Promotions and team building for marketing campaigns

Analysis of promotional marketing criteria in the formation of project teams and resource management. Using the Yule model and creating a brand business modeling canvas. Ensuring effective communication and coordination between project participants.

Рубрика Маркетинг, реклама и торговля
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Дата добавления 03.02.2024
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Promotions and team building for marketing campaigns

R. Sodoma,

O. Kovalchuk,

O. Sadura,

N. Popadynets


The article analyzes in detail the main aspects of promotional marketing in team building. Team building is very important for marketing campaigns as it allows for the efficient completion of tasks and the achievement of set goals. The main purpose of the article is based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing communications using the Yule model and the creation of a framework for the business modeling of the brand, since having a ready-made business model structure, one can describe the cost structure, which will reflect the key actions and all resources for investment in brand development.

The article summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of promotions and highlights the main consequences of the war for Ukrainian brands. The main reason for team building is that marketing campaigns usually require work with different specialists such as marketers, designers, copywriters, analysts, etc. Therefore, project teams secure necessary communication and coordination between project participants to avoid misunderstandings and ensure the successful implementation of the project. Moreover, project teams can secure efficient management of resources such as time, budget, and other resources. This is especially important for marketing campaigns since they often have limited resources and shorter deadlines.

Each team member contributes and performs specific tasks to achieve the campaign goal. Team building is an essential element in the successful implementation of marketing campaigns. It allows for efficient communication and coordination among project participants, resource management, and the achievement of successful results. Effective promotions can provide a company with a competitive advantage.

This article discusses the main types of promotions, such as advertising, discounts, gifts, contests, loyalty, etc. An important aspect is choosing the right type of promotion depending on the target audience and the company's marketing goals. The criteria for team building, including the abilities and skills of the participants, leadership, communication, and collaboration, are also considered. The concept of business management implies that the company's management should constantly work to improve business processes, optimize the use of resources, and efficiently utilize personnel. In addition, business management includes the development and implementation of the company's development strategy, as well as control over its financial results.

Keywords: IT project management, marketing campaign, team building, business development.


Содома Р., Ковальчук О., Садура О., Попадинець Н. Промоакції та формування проектних команд для маркетингових кампаній

У статті детально проаналізовано основні аспекти промоакційного маркетингу при формуванні проектних команд. Формування проектних команд є дуже важливим для маркетингових кампаній, оскільки це дозволяє ефективно виконувати завдання і досягати поставлених цілей. Основна мета статті базується на проведенні оцінки ефективності маркетингових комунікацій використовують модель Юла та створенні канви бізнес-моделювання бренду, адже маючи готову структуру бізнес-моделі, можна описати структуру витрат, де відображатимуться ключові дії та усі ресурси для інвестування в розвиток бренду. Узагальнено основні переваги та недоліки промоакцій та виокремлено основні наслідки війни для українських брендів. Основна причина створення проектних команд полягає в тому, що маркетингові кампанії зазвичай вимагають роботи з різними спеціалістами, такими як маркетологи, дизайнери, копірайтери, аналітики та інші. Таким чином, проектні команди забезпечують необхідну комунікацію та координацію між учасниками проекту, щоб уникнути непорозумінь та забезпечити успішну реалізацію проекту. Крім того, проектні команди можуть забезпечити ефективне управління ресурсами, такими як час, бюджет та інші ресурси. Це особливо важливо для маркетингових кампаній, оскільки вони часто мають обмежені ресурси та короткі терміни виконання. Кожен член команди вносить свій внесок та виконує певні завдання для досягнення мети кампанії. Формування проектних команд є важливим елементом успішної реалізації маркетингових кампаній. Це дозволяє забезпечити ефективну комунікацію та координацію між учасниками проекту, управляти ресурсами та досягати успішних результатів. Ефективні промоакції можуть забезпечити конкурентну перевагу компанії. У даній статті розглянуті основні види промоакцій, такі як реклама, знижки, подарунки, конкурси, лояльність тощо. Важливим аспектом є вибір відповідного виду промоакції залежно від цільової аудиторії та маркетингових цілей компанії. Також розглянуті критерії формування проектної команди, включаючи здатності та навички учасників, лідерство, комунікацію та співпрацю. Концепція управління бізнесом передбачає, що керівництво підприємства повинне постійно працювати над удосконаленням бізнес-процесів, оптимізацією використання ресурсів та ефективним використанням персоналу. Крім того, управління бізнесом включає в себе розробку та реалізацію стратегії розвитку компанії, а також контроль за її фінансовими результатами.

Ключові слова: управління ІТ проектами, маркетингові кампанії, формування проектних команд, розвиток підприємства.


Successful marketing ІТ projects require detailed planning, development, and implementation. They also require knowledge of marketing and IT, as well as an understanding of customer needs and market trends. Marketing project teams are groups of specialists who work together to implement marketing projects and campaigns. These teams are usually made up of different specialists with knowledge in different areas of marketing such as marketers, copywriters, designers, web developers, analysts, etc.

Marketing project teams work on projects that may include launching new products, conducting marketing research, creating advertising campaigns, developing brands, and many others. The primary goal of these teams is to ensure the successful completion of projects within budget and on time. Marketing project teams can be created internally for companies or hired as external contractors. Either way, the success of these teams depends on how efficiently they can work together to achieve common goals. Marketing project teams are an important element of any company's marketing strategy since they ensure the efficient implementation of projects and campaigns. To achieve successful results, it is important to ensure efficient communication and coordination among team members, as well as proper resource management.

Theoretical background. Promotional marketing (also known as direct marketing) is the type of marketing used to stimulate sales by providing customers with hints, bonuses, or other incentives to purchase goods and services. Researchers Apchel (2010), Dryomova (2010), Kitchenko and Prykhodko (2020), Т. Shevchenko and O. Shevchenko (2020) carry out studies in marketing.

In the literature, there are many studies dealing with promotional marketing. Some of them are listed below:

Direct Marketing: Strategy and Practice. The book describes various aspects of direct marketing, including promotional marketing. The author considers various strategies, methods, and tools used to create efficient promotional campaigns (Lu et al., 2013).

Direct Marketing Strategies. The book is a comprehensive guide to direct marketing, including promotional marketing. The author describes various methods and strategies used to create efficient promotional campaigns (Cardarelli et al., 2006).

Effective Direct Marketing. In the book, the author describes various aspects of direct marketing, including promotional marketing. The author offers practical advice on how to develop and realize efficient promotional campaigns (Chong et al., 2017).

Research objective, methodology and data. In the conditions of modern competition for consumers, producers of goods and services use various methods to stimulate sales. Consumers try to reduce their expenses in times of financial instability. Therefore, promotions gain popularity as they provide consumers with an opportunity to make a good deal with less expenses.

Business Model Canvas is a universal business management concept. It focuses on design and innovation. The Model represents all processes and strategies of business development with in-depth efficiency evaluation. It describes the value offered by an organization to various customers and shows the organization's capacity, the list of partners necessary for creating, promoting, and delivering the value to customers, and the capital relationships necessary for consistent revenue streams. Business Model Canvas includes visualization, layout, and development of possible scenarios and new ideas.

When conducting promotions, special attention should be paid to target market segments covered by the activity. For convenient tracking and quick processing of customer requests, it is reasonable to use CRM systems (Dovhan et al., 2017). CRM systems are software products aimed at automating and optimizing interaction with customers. The systems accumulate information about customers and thus help managers by relieving them of routine tasks. The choice of a particular CRM system depends on the specifics of the business and the functions placed on the software.

The business model canvas consists of nine main components that best illustrate all the aspects necessary for the development of the efficient entrepreneurial activity.

We determine the target segments of consumers that can provide the greatest income from the sale of branded goods. They include all people (target audience by age, gender, and income) and organizations for whom the value, products, and services are created.

A value proposition takes the central place in the concept and allows a company to address customer problems by a proposition from a certain brand and by differentiating proposition by customer segments. Overall, the business model canvas allows to develop personalized propositions for certain groups of customers, without going into details that are prone to change.

Communication is an essential component of the promotion of goods, so it is very important to determine the channels through which we will contact customers, starting from advertising and ending with after-sales service.

Attracting new customers, keeping in touch with them, and keeping their interest - all this is part of the component of relations with customers. Each new customer requires an individual approach and special attention.

The most important component is the revenue stream, where all items are analyzed by dividing them into groups. Thus, we determine what brings the company the greatest income and what the least. It shows the company's income.

The key resources show what is needed for a successful business, it can be people, finances, equipment, and everything that allows to implement a business model.

The key activities show the types of work that should be accomplished by the company at a very high level at all stages of its activity for a business model to function (Loiko et al., 2021).

Potential and available partners are the key partners the company cooperates with and cannot function without (in logistics, marketing, finance, etc.).

A young brand should have the liquidity reserve for the release of at least two collections, from designing and sewing the collections to marketing them. Every year, global fashion brands set certain trends in color palettes, designs, fabrics, and prints. It is important to always pay attention to the popularity of a certain lifestyle and behaviour in society, use the opportunities of the trend to the maximum, and cooperate with famous fashion designers. When creating the brand clothes, it is necessary to find a point of differentiation by size, style, and needs for specific moments of use, as this will allow companies to significantly differ from other producers and be memorable for customers.

When the structure of the business model is ready, it is possible to determine the structure of expenses with key actions and all the resources for investment in brand development and the amount needed to launch a new start-up or a new clothing collection. The major cost items are outlined, along with any factors that may impact their reduction. Figure 1 shows the business model canvas (developed by the authors). promotional marketing project team model yule

The business management concept is the system of approaches and strategies used for efficient business management to achieve its goal and maximize income. The concept provides that the management of a company should consistently work on improving business processes, optimizing the use of resources, and efficient use of personnel. Moreover, business management includes the development and implementation of corporate strategy and the control of financial results.

A logically developed business model canvas allows to describe any business model while understanding its material and technical basis. Launching and developing a brand must be extraordinarily modern. High-quality fabrics and accessories must be used in the production of clothes. The collections must be exclusive, ensuring the models' uniqueness and controlling high quality.

It is important to find out how the war has affected Ukrainian designers (Fig. 2).

Almost every brand has experienced a decrease in sales and problems with partners and logistics (32.1%). Some 34.5% are currently experiencing problems with fabric supply. 13% of the brands have resorted to downsizing, i.e. people have lost their jobs. And only 6 % continue to work without feeling the deep consequences of the war. The biggest loss for any brand is the loss of demand for its products.

Fig. 1. Business model canvas for a clothing brand. Source: compiled based on (Kovalchuk, 2018; Kramskyl et al., 2021; Sodoma et al., 2021, 2021a, 2022)

Promotions help customers to become familiar with the company's products and create positive impressions of them. Companies also benefit from the use of these methods, as attracting customers increases the company's income and market share. Promotions as a special type of sales increase have a number of advantages and disadvantages, which are illustrated in Figure 3.

Disadvantages of promotions stem from the incompetence of the employees involved in the organization and the implementation of these activities, so it is important that the process is handled by professionals who can turn a promotion into an efficient instrument of influence on customers.

Fig. 2. Consequences of the war for Ukrainian brands. Source: developed by the authors

Fig. 3. Advantages and disadvantages of promotions. Source: compiled based on (Pidkaminnyy et al., 2021)

In order to make promotions efficient, the objectives of promotions must be planned (long-term (increasing sales, improving image, and attracting new customers) or short-term (familiarizing customers with new products)). It is very important to choose the target audience depending on the goals and characteristics of the customer and the company's strategy. The sales channels should be determined depending on the company's budget, and the promotional network should be chosen. To achieve the maximum effect of customer interest, promotions should be selected and planned based on the peculiarities of sales outlets. It is necessary to determine the mechanics of promotions realization since the success of a promotion depends on the quality of its technical preparation. It is worth determining the duration of a promotion, the quantity of promotional products, and the terms of their delivery and return.

The efficiency of promotions should be evaluated according to the following parameters:

- Sell-in - sales expressed at purchase price;

- Sell-out (off-take) - sales expressed at retail price;

- ROI - return on investment in promotions;

- Frequency (HH panel) - frequency of purchases based on the consumer panel data;

- Frequency (customer loyalty cards) - frequency of purchases based on the customer loyalty cards;

- Loyalty (HH panel and customer loyalty cards) - the parameter is based on the consumer panel data and customer loyalty cards;

- Number of checks containing the category;

- The size of the purchase containing the category in monetary terms.

The Yul model, the Vidal-Wolf model, the ADBUDG model, and the Danaher-Rust model are used to evaluate the efficiency of marketing communications (Apchel, 2010). We use the Yul model to calculate the optimal budget for a promotional campaign based on the marketing data of the Staff brand.

Calculation formula:

where N - is the number of customers who will become the company's regular customers;

Nmax - is the number of potential customers;

k - is the ratio of customers who have become regular customers to customers who will buy a product or try a service;

k0 - is the ratio of customers who use the product to those who saw the advertisement;

P - is the cost of one rating unit;

n0 - is the number of rating units needed to cover the target audience.

The market consists of 135,000 people who buy the brand's products (= 135,000). The main objective of the promotional campaign is to attract 10,800 new potential customers (N = 10,800).

The ratio of customers who have become regular customers to customers who will buy a product is 40% (k = 0,4, ,

The ratio of customers who use the product to those who saw the advertisement is 25% (),

Therefore, the promotion should ensure coverage of 80% of potential customers

Conventionally, 10 conditional promotion units (n0 = 10) are needed to cover 100% of potential customers, so 8 promotion units are needed for 80% coverage

One promotion unit costs UAH 20,460 (р = 20,460). Therefore, the total budget of the promotional campaign is calculated by the formula:

Hence, E a= UAH 163,680. Having calculated the annual budget, we can determine that the monthly budget will be UAH 13,640.

The Yul method helps calculate the optimal budget, but it has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the consideration of the requirements to money costs and the number of potential and regular customers (calculated as a percentage). The disadvantage is the visualization of the whole market segment by managers.

It allows us to identify the peculiarities of promotions and improve the scientific conceptual framework. Based on the Yul method, the efficiency of the promotional campaign and the correctness of the calculated optimal budget are verified.

To confirm the materials, we use one of the simplest forecasting methods - linear extrapolation. A linear equation is useful when one parameter, for example, sales of goods and services, increases or decreases proportionally with the increase of another parameter, in this case - time.

The least squares method is used to calculate the parameters of a line. The method provides that the sum of the squared differences between the actual and the predicted values of the dynamic series is the least. Table 1 presents the calculation techniques.

Table 1

Company's sales in 2018-2022 (last 5 years)


Serial number of the year (t)

Sales, in thousands UAH (y)

Calculated parameters

































Mean value





The parameters of the linear equation у = ао + а1t are calculated by the formulas:

Where у - is the sales of goods and services in thousand UAH;

t - is the serial number of the year;

ао, аі are equation parameters;

n - is the number of years in the dynamic series (in this case, n = 5).

We put the values calculated in Table 1 into the formulas

So the linear equation is the following:

The forecast of goods and services realization by this equation shows that in the next years, it will be:

in 2023:

y6 = 2.14 + 0.31*6 = 4 thousand UAH;

in 2024:

y7 = 2.14 + 0.31*7 = 4.31 thousand UAH;

in 2025:

y8 = 2. 14 + 0. 31*8 = 4.62 thousand UAH.

The trend can be continued until the base period is 1.5-2 times longer than the forecast period. For instance, if the dynamic series covers 5 years, the forecast can be made only for 1, 2, or 3 years. Marketing IT projects are projects that combine marketing and IT strategies to achieve a certain goal in marketing. The main objectives of marketing IT projects include increasing sales, improving brand image, enhancing customer loyalty, boosting brand recognition, etc.

Some examples of marketing IT projects include:

Website creation and optimization to increase conversion and improve user experience. Use of social media to attract and retain customers.

Implementing a CRM system to improve the efficiency of customer service and sales management.

Use of e-commerce instruments to increase sales and improve the purchase process for customers.

Development and introduction of a mobile app to facilitate communication with customers and improve the ease of use of services.


Team building is an important stage in the implementation of marketing IT projects. Successful project implementation requires a variety of skills, including marketing and IT expertise, project management, analytics, design, and development.

The main steps of team building are:

1. Determining the project goals and tasks: before building a team, it is necessary to identify the project goals and tasks. This will help determine what skills are needed to complete the project and how many people a team should consist of.

2. Choosing the project manager: project managers must have experience in project management and know how to lead a team. They must be experts in marketing and IT, have communication skills, and be ready to solve a problem.

3. Selecting the project team: selecting the project team is an important stage in team building. Each team member must have relevant skills and experience to perform their role in the project. It is important to take into account the fact that each team member must be sociable and know how to work in a team.

4. Establishing communication channels: communication is the key element for the successful implementation of a marketing project. Efficient communication channels must be established between the team members and the team leader.

The business management concept involves the use of various tools such as business planning, marketing research, financial analysis, etc. to improve the efficiency of corporate management. Overall, the business management concept is an important element in the success of any company as it helps the company's managers to ensure efficient resource management.


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