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1) (9 93, 10%) . 1, . I. . . - , . , , Head and Shoulders Procter & Gamble . 1, . I, 7, .

2) (59 93, 63%) . 1, . II. . , - , . .

Gree (i ) . 1, . II, 11, (Vµ ) . 1, . II, 26, . 1, . II, 37 ( ) Skyworth (ά ) . 1, . II, 42, (緫 ) . 1, . II, 29, - Geely . 1, . II, 10 (gD), Chery . 1, . II, 45 ( ) . .

, , , . , - K-BOXING ( ) . 1, . II, 13, Bosideng (gio ) . 1, . II, 19, - (Vg) . 1, . II, 24, (ɽ) . 1, . II, 41, () . 1, . II, 36 . .

, , , - ( ) . 1, . II, 17, ( ) . 1, . II, 30, - (H ) . 1, . II, 16; - " " ( ) . 1, . II, 14, " " (l ) . 1, . II, 49; - China Telecom ( ) . 1, . II, 15, China Unicom (ͨ ) . 1, . II, 43 .

1) , " " (25 93, 27%) . 1, . III. , " ". , , .


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, , , , iF). iF) - , , , . . 96. .

, " " // CCTV URL: http://igongyi.cntv.cn/2013/10/15/VIDE1381820521686996.shtml ( 17.12.13) (ĵȴ mma de dngdi ). , , . : ʲô( ; ?). , . , . , B . : ֻҪ֡ ; - j. , ; , . : һ߱ ( ; - ). : , , . . : ޻ഺ ( ; - ). , , , . : ?Iɣҵİο ( ; - ). , , . , ( ), , , , ). : 𰮵̫, ƊŊ ( , ; , ) . ., . ., . . . . . 97-98. .

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1. Nissan Nissan URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130802/104212.shtml

2. Honda Motor Guangzhou Automobile Honda Motor Guangzhou Automobile URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130703/104963.shtml

3. Sanyo Sanyo URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130917/103783.shtml

4. Dongfeng Peugeot Citron Automobile Company Ltd Dongfeng Peugeot Citron Automobile Company Ltd URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130114/106616.shtml

5. - - URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130111/106855.shtml

6. Red Bull Red Bull URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20120703/114700.shtml

7. Head&Shoulders Head&Shoulders URL:http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20121205/103200.shtml

8. Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co Ltd Hyundai Motor Company Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Co Ltd Hyundai Motor Company URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20110222/109358.shtml

9. Volkswagen Group First Automobile Works Volkswagen Group First Automobile Works URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20120703/114964.shtml

: 9


10. Geely Geely URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130917/103834.shtml

11. "Gree" Gree URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130917/103849.shtml

12. URL:http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130205/103419.shtml

13. K-Boxing K-Boxing URL:http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130517/104250.shtml

14. " " URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130917/103340.shtml

15. China Telecom China Telecom URL:http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130917/103856.shtml

16. - - URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20131120/103997.shtml

17. C URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130917/103829.shtml

18. URL: http://1118.cctv.com/special/vipkh/20130105/105430.shtml

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    [202,8 K], 23.11.2012

  • : , net-coverage, (share), HUT (homes using television), . . .

    [27,0 K], 19.05.2009

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