Domestic and foreign models of corporate culture of the enterprise and methods of their evaluation

The domestic and foreign practice analysis of the integration of national culture and corporate culture. The importance of corporate culture for an enterprise. A comparative analysis between the corporate culture of China and Western countries.

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Дата добавления 08.06.2024
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Sumy National Agrarian University


Slavkova Olena Pavlivna Doctor of Science

in Economy, professor, Head of public

management and administration department

Liu Jiren Post graduate student



corporate culture enterprise chinese

In recent years, enterprise management has gradually formed a management trend dominated by enterprise culture. Corporate culture is a kind of subculture, which is rooted in national culture. Through the domestic and foreign practice analysis of the integration of national culture and corporate culture, it is not difficult to see that national culture has both theoretical and practical value to the construction of corporate culture. The article examines the importance of corporate culture for an enterprise. It can be seen that enterprise culture is the core competitiveness of enterprises and the most important content of enterprise management. The conducted research led us to the idea that it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis between the corporate culture of China and Western countries, which was done in our article. Studying the differences between Chinese and Western cultures and their impact on corporate culture will help guide the progress and innovation of corporate culture. Research proves that European culture was influenced by Christianity, which gave Europe a moral model of ideal values. Christians believe in a God who demands that people love each other. Under the influence of this concept, European culture values the individual and emphasizes a high level of individual needs. China is a country with deep traditions, and the Chinese have been deeply influenced by traditional ideas. Some of the management ideas of ancient China still have a great influence on modern Chinese enterprises. At the same time, we should pay attention to the development of corporative cultural. It is proved that according to the trend of world economic development, timely innovation of corporate culture is of great significance for improving corporate management and enhancing the international competitiveness of enterprises.

Keywords: corporate culture, difference, value, model, methods, cultural fusion.


Славкова Олена Павлівна доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування, Сумський національний агранийй університет, м. Суми,

Люй Цзіжен аспірант, Сумський національний аграрний університет, м. Суми


В останні роки в управлінні підприємством поступово сформувалася тенденція управління, в якій домінує культура підприємства. Корпоративна культура - це різновид субкультури, яка має коріння в національній культурі. Аналізуючи вітчизняну та зарубіжну практику інтеграції національної культури та корпоративної культури, неважко переконатися, що національна культура має як теоретичне, так і практичне значення для побудови корпоративної культури. В статті проведено дослідження важливості корпоративної культури для підприємста. Можна побачити, що культура підприємства є основою конкурентоспроможності підприємств та найважливішим змістом управління підприємством. Проведене дослідження привело нас до думу, що необхідно провести компаративний аналіз між корпоративною культурою китаю та західних країн, що було зроблено в нашій статті. Вивчення відмінностей між китайською та західною культурами та їх впливу на корпоративну культуру допоможе скерувати прогрес та інновації корпоративної культури. Дослідження доводять, що на європейську культуру вплинуло християнство, яке дало Європі моральний зразок ідеальних цінностей. Християни вірять в Бога який вимагає, щоб люди любили один одного. Під впливом цієї концепції європейська культура цінує особистість і підкреслює високий рівень індивідуальних потреб. Китай є країною з глибокими традиціями, і на китайців глибоко вплинули традиційні ідеї. Деякі ідеї менеджменту стародавньомго Китаю все ще мають великий вплив на сучасні китайські підприємства. Водночас варто звернути увагу на розвиток корпоративної культури. Доведено, що відповідно до тенденції розвитку світової економіки, своєчасне інноваційне впровадження корпоративної культури має велике значення для вдосконалення корпоративного управління та підвищення міжнародної конкурентоспроможності підприємств.

Ключові слова: корпоративна культура, відмінність, цінність, модель, методи, злиття культур

Formulation of the problem

The concept of "corporate culture" is a new term produced when the western market economy has developed to a certain stage. After World War II, the rapid development of Japanese economy triggered a boom in the study of comparative management in the United States and Japan. Through a large number of studies, foreign scholars have found that corporate culture plays a crucial role in the business performance of enterprises and even the development of the whole enterprise. Under the current trend of global economic integration, corporate culture is a unique competitive advantage that cannot be imitated. Due to the differences in geographical environment, economic development, political system and even religious belief of various countries, the traditional national cultures of various countries evolve in different directions, resulting in huge differences, which are reflected in the enterprise management as different corporate cultures. Therefore, the theoretical circle and related multinational enterprises pay more and more attention to the study of corporate culture differences in different countries.

With the deepening of economic globalization and the arrival of knowledge economy, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, and more and more enterprises have realized the importance of corporate culture, and have been or are actively planning and operating their own corporate culture strategy. The influence of corporate culture theory on enterprises is expanding day by day, so the study of corporate culture management has great theoretical value and practical significance for the healthy development of enterprises.

From the perspective of theoretical research, after long-term theoretical research and time, Western developed countries have formed an effective corporate culture and effectively improved the competitiveness of enterprises. Compared with western developed countries, the construction of corporate culture of Chinese enterprises started relatively late, and the theoretical research and practical level of corporate culture are far behind. However, with the development trend of economic globalization, multinational enterprises have become the choice for the development and expansion of more and more enterprises. In this development trend, Chinese enterprises have gradually learned the advanced corporate culture of the West and accelerated the development of enterprises.

However, in the process of realizing transnational cooperation, the cultural differences between different countries have brought great obstacles to the smooth cooperation. The inherent law of world economic development and the economic leverage of the market require people to recognize such cultural differences, understand the differences and overcome obstacles to achieve common economic goals, which has become an inevitable trend of historical progress.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The topic of corporate culture, due to its high practical and economic significance, arouses the increasing interest of researchers of various fields (including educational psychologists), as well as practical workers (employees of specialized firms, heads of personnel management departments, various types of consultants, etc.). Back in the 19th century. H. Moltke introduced the term "corporate culture", which made it possible to differentiate this concept from similar categories ("entrepreneurial culture", "organizational culture", "business culture", "internal company culture") and to include new meanings in it. Since then, the problem of corporate culture has been actively developed by both Chinese and Ukrainian researchers Dong Shixue [1], Hye-yop Zhu[2], Polyanska A.S.[3], Tarasova O.V.[4], Zelich V.V.[5], Zhao Qiong[6], Zhou Huan [7]. The researches of these authors revealed the essence of corporate culture, approaches to evaluation (from the point of view of typology), influencing factors on corporate culture (their features), investigated individual components of corporate culture, etc.

Formulation of the goals of the article

The purpose of writing the article is to substantiate the essence and main components of the formation of the corporate culture of the organization, to determine and analyze the models of the development of the corporate culture of enterprises.

Presentation of the main material

The current situation of Chinese culture is after the founding of New China, state-owned enterprises are the main body of Chinese economy, and enterprise culture has experienced a tortuous road just like the economic construction of the whole country. Under the traditional planned economy system, the highly centralized management mode has both positive and negative factors for the construction of enterprise culture. The so-called positive side is conducive to the embodiment of the socialist commonality of enterprises, the formation of a focus on the national interests of the collective concept and the spirit of hard work, the so-called negative side is that this centralized management model strengthens the "official standard" concept, management activities administrative, the enthusiasm of the masses of workers failed to give full play to the democratic management of the supervision and restraint mechanism is weak.

European culture was influenced by Christianity, which provided Europe with a moral model of ideal prices. Christianity believes in God, that God is merciful, God requires that people should love each other. Under the influence of this concept, European culture values the individual and emphasizes the high level of individual needs; Europeans also focus on reason and science, emphasizing logical reasoning and rational analysis.

The United States is a multi-ethnic immigrant country, which determines the individualistic characteristics of American national culture. American corporate culture takes individualism as the core, but this individualism is not selfish in the general concept, but emphasizes individual independence, initiative, personality and personal achievement. Under the domination of this individualistic thought, American business management is based on individual activism, encouraging employees to work hard, implement individual responsibility, and make individual decisions. Therefore, in American enterprises, individual heroism is more prominent, and many enterprises often respect the entrepreneurs or individuals who have made great contributions to the enterprise as heroes. At the same time, the evaluation of employees is also based on the principle of competencism, pay raises and promotions only look at ability and work performance, do not consider age, qualifications and education and other factors. It can be seen that the enterprise culture characterized by individualism lacks a common value concept, and the value goal of the enterprise is inconsistent with the value goal of the individual: The enterprise manages its employees with a strict organizational structure and strict rules and regulations to pursue the realization of the enterprise goal; Employees only regard the enterprise as a place and means to achieve personal goals and self-worth.

Japan is a single-ethnic country with a long-term stable and unified social structure and strong commonality of ideas. At the same time, the Japanese nation is influenced by the Chinese Confucian ethical thought, focusing on the ethical concepts of "harmony", "trust" and "sincerity", so that Japan attaches great importance to the handling of interpersonal relations. These determine that the Japanese corporate culture is characterized by a friendly and consistent team spirit, and "harmony" is applied to the management of Japanese enterprises as a philosophical concept and a guide to corporate action.

Different regions and different countries have their own unique cultures. China is a country with profound tradition, and Chinese people are deeply influenced by traditional ideas. Some important management ideas in ancient China still have a wide influence on modern Chinese enterprises. For example, the people and ideas of Beijing Tongrentang are actually the core ideas of traditional Chinese culture; Xunzi on do not lose the time, under do not lose the geographical, in the people and, Pepsi does not pay, is to emphasize the role of people. However, in Western culture, there is a completely different spirit, such as the spirit of adventure and innovation, the ultimate value goal of profit maximization, the pursuit of competence, and the idea of making employees winners, which are greatly different from Chinese culture. The difference of culture ultimately determines that there is a big difference between Chinese and Western corporate culture.

These differences are mainly manifested in the following aspects: the difference in decision-making means, the difference in attitude to work and achievement, the difference in the relationship between leaders and employees, and the difference in business thought and management style.

From the discovery of western corporate culture phenomenon to the rapid development of corporate culture research in the past 20 years, they have gone

It is a combination of theoretical research and applied research, qualitative research and quantitative research. In the mid-1980s, after the discussion of the concept and structure of corporate culture, it immediately turned to the internal mechanism of corporate culture and the relationship between corporate culture and corporate leadership, organizational climate, human resources, corporate environment, corporate strategy and other corporate management processes, so as to conduct quantitative tracking research on the relationship between corporate culture and corporate business performance. Quantitative research is based on the theoretical study of corporate culture, put forward a model for the measurement, diagnosis and evaluation of corporate culture, and then develop a series of scales to conduct an operational and quantitative in-depth study of corporate culture. In short, the evaluation method of corporate culture in foreign countries is a research field that comes into being and develops rapidly with the development of social economy and people's exploration of management practice. The theoretical significance of the study of corporate culture lies in that it develops the traditional management theory and pays enough attention to social cultural factors and human factors in the management process. This is consistent with the direction of modernization development of western society, and its practical significance lies in providing an operable and quantified theoretical framework for enterprise development and longterm business performance.

Although a large number of papers and monographs have been published on the study of corporate culture in China, it is still relatively weak in general

Yes. First, most of them mainly introduce and discuss the meaning, connotation and elements of corporate culture, and there are too few qualitative studies and normative empirical studies with theoretical basis. Second, the study of corporate culture lags behind the practice of the development of Chinese corporate culture. In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy, there have been many cases of enterprises that have achieved outstanding experience and achievements in corporate culture. Many companies in the process of shaping corporate culture, although there is also the participation of experts, but mainly rely on their own internal exploration. Third, in the practice of the development of corporate culture, there is a lack of understanding of the essence of corporate culture. Many enterprises often only focus on the design and shaping of the external image of the enterprise, and the shaping of spiritual culture is very lacking. In short, domestic scholars mainly focus on the connotation, function and specific content of corporate culture, how to establish corporate culture with Chinese characteristics, cross-cultural management, and the reform of corporate culture. Different from Western scholars, domestic scholars mostly use induction method to study and analyze corporate culture and elaborate corporate culture practice. The practice of corporate culture in China lacks the guidance of real scientific theory and personality, which is difficult to generate cultural impetus for the long-term development of enterprises.

According to the understanding of foreign corporate culture research and the analysis of the current situation of domestic corporate culture construction, the research of Chinese corporate culture in the 21st century should adhere to the principle of combining theoretical research with applied research, qualitative research with quantitative research, and mainly focus on the following three aspects: First, in the context of Chinese culture, it explores the basic theory of Chinese corporate culture, studies the relationship between corporate culture and Chinese traditional culture and modern social culture, and the relationship between corporate culture and enterprise management, enterprise environment, enterprise development and enterprise innovation. Second, strengthen the applied research of corporate culture, the empirical research on the measurement, diagnosis, evaluation and consultation of corporate culture; Thirdly, we should strengthen the tracking research of corporate culture. The shaping of corporate culture is not a one-time work, but it needs to make timely adjustments and changes along with the development and changes of the enterprise, so it can have a far-reaching impact on the long-term development of the enterprise. Therefore, the value of tracking research on corporate culture cannot be underestimated.


The 21st century is an era of scientific and technological innovation. With the rapid development of science and technology, enterprises and the economy are facing more and more challenges. At the same time, the process of globalization is constantly accelerating. Under such circumstances, the continuous innovation and construction of corporate culture has become an indispensable part of the development of enterprises themselves. However, taking the road of emerging corporate culture is not done overnight, the study of corporate culture needs to constantly seek and explore from theory and practice, constantly analyze problems on the basis of their own research, and take the scientific theory in the construction of corporate culture as the guide to study the characteristics of their own enterprise culture. Corporate culture determines whether an enterprise can develop sustainably, long-term and stably, and is the decisive factor for an enterprise to achieve sustainable growth.


1. Dong Shixue (2019) Analysis on the influence of enterprise culture Innovation on enterprise management innovation. Modern Business, (14), 2.

2. Hye-yop Zhu (2011) Corporate culture management. China Machine Press, 11-25.

3. Polyanska A.S., Duk O.M. (2018) The formation of the model of corporate culture in the activity of homeland enterprises. Formation of a model of corporate culture in the activities of domestic enterprises. Black Sea Economic Studies, 27, 9-16.

4. Tarasova O.V. (2013) Corporate culture as a tool of effective enterprise management. Economics of the food industry, 3(19), 28-32.

5. Zelich V.V. (2017) Role and place of business culture and its impact on development of enterprise. PU "Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation". Electronic scientific and practical journal, 6, 21-25.

6. Zhao Qiong (2011) Reflection on the development of Chinese enterprise culture. Guangdong Social Sciences, 55-63.

7. Zhou Huan (2008) Review on Enterprise culture evaluation. Value Engineering, 27 (04), 109-112.


1. Dong Shixue (2019) Analysis on the influence of enterprise culture Innovation on enterprise management innovation. Modern Business, (14), 2.

2. Hye-yop Zhu (2011) Corporate culture management. China Machine Press, 11-25.

3. Polyanska A.S., Duk O.M. (2018) The formation of the model of corporate culture in the activity of homeland enterprises. Formation of a model of corporate culture in the activities of domestic enterprises. Black Sea Economic Studies, 27, 9-16.

4. Tarasova O.V. (2013) Corporate culture as a tool of effective enterprise management. Economics of the food industry, 3(19), 28-32.

5. Zelich V.V. (2017) Role and place of business culture and its impact on development of enterprise. PU "Black Sea Research Institute of Economics and Innovation". Electronic scientific and practical journal, 6, 21-25.

6. Zhao Qiong (2011) Reflection on the development of Chinese enterprise culture. Guangdong Social Sciences, 55-63.

7. Zhou Huan (2008) Review on Enterprise culture evaluation. Value Engineering, 27 (04), 109-112.

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