Improving organizational change management through the use of lean technologies

The use of Lean technologies in management is one of the most promising areas, as they are aimed at optimizing processes, reducing redundancy, improving efficiency. The modern organizations must consianllv adapt to changes in the competitive environment.

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Improving organizational change management through the use of lean technologies

Удосконалення управління організаційними змінами за рахунок застосування lean-технологій

А. Kaplina,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Marketing and Information Technologies,

Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University

А. І. Капліна,

к. е. н., доцент кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу та інформаційних технологій, Херсонський державний аграрно-економічний університет

The author clarified that in today's world, where the speed of change exceeds the ability of many organizations to adapt to it, effective management of organizational change is becoming a crucial component of success. The use of Lean technologies in management is one of the most promising areas, as they are aimed at optimizing processes, reducing redundancy, improving quality and efficiency.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that modern organizations must consianllv adapt to changes in the competitive environment, technological progress and changes in consumer requirements. This is especially important in the era of rapid change, where technological progress dictates new standards of efficiency and ways of interacting with customers. Today, the business aspect is extremely dynamic, and organizations that cannot respond quickly to change risk losing competitiveness and market share.

The role of organizational change management in an enterprise is extremely important in today's dynamic market environment. Organizations face a constant need to adapt to new conditions, technologies, competitors, and changes in customer requirements. In this context, organizational change management is a key tool for ensuring the competitiveness and sustainability of an enterprise. Organizational change management at an enterprise is not only important, but also an integral part of strategic success in the face of constant turbulence. This process involves implementing new strategies, structures, procedures and cultural changes to respond to changing market demands. In the context of globalization and rapid technological development, organizational change management is becoming more complex, as it requires constant monitoring and analysis of the external environment. lean technologie management

Implementation of organizational changes may include a number of complex processes, such as re-profiling of personnel, introduction of new technologies, revision of business strategy, etc. Successful implementation of such changes requires effective management capable of mobilizing resources and implementing the necessary adjustments to management processes. When embarking on this journey, management must have a clear action plan and an understanding of what specific changes need to be implemented. However, it is also important to have the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and respond to emerging problems.

У роботі автор уточнила, що у сучасному світі, де швидкість змін перевищує можливості багатьох організацій адаптуватися до них, ефективне управління організаційними змінами стає вирішальною складовою успіху. Застосування Lean-технологій в управлінні є одним із перспективних напрямків, оскільки вони спрямовані на оптимізацію процесів, зниження зайвого, підвищення якості та ефективності.

Актуальність теми полягає в тому, що сучасні організації повинні постійно адаптуватися до змін в умовах конкурентного середовища, технологічного прогресу та змін у вимогах споживачів . Це особливо важливо в епоху швидкої зміни, де технологічний прогрес диктує нові стандарти ефективності та способи взаємодії з клієнтами. На сьогодні аспект бізнесу надзвичайно динамічний, і організації, які не можуть швидко реагувати на зміни, ризикують втратити конкурентоспроможність та ринкову частку.

Роль управління організаційними змінами на підприємстві надзвичайно важлива у сучасних умовах динамічного ринкового середовища. Організації стикаються з постійною потребою адаптуватися до нових умов, технологій, конкурентів, а також змін у вимогах споживачів. У цьому контексті управління організаційними змінами виступає як ключовий інструмент для забезпечення конкурентоспроможності та стійкості підприємства. Управління організаційними змінами на підприємстві є не лише важливою, але і невід'ємною складовою стратегічного успіху в умовах постійної турбулентності. Цей процес передбачає впровадження нових стратегій, структур, процедур та культурних змін з метою відповіді на змінні вимоги ринку. В умовах глобалізації та стрімкого розвитку технологій, управління організаційними змінами стає складнішим, оскільки вимагає постійного моніторингу і аналізу зовнішнього середовища.

Здійснення організаційних змін може включати в себе ряд складних процесів, таких як перепрофілювання персоналу, впровадження нових технологій, перегляд стратегії бізнесу та інші. Для успішної реалізації таких змін необхідне ефективне керівництво, здатне мобілізувати ресурси та впроваджувати необхідні корективи в управлінські процеси.

Відправляючись на цей шлях, керівництво повинне мати чіткий план дій і розуміння того, які конкретні зміни необхідно впровадити. Однак, важливо також мати здатність адаптуватися до непередбачуваних обставин і реагувати на виникаючі проблеми.

Keywords: management decisions, enterprise, manager, leader, economic indicators, statistical analysis, organizational changes.

Ключові слова: управлінські рішення, підприємство, менеджер, лідер, економічні показники, статистичний аналіз, організаційні зміни.

Problem statement. One of the key aspects of successful leadership during organizational change is communication. Clear, open communication with staff helps to avoid misunderstandings and maintains trust among all stakeholders. In addition, effective leadership requires the ability to create incentives for employees and ensure that they are motivated to work towards common goals. Another important aspect is the leadership qualities of the management. A leader must be an example for others, have a vision of the future that inspires and mobilizes the team. He or she must be able to make difficult decisions and be responsible for their consequences, and be ready to make adjustments to the strategy if the situation requires it.

First of all, organizational change management allows you to effectively respond to changing market conditions and internal factors, such as strategic goals, corporate culture, organization structure, etc. This means that the company can quickly adapt to new requirements and opportunities, ensuring its competitiveness. In addition, organizational change management contributes to improving the efficiency of the company's internal processes. By introducing new management methods, optimizing the structure and procedures, and implementing innovative solutions, it is possible to improve the quality of products or services, reduce costs, and increase profits [4].

Organizational change is a process in which a company or organization changes vital components of its operational aspects: methods, structure, strategies or technologies. This process involves analyzing the current structure with which it operates to determine its effectiveness. In case of inconsistency between the management structures and the company's mission or vision, organizational changes are implemented. [1, р.12].

Analysis of the latest research and publications. Ignoring the diversity of conceptual models and approaches to organizational change, there is currently no unified understanding of the essence of the concept un der study. In management theory, the question arises whether the terms “change”, “adaptation”, “development”, “reform”, “transformation”, “reengineering” should be considered as synonyms, divided by fundamental differences, or combined into a general concept that includes the features of others. The issue of interpreting the terms “change”, “adaptation”, “development”, “reform”, “transformation”, “reengineering” in the context of organizational change is of great interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of management. On the one hand, these terms can be perceived as synonymous, since they all indicate the process or result of transformations in an organization. On the other hand, they can have different shades of meaning, reflecting different aspects and stages of organizational change.

Yuriy Bondar, a specialist in the field of organizational development of an enterprise, argued that “not every change is development, but every development is a change”. In addition, he believes that every development of an organization should be accompanied by a change in all its constituent elements, and the development process itself begins from the moment of the organization's creation and continues throughout the entire period of its activity. The changes that accompany this development should be real actions aimed at improving the quality of the state. Organizational transformations are a necessary component of organizational development and include a variety of changes. In this context, any form of change and the concept of “organizational transformation” can be used synonymously. However, organizational transformation is a more specific concept.

A clear and unambiguous understanding of this phenomenon will undoubtedly contribute to the effectiveness of organizational change implementation. [3, p. 8283].

Task statement. The process of change itself requires a systematic approach. This means developing specific plans, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating progress. It also requires flexibility to make adjustments to plans in the event of unexpected circumstances or unexpected problems. Successful organizational change management requires leaders to be not only highly skilled in management, but also empathetic, communicative, and able to mobilize and inspire staff to achieve common goals. Successfully managing organizational change is a complex and multifaceted process that requires great attention to detail and the ability to act in the face of uncertainty. This process begins with recognizing the need for change and analyzing the current state of the organization. At this stage, the key is to develop a clear change strategy that takes into account the company's mission, goals, and values. Next, leaders need to actively involve employees in the change process, communicating openly about the purpose and benefits of the changes. Effective communication reduces resistance to change and helps to engage staff in joint efforts. In addition, it is important to establish feedback mechanisms to identify possible problems and ways to solve them. [10].

Presentation of the main research material. The functions of organizational change management include planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating, and controlling. Planning involves the development of effective strategies and measures to achieve goals, contributing to the formation of the desired future. Organization involves improving systems and methods for managing organizational change. Coordination means coordinating the actions of services from different departments. Motivation is the process of stimulating employees to take certain actions. Control includes timely monitoring of compliance with the goals of organizational changes at each stage of their implementation and evaluation of the results to determine the effectiveness of measures. In addition,

organizational change management functions include other key aspects such as communication, staff involvement, conflict resolution, and adaptation to negative reactions or resistance to change. Communication plays an important role in the organizational change process by facilitating understanding of the purpose and need for change among staff. Employee engagement involves the active involvement of employees in decision-making and innovation, which helps to increase the level of support for change. Conflict resolution is important to ensure a smooth course of organizational change, as conflicts can arise at both the individual and group levels in the process of change. Adapting to negative reactions or resistance to change requires flexibility and the ability to respond quickly to challenges that may arise during the implementation of organizational change. Thus, successful organizational change management involves a comprehensive approach that covers various aspects of management and takes into account the needs and interests of all stakeholders. [10]

Organizing change involves creating a structure that clearly defines roles and responsibilities for implementing change. This may include the formation of special teams or departments for change management that will coordinate the process and ensure communication between different departments of the company. Change coordination requires constant communication and collaboration between all participants in the process. This may include training for staff, engaging change management consultants, and open discussion with employees about their expectations. Managing organizational change is a complex and multifaceted process that requires not only a strategic vision but also the ability to communicate effectively and mobilize staff to achieve a common goal. [9]

According to Doroshkevich, organizational changes are important for increasing the productivity of enterprises and contribute to the adaptation of the organization to a changing environment. Based on the research of domestic and foreign experts, the author formulated a universal definition of the concept of “organizational change”. The author's analysis of the scientific literature suggests that there are three general approaches to determining the formation of a new organizational structure that corresponds to the nature of changes in the external environment:

as a natural process of organizational dynamics, determined by the mode of operation of the market entity;

targeted changes aimed at the growth and development of the organization and based on innovations in the management system;

a management method aimed at changing social relations, values, culture of people, structure and functional characteristics in order to adapt the organization to the changing needs of the environment [10].

Modern practice shows that effective management of organizational transformations is an important component of modern business, as they contribute to the introduction of new ideas, innovations, long-term competitiveness strategy, etc. Changes in an organization can be described as the process of adopting a new idea, required new behavior, or relative dynamics of an organizational component. Significant examples of such changes can be the introduction of high -tech solutions, production of products in accordance with market demand, optimization of organizational structures, training and professional development of personnel, as well as the development of corporate culture with the necessary new values, cultivation of traditions and management systems. Articles on organizational change are written not only by domestic researchers, but also by foreign authors [9,10].

The purpose and impact of managing the formation of a new organizational structure is to ensure competitiveness in the consumer goods market, high quality production and distribution, professional development of employees, etc. Methods for its development should be sought in the internal and external conditions initiated at different stages of its functioning. The development of an organizational structure is a complex and multifaceted process that requires attention to various aspects. To achieve a successful outcome, it is necessary to use a variety of methods that take into account both internal and external factors that affect the functioning of the organization [4].

Internal methods include such aspects as analyzing the structure and processes of the internal organization, studying the effectiveness of communications between departments, and assessing the needs for resources and staff competencies. For example, the use of organizational design models, such as a matrix structure or a functional structure, can help optimize the work of teams and departments. External methods include analyzing market trends, researching the competitive environment, and studying customer needs and expectations. For example, an organization may use market research methods to identify new market opportunities or analyze changes in legislation and regulatory standards to adapt its structure and processes to new requirements. [4,5]

Organizational changes in an enterprise can be analyzed from different perspectives: first, they can be planned or unplanned. Planned transformations occur as part of an evolutionary process. Planned evolution is often characterized by the presence of trends and a pre-determined most appropriate time for change. Unplanned transformations often start in unexpected circumstances, so their progress is sometimes rapid and uncontrollable. Changes can be single -phase or multi-phase and mainly depend on the size of the organization, the availability of time, the flexibility of the organization and its ability to cope with the impact of change. Depending on the depth and nature of the change, it can be a general change or a complete reorganization of the organization with major changes. It is important to note that any changes require certain conditions to minimize resistance from the organization's members and ensure their ultimate success. The management of organizational change in enterprises is aimed at achieving a successful result with the participation of human resources involved, including managers and executives. [6]

According to researchers, the key task of management is to manage changes in the organization. Thus, change management methods should be implemented through the general management function, and a number of measures should be taken [1]:

Development of a plan for the formation of a new organizational structure.

Stimulation of employees involved in organizational changes.

Monitoring the results of organizational transformations and managing deviations or errors identified during the implementation of the new organizational structure.

Organizational change management reflects not only the process of managing a specific organizational change, but also the process of managing related phenomena in general. Effective management of organizational change in enterprises also helps to overcome specific resistances to the implementation of related measures. One of the earliest fundamental models of planned change is that of Kurt Lewin. In his research, he considered change as a source of organizational stability and the origin of sustainable behavior. It is obvious that a particular behavior at a certain point in time is the result of two groups of forces: those that seek to preserve and maintain the status quo of the organization, and those that pull for real change. When these forces are equivalent to each other, when they are equal, the current behavior of the organization is maintained, and in Kurt Lewin's theory, this state is called “quasi-permanent equilibrium.” To change this state, you can increase the impact of real changes and reduce the impact of forces aimed at maintaining the current state. Kurt Lewin predicted that changing and manipulating the forces that support the status quo meets less resistance than real change in the organization, implemented by innovations, and therefore is a more effective strategy for change [7].

The results of organizational changes in an enterprise can be characterized as a transition from so-called incremental changes to “major” changes. Incremental changes are minor and may affect only a few processes in the organization, such as the decision-making process in a workgroup. They take place within the existing organizational strategy, structure, and culture of the organization and are aimed at strengthening the status quo of the organization. On the other hand, bulk changes are aimed at creating a certain alternative. They usually affect the organization's structure and culture, incentive system, information processes, and workflow design. In addition, the changes affect numerous levels of the organization, from top management, to departments, to work groups, to individuals. [7]

The management of organizational change in an enterprise is one of the central problems of management research, as it is conditioned by the need to adapt to changes in the external environment and to achieve success in the competitive struggle. The understanding of the constant need for organizational learning and change is reflected in the concept of the “learning organization”, which states that an organization that is constantly improving and learning is more competitive and adaptive. This concept is based on the idea that a successful organization must be prepared for constant changes in its environment and be able to quickly adapt to new requirements and challenges. Organizational learning and change become not just strategic tools, but also the culture of the enterprise, permeating all aspects of its activities.

One of the key aspects of managing organizational change is effective communication and involvement of staff in the change process. People in the organization need to see the meaning and significance of the changes, feel supported and encouraged to actively participate. At the same time, management must provide adequate resources, support and training for employees to successfully implement the changes. Regardless of the type of changes planned (technological, production, structural, cultural, etc.), their implementation usually faces resistance from employees. In this regard, the task of diagnosing the causes (barriers) of resistance to organizational change and using effective methods to overcome it becomes urgent.

The diagnostic signs that cause organizational changes in a company include the following: a decline in the company's performance, which can be identified through the analysis of financial and operational data. At the same time, an important aspect is the loss of the company's position in the competitive struggle, which is reflected in the market reflection and loss of market shares. Indifference of the staff to the development of the organization, which may be manifested in the lack of initiative and activity of employees, as well as staff protest against any innovations or changes, which may be manifested through negative comments, refusal to participate in innovations, etc. Another important factor is the stereotypical thinking of the management, which can be manifested in the use of outdated management strategies and methods. All the factors we have described are important indicators that should be taken into account when determining the need for and directions of organizational changes in a firm.

The principles of organizational change management at an enterprise include focus, integration, balance, and teamwork. Focus implies that even if the company's strategy is not perfect, it can still achieve excellent results. However, if the goal is uncertain, such results should not be expected. Integration implies combining the efforts of all company divisions at a certain point in time. Balanced means optimizing cash flow and managing it successfully in the process of organizational change. Teamwork involves the formation of a team of company management that will be directly involved in the process of organizational change and will work together to implement it. This means that the management should actively involve its employees in the decision-making process, jointly search for solutions and implement new approaches. Teamwork requires management to be open to the ideas and suggestions of their subordinates, as well as to be ready to cooperate and support in solving problems. This is the only way to achieve successful implementation of organizational changes that will contribute to the further development of the enterprise. Thus, management should take into account all these principles when developing and implementing an organizational change management strategy to ensure their successful implementation and maximize the effect for the enterprise.

Organizational change management involves the use of a variety of modern tools, including, but not limited to: training, coaching, sponsorship, change management, communication, and the individual employee change model. The use of these tools is expected to contribute to more effective implementation of changes in the structure and functioning of the organization, as well as to achieving the goal with positive results for employees and the organization as a whole.

Successful implementation of organizational change requires a deep understanding of the company's culture and context, as well as active engagement with employees at all levels. Training is a key element, as it provides employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully adapt to the new environment. In addition, coaching can be a useful tool to guide employees through the change process on a one-to-one basis, helping them to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Conclusions from the study

Sponsorship from senior management is important to ensure the support and resources needed to implement change. A clear change management strategy helps to structure the process and define the steps needed to achieve the goal. Communication plays a key role in ensuring openness, understanding, and support from all stakeholders, helping to create a favorable environment for change. The employee change model allows you to analyze and take into account the individual characteristics and needs of employees in the change process. In general, integrating these tools into an organizational change management strategy can contribute to the success of the project and ensure positive results for all stakeholders.

Implementation of organizational change is often met with resistance, which is reflected in a sense of uncertainty, loss, and the belief that such changes will not bring positive results. Resistance to change is a specific action or inaction deliberately taken by employees to delay decision -making or implementation of a specific action during the process of forming a new organizational structure. Domestic experience in transformation management has shown that resistance to change is always present and does not depend on the organizational changes made, whether it is the introduction of incentives, a change in the company's structure or a move to a new location. There is always a potential explanation for resistance to innovation. Change is always associated with uncertainty and loss (loss of status, time, new job, responsibilities, etc.).

Thus, resistance to organizational change can arise for a variety of reasons, including fear of uncertainty, loss of control or stability, and resistance from employees who feel their status or comfort is threatened. To successfully manage this resistance, you need to use a variety of tools, such as effective communication, involving staff in the change process, providing support and training, and creating a positive organizational environment that fosters acceptance of innovation. It is also important to take into account the individual needs and motivations of employees when implementing changes to ensure their support and contribute to the successful implementation of the organization's strategic goals.


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  • Definition of management. The aim of all managers. Their levels: executives, mid-managers and supervisors. The content and value of basic components of management: planning, organizing, coordinating, staffing, directing, controlling and evaluating.

    презентация [414,2 K], добавлен 16.12.2014

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