Theoretical justification of the management concept of professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff of the municipal establishment of higher education
The article is devoted to the problem of development and theoretical justification of the author's vision of the concept of managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a municipal establishment of higher education.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.10.2024 |
Размер файла | 21,4 K |
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Theoretical justification of the management concept of professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff of the municipal establishment of higher education
Veronika Odarchenko,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Primary Education and Educational Management,
Municipal Establishment «Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy» of Kharkiv Regional Council (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради (Харків, Україна)
Теоретичне обґрунтування концепції управління професійним розвитком науково-педагогічних працівників комунального закладу вищої освіти
Вероніка Одарченко,
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки, психології, початкової освіти та освітнього менеджменту
Стаття присвячена проблемі розробки та теоретичному обґрунтуванню авторського бачення концепції управління професійним розвитком науково-педагогічних працівників комунального закладу вищої освіти. Аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури уможливив виявити важливі положення, які враховані в процесі розробки концепції.
Визначено мету концепції, що полягає в удосконаленні системи ефективного управління професійним розвитком науково-педагогічних працівників для сталого розвитку комунального закладу вищої освіти та кореляції із цілями освіти регіону. Сформовано завдання, реалізація яких дасть змогу досягти головної мети: випереджувальний характер сталого професійного зростання науково-педагогічних працівників; пріоритетні напрями підвищення ефективності управлінської діяльності; розширення можливостей для професійного зростання; створення організаційно-педагогічних умов. Автором визначено напрями та етапи (підготовчий, планування та проєктування, упровадження, верифікація концепції) упровадження концепції управління професійним розвитком науково-педагогічних працівників комунального закладу вищої освіти за сучасних умов. педагогічний працівник професійний управління
Висвітлено очікуваний результат реалізації концепції, що полягає в підвищенні професіоналізму науково-педагогічних працівників, забезпеченні випереджувального характеру в процесі управління професійним розвитком науково-педагогічних працівників комунального закладу вищої освіти; удосконаленні менеджменту у вищій школі тощо. Автор зазначає про можливі ризики, які можуть виникати в процесі впровадження розробленої концепції в зміст освіти комунальних закладів вищої освіти, серед яких: зниження мотивації науково-педагогічних працівників до професійного зростання; невідповідність способів підвищення кваліфікації особистісним та професійним запитам фахівців; непередбачений вплив зовнішніх чинників на процес управління професійним розвитком науково-педагогічних працівників на державному та регіональному рівнях; недостатнє фінансування, забезпечення матеріально-технічної бази тощо.
Ключові слова: концепція, управління професійним розвитком, професійний розвиток науково-педагогічних працівників, науково-педагогічні працівники, комунальний заклад вищої освіти.
The article is devoted to the problem of development and theoretical justification of the author's vision of the concept of managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a municipal establishment of higher education. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature made it possible to identify important provisions that were taken into account when developing the concept. education management pedagogical worker
The goal of the concept is determined, which consists in improving the system of effective management of professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers for the sustainable development of a municipal establishment of higher education and correlation with the educational goals of the region. Tasks have been formed, the implementation of which will allow us to achieve the main goal: anticipatory nature of the sustainable professional growth of scientific and pedagogical workers; priority directions for improving the efficiency of management activities; expanding opportunities for professional growth; creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions. The author has determined the directions and stages (preparatory, planning and design, implementation, verification of the concept) of the implementation of the concept of managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a municipal establishment of higher education in modern conditions.
The expected result of the implementation of the concept, which consists in increasing the professionalism of scientific and pedagogical workers, ensuring proactive nature in managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a municipal establishment of higher education, is highlighted; improvement of management in higher education, etc. The author notes the possible risks that may arise in the process of implementing the developed concept into the educational content of communal institutions of higher education, including: a decrease in the motivation of scientific and pedagogical workers for professional growth; inconsistency of methods of professional development to the personal and professional demands of specialists; the unforeseen influence of external factors on the process of managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers at the state and regional levels; insufficient funding, provision of the material and technical base, etc.
Keywords: concept, management of professional development, professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers, scientific and pedagogical workers, municipal establishment of higher education.
The problem formulation. Reforming higher education, ensuring the competitiveness of higher education institutions in accordance with modern requirements and demands of the labor market requires a rethinking of the content of management of professional development (MPD) of scientific and pedagogical staff (NPE) of a municipal establishment of higher education (MEHE) and necessitates the development of a modern concept aimed at increasing efficiency management activity of the management of the educational institution for quality PD of each SPS. The specified concept should reflect the current changes in the development of education and science, contribute to the activation of the professional activity of SPSs, who are «capable of constant spiritual and professional growth, oriented to universal human values, work in a fast-moving intercultural environment, generate creative ideas and effectively implement them in the educational process, broadcast meaningful life activity, build an individual trajectory of professional and personal development, replenish knowledge throughout life, self-improve, self-educate» (Kharkivska, 2021, p. 56).
Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of managing professional development in higher education was studied by the following modern Ukrainian scientists: L. Beztelesna, L. Kolosova, N. Lyubchenko, M. Morozova, A. Pechenyuk, E. Sokolova, E. Chernyshova. The subject of their research was managerial activity in higher education, as well as the need for continuous professional improvement of scientific and pedagogical workers. They developed models for managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers in the higher education system. However, the purpose of their research was not to study the system of managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers in a municipal establishment of higher education, which has its own specific features.
Research aim and tasks
The task of the unit is to justify the author's concept of managing the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a municipal establishment of higher education.
research methods
To solve the task, such methods were used as: comparative and comparative analysis, systematization and generalization, extrapolation and forecasting of the content of scientific and pedagogical sources in relation to existing management concepts in accordance with the research topic.
Results of the research
The concept in the scientific space has such interpretations as: «a management structure containing a general systemic representation of the ways of transition from the current position of the management object to the desired one» (Kontseptsiia. Stratehichnyi menedzhment, 2013); «a system of evidence for a certain position, a system of views on this or that phenomenon; way of understanding, interpretation of some phenomena; the idea of the work» (Velykyi tlumachnyi slovnyk suchasnoi movy).
Petrychenko rightly pointed out that the leading idea of the study of the problem of quality management of higher education is integrity, which is based on the following features: «the presence of a unified educational policy; compliance of education quality management with modern trends in management theory and practice; conformity of the education quality management structure with strategy and development tasks; consistency of activities of all participants in the management process in making decisions within their competence, based on dialogic adaptation; the presence of a clear system for ensuring the implementation of management decisions; development of democratic principles of management, increasing the independence of structural units of universities; continuous management improvement» (Petrychenko, 2014, p. 9).
T. Borova refers to the conceptual ideas of adaptive management of professional development of the SPS: «recognition of the priority of the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers on the basis of competence; determination of the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a higher educational institution based on the mutual coordination of socially significant goals with professional needs; actualization of professional development through the creation of conditions for directing the professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers of a higher educational institution to self-organization, self-development and self-realization; promoting the self-realization of scientific and pedagogical workers of a higher educational institution through the application of technologies of adaptive management of their professional development» (Borova, 2012, p. 11).
We agree with the opinion of scientists, therefore we consider it appropriate to take into account the need to introduce innovative management technologies in order to modernize the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of regional development, create a benevolent social and psychological atmosphere in institutions of higher education, support cultural, spiritual and professional development of the individual.
It is advisable to take into account the results of the research of H. Kravchenko when developing the concept of the MPD of the SPS MEHE: «Adaptive management of the development of the departmental system of institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education is based on the dialogic interaction of managers and scientific and pedagogical workers (supervisor - manager, manager - scientific and pedagogical worker, scientific-pedagogical worker - scientific-pedagogical worker), during which mutual coordination of their goals and specification of tasks takes place» (Kravchenko, 2016, p. 10).
Taking into account the above-mentioned positions of scientists, we note that partnership in the process of management of the SPS is a consolidating force that ensures well-established cooperation between the subjects of the educational process (management of MEHE and SPS) with the aim of efficiency and quality of the SPS PD. Such cooperation can be carried out during joint theoretical, practice-oriented scientific research, participation in the development of projects, grants aimed at solving general and regional educational problems through the involvement of, including, domestic and foreign partners.
G. Annenkova developed the concept of monitoring the quality of the professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions, the conceptual idea of which is: «positive changes in the improvement of the quality of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions can take place, first of all, due to internal restructuring in the direction of using their opportunities and development reflective and evaluation skills. That is, the external formative influence should be aimed at creating conditions and stimulation to improve the quality of the teacher's activity» (Annienkova, 2016, p. 12).
Therefore, we consider it legitimate to take into account the need for «horizontal and vertical PD» in the content of the concept of management of the SPS MEHE, due to the motivation of the SPS for personal and professional selfimprovement, which is aimed at achieving the sustainable development of the SPS, MEHE, the region, as well as the career growth of the specialists themselves.
In addition, the development of the concept of MPD SPS MEHE is conditioned by the need to implement ideas: ensuring the qualitative modernization of the content, technologies and management tools of the SPS PR; implementation of state and regional education development programs; an optimal combination of domestic and foreign experience with innovative, innovative approaches to solving the problem of MPD of the SPS MEHE; implementation of areas of professional development of the educational institution's personnel potential, taking into account the needs of the region.
N. Bilyk in her doctoral work «Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Management of Adaptive-Pedagogical Design of Regional Educational Systems of Teacher Training» determined that the main conceptual idea «is based on a combination of systemic, regional, project, andragogical, competence-oriented, innovative and dissemination approaches at adaptive-pedagogical design of regional educational systems for improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers and their management on the basis of modernization, mobilization, efficiency and effectiveness.... Since the professional development of teachers is based on the analysis and design of the development of regional educational systems, this approach significantly shifts the functions and purposes of this area, makes it a kind of epicenter of the region's development» (Bilyk , 2016, p. 10).
Therefore, when developing the concept, it is important to take into account the current state of development of education and science in the region, the demand for personnel in highly competent SPSs, the level of socio-economic development of the territorial administrative unit, etc.
Taking into account the content of the Concept of the Development of Pedagogical Education, the purpose of which is «to improve the system of pedagogical education to create a base for the training of new generation pedagogical workers, to create conditions for the involvement of specialists of other professions in the pedagogical activity and to ensure the conditions for the formation and development of modern alternative models of continuous professional and personal development teachers» (Pro zatverdzhennia kontseptsii rozvytku pedahohichnoi osvity, 2018, p. 4). We consider it appropriate to take into account its main provisions, because it reflects the content of the general strategy for the development of educational institutions in the country, activating the problem of professional improvement of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the development program of the region and the city in which the institution is located.
Thus, the Education Development Programs of the region and the city envisage the achievement of the goal: «creating favorable conditions for the development of the human potential of the city's residents by promoting the introduction of the adult education system» (Kompleksna miska prohrama «Rozvytok osvity doroslykh v misti Melitopoli na 2021-2025 roky», p. 5); «creating conditions for an innovative model of professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of the territorial community in accordance with the state policy in the field of education and current legislation and ensuring state-guaranteed (Article 51 of the Law of Ukraine «On Comprehensive General Secondary Education») access of pedagogical workers to advanced training in communal institution of postgraduate education based on innovative programs» (Kompleksna prohrama rozvytku osvity protiahom 2021-2025 rokiv, p. 19); «the creation of accessible conditions for the provision of quality education, aimed at the formation of comprehensive competencies necessary for successful self-realization in society and enrichment on this basis of economic, intellectual, cultural, creative potential... for the sake of the sustainable development of Ukraine» (Oblasna prohrama rozvytku osvity Kirovohradskoi oblasti na period do 2027 roku, p. 8).
Understanding the current problems, needs and directions of development of education and science in the region of the functioning of the municipal establishment of higher education will allow to correctly identify and form the key provisions of the concept of MPD SPS MEHE.
The purpose of the author's concept is to improve the system of effective management of the SPS for the sustainable development of MEHE and to correlate the goals of the educational activity of the institution with the goals of the education of the region.
A. Prokopenko, researching the pedagogical concept of educating future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education, found its «strategic goal - improvement of the system of higher pedagogical education of Ukraine», which is «decomposed into several goals in order to specify the tasks and their qualitative implementation to obtain specific results according to the defined goals» (Prokopenko, 2023, p. 176).
In order to fully achieve the goal, to solve the problem of the Concept of MPD SPS MEHE, it is necessary to take into account the need for the implementation of the corresponding tasks.
T. Borova formed a task for the adaptive management of the SPS: «to create conditions in a higher educational institution that will contribute to the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a higher educational institution»; «to implement the principles of adaptive management of the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers of a higher educational institution in the field of practical activity, everyday life, which will contribute to the formation of professional development competence of scientific and pedagogical workers of a higher educational institution»; «to develop the intellectual potential of the individual in the context of the competence approach, which involves the recognition of the unconditional value of each person, his right to self-development and self-realization» (Borova, 2012, p. 11). We note that the highlighted tasks reflect the adaptive management of general health care facilities, not communal health care facilities, which require taking into account the specifics of the region's development.
The concept of the development of pedagogical education contains a key task related to the PD of the SPS: «the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers at a level that meets international, in particular, European requirements for doctors of philosophy, which should ensure the quality of higher pedagogical education and scientific research in the field of education ( of education, educational science)» (Pro zatverdzhennia kontseptsii rozvytku pedahohichnoi osvity, 2018, p. 10). At the same time, the content of the Concept is aimed at the general solution of the problem in the institution of higher education and does not take into account the specifics of the MPD of the SPS of the MEHE.
In accordance with the above, taking into account the peculiarities of the MPD of the SPS MEHE, we can define the tasks of this concept:
To ensure the anticipatory character of sustainable professional growth of the SPS.
Summarize the priority directions for increasing the effectiveness of the management control system.
To create an extensive system of opportunities for PD SPS.
To improve the organizational and pedagogical conditions of MPD SPS MEHE.
Solving these tasks will allow us to achieve the goal of the concept and increase the effectiveness of the management of the SPS MEHE.
Implementation of the concept of MPD SPS MEHE should be carried out in directions that require clarification.
We believe that the prognostic directions of management of the innovative development of higher education institutions can be: «change in the conceptual foundations of educational activity; modernization of elements of the educational system; ensuring constant introduction of innovations into the educational system; intensification of theoretical scientific developments and their integration into the educational process; bringing the theoretical and methodical foundations of higher education management into compliance with modern education requirements» (Kharkivska, 2012, p. 323).
Thus, the directions of the concept of management of the SPS of the MEHE are: management of the management of the SPS within the educational institution; management of PD SPS outside the educational institution; interaction of the management structures of the region and the management of MEHE; monitoring studies of the effectiveness of the MPD of the SPS MEHE; international, interregional and interuniversity cooperation, programs of exchange of scientific research. Activities in the highlighted directions will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the process of the MPD of the SPS MEHE.
It should be noted that the implementation of the provisions of the MPD Concept of the SPS MEHE is possible under the following conditions: compliance with the existing and/or amendments to the legislative framework (Laws of Ukraine: «On Education», «On Higher Education» and special laws regulating the activities of the SPS, orders, orders of the regional council, regional state administration and the Department of Science and Education of the regional state administration, etc.); development of the MEHE Charter, MEHE development strategy, provisions on the procedure for implementing the right to mobility of participants in the educational process, programs to promote the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers, regulations on determining the rating of teachers and the work of departments based on the results of scientific, methodical and organizational work, etc.
We believe that the effectiveness of the implementation of the concept of MPD SPS MEHE will be higher if certain stages of its implementation are observed. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources made it possible to identify the stages:
- personnel management in institution of higher education: organizational, improvement of the management system, prospective development (according to M. Morozova (2015, p. 264));
strategic management of higher education institutions: strategic analysis of internal and external environmental factors (SWOT analysis); strategic choice (defining the goal, formulating goals, designing); implementation of the approved management strategy (according to P. Dudko (2021, p. 15));
adaptive management of PD SPS of higher education: definition of a professionally significant goal, analytical, planning-prognostic, executive, corrective-generalizing based on reflection (according to T. Borova (2012, p. 17));
innovative development of the educational institution (mission of the organization, goals of the organization, analysis and evaluation of the internal and external environment, management analysis of strengths and weaknesses, analysis of strategic alternatives, strategy selection, strategy implementation, evaluation of strategy effectiveness (according to A. Kharkivska (2012, p. 285)).
Despite the fact that the stages of management proposed by the scientists are related to the SVO and PD of the SPS, they do not reflect the specifics of the management of the SPS specifically in the communal institution of higher education. In order to achieve the goal of the concept of MPD SPS MEHE, it is necessary to take into account the results of the analysis of the state of education in the region, the needs of competent SPSs, the development prospects of the region/ city. We define the following stages of implementation of the Concept:
Preparatory: strategic analysis of internal (identification of individual requests of SPSs regarding their professional growth) and external (identification of needs for PD of SPSs by means of monitoring, systematization and generalization of the state and prospects for the development of education and science in the region, the state, analysis of existing programs and projects for the development of education ) environments.
Planning and design: determination of the purpose, tasks, directions and ways of the management of the SPS MEHE; development of a model of the control system of the SPS MEHE.
Implementation of the model of the control system of the SPS MEHE.
Verification of the concept of MPD SPS MEHE.
The expected result of the implementation of the concept of management control of the SPS of the MEHE is: improvement of the quality of the PD of the SPS; the positive dynamics of the SPS's administrative control; improvement of the content of activities directed to PD of the SPS and management of this process; ensuring the anticipatory nature of sustainable professional growth of the SPS; to improve the understanding by the management of MEHE of the priority directions for improving the effectiveness of the management of the SPS; the creation of an extensive system of opportunities for PD SPS; modernization of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the MPD SPS MEHE.
At the same time, we consider it expedient to emphasize that probable risks in the implementation of the concept may be: a decrease in the motivation of SPSs for their PD; inefficient use of resources aimed at PD SPS; inconsistency of professional development programs, courses, projects, internships, etc. with the personal and professional requests of the SPS; unforeseen influence of external factors on the process of management and PD of the SPS; insufficient funding of the PD of the SPS is connected with the reduction of the corresponding article from the budget of the region, etc.
Conclusions and prospects of further research
Therefore, the development of the main conceptual provisions and the concept of the management system of the SPS MEHE will allow to understand the essence and content of the management process of the management system of the SPS MEHE in order to achieve the corresponding goal - to improve the system of effective management control of the SPS for the sustainable development of the MEHE and to correlate the goals of the educational activity of the institution with the educational goals of the region.
Prospects for further research are defined in the implementation of the highlighted concept in the educational process in order to check its effectiveness.
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