Підвищення ефективності пігментної технології при друкуванні текстильних матеріалів із целюлозних волокон

Колоїдно-хімічні властивості водних дисперсій полімерів акрилового та стирол-акрилового типу, стійкість пігментних забарвлень до мокрого тертя. Ступінь чистоти пігментної технології та текстильної продукції, розробка мало- і безформальдегідних складів.

Рубрика Производство и технологии
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2014
Размер файла 76,7 K

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Popovych T. A. Enhancement of pigment technology`s efficiency during printing of textile materials from cellulose fibers. - Manuscript copy. Ph. D. thesis for receiving a scientific degree of a candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.19.03 - Technology of textile materials. Kherson National Technical University, Kherson, 2006.

The thesis is devoted to the enhancement of pigment colorings` resistance to wet rubbing and ecological purity of the technology and the printed product at decrease of the costs of the printing process, which gives the possibility to broaden the assortment of textiles that can be printed by pigments.

The task of enhancement of colorings` resistance to physical and mechanical effects is accomplished by using promoter acryl copolymers, that is polymers containing adhesion promoter groups in the macromolecule, as a bonding agent. The use of bonding agents on the basis of promoter polymers provides the increase of the solidity of polymer films and the adhesive complex “polymer film - textile material”, creates better circumstances for the reaction of cross-linking, promotes the use of cross-linking chemicals and the decrease of the formaldehyde quantity.

On the basis of the promoted bonding agent the solution for printing of textile materials by pigments which is notable for containing precondensates of the thermosetting resins of different groups was worked out. Pigment solution provides the formation of the composite polymer film of the cross-linked structure for which along the cross-linking of macromolecules the circumstances for additional resinification are created. In order to provide the “work” of precondensates of the thermosetting resins the effective catalyst system was defined in two directions.

The application of the complex of methods allowed to increase the pigment technology`s efficiency, particularly to get the coloring that is noted for high stability, including wet rubbing resistance.

Low-component pigment solution that does not contain precondensates of the thermosetting resins, namely the solution based on the self-linking polymer that provides getting of ecologically pure printing product is also proposed.

The approbation of the developed polymer solutions for pigment printing in working environment at the close corporation Kyiiv knitting factory “Rosa” was carried out with positive results.

The calculations of cost-effectiveness were carried out.

Key-words: pigment, bonding agent, solution, technology, efficiency, coloring stability, textile material.

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