гіпотезою перевіряли, якою мірою реклама впливає на надання послуг порту Апапа. Результати показали, що рекламодавці та їхня діяльність впливають на надання послуг у порту Апапа зі значенням R - 0,826, значенням F 99-відсоткового ступеня свободи - 50,860, значенням T - 13,611 і розрахунковим значенням p - 0,001, що менше ніж 0,05 значення альфа в таблиці. Згідно із гіпотезою 2 перевіряли, якою мірою рекламні елементи впливають на експлуатаційну надійність порту Апапа. Результати свідчать, що рекламні елементи знижують надійність продуктивності порту Атт з кратним R - 0,861, значенням F99-відсоткового ступеня свободи - 68,161, значенням T - 11,028 і розрахованим значенням p - 0,001, що менше ніж 0,05 значення альфа. Відповідно до гіпотези 3 перевірили, наскільки рекламна діяльність впливає на загальну продуктивність порту Апапа. Результати показали, що реклама вплинула на загальну продуктивність порту Apapa з кратним R - 0,831, значенням F для 99-відсоткового ступеня свободи - 53,030, значенням T - 14,387 і p-значенням - 0,001. Це менше ніж значення альфа 0,05. Результати підтверджують зв'язок між рекламою та продуктивністю роботи. Це означає, що чим більше рекламних заходів, тим більший ризик і можливість втрати вантажу. Крім того, результати виявили суттєвий зв'язок між рекламою та наданням послуг, заходами безпеки та експлуатаційною надійністю, убезпеченням від крадіжок та операцій, впливовими елементами реклами та операційною надійністю, а також рекламною діяльністю та загальною продуктивністю порту. У дослідженні зроблено висновок, що для припинення діяльності рекламувальників необхідно вжити різноманітних заходів безпеки. Загалом за результатами дослідження запропоновано викорінити рекламу, забезпечити належний моніторинг з боку співробітників служби безпеки щодо операційних результатів, таких як вантажні операції, надання державою легальних “чорних робіт” для рекламувальників і впровадження жорсткої політики проти рекламувальників і стосовно рекламної діяльності.
Ключові слова: морський порт; рекламування; продуктивність порту; безпека; охорона.
Maritime transport is essential for international trade and the global economy. Over 80 % of worldwide commodities commerce is transported by water, and this value is significantly greater for most developing countries. With its combination of physical, strategic, and commercial imperatives, the geography across which marine transportation operates is unique [1]. Physical difficulties remain constant throughout time, while strategic and commercial challenges change with the tides of globalization. The physiography of marine transport is composed of oceanic and river circulation systems, which are characterized by factors including depth, currents, winds (historically significant), and shoreline and passage configuration. In port operational services, efficiency is the key, and is associated with port performance. Therefore, the physical qualities of items used, scale or scope of activities, levels of efforts expanded, and the efficiency of converting resources into port services capture the centre stage. If these physical qualities of items are not guided fully, and the touts are allowed to intrude into the port, it will affect the operational service and cause a damage to this port by losing their clients or customers. Indicators like capital facilities expenditure and revenue per ton of cargo, berth occupancy, number of gangs employed, and vessel turn-around time are used as avenues to measure recent operational performance against the previous year's performance and against competitor performance to produce efficiency goals [2].
Maritime transport is an industry that includes enterprises that manufacture, construct, design, supply, repair and maintain vessels or their parts. It also manages and operates shipping lines, customs brokerage and stevedoring services, marine railways and repair shops, freight forwarding and shipping services, etc. Generally, the industry embraces all the maritime-related business activities, transportation, logistics and supply chains within the country's maritime and hinterland environment. These include onshore economic activities such as port activities, shipping, ship construction, repairs and maintenance, physical distribution, warehousing and other supply chain activities and offshore economic activities such as fishing, salvage, towage, underwater resources. Therefore, there is a need to handle issues concerning touting because once it continues growing, it will become an obstacle to the economy's growth, and the government will lose revenue to the neighbouring countries' ports [2].
A port is a type of maritime facility that consists of one or more wharves or loading areas where ships load and unload cargo and passengers. The seaports have a long history that is dating back to the dawn of civilization. As soon as civilizations arose, trade networks based on ports developed alongside them. Even though marine transportation technology has advanced significantly, the purpose and function of ports have remained essentially the same. A port is characterized traditionally as starting point for products and people moving from and to the sea. It is a connection between land and sea, a node where ocean and inland transportation networks intersect, and a point of convergence for various types of transportation. Because the capacities of marine and inland transportation modes differ, the port serves as a point of load break, where cargo is consolidated or unconsolidated [3]. Even though the term port is universal, it encompasses a lot of sizes and functions. Ports also vary geographically depending on locations where port activities are carried out. It might range from rivers to bays and offshores. Large ports need to manage various operations, including the movement of ships, containers, and other goods, as well as the loading and unloading of ships and containers and customs procedures. In most urban areas, high unemployment, poverty, and an unmanageable informal sector, among other factors, have resulted in an overabundance of immoral occupations, violence and criminal activities, as well as the loss of lives and property.
Author [3] said that the draw of unemployment has led many people to join gangs known as touts. Their activities focus on terminals, port regions, and transportation corridors. These touts congregate at port areas and frequently pretend to be government employees. Most of these touts, realistically, work for their Godfathers, Union Chairperson, and Garrison politicians [4].
According to a police statistics report published in the Nigerian Tribune in August, 2015, there is a strong link between touts and violence associated with lawful disorderliness and criminal activities in the ports, which is not only increasing in number but also becoming more lethal and sophisticated in organization. Fraud, looting, murdering, raping, acid bathing, thuggery, incitement, property destruction, and theft (pilfering) have grown more common among touts at the harbour, according to reports. Acts of insecurity, a lack of safety awareness, and the fear of terrorism have saturated the international economy's marine scene throughout the years. The apparent dishonesty and fraud-like tendencies that have become the most fundamental features of marine business over the years have never improved problems but have instead exacerbated the issue of high insecurity in port industries in the world [5]. Various recognizable illegal activities threaten maritime peace and security. These acts, which include impersonation of port officials and port service providers, trafficking in narcotics, arms, and people, terrorism at sea, piracy, and armed robbery at sea, pose a threat to the safety of navigation, human life and safety both at sea and on land, maritime trade, and the social and economic fabric of both coastal and landlocked states. [6].
Tout actions are usually characterized by fraudulent acts, as stated in [7]. Similarly, as seen by the atrocities in the port areas, the malicious character of touts, related gangs, and the destructive ambitions of their members are noteworthy for destroying public peace. Not only are the numbers of crimes rising, but they are also becoming more severe and sophisticated in their execution. The demand for transportation in the marine sector centres of any regional communications network is invariably bigger per unit of time than anywhere else. Thus, seaports serve as the operating basis for touts (freight forwarders, ship brokers, ship chandlers, port authorities, etc.) and may be used to assess the relative significance of different cities as transportation hubs. Touts provide difficulty in all sectors of seaports [8]. In other words, the one-of-a- kind brokerage services provided to willing and unwilling passengers have evolved in reaction to contemporary port and transportation developments [9].
A closer examination of this study reveals significant gaps in understanding of touting as a threat to seaports. While numerous scholars have focused on some of the actions of touts, there has been little or no research on the socioeconomic background of touts in general. Many studies have been quiet on how touts are formed at seaports. In many port locations, are theft and, in particular, pilferage the main issues? Inadequate packaging, inefficient storage arrangements, handling delays, and security measures cause theft problems in ports. Pilferage losses during cargo shipping can also be caused by lax shipboard security. If theft losses are not regulated, they can have a detrimental influence on developing countries' economies. Theft losses can result in production delays and market losses due to missing items, in addition to increasing freight costs and insurance premiums.
This study focuses on the port operating and security difficulty posed by touting and its impact on the Apapa-overall port's operational efficiency. It is thus necessary to investigate and assess how altering security regulations influence port performance in terms of time and money spent on product imports and exports. As a result, a significant level of flexibility and adaptability is needed for a proper operation of port's security system. Despite the priority is given to security, a seaport is a commercial concern in the first place, and any disruption in the free movement of equipment and cargo has serious and financial consequences. It is, therefore, necessary to critically examine existing security rules and offer the best method to decrease operating costs and time spent on security to boost shipping demand and make it more appealing to importers, exporters, and cargo carriers. This study is limited to the spectrum of Apapa-port only to address the security challenges caused by touting the port facing the day-to-day while operating, to analyse the impact this has on the overall efficiency of the port establishment.
Aim and objectives of the study
The aim of the study is to assess the effect of touting on Nigerian seaport operations through a case study of Apapa port.
The objectives of the study are as follows:
to examine the extent of the effects of touts on the service delivery of the Apapa port;
to examine the extent of the impact of touting elements on the operational reliability of the Apapa seaport;
to examine the extent of the effects of touting activities on the overall performance of the Apapa seaport.
The main hypotheses of the study are:
there is a statistically significant relationship between touting activities and the service delivery of the Apapa seaport.
there is a statistically significant relationship between touting elements and the operational reliability of the Apapa seaport.
there is a statistically significant relationship between touting activities and the overall performance of the Apapa Seaport.
Literature review
The effects of touting and all the activities related to touting in the port and port area or community have been reviewed and observed by many scholars who, in different ways, have proffered various possible solutions in their studies or studies in Nigeria. Authors [10], in their study on fraud prevention and internal control in Nigeria, used both primary and secondary data to examine the difficulties of internal control. Internal control was tested using preliminary data, whereas fraud prevention was tested using secondary data. Separation of roles, monitoring, and personnel qualifications were the key primary variables, while profit, regulation, and technology were an essential secondary variables. In both situations, regression methods were used. The findings reveal that internal control is successful against fraud, but not all employees are devoted to it. In addition, while the secondary data support the original data, personnel qualifications and technology were significant across all dependent variables. The regressions also show that technological-based fraud is a major problem. The report suggests that the Central Bank's cashless policy be maintained to limit accessible cash and promote educated employee involvement to prevent fraud in the banking sector.
Authors [11] examined touting activities in Nigerian motor parks, especially in the Ibadan metropolis. The study used purposive sampling to select five major motor parks in the Ibadan Metropolis (Gate, Sango, Ojoo, Iwo-road, and Dugbe), and 250 copies of the questionnaire were administered to touts in the respective motor parks. The results showed that friends introduced 75.6 % of the touts into touting without any qualification. Primary activities performed by the touts included calling passengers, collecting union dues, and collecting money from passengers. The study claims that many touts started their activities because of unemployment, lack of parental care, and need for survival. The illegal activities touts performed included vandalism, extortion of money, killing, raping, and stealing. The authors recommended that vocational establishments should provide employment and rehabilitation.
Furthermore, [12] studied the impact of touting at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport on passengers. Several analytical tools, such as one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), basic descriptive statistics, and multiple regression analysis were used to evaluate identifiable characteristics. Authors developed a questionnaire to obtain responses from touts and passengers to obtain a balanced view of the issue. They distributed approximately two hundred responses across two terminals. They retrieved one hundred and eighty responses The results showed that only a quarter of touts operating at this airport were females, most were males; only a few had high education. They were engaged in all activities to carry passengers' luggage, make reservations for their taxis and hotels, and purchase and resell airline tickets at the airport. In addition, they were engaged in stealing and intimidating passengers, extorting money, and collecting illegal fees from passengers. Almost all of the sampled were pleased with the profession. Most passengers sampled were unsatisfied with the current law on touting and the touts' activities. They agreed that there should be some regulations to protect the air transport industry and prevent further exploitation of passengers. They also stated that the government should review and amend the current laws on touting in public places. A special task force for monitoring the touting activities across the national airports should be commissioned. Authorities should also establish a rehabilitation programme for touts and develop a funding instrument for the touting campaign. The national airport security infrastructures should be reviewed and upgraded, establishing modern technologies, such as fingerprint/voice recognition. It should restrict touts from gaining entry into sensitive areas of the airport.
Criminological studies have examined the activities of touts popularly called 'areaboys' from deviant perspectives but have overlooked the trend and directions of touting as a career among unemployed males and migrant youths in the corridors of road transport and inside seaports in Nigeria. Additionally, [7]
investigated touting as a vocation and survival strategy in many touts in Lagos state transportation or transport business areas and corridors. He specifically examined the pull and push factors promoting touting as a career, the challenges and prospects in this kind of activity, and the economic importance of touts in the Lagos metropolis.
Nonetheless, [13] postulated that importers and travellers in Nigeria are worried about the massive return of touting activities across the country's all modes of transport, especially in the seaport, airports and road transport terminals. Many of the travellers and importers who spoke to Tribune Aviation have linked their latest fears to the way touts easily mix with credentialed ticketing staff of the various airlines, even claiming to one of the port officials that helps in tallying cargoes in the warehouse as well are operating illegally without being exposed. Therefore, many touts who claimed to be working in cooperation with some airlines, shipping companies and even the port authority staff have uniforms with identity cards showing that they work for some of these organizations, which has made innocent passengers and shippers fall into their traps.
Finally, [14] reports that in recent times, cargo and vehicle containers have been found broken into and tampered with before being brought down for cargo examination in Apapa and Tin-Can ports. TOLA ADENUBI reports why petty robbers, better known as `Wharf rats', have suddenly returned to the ports nearly 13 years after their disappearance. These activities are part of the evil touts done in the ports. They act like wharf rats by taking away valued items from these ports. These items belong to the shippers that use the ports. These activities (touting and pilfering) return to the ports because of lack of employment and delays at the seaport in the clearance of cargoes.
Methods of the research
Various techniques of quantitative analyses using statistical tools (descriptive and inferential) were involved while carrying out this quantitative research. Stat Graphic software version 18.0 and SPSS version 24.0 were used to run the analysis. Questionnaires were administered to port workers, touts, maritime labour workers, shippers, and freight forwarders. The aim of the questionnaire was to collect sufficient and relevant information from the respondents from the Apapa seaport. Collected data were analysed to arrive at relevant conclusions. A multiple regression model was used to estimate the effect of touting on the Nigeria seaport.
Population of the Study. A study's population is a collection of people or aggregate items about whom the researcher is interested in learning more about the impact of touting at the Nigerian Seaport. The researcher randomly chose one hundred and fifty employees from Apapa Port in Lagos State as the study's population.
Sample and Sampling Procedure. Because of the large target population size, we used the Taro Yamani formula to obtain the sample population.
Model Specification. The multiple regression model was used for analysing the relationship between the dependent and multiple independent variables. The indicators used in assessing the effect of touting are the number of touts, touting elements, and touting activities. The formula is represented by the equation below:
where Y - dependent variable (operational performance); b0 - constant term; P1...P4 - coefficients for each independent variable; X1, X2, and X3 - the research control variables, and they represent: Xx - touts; X2 - touting elements; X3 - touting activities; є - the model's error term (also known as the residuals).
Results and discussion
Analysis of the Extent of Touting Effect on Apapa Port Operational Service Delivery.
Regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between the research variables. The independent variables were various effects of the activities of touting, while the dependent variable was the operational performance of the Apapa port.
Table 1 shows the summary of the model of the regression analysis data of how touting activities affect service delivery. The R Square value is 0.682, which indicates that 68 % of the responses for the service delivery of the Apapa port as a result of touting activities were strong based on the variables (Xb X2, X3, and X4). The adjusted R of 0.668 indicates that approximately 67 % of how touting activities affect service delivery can be explained by the independent variables. This value is more than average but not very strong. However, it is reasonable and very close to the R square value. The multiple R shows the relationship between values Y and Xb X2, X3, and X4, which is 0.826, indicating an approximately 83 % positively high value.
Table 1. Analysis of the extent of touting effect on Apapa Port operational service delivery
Model Summary |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
0.826a |
0.682 |
0.668 |
0.307 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), Touting activities affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the operational processes of the Apapa port; Touting activities; Touts constitute nuisance at the port and port area; Touts disguise as port service providers, ship agents, chandlers and government agents |
Test of Hypothesis One. There is a statistically significant relationship between touting and operational service delivery of the Apapa seaport. Table 2 shows that the F value of 99 degrees of freedom is 50.860, and its tabulated value is 0.001. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted because it is less than the p-value of 0.05, which shows a statistically significant relationship between touting activities and service delivery, and this relationship is positive. Since that, the touting in the port influences the rendered service.
As touting increases, so would the services rendered be poor because the touts disguise being port professionals that they are not. Thus, these services are not up to the required standard since p<0.05. It implies that as touting increases, poor service delivery increases [12].
Table 2. Analysis of variance for service delivery
Model |
Sum of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
19.162 |
4 |
4.791 |
50.860 |
<0.001b |
Residual |
8.948 |
95 |
0.094 |
Total |
28.110 |
99 |
a. Dependent Variable: Service delivery |
b. Predictors: (Constant), Touting activities affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the operational processes of the Apapa port; Touting activities affect the number of vessels that call at the port; Touts constitute nuisance at the port and port area; Touts disguise as port service providers, ship agents, chandlers and government agents |
Table 3 shows the extent to which all the independent and dependent variables are related. The model coefficients of the five variables are presented as follows:
Y = 6.300+(-0.151) * X1 + (-0.75) * X2 + (-0.416) * X3 + (-0.71) * X4.
Analysis of touting influence on operational reliability. Table 4 shows the summary values of the model of the regression analysis of operational reliability. The R square value is 0.742, indicating that 74 % of the responses for the operational reliability of the Apapa port as a result of touting activities was strong based on the variables (X1, X2, X3, and X4). The adjusted R of 0.731 indicates that 73 % of the operational reliability can be explained by the independent variables. This value is more than the average but not very strong, but it is reasonable and very close to the R square value. The multiple R shows the relationship between the variables Y and X1, X2, X3, and X4, which is 0.861, indicating an 86 % positively high value.
Test of hypothesis Two. There is a statistically significant relationship between touting elements and the operational reliability of the Apapa Seaport.
Table 3. Coefficient for the independent variables for service delivery
Coefficients3 |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
T |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
6.300 |
0.463 |
13.611 |
<0.001 |
Touts disguises as port service providers, ship agents, chandlers and government agents |
-0.151 |
0.079 |
-0.129 |
-1.898 |
0.061 |
Touts constitutes nuisance at the port and port area |
-0.075 |
0.028 |
-0.166 |
-2.669 |
0.009 |
Touting activities affect the number of vessels that call at the port |
-0.416 |
0.040 |
-0.712 |
-10.518 |
<0.001 |
Touting activities affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the operational processes of the Apapa port |
-0.071 |
0.048 |
-0.124 |
-8.598 |
<0.001 |
a. Dependent Variable: Service delivery Quality |
Table 4. Regression analysis of operational reliability
Model Summary |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
0.861a |
0.742 |
0.731 |
0.561 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), Some port users employ the services of touts within the port area; Apapa port area have more |
touts; Touting has become a norm |
in the Apapa port; Touting activities is very much on the increase in the port |
Table 5 shows that the F value of 99 degrees of freedom is 68.161, and its tabulated value is 0.000. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted because it is less than the p-value of 0.05, which shows a statistically significant relationship between touting elements and the operational reliability of the Apapa port. This relationship is positive. Since there is a positive relationship, increasing touting elements will increase operational reliability disappointments from the users of the Apapa seaport since p< 0.05. It implies that as ineffective security measures increase, the low quality of operational dependability increases. The element influencing touting makes port users select the port to call on the path of service reliability [12].
Coefficients of the independent variables of operational reliability are shown in Table 6.
Table 6 shows the extent to which all the independent and dependent variables are related. The model coefficients of the five variables are presented as follows:
Y=8.945+(-501) * X1 + (-0.041) * X2 + (-0.715) * X3 + (-0.018) * X4.
Table 5. Analysis of variance for operational reliability
Model |
Sum of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
85.810 |
4 |
21.453 |
68.161 |
<0.001b |
Residual |
29.900 |
95 |
0.315 |
Total |
115.710 |
99 |
a. Dependent Variable: operational reliability |
b. Predictors: (Constant), Some port users employ the services |
of touts within the port area; Apapa port area have |
more touts; Touting has become a norm in the Apapa port; Touting activities is very much on the increase in the port |
Table 6. Coefficients of the independent variables of operational reliability
Coefficients3 |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
T |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
8.945 |
0.811 |
11.028 |
<0.001 |
Touting activities is very much on the increase in the Apapa port |
-0.501 |
0.221 |
-0.233 |
-2.264 |
0.026 |
Apapa port area have more touts than other port areas in Nigeria |
-0.041 |
0.075 |
-0.031 |
-0.550 |
0.584 |
Touting has become a norm in the Apapa port |
-0.715 |
0.084 |
-0.669 |
-8.557 |
<0.001 |
Some port users employ the services of touts within the port area |
-0.018 |
0.079 |
-0.020 |
-0.224 |
0.823 |
a. Dependent Variable: Operational reliability |
Analysis of Overall Performance. Table 7 shows the summary values of the regression analysis of overall performance. The R square value is 0.691, indicating that 69 % of the responses for the overall performance of the Apapa port as a result of touting activities was a bit higher than average based on the variables (Xb X2, X3, and X4). The adjusted R of 0.678 indicates that 68 % of the overall performance can be explained by the independent variables. This value is more than the average but not very high, but it is reasonable and very close to the R square value. The multiple R shows the relationship between the variables Y and X1, X2, X3, and X4, which is 0.831, which indicates an 83 % positively high value.
Table 7. Regression analysis for overall performance
Model Summary |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
0.831a |
0.691 |
0.678 |
0.171 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), High competitive edge over other ports; Operational flexibility; Storage facilities and areas are very safe; Good quality of service |
Test of hypothesis three. There is a statistically significant relationship between touting activities and overall operational performance of the Apapa Seaport. Table 8 shows that the F value of 99 degrees of freedom is 53.030, and its tabulated value is 0.000. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted because it is less than the p-value of 0.05, which shows a statistically significant relationship between touting and overall operational performance in Apapa port. This relationship is positive. Since that, increasing touting elements will increase total operational performance disappointments from the users of the Apapa seaport since p< 0.05. It implies that as touting elements increase, the port users will be fully affected and might decide to use other ports in the neighbouring country or for those importing from only the Western port (Apapa port). It will affect the operational performance of the port because the port will be losing its customers. As a port's individual performance heavily influences the competitiveness of the entire supply chain, port performance evaluation and selection by its users has become pivotal for competitiveness [16].
Table 8. Analysis of variance for overall operational performance
Model |
Sum of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
6.216 |
4 |
1.554 |
53.030 |
<0.001b |
Residual |
2.784 |
95 |
0.029 |
Total |
9.000 |
99 |
a. Dependent Variable: Better operational efficiency |
b. Predictors: (Constant), High competitive edge; Operational flexibility; Storage facilities and areas are very safe; |
Good quality of service |
Table 9 shows the extent to which all the independent variables are related to the dependent variable. The model coefficient of five variables are presented as follows:
Y = 7.655+(-0.026) * X1 + (-0.024) * X2 + (-0.009) * X3 + (-0.696) * X4.
Table 9. Coefficient of the independent variables of overall performance
Coefficients3 |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
7.655 |
0.532 |
14.387 |
<0.001 |
Operational flexibility |
-0.026 |
0.016 |
-0.103 |
-1.581 |
0.117 |
Storage facilities and areas are very safe |
-0.024 |
0.032 |
-0.047 |
-0.726 |
0.470 |
Good quality of service |
0.009 |
0.054 |
0.014 |
0.175 |
0.862 |
High competitive edge over other ports |
-0.696 |
0.068 |
-0.805 |
-10.185 |
<0.001 |
a. Dependent Variable: Overall performance. Source: SPSS, 2022 |
The paper examined the effect of touting on the operational performance of the Apapa port in Lagos State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study investigated three main causal variables: touting, touting influencing elements, and tout misrepresentation. Regarding touting, all activities were to a very great extent because respondents strongly agreed that touting exists in the Apapa port. However, touting does not totally affect the number of vessels that call at the port because respondents disagreed with the statement.
Hypothesis one tested to what extent touts affect the service delivery of the Apapa port. The results showed that touts and their activities have effects on service delivery at Apapa port with multiple R values of 0.826, F value of 99 degrees of freedom of 50.860, a T value of 13.611, and a p-value of 0.001 calculated, which is less than 0.05 alpha value tabulated.
Hypothesis two tested to what extent touting elements affect the operational reliability of the Apapa port. The results show that touting elements lower the operational reliability of the Apapa port with a multiple R of 0.861, an F value of 99 degrees of freedom of 68.161, a T value of 11.028, and a p-value calculated of 0.001, which is less than 0.05 alpha value. It can be attributed to [12] and their research on the factors causing aggression and violence and their impact on social attitudes. They also stated that most people are persuaded by gangs to venture into hooliganism. Therefore, on this note, some of the elements that influence touts to go into touting are social vices.
Hypothesis three tested to what extent touting activities affect the overall operational performance of the Apapa port. The results showed that touting influenced the overall operational performance of the Apapa port, with a multiple R of 0.831, F value of 99 degrees of freedom of 53.030, a T value of 14.387, and a p-value of 0.001, which is less than alpha value of 0.05. It is in line with study [17] on evaluating port operations performance in Nigeria. The result established that operational efficiency is associated with port performance, security of cargo, physical qualities of items used, scale or scope of activities, levels of efforts expanded and the efficiency to convert resources into port services.
Touting is a serious threat to improving operational performance in terms of reliability, effectiveness and efficiency in the port. The port system as a whole is not left out, as different types of fraudulent activities happen daily in Apapa port. Recently, the touts have performed touting activities to render services in the port with little or no professional knowledge of the proposed service. The analysis results show that touting influences operational reliability and outputs of the port, because so many clients divert their cargo to the neighbouring countries with fewer touts in their port. Therefore, instead of using Apapa port, the port users will shift their demand for port services to those countries. It may lead to low productivity of the port if not worked on. The touting activities affect the overall operational performance of the port to a great extent. Policy implications on how to cub the touting is by enabling an environment for young graduates to fit in for employment to reduce touting and loitering around the port. Job creation through entrepreneurial innovations and training for the youths living in Lagos is essential because it will go a long way in cubing up touting at the seaports of Nigeria.
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