Standards of textuality in perfume and cosmetic names

Research of features of perfume and cosmetic naming, characteristics of basic information related to perfume and cosmetic products. Study of the essence of the naming space, which is modulated by an integrated perfume and cosmetic nominative complex.

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Standards of textuality in perfume and cosmetic names

Yevgeniia Yu. Nikiforova

Elizaveta A. Galitska


This article deals with the problem of perfume and cosmetic names. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of names in the context of textuality. Perfume and cosmetic names verbalize all features, qualities and individual characteristics of these goods. They create the naming space that consists of four nominative components: brand, basic, genitive and functional-descriptive. It is the basic nominative component that reflects the main part of information about perfumes and cosmetic goods. Four nominative components function as corresponding text information blocks. It means that perfume and cosmetic name combines two spaces. The first space is naming that is represented with the integrated perfume and cosmetic naming complex. The complex grasps four nominative components. The second space is informational that stores the necessary volume of information and creates a communicative background. The information scope is kept in the text construction. The volume of information is divided into four relevant text blocks. Together all these blocks form text boundaries which outline the text construction. The text construction is characterized by two interdependent features coexisting in the integrated perfume and cosmetic naming complex such as discreteness and wholeness. This is a very significant cohesive factor within the text construction. Cohesion is realized on the lexical level involving the mechanism of repetition which is the part of reiteration. On the other hand, repetition may be complete (the naming unit is repeated literally) and partial (the naming unit is repeated partly). The repetition may be between nearest blocks (having common side) and distant blocks (without a common side). The result of the research broadens the set of naming units adding to word, phrase and sentence the next unit recognized as text.

Keywords: cohesion, lexical repetition, naming complex, nominative component, text block, text construction.

Information about authors: Nikiforova Yevgeniia Yuriivna - PhD; assistant professor at the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication; Institute of Philology; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Нікіфорова Є. Ю.

Галицька Є. А.


Анотація. Статтю присвячено парфюмерно-косметичному неймінгу. Особливу увагу приділено неймінгу в аспекті текстової природи парфюмерно-косметичних назв. Ці назви вербалізують усі особливості, якісні та індивідуальні характеристики цієї розгалуженої товарної групи. Пармюмерно-косметичні назви створюють номінативний простір, що складається з чотирьох номінативних складників: брендового, базового, родового і функціонально-дескриптивного. Саме базовий номінативний складник відображає основну інформацію, пов'язану з парфюмерно- косметичними товарами. Усі чотири номінативні складники функціонують як відповідні текстові інформаційні блоки. Фактично, парфюмерно-косметична назва містить одночасно два простори. Першим є неймінговий простір, який модулюється інтегрованим парфюмерно-косметичним номінативним комплексом. Цей комплекс охоплює чотири номінативні складники. Другим простором є інформаційний, який є носієм основної необхідної інформації і формує комунікативне підґрунтя. Весь обсяг інформації зберігається у текстовому конструкті. Усі ця інформація, що присутня у парфюмерно-косметичному номінативному комплексі, розмежовується на чотири відповідні текстові блоки. Разом усі ці блоки окреслюють текстові кордони, які обмежують текстовий конструкт. Текстовий конструкт характеризується двома взаємозалежними ознаками, які співіснують у межах інтегрованого парфюмерно-косметичного номінативного комплексу. Вони зумовлюють стабільність конструкції і визначаються як текстова цілісність і дискретність. Текст також характеризується когерентністю і когезією. У конструкції спостерігається когезивний чинник, який реалізується на лексичному рівні, залучаючи механізм повторення, що є складником реітерації. З іншого боку, ресурс повторення може бути повним (коли елемент повторюється повністю) або частковим (коли повторюється лише частина елементу). Крім того, повторення може бути між сусідніми блоками, або між дистантними. Результат дослідження розширює інвентар номінативних одиниць і крім слова, словосполучення і речення, дозволяє включити також і текст.

Ключові слова: когезія, лексичне повторення, номінативний комплекс, номінативний складник, текстовий блок, текстовий конструкт.

Інформація про авторів: Нікіфорова Євгенія Юріївна - кандидат філологічних наук; асистент кафедри англійської філології та міжкультурної комунікації; Інститут філології; Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка. парфумерний косметичний неймінг товар

Никифорова Е. Ю.

Галицкая Е. А.


Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме парфюмернокосметических названий. Особое внимание уделено характеристикам данных названий в ракурсе текстуальности. Парфюмернокосметические названия вербализируют все особенности, качественные и индивидуальные характеристики этих товаров. Названия формируют нейминговое пространство, которое состоит из четырёх номинативных компонентов: брендового, базового, родового и функционально-дескриптивного. Именно базовый номинативный компонент отражает основную часть информации, относящуюся к парфюмерно-косметическим товарам. Четыре номинативных компонента могут функционировать как соответствующие текстовые блоки. Фактически парфюмернокосметические названия состоят из двух сфер. Первой сферой является нейминговая. Она представлена интегрированным парфюмерно-косметическим номинативным комплексом, который охватывает четыре номинативных компонента. Второй сферой является информационная, которая является вместилищем необходимой информации и формирует коммуникативную основу. Вся информация очерчивается текстовым конструктом. Информационная сфера разделена на четыре соответствующих текстовых блока, которые совместно ограничивают текст. Текстовый конструкт характеризуется двумя взаимозависимыми свойствами, которые сосуществуют в пределах интегрированного парфюмерно-косметического номинативного комплекса, это целостность и связность. Более значимым фактором в пределах текстового конструкта выступает когезия, которая реализуется на лексическом уровне, используя механизм повтора, являющийся составной частью реитерации. С другой точки зрения, повтор может быть как полный (когда элемент повторяется полностью), так и частичный (когда он повторяется частично). Также, он возможен в пределах как двух смежных блоков, так и между несмежными блоками. Результат исследования расширяет инвентарь номинативных единиц и кроме слова, словосочетания и предложения, включает текст.

Ключевые слова: когезия, лексическое повторение, номинативный компонент, номинативный комплекс, текстовый блок, текстовый конструкт.

Информация про авторов: Никифорова Евгения Юрьевна - кандидат филологических наук; ассистент кафедры английской филологии и межкультурной коммуникации; Институт филологии; Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченка.

The language development is connected to the cognitive activity of mankind and that process stimulates the creation of new naming units providing individuality and recognition in the modern society which is saturated with a lot of information. As the sphere of mankind's activity is getting broader and broader, the increase in the sphere of new objects production is also observed. As a result, the new units for naming appear. Commerce is a traditional branch of society's activity which is connected to manufacturing and selling. These activities demand corresponding naming units. Perfume and cosmetic naming units reflect the results of those activities. The naming units accompany corresponding goods providing the necessary amount of information for future buyers. Modern English naming is a multi-aspect phenomenon involving different objects, their properties and functions. Naming may be analysed on the basis of perfume and cosmetic goods in particular. Perfume and cosmetic names create a separate subclass in the global goods naming. Moreover, using these names recipients can receive essential information. Perfume and cosmetic naming is realized in two aspects: olfactory and colour. The semantic aspect of perfume and cosmetic naming is the most variable component reflecting the emotional, cognitive and social stratification intentions of the agent.

The purpose of the article is the investigation of the perfume and cosmetic names taking into consideration the text nature of these naming units. Perfumes and make-up belong to the specific goods which are consumed individually. They are products of impulsive demand. The main problem of these goods is the absence of possibility to name smell, aroma, odour and fragrance in a traditional verbal way without involving special olfactory terminology. Perfume and make-up naming is based on the associative images which create potential recipient's positive mood. Perfume and cosmetic naming is called for reflecting olfactory and colour preferences of the prospective consumers. Text as the biggest communicative unit provides all the necessary information essential for recipients-buyers. Therefore, the naming units have some text peculiarities which require attentive consideration.

The topicality of the article lies in the fact that textual properties of perfume and make-up names have not been analysed and there is no definite correlation between naming units and texts. The scientific novelty of the research arises from the necessity of filling the gap that appears between naming unit and texts which are involved in the process of naming and describing perfume and cosmetic goods. Naming units are traditionally correlated with the word (the smallest naming unit), phrase (the biggest naming unit) and sentence (the smallest communicative unit). There is no attempt to find out the primary correlation between naming unit and text taking into consideration that only text is the biggest communicative unit that crowns the system of linguistic units. The object of the research is a set of naming complexes (3430 units) which are connected with corresponding perfume and cosmetic goods. The subject of the investigation is the text categories which may be identified within the naming complexes.

Literature review

Attempts to examine the textual features in the perfume and make-up names look rather problematic as text property and text nature of perfume and cosmetic names have not been reflected in the linguistic studies. There are some systematic efforts of dividing the perfume and cosmetic names into four constituents which create the integrated nominative complex. That nominative complex is responsible for creating and outlining the naming space [11, p. 22]. The naming space is divided into a brand component and a basic name [10, p. 54]. It is modified with a genitive name and a functional-descriptive component [12, p. 310]. The naming process consists of two stages: naming in proper (creating and forming the name of goods) and juridical support, assistance [19, p. 192-193]. Having some sense, the name of goods helps customers to remember and recognize a brand. What is more, brand name should be associated with the category of goods [1, p. 231]; also, it should create a mental image in the consumer's brain [9, p. 167-168]. Any ideas of text linguistics have not been involved in the further perfume and cosmetic name researches. The text categories should be organized within the naming complex of the perfume and cosmetic goods, and that recognition is the indicator for a more detailed investigation revealing text nature of the names of the goods.


If there is an attempt to explore the perfume and cosmetic names based on the text nature, it is reasonable to outline the text linguistics tasks and specifications. The text describes or explains the common and different features among the text types: what standards texts fulfil, how they are produced and received, who is using them in a given set of occurrences, and so forth [2, p. 37]. The study of written interaction is usually understood as a complete unit of speech (or macro text) and a chain of utterances linked together by a common purpose of communication (or micro text). It concerns the organization of the text which is a unit of language. The text is any written record of communicative event [3, p. 26]. It is the biggest communicative unit that corresponds to seven standards of textuality: cohesion, coherence, intentionality, informativity, situationality and intertextuality [7, p. 46]. All standards define and create the form of behaviour identifiable as textual communicating; and if defined, that form of behaviour will break down [6, p.118]. As cohesion and coherence open the chain of textuality standards, they should be studied as the main text categories which may be recognised in the structure of the perfume and cosmetic names. These names are the results of perfume and cosmetic naming processes. Thus, the final result of these processes is an integrated naming complex (INC). Within the INC there is the coexistence of two spheres: informational and naming. The first sphere involves 7-8 lexical units (lexemes) which are direct names of things [13, p. 77]. They are the main expressive units of language which ensures the thought-forming function of language [14, p. 121]. The informational space may be varied but in general, it looks the following way: Dior Hypnotic poison eau de parfum spray 50 ml. The naming space is divided into four nominative components. The same chain of lexemes may be subdivided into A-component (Dior), B-component (Hypnotic poison), C-component (eau de parfum) and D-component (spray 50 ml). If the INC is regarded as text, the distinguished A, B, C, D-components may be recognised as the text segmental blocks. The strict order of the text blocks in all the INC helps put forward the idea about logical relations between the text blocks. It is reasonable to connect the order of text blocks with coherence. This text category is associated with a logical topical connection [20, p.410]. It concerns how the components of the textual world, i.e. the configuration of concepts and relations which underlie the surface text, are mutually accessible and relevant [16, p.140-141]. A concept is definable as a configuration of knowledge (cognitive content) which can be recovered or activated with more or less unity and consistency in the mind: each link would bear a designation of the concept it connects to [8, p.291].

A text block functions as an introductory nominative component and it may be identified as a brand text block. It contains only the manufacturer's brand names. The most traditional are brands of perfume and cosmetic companies (AVON, Revlon, L'oreal, Lancome). There occur brand names which are traditionally connected with model business and only later they developed aroma and make-up production (Dior, Givenchy, Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci, Giorgio Armani, Roberto Cavalli, Calvin Klein, Prada). Among the brand blocks, there are traditional British brand names (Jo Malone, Miller Harris, Penhaligon's, Burberry, Creed, Paul Smith, Clive Christian, Alexander McQueen), also well-known American brands (Elizabeth Arden, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Estee Lauder, Calvin Klein, Tom Ford, Donna Karan, Michael Kors). A text block is a leading attractant in goods and productions of perfume and cosmetic firms. It helps the potential consumer to realise the primary navigation among the varieties of perfume and make-up manufacturers. It is a conventional marker of price, quality and social segment of buyers-consumers. A-text block conventionality is connected with associations created in the society. Brand names manifest and proclaim corresponding quality, price and connection with a certain social group of consumers. The set of associations creates the convention which goes far and is spread within all products of that brand name. A-text block as the initial structural component in the text construction starts the process of logical giving the relevant information about corresponding goods. The hidden target of A block is to attract the buyer's attention, to incline and persuade the potential consumer for buying goods of that brand name. A block starting the process of giving information about goods builds up the logical sequence of further text blocks initiating the formation of text coherence. B text block follows A text block, supporting its informational function, broadening informational sphere, adding some information. B text block may be separated within the INC as a basic text block. It gives the potential consumer a basic or real name of the perfume or cosmetic goods. B text block occurs in the advertisements and catalogues. This block is associated with the goods name. From the functional point of view and logical connection, B block is closely related to A block. These A and B blocks cooperate and persuade the potential consumer to buy goods under the definite brand (A block) and definite goods name (B block). B block varies, using different lexical and phrase units (Hypnotic Poison, Dior Addict, Pure Poison, Dior Skin Star, Miss Dior, J'adore, Luna Rossa, Little black dress). Functioning together, A and B text blocks compensate for a lack of information and help the recipients to choose necessary perfume or cosmetic goods. In any case, the compensation for information is not complete. From the logical point of view, the recipient needs the navigation in the sphere of goods classification. Consequently, the next C text block works as a goods classifier and may be understood as a genitive text block. C genitive text block contains information about perfume and cosmetic goods, indicating directly the class or type using the genitive name. It shows definitely that the corresponding goods belong to the perfumes (eau de perfum, eau de toilette, eau de cologne) or the make-up (mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, eye shadow, lipstick, lip gloss, nail wear, liquid foundation, face musk, loose powder, color corrector cream). C text block is a definite classifier, which is restricted within the terminology system and works to inform the potential consumer about the goods classes. Represented in C block information is purely connected with the physical and chemical properties of corresponding goods. From the logical point of view, C text block is the final in the chain of the essential and necessary information about goods. The last D text block which contains additional facultative information about the goods may be distinguished as functional-descriptive. D text block is divided into separate semi-independent subblocks. Subblocks contain some pieces of information about the goods which need detailed description if we compare a rather brief description in A, B, C text blocks. Some pieces of information in D text block are connected with substance content, quality, type of package, place of production (natural spray e 50 ml 1.7 fl.oz.US, Made in England. W9 186 UK. 100 ml e 35 fl. oz. Volume 80%; 50 ml e vaporisateur nn1 SPA England; 40 ml e 1.35fl.oz.US). This piece of information in D block is connected with perfumes. According to liquid substance, there is the indication of volume in ml, fl. oz. These figures show the recipient definite information about the amount of perfume. Make-up goods are rather different according to the usage of different parts of the body. The potential consumer can understand the way of usage, applying the definite make-up. D blocks of different make-up are varied. Mascara D block describes mostly optic effect of that substance (3 in 1 mascara for volumized lengthened lashes without clumping; wide eye look-volumized, Extended, Lifted Lash Look; instant Lash Extension) Colour effect is underlined in D block of lipstick (SPF15; 3g; Avon cosmetics nn1 5 pa. England; with Shea Butter and Honey; extreme shine soft and light texture). Nail wear and nail polish are very specific according to their chemical nature, as their D blocks reflect that specification in the detailed description (Now! Longer lasting easier to apply; 40 g. 1.4. oz; Hardening and beautiful coat; High colour High Shine e 5.5 ml 0,19 fl. oz; precision line, fortifying and hardening). D block of face cream underlines not the decorative but physiological effect on the face skin (Day SPF 20; Normal to combination skin; anti-wrinkle face-nourishing e 50 ml; enriched with shea 50 ml 1.7 fl. oz; with white tea a unifying pigments medium; Nourishing ash tree concentrate Dry to Very Dry Skin). D text block puts forward quality and quantity parameters of goods, indicating the country of production (Paris, Made in France; made in Britain), natural expensive substances (4 Roses extracts, jojoba oil, shea butter and honey, botanical sap, ash tree concentrate, collagen, elastin, glycerin, calcium, natural ingredients, certified organic), quality (intense colour, extreme shine soft and light texture). Coherence in INC is realized involving the logical order of corresponding text blocks. The chain of blocks is represented in the order A-B-C-D text blocks.

Cohesion "sticking together" is the next text category which occurs in INC. This category reflects how the components of the surface text, i.e. the actual words we hear or see, are mutually connected with a sequence [15, p.23]. The surface components depend upon each other according to grammatical forms and conventions. Cohesion rests upon grammatical dependence [17, p. 199]. Cohesion is divided into grammatical and lexical. Grammatical cohesion includes repetition, synonyms, superordinate general words [18, p. 3-12]. Taking into consideration the scanty nature of text construction, the repetition of lexical units in corresponding text blocks - nominative components is the most evident mechanism of cohesion in the integrated naming complex.

The repetition is realized between two separate text blocks. It occurs when A text block is completely repeated in B text block (A BVLGARI, B BVLGARI MAN EXTREME; A KENZO, B KENZO AMOUR MY; A HERMES, B jour d'Hermes; A Givenchy, B Very irresistible Givenchy). This model (A^B) reflects the complete repetition. Another model (A^B) reflects a bit different variant of repetition, it is partial. The partial repetition takes place when A text block is reflected in B text block not completely but partially. B text block reflects only one lexical unit. The repeated lexical may be reproduced completely or in shorten forms too (A GIORGIO ARMANI, B ACUA DI GIO essenza; A GIORGIO ARMANI, B ARMANI code; A HUGO BOSS, B BOSS; A ISSEY MIYAKE, B LEAU D'ISSEY). Repetition occurs between another pair of adjoining text blocks. It is a partial variant (B --»C: B LEAU D'ISSEY, C eau de toilette; B DIOR Addict eau de lice, C eau de toilette; B daily shine, shine supreme, C shine serum). Partial repetition may be complicated. The complication occurs when in the process of partial repetition, a lexical unit migrating from B text block into C text block changes its language: Latinism --»Gallicism B Aqua Allegoria, C Eau de Toilette; Anglicism --» Gallicism B Cool Water, C eau de toilette. Complicated partial repetition may be represented with model: B ^C. Repetition occurs not only between adjoining text blocks but it happens between distant text blocks too. It is demonstrated using model B ^D (B foot works, beautiful, D comforting foot and leg; B clear skin, D blemish clearing 3 in 1; B natural body, D strawberry moisturizing body; B 212 VIPMEN. This is a private party! D pour home). The last example demonstrated the case of partial complicated repetition (B MEN--^D home). The repetition according to the model A^D was not found at all. It may be explained taking into consideration the information redundancy. The repetition of A text block in the structure of D text block is not necessary. The potential consumer obtains necessary information about the market segment of corresponding perfume from A text block. This information should not be included in D text block. The quantity investigation was carried out using perfume INC, there were 676 integrated perfume naming complexes - texts involved in the calculation of repetition cases and types. Within this corpus, there are 234 (34.61 %) cases of repetition. It means that a third of perfume complex is involved in the process of text repetition. Model A^B is realized in 174 cases. It is possible to identify some specific subtypes. A text block creates B text block completely without adding any lexical unit. There are 26 cases of that repetition (A Dolce&Gabbana, B Dolce&Gabbana). A text block may be reproduced within B text block as a component, moreover, some lexical units are added in B text block. We can observe it in 97 cases. (A Chanel, B Bleu de Chanel). A text block is represented partially in B text block in 39 cases (A Christian Dior, B Miss Dior). There are 7 cases when A text block is reflected in B text block, using only initial capital letters (A Yves Saint Laurent, B Manifesto YSL; A Yves Saint Laurent, B Y). A text block reduction may be realized when the personal name is repeated in diminutive form, or a familiar variant of first name, there are 5 cases of that subtype (A Giorgio Armani; B Acqua di Gio essenca). Model B^C occurs 19 times and is realized involving a lexical unit of substantive meaning. This substance indicator-lexeme is obligatory for C text block and facultative for B text block. That substance indicator is a lexeme parfum. Repetition of that lexeme reveals the substance nature of perfUme goods. It is perfume that occupies the leading position in the perfume and cosmetic goods. That is why the repetition of lexeme parfum underlines the attractiveness of that range of goods. Text corpus of eau de toilette includes 372 integrated naming complexes. The leading model A^B occurs 66 times and is represented in some subvariants. A text block is reflected completely in B text block (A Dior, B Dior Homme Cologne; A Dior, B Dioressence). A text block may be reflected in B text block in shorter variant (A Giorgio Armani, B Emporio Armani; A Giorgio Armani, B Acqua di Gio Blue). Model B ^ C happens 31 times and involves substance lexemes eau, water, aqua as components in B text blocks. The leading substance lexeme is Gallicism eau (20 cases of repetition): A Dior, B Eau Fraoche, C eau de toilette; A Yves Rocher, B Eau des Vahines, C eau de toilette. There are 9 cases of repetition B Latinism aqua ^ C Gallicism eau (A BVLGARI, B AQUA pour home Marine, C eau de toilette).

There are 303 texts in the corpus of eau de cologne. This corpus is the last in the supergroup of perfume goods. There are 125 (41.25%) repetitions. Repetition according to model A^B takes place in 105 texts, 85 cases are connected with the subvariants when A text block is completely repeated in B text block as its component. (A BVLGARI, B BVLGARI Man Black; A Chanel, B Les exclusifs de Chanel; A Dior, B Dior Addict; A Estee Lauder Sensuous Nude). A text block may be reflected partially in B text block (A Estee Lauder, B Lauder For Men; A Giorgio Armani, B Emporio Armani). Partial repetition may be reduced to the level of initial letters (A Calvin Klein, B CKBe; A Mary Kay, B MK High Intensity). Brand text blocks are abbreviated in such a way that these components in the structure of the basic text blocks do not create receptive difficulties and obstacles for potential recipients. Brand names are the basic knowledge so they function as stable associations and their abbreviated spelling does not create any difficulty in the process of information reception. There are 20 cases when A text block completely forms B text blocks avoiding the usage of any lexical units (A Dolce&Gabbana, B Dolce&Gabbana; A Gucci, B Gucci; A Paco Rabanne, B Paco Rabbane; A Pierre Cardin, B Pierre Cardin; A Karl Lagerfeld, B Karl Lagerfeld). Model B^C happens 19 times. Gallicism eau is used for repetition (A BVLGARI, B Eau Parfumee eau de Blanc, C eau de Cologne; A Hermes, B Eau de Narcisse Bleu, C eau de Cologne). There are 5 complicated repetitions when Germanism ^ Gallicism, Anglicism ^ Gallicism transformations take place in the process of repetition (A Creed, B Silver Mountain Water, C eau de Cologne; A Munhens (1972), B 4711 Echt Kolnisch Wasser, C original eau de cologne). Repetition occurs in the corpus of make-up (cosmetic) integrated naming complexes-texts too. Comparing to the corresponding perfume corpus, the repetition in the make-up corpus is not so developed and varied. Even the figures (percentage) of calculation demonstrate the reduced cases of repetition but the mechanism of lexical repetition is identical to models found in the perfume corpus. Mascara text corpus contains only 11,36% of repetition with model A^B (A Dior, B Dior show New Look; A Chanel, B Le volume de Chanel). Model B^C is realized involving some complication which is connected to new grammatical forms of lexemes. (A L'oreal, B False Lash wings, C mascara with false lash effect winged out lashes; A Lancome, B Hypnose Doll eyes, C doll lash effect mascara with wide eye look). Eye shadow corpus contains 8,1% of repetition according to model A^B (A Chanel, B Les 5 ombres de Chanel). There is a case of two model combination B^C, C^D (A Dior, B Backstage Eye Primer, C eyeshadow, D long wear and smoothing eye primer). In all these models lexeme eye is mentioned several times underlining the specific usage of that make-up. Lipstick corpus contains 198 texts, repetition is rare there (3,03%). Both models occur there: A^B (A Dior, B Diorific; A Estee Lauder, B Estee Lauder Signature); B^C (A Lancome, B Color Fever Shine, C Sensual Colour Vibrant Shine). Lip gloss corpus has 110 texts and repetition here is rare too (5,45%). Two traditional models occur: A^B (A Dior, B Dior Addict Lip Polish; A Maxfactor, B Max Effect); B^C (A Lancome, B Gloss in Love, C Sparkling and Moisturising Lip Gloss; A Maxfactor B Lip finity Colour and Gloss, C Lip Gloss). Comparing the specification of repetition (B^C) in goods of different classes, it is evident that the realization of the model B^C has its features. Texts of perfume, eau de toilette, eau de cologne create repetition involving nouns (parfum, eau, aqua, water, wasser) which indicate substance, liquid. Texts of make-up form the repetition using the words-indicators of the place of make-up application (lip, eye, lash). Another group indicates optical, visual effect (color, gloss). The same tendencies take place in the text of nail wear (polish, gel), face foundation (foundation, concealer, compact, cream, creme), loose powder (powder, bronzer), color corrector cream (beauty balm), blush (blush, rouge), nourishing cream (hands, face, cream, minerals). It shows that model B^C underlines and emphasizes the utilitarian nature of perfume and cosmetic goods. Model A^B is realized involving the repetition of brand name, underlying and emphasizing the position of a good on perfume and cosmetic market (A Nina Ricci, B Nina L'eau, C eau de perfume; A Dior, B Dior skin Star Concealer, C Sculpting brightening concealer). Taking into consideration all types of repetition, it is evident that B basic text block has the leading position, it functions as a basic naming unit in the integrated perfume and cosmetic naming complex-textual structure.


The results of the textual analysis prove that integrated perfume and cosmetic naming complex is text or textual structure. It fulfils two standards of textuality that are coherence and cohesion. The coherence happens in all naming complexes. It is reflected in the strict logical order of four text blocks: A brand, B basic, C genitive, D functional-descriptive. The cohesion is realized on the textual level and it involves the mechanism of repetition. The repetition may be complete or partial. The partial repetition may be noncomplicated or complicated. The complicated repetition occurs involving the variation of grammatical forms and the mechanism of word-formation. Among the seven standards of textuality, the standard of intertextuality appears promising and perspective for further textual investigation of perfUme and cosmetic names.


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