Theoretical aspects of the implementation of models of innovative development of Ukrainian tourist enterprises

Determination of the peculiarities of the process of formation of the innovation management strategy of the tourist enterprise. Innovative type of development of tourist enterprises through the formation of a general model of innovative development.

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Дата добавления 22.07.2024
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Kyiv National Linguistic University

Theoretical aspects of the implementation of models of innovative development of Ukrainian tourist enterprises

О.V. Kuchai



The purpose of the article is to generalize, systematize, and analyze the leading theoretical approaches to the formation and implementation of innovative models at tourist enterprises, as well as to determine the features of the process of forming the innovation management strategy of a tourist enterprise. The methodological basis of the proposed article is a systematic approach using general scientific and special economic methods of cognition, for example: comparative analysis during research on the need to apply innovative marketing at tourist enterprises. Scientific novely. The current state and directions of innovative development of enterprises in the field of tourism were studied, the main directions of innovative development of enterprises in the field of tourism and recreation were determined. An innovative type of development of tourist enterprises is proposed through the formation of a general model of innovative development, which will make it possible to conduct further research on the example of specific tourist enterprises and offer recommendations for its implementation. Conclusions. Social aspects were analyzed and organizational forms of innovative directions of development of tourist enterprises were identified, which cannot be implemented without ensuring the effective functioning of the relevant organizational forms, including state authorities and local self-government; scientific and educational institutions; local communities and other communities; tourist enterprises and organizations; institutions in the field of service, transport and other networks; technical service institutions, consulting organizations; destinations; mass media, etc. Mechanisms of implementation of administrative and management and informational directions of innovative development of tourism and recreation are considered in detail. It was determined that the main directions of innovation are related to ensuring higher efficiency of management processes, increasing consumer loyalty, brand formation, etc. At the same time, technological innovations come to the fore, which is associated with the rapid development of information and communication technologies and their wide application in this field.

Key words: tourism and recreation, innovation, technologies, enterprises in the field of tourism, management, innovative development.



Метою статті є узагальнення, систематизація та аналіз провідних теоретичних підходів до формування та впровадження інноваційних моделей на туристичних підприємствах, а також визначення особливостей процесу формування стратегії управління інноваціями туристичного підприємства. Методологічною основою пропонованої статті є системний підхід з використанням загальнонаукових та спеціальних економічних методів пізнання, наприклад: порівняльний аналіз під час дослідження з необхідності застосування інноваційного маркетингу на туристичних підприємствах. Наукова новизна. Досліджено сучасний стан та напрями інноваційного розвитку підприємств сфери туризму, визначено основні напрями інноваційного розвитку підприємств сфери туризму і рекреації. Запропоновано інноваційний тип розвитку туристичних підприємств через формування загальної моделі інноваційного розвитку, що дасть змогу провести подальші дослідження на прикладі конкретних туристичних підприємств та запропонувати рекомендації щодо її впровадження. Результати дослідження. Проаналізовано соціальні аспекти та виділено організаційні форми інноваційних напрямів розвитку туристичних підприємств, які не можуть бути реалізованими без забезпечення ефективного функціонування відповідних організаційних форм, серед яких органи державної влади та місцевого самоврядування; наукові та освітні заклади; місцеві громади та інші спільноти; туристичні підприємства та організації; заклади сфери обслуговування, транспортні та інші мережі; заклади технічного обслуговування, консалтингові організації; дестинації; засоби масової інформації та ін. Детально розглянуто механізми реалізації адміністративно-управлінського та інформаційного напрямів інноваційного розвитку туризму і рекреації. Визначено, що основними напрямками інновацій є пов'язані з забезпеченням вищої ефективності управлінських процесів, підвищенням лояльності споживачів, формуванням бренду тощо. При цьому на перший план виходять технологічні інновації, що пов'язується зі стрімким розвитком інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій та їх широким застосуванням у цій сфері.

Ключові слова: туризм і рекреація, інновації, технології, підприємства сфери туризму, управління, інноваційний розвиток.


The modem sphere oftourism and recreation requires constant introduction of innovations that form the basis of competitiveness of tourism enterprises. The latest technologies are indeed a tool that helps to improve the system of selling tourism products. The success of a tourism enterprise largely depends on the efficiency of managing its core operations, in particular, on an economically sound programme of specific production and sale of tourism products and individual tourism services. In addition, it is known that the financial results and competitive position of a tourism company depends on the compliance of the volume, range and nomenclature of the supply of services of tourism enterprises with the effective demand of consumers and the resource potential of the tourism enterprise.

Innovative technologies in the tourism and recreation sector are one of the key success factors for enterprises in this area, which is carried out at the highest level of the company's management. Its goal is to determine the main directions of the company's scientific, technical and production activities. Innovative technologies create the necessary conditions for the sustainable development of tourism enterprises aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of tourism services at the level of international standards. The implementation of innovations in this area is influenced by both local factors, especially the solvency of the country's population, which is an indicator of the economic situation and social status of the population, and national legislation, and international factors, such as intergovernmental and international cooperation agreements. In general, innovations in the field of tourism and recreation should be considered as systemic measures that have a qualitative novelty and lead to positive changes that ensure the sustainable functioning and development of the industry in the region (Bryl, 2017, p. 61). In particular, we believe that the idea of creating and implementing projects that do not generate profit even at first will give an additional impetus to the tourism and recreation sector, help create additional jobs and increase incomes. Innovative changes in the tourism business are influenced by transformational processes in the global economy and the desire of a particular business structure to meet market needs.

The introduction of various innovations in the planning of sales of tourism products and individual services at tourism enterprises should be implemented taking into account the development strategy of tourism enterprises.However, such innovations require the development of new organisational structures for enterprise management.The concept of the marketing strategy of tourism enterprise management should include an innovative development strategy.The main elements of the innovation strategy should be innovations that ensure competitiveness; maintaining balance in the system of services of a tourism enterprise.

In addition, the effectiveness oftourism enterprises largely depends on the professionalism of their staff and the general and professional competencies they have acquired during their studies.Based on the available human resources, a tourism enterprise independently organises both its management system and determines specific areas of its activities.At the same time, there are many inhibiting factors that do not fully allow for innovation.For example, it may be the lack of profitable sources of financing for a tourism enterprise, the inadequacy of material and technical support to existing needs, the lack of support from government agencies, etc. These problems prompt the search for methods to intensify the main operating activities of Ukrainian tourism enterprises.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The peculiarities of innovative activity in the field of tourism and recreation, factors influencing the innovative activity of enterprises, on the example of tourism, are considered by Kolodyazhna & Borblik (2017), Moiseeva (2018), Frey & Garashchenko (2020).The theoretical foundations of innovation activity, as well as methodological approaches to determining innovation activity in regional tourism markets, are the subject of research by Lagodienko et al.The essence, types, main stages of innovation in tourism, and the formation of an innovation strategy for tourism enterprises are described in Zakharchyn & Solomiychuk (2017).The impact of innovative technologies on the development of the global tourism market is studied by Dekhtyar (2014), while the assessment of existing and potential forms of innovation in international tourism is carried out by Sardak & Sarkisian (2018). Prospects for the innovative development of the tourism industry in Ukraine in the context of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic were studied by Shuptar-Poryvayeva et al. (2020). Romaniv (2019) devoted a textbook to the management of innovative tourism development. Among the researchers who have paid attention to the role of innovation in tourism are a number of foreign scholars, such as G. Schumpeter (2011), Friedman K. (2013), Drucker, P. (1985). However, given the growing level of domestic tourism, the topic of innovation in tourism and recreation requires more detailed study.In addition, the innovative foundations for the development of tourism systems at different levels - from the enterprise and destination to the tourism industry of the state to the tourism macro-region - remain insufficiently substantiated, including at the theoretical level.

The purpose of the article is to generalise, systematise and critically analyse the leading theoretical approaches to the formation and implementation of innovative models at tourism enterprises, as well as to determine the specific features of the process of forming a strategy for managing innovations of a tourism enterprise.

The goal is achieved by fulfilling the following tasks: to analyse the state of development of the problem in Ukrainian and foreign historiography; theoretical and practical foundations of development of innovation activity in the sphere of tourism and recreation; to study the main product and process innovations in planning the sale of tourism products and individual services at tourism enterprises; to determine the directions of use of modern information technologies for the introduction of innovative services in the sphere of tourism and recreation.

Methods and methodology of the study

The methodological basis of the proposed article is a systematic approach using general scientific and special economic methods of cognition, for example: comparative analysis during research on the need to apply innovative marketing at tourist enterprises. In addition, various methods of scientific research were also used during the writing of the article: analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization - to clarify the essence and content of the researched categories, in particular, “innovations”, “innovative technologies” and “innovative management”; statistical and comparative analysis - for the study of indicators of the development of business entities in temporary demining and evaluation of innovative activities in Ukraine (including the sphere of tourism and recreation); the method of generalization - for the formation of directions for the development of innovative technologies at tourist enterprises.

Presentation and discussion of the main research material. Innovations in tourism and recreation affect the state of the entire industry as a whole. They change the following main characteristics of the industry: volume of sales (in this case of new tourist brands); current costs of the enterprise engaged in innovation; volume of created and operating property; the number of specialists engaged in designing and introducing a new tourist product to the market; the duration of the introduction of innovations and their assimilation by consumers.

Innovative activities in the field of tourism and recreation are implemented in the creation of new or improvement of already existing tourist products or services, development of new markets or attraction of new types of tourism and recreation resources, implementation of advanced information technologies, trendy forms of organizational and management activities or new approaches to meeting the needs of consumers tourist services.

Innovation and the development of new services are important strategic characteristics to ensure growth and sustainable prosperity for every industry, but especially for those industries where there are many offers on the market and customers choose products and services from all over the world, as it happens in the field of tourism and recreation There are different definitions of the term “innovation”, which comes from the Latin word “innovatio”, which means to create something new. According to modern research, innovation can be interpreted as: the use of new techniques, technologies, organizational methods of production and sale of goods in order to obtain competitive advantages; the application of new forms of management and labor organization, which apply not only to individual enterprises, but also to industries as a whole; the use of a new approach to the creation, production and sale of goods that allows you to gain competitive advantages; investments in the economy aimed at changing technologies and equipment (Krykunenko, 2011, p. 46). The variety of definitions lies in the different goals of studying this phenomenon.

In today's increasingly competitive environment, scientists and researchers focus on the need and importance of innovation to achieve sustainable competitive advantage and focus on improving products, processes, methods or procedures. In particular, the researcher Schumpeter (2011) singled out four directions for the implementation of innovations in the activities of tourist enterprises. The classification he proposed effectively distinguishes innovations from minor changes in the composition or supply of goods in the form of expanding product offerings, adding service components, or product differentiation. The directions proposed by Schumpeter are as follows: creation of new products; introduction of new production processes; development of new sales markets; reorganization or restructuring of the company (right there, p. 25-26).

Recently, more and more companies in the travel industry have been introducing new technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, interactive screen displays, and others. These technologies can improve customer experience, enhance service quality and increase business efficiency. The development of new products and services can be a key factor in increasing the competitiveness of companies in the travel industry. For example, companies can design new tourist routes, develop eco-tourism, sports tourism, medical tourism, and others. Improving management processes can help companies use their resources more efficiently and reduce costs. For example, the introduction of booking automation systems and customer database management can help companies reduce customer service costs and improve the quality of service (Chetyrbuk & Holod, 2023, p. 182).

The main principles of innovation in the field of tourism and recreation include: the principle of scientificity (use of scientific knowledge and methods to implement innovations that meet the needs of tourists); the principle of systematicity (taking into account the factors and conditions necessary to meet the needs of people in recreation, the resource capabilities of the region; the principle of conformity of innovation to the needs of tourists (only those innovations that are really needed by consumers are offered, and not those that can be made and implemented in practical activities by a tourist organization ); the principle of positivity of results (preventing the unreasonable and ill-conceived creation and implementation of an innovation, which can be dangerous both for a tourist and for a specific enterprise; for the biosphere and society as a whole); the principle of immanence in investment processes (investment resources are used for the development and implementation of innovations , the effectiveness of which is determined by the degree of significance, scale of innovations, the possibility of further involvement in the innovation process); conformity of innovative activity and its results (innovations) to the level of development of society; the principle of connection (the process of innovation ends with the appearance on the market of a tourist product, which must at a certain stage of its life cycle to cause the need to create the next one and provide financial support for this process); the principle of safety (any innovation must guarantee the absence of dangers for people and the environment); the principle of feedback (the need to analyze the reaction of tourists to innovations that generate new tourist needs, their maximum satisfaction); the principle of adaptability (the development of innovations by the tourist enterprise that are adequate to the conditions of the external environment contribute to increasing the efficiency of functioning in it); the principle of taking into account the innovation potential of the territory (the innovation potential possessed by the region directly affects the degree of application of innovations by tourism enterprises: the greater the innovation potential of the region, the more on tourism.

The goal of the innovative development of the activity of tourist enterprises is to increase the quality and competitiveness of the tourist product created by them, to meet the needs of tourists and increase the efficiency of functioning in general. The development of the tourism industry, both in Ukraine and in the world in general, requires activation and a significant expansion of the scope of innovative activities. In the conditions of increased international competition, innovative development becomes the key to the success of effective technological solutions and competitiveness (Shymanovska-Dianych & Bilinska, 2019, p. 135). The implementation of innovations in the activities of tourist enterprises is based on a combination of many factors, one of the most important of which is human (educational and professional potential) and financial (investment potential). Taking into account the influence of innovative economic growth and the prospective development of tourism and recreation, it is advisable to define the non-investment attractiveness of tourist enterprises as an independent economic category, which is proposed to be considered as a generalized representation of an economic entity that reflects potential opportunities to increase its value due to the development and effective the use of new and improved products, services, processes in hotel and restaurant business and tourism enterprises based on possible investment resources (Bury, 2014, p. 189-190).

The profitability of the tourism business determines the high attention paid by scientists and entrepreneurs to ways of competing in the relevant market. One of the key issues remains the price of innovation. In this context, A. G. Chernomazyuk rightly notes: “Modem innovations are not cheap, but hotel owners still spend on them, because this is the only way to ensure their own survival in the market. And one of the most popular developments today is electronic hotel management - a specialized system is created for a hotel to order, to which all employees connect. With the help of the web resource, they can receive all the necessary information about the hotel at any time; in online mode, see all the changes taking place in it; book rooms for guests; get access to the widest possible range of sales channels” (2014, p. 270). Innovations in the tourism industry include the following innovations: innovations that are supported by the development and restoration of physical and spiritual strength of tourists; the growth of the operation and development of the tourism industry in the country; increasing the effectiveness of the processes of formation, positioning and consumption of tourist services; markedly progressive changes in factors affecting production related to tourism; improving the image of enterprises (Chetyrbuk & Holod, 2023, p.183). In addition, the specificity of innovative activities in the field of tourism and recreation is the need for joint efforts of enterprises and their support for the development of new types of innovations. For example, the organization of large-scale tourism events that ensure an influx of tourists to a certain place requires the cooperation of all interested parties, including tourism enterprises and government structures.

As you know, innovation is a key factor in the development of territorial tourism systems and can be used to improve the quality of tourist services, create new tourist products and ensure more effective management of the territory. The use of innovative technologies can provide more accurate and informative information about tourist facilities, improving service standards can increase tourist satisfaction and improve their travel experience.

Innovative processes carried out by enterprises allow, on the one hand, to reduce the costs of enterprises and improve their quality, and on the other hand, to satisfy the constantly changing needs and desires of consumers. Lack of support from top management and people's motivation to implement an innovative culture, the need to develop ideas that cannot be easily imitated by competitors, the need to preserve innovation, employee resistance. For innovation, the diversity of customer desires and expectations are elements that can prevent innovation. On the other hand, factors such as failures in project management, lack of necessary resources, time and competition can prevent or prevent them from effectively carrying out innovative activities. Tourism enterprises choose the type of innovation according to the reasons for development. For example, a tourism enterprise that wants to develop can introduce innovations in management processes or in the market. It can be the development of an excursion, the creation of a new tour, the development of a company's mobile application, etc. (Karpenko & Mirzodaeva, 2019, p. 626). strategy innovation tourist

Innovations in the field of information and communication technologies in the field of tourism and recreation allow enterprises to more efficiently and effectively analyze this information from customers. It allows the creation of databases for innovations that must be developed in a product, process, market or enterprise. It should also be emphasized that the result of the introduction of innovations is also the activation of the operational activities of domestic tourism enterprises, which includes production and product activities (establishing direct relations with producers of tourist services, combining individual services into a tour package), trading activities (realization of own services and services of others tour operator companies with a mark-up (commission fee), intermediary activities for the sale of tourist vouchers (with the rights of a commission agent).

The innovative marketing activity of a tourist enterprise can be interpreted as an activity that involves planning, organization, management, motivation and control over the object of management through the development and application of a system of strategies (chosen depending on the innovative potential of the enterprise and factors influencing the external environment), aimed at achieving the goal set before the enterprise and such which includes the following stages (Rymar & Lykun, 2012, c. 362-363):

Planning of innovative activities. Determination of the goals and tasks of innovative activity on the basis of existing current and prospective plans for the development of the enterprise, financial and marketing strategies. Market analysis, analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise; risk analysis, analysis of opportunities and threats. Choosing the optimal alternative. Specification of the innovative program, planning of technical, economic and financial areas of work.

Organization of innovative activities. Selection of tools for the implementation of innovative activities, determination of funding sources and their structure, agreement on terms.

Management of innovative activities. Setting step-by-step tasks. Recruitment, distribution of functional duties. Distribution of finances.

Motivation of innovative activity. Use of incentives to optimize the process of implementing innovations.

Control of innovative activity. Comparison of the achieved results with the planned ones (control of finances, technical and qualitative characteristics, etc.).

Evaluation of effectiveness and planning of the prospects of innovative activity.

An important direction in the activity of a modern tourist enterprise is the introduction of innovative types of tourism: ecotourism, agrotourism, hobby tourism, corporate and business tourism, tourism of individual events, extreme tourism, adventure and exotic tourism, educational tourism, the newest directions of cultural tourism, shopping tourism, timeshare, combined tours.

The peculiarities of state regulation of the tourist business are to some extent unique, as they emphasize significant differences depending on the country and the role of the tourist business in its economic system. This uniqueness of each country depends on the presence of significant natural and historical and cultural resources, the potential of tourism business, the availability of tourism resources for domestic and foreign tourists, the size of investments in the tourism business, as well as the role of the country in the international tourism market (Frey, 2020, p. 58 ).

Tourism businesses are looking for ways to continuously improve the quality of their products and services, which can lead to success. Tangible products include goods such as alarm clocks, curtains or hair dryers in hotel rooms, intangible services include services such as internet speed in the hotel or room cleaning time. To meet the needs of customers, these products and services must be improved from time to time or replaced by innovations as part of technological changes. In particular, customer feedback is an important resource for these developments. Another way is to be open to challenges, follow new trends, learn new technologies and products. In fact, businesses do not lag behind competitors and do not lose customers. Currently, the following innovative products and services are being developed: social network websites (Facebook,, capsule hotels, robotic and space hotels, etc. (Karpenko & Mirzodaeva, 2019, p. 627). The latest innovations are quite promising, as robots are expected to clean rooms in the future, and technological innovations will reduce hotel operating costs.

An important aspect of the topic is the state regulation of innovative activity, since the legislative regulation of innovative activity directly affects the sustainability of the innovative development of Ukrainian enterprises. The duties of the state in this context include the coordination of innovative activities; accumulation of funds for scientific research and development; increasing innovative activity of enterprises; creation of a special intellectual property protection system; formation of innovative infrastructure; personnel support of innovative activities; regulation of international aspects of innovation processes; institutional support of innovation processes in the public sector; ensuring environmental and social orientation of innovations; increasing the social status of innovative activity.

The main forms of state support for innovative activity are the creation and development of technology parks, business incubators, the provision of tax benefits to innovatively active enterprises, and direct financing of innovative projects and programs. The goal of the state innovation policy is the development, rational placement and effective use of scientific and technical potential, the formation of its structure, increasing the contribution of science and technology to the development of the country's economy, the implementation of the most important social tasks, ensuring progressive structural transformations in the field of material production, increasing its efficiency and competitiveness (Dzhinjoyan, Teslenko & Gorb, 2022, p. 162-163).

The basis for the implementation and development of innovations should be the innovation system in state authorities responsible for the development of tourism and recreation. At the same time, it is not necessary for the innovation system to be divided into separate divisions or for innovation activity to be entrusted to specific specialists. The innovative system is considered not according to the administrative sign of subordination, but according to the sign of concrete participation in innovative activity. Innovations in the organization of state regulation should ensure an increase in the quality of decisions made, planned activities, developed programs and effective control over their implementation. The creation of permanent and temporary committees and commissions, working and expert groups at state authorities, whose activities enable highly professional and comprehensive consideration of problematic innovative situations and make optimal decisions, should be counted among the innovations in the organization of state regulation of the sphere of tourism and recreation. For the development and further implementation of various long-term programs, it is necessary to create expert commissions, working groups with the inclusion of representatives of state bodies of legislative and executive power, representatives of the professional tourist community and the public.

As innovations in the organization of state regulation of the tourism sphere, it is also worth considering the holding of public hearings and public discussions of projects for the construction of large facilities for the tourism industry, such as hotel complexes, stadiums, theaters, water parks, amusement parks and other similar facilities, concepts of tourism development on the territory of the recreation zone, as well as other large-scale projects and plans planned for implementation on the territory of the recreation zone (Leonenko, 2019, p.49).

Great opportunities for innovation are provided by the direct activity of state authorities regarding the impact on objects in the field of tourism. Depending on the nature and properties of the object, they can be used in different forms and at the same time different methods of regulation can be used. Creation of a special legal regime of economic activity in certain territories can be included in innovations; investment of significant state funds in the development of the infrastructure of the territories, which stimulate the attraction of private investments in the construction of tourist industry facilities; state order placed on a competitive basis; various tax benefits, up to the cancellation of land and property tax for several years; reduction of the rental rate for socially significant objects of the tourism industry and other innovations developed and applied in the practice of state regulation, which created a positive economic or social effect. The second direction of development and implementation of innovations in the state regulation of tourism is the promotion of the tourist product and the destination brand on the international and domestic tourist markets. Innovations in the promotion of a tourist product should increase the impact on potential tourists, provide better results, which are manifested in an increase in the flow of tourists. In a narrower sense, we are talking about the introduction of innovations in marketing, which, having absorbed new methods and means of solving marketing tasks, turns into innovative marketing as a special type of innovative activity. The third direction of development and implementation of innovations in the state regulation of the tourism sphere is expedient to consider the development of new and quality improvement of tourist products already sold on the market. Innovations in the development of tourist products should primarily ensure an increase in market share and profit by attracting new tourists and increasing their spending in the destination. The developed tourist products should be differentiated according to the interests of different groups of tourists, possess elements of unusualness and exclusivity.

Service innovations are important, which include all changes that have been applied for the first time in a tourist enterprise and bring it specific economic and/or social efficiency. These can be, for example, new solutions in the consumer interface, new methods of distribution of the tourist product, new application of technologies in the service process, new forms of working with partners or new ways of organizing and managing services. Innovative services are determined by technological interaction, built on the improvement of existing characteristics of services, improvement of the process of their provision, or a combination of existing technologies (Amet-Ustaeva, 2014, p.104).

Taking into account the level of development of enterprises, among which the majority are micro- or small tourism enterprises, the following types of innovations can be distinguished: innovative programs and projects; new knowledge and intellectual products; production equipment and processes; infrastructure of production and entrepreneurship in tourism; mechanisms of formation of the tourist market and sales of tourism products; organizational and technical solutions of a production, administrative, commercial or other nature that significantly improve the structure and quality of production, service and (or) the social sphere; raw resources, means of their extraction and processing (for production enterprises in the tourism sector: accommodation facilities, restaurant and resort business, etc.; tourist product at the level of: national, regional, tourist destination, tourist enterprise. The development of innovative IT projects in the field of tourism is in the presence of three components: tourism business, innovative technologies and information systems and management technologies (Ilyenko & Shershnyova, 2013, p. 251). The latter play a decisive role in the innovative development of enterprises in the tourism industry. They significantly simplify the procedure of forming a tourist product using computers computer networks, international reservation systems, electronic databases on regulatory legal acts in tourism, automated mutual settlement systems, etc.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Innovation is one of the most important factors in the development of modern enterprises, and the field of hospitality is no exception. Innovative activity makes it possible not only to satisfy the needs of consumers at the expense of radically new goods or services, but also to stimulate economic growth and is a catalyst for scientific and technological progress. Innovations can be introduced in any branch of the national economy and in any form: product, service, method, technology or process. The study of the essence of innovations in the field of tourism and recreation allows us to conclude that innovative activity in this sector is aimed at creating new products or changing existing products, improving transport, hospitality and other services, developing new markets, introducing advanced information and communication technologies, modern forms of activity and management. Introducing innovations into the production process of tourist enterprises is a very important step. Because, thanks to innovations, it is possible to achieve a fairly high level of organizational development and take the most competitive position. Because there is a large number of innovations, and you need to be smart about the choice of innovative development.


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