Employee handbook: the essence and significance for the formation of a personnel adaptation system in enterprises
Formation of a personnel adaptation system in the context of business conditions. The essence and significance of the employee handbook in the personnel management system. Tools for the development of the personnel potential of the organization.
Рубрика | Менеджмент и трудовые отношения |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 970,7 K |
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Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Employee handbook: the essence and significance for the formation of a personnel adaptation system in enterprises
Lemeshchuk Ruslan, Postgraduate Student
It is investigated that the formation of a system of adaptation of personnel at enterprises is very important in the context of modern conditions of management and business. Much attention today is paid to the modernization of personnel decisions and the system of personnel adaptation in the management of professional activities, but the problem of improving this process is not well understood. It is substantiated that adaptation is part of the personnel management system. The main goal of adaptation is the most complete, quick and effective acquaintance of a new employee with the enterprise and its functional duties. It is proved that this is not only a mechanism of interaction of personnel with the organizational environment, but also a method of developing the potential of human resources. An additional incentive to revise the system of adaptation and communication approaches was the "new format" of remote and hybrid work with the transfer of tasks to outsourcing, which covered the entire economic world. It is substantiated that the improvement of the system of personnel adaptation at enterprises is an urgent issue due to the dynamics of society and human resources. It has been studied that adaptation of personnel is a process of familiarization of employees with the conditions and rules of work in the organization, as well as assistance in integrating the employee into the team. It is necessary for both specialists who have just come to work in the company, and employees who have undergone advanced training. The importance of the formation of a new system of personnel adaptation as a tool for developing the potential of the personnel potential of the organization, which determines the relevance and applied significance of the study, has been substantiated. It is proved that the issue of formation of the personnel adaptation system at enterprises is relevant due to technological, innovative, financial and managerial changes. In modern management conditions, it is obvious that the success of any enterprise is its staff. It is substantiated that the quality of personnel of any enterprise is formed at the expense of knowledge, skills and professional level possessed by the employee. Also, an important factor of full, effective, competitive and well-established work of the enterprise is the system of adaptation of each employee to the relevant conditions and requirements of labour.
Key words: employee handbook, personnel management, management system, personnel adaptation, personnel motivation, performance.
Довідник співробітника: суть та значення для формування системи адаптації персоналу на підприємствах
Лемещук Р.В., Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини
Досліджено, що формування системи адаптації персоналу на підприємствах є дуже важливим у контексті сучасних умов управління та ведення бізнесу. Велика увага сьогодні приділяється модернізації кадрових рішень і системі адаптації персоналу в управлінні професійною діяльністю, але проблема вдосконалення цього процесу недостатньо зрозуміла. Обґрунтовано, що адаптація є частиною системи управління персоналом. Основна мета адаптації - найбільш повне, швидке та ефективне ознайомлення нового співробітника з підприємством та його функціональними обов'язками. Доведено, що це не тільки механізм взаємодії персоналу з організаційним середовищем, але і метод розвитку потенціалу людських ресурсів. Додатковим стимулом для перегляду системи адаптаційно-комунікаційних підходів стала «нова форматність» дистанційної та гібридної роботи з перенесенням завдань на аутсорсинг, яка охопила весь економічний світ. Обґрунтовано, що удосконалення системи адаптації персоналу на підприємствах є актуальним питанням завдяки динаміці суспільства і людських ресурсів. Досліджено, що адаптація персоналу - це процес ознайомлення співробітників з умовами і правилами роботи в організації, а також допомога в інтеграції співробітника в колектив. Вона необхідна як фахівцям, які тільки прийшли працювати в компанію, так і співробітникам, які пройшли підвищення кваліфікації. Обґрунтовано важливість формування новітньої системи адаптації персоналу, як інструменту розвитку потенціалу кадрового потенціалу організації, що визначає актуальність та прикладну значимість дослідження. Доведено, що питання формування системи адаптації персоналу на підприємствах є актуальним через технологічні, інноваційні, фінансові та управлінські зміни. У сучасних умовах управління очевидно, що успіх будь-якого підприємства - це його персонал. Обґрунтовано, що якість персоналу будь-якого підприємства формується за рахунок знань, умінь і професійного рівня, якими володіє працівник. Також важливим фактором повноцінної, ефективної, конкурентоспроможної і налагодженої роботи підприємства є система адаптації кожного працівника до відповідних умов і вимог праці.
Ключові слова: довідник співробітника, управління персоналом, система управління, адаптація персоналу, мотивація персоналу, працездатність.
Formulation of the problem. The formation of a system of adaptation of personnel in enterprises is very important in the context of modern conditions of management and business. Much attention is paid today to the modernization of personnel decisions and the system of personnel adaptation in the management of professional activities, but the problem of improving this process is not well understood.
Adaptation is part of the personnel management system. The main goal of adaptation is the most complete, fast and effective adaptation of a new employee to the organization and his functional duties. This is not only a mechanism of interaction between the employee and the organizational environment, but also a method of developing the potential of human resources. An additional incentive to revise the system of adaptation and communication approaches was the "new normality" of remote and hybrid work with the transfer of tasks to outsourcing, which swept the world. Thus, the improvement of the system of adaptation of personnel in enterprises is an urgent issue due to the dynamics of society and human resources.
Staff adaptation is the process of familiarizing employees with the conditions and rules of work in the organization, as well as assistance in integrating the employee into the team. It is necessary both for specialists who have just come to work in the company, and for employees who have been promoted. When appointing a new position, the employee needs to get used to the new environment and requirements, so adaptation is an important process that cannot be allowed to fend for itself.
The article presents the results of the study on the formation of the latest system of personnel adaptation, as a tool for developing the potential of the organization's human resources, which determines the relevance and applied significance of the study.
Setting objectives. The article is aimed at scientific substantiation of the necessity of formation of the personnel adaptation system at enterprises, identification of key factors and innovative solutions.
Analysis of the latest research and publications. The issue of personnel management structure is one of the debatable. This problem was reflected in the works of such scientists as V. Geets, A. Galchinsky, V. Bazilevich, G. Pocheptsova, S. Ryumin, S. Samygin and others.
The question of the formation of a system of adaptation of personnel at enterprises in their works was paid attention to both domestic and foreign scientists, such as: Budyakova O. Yu., Denisenko N.P., Tkachenko A.M., Pogromskaya I.V., Hitfield S. and others.
The scientific works thoroughly disclose the issue of adaptation of workers in enterprises and its impact on the efficiency of staff. This problem was investigated by the following scientists: G. V.Angelova, I. A. Volkova, V.M. Danyuk, A.V. Kislova, A.V. Lobenko, Lyashok N.Yu., M.P. Lukashevich, Yu. V. Miroshnichenko, Melnik A., B.S. Onopryychuk, N. V. Petren- chuk, O. V. Kharchishina. In their works, they considered the essence of adaptation processes and ways to improve them. According to domestic authors, the main problem of modern personnel management is that the leaders of organizations do not pay enough attention to the introduction and improvement of the process of adaptation of new employees.
Presentation of the main research material
The issue of forming a system of personnel adaptation in enterprises is constantly relevant due to technological, innovative, financial and managerial changes. In modern conditions of management, it is obvious that the success of any enterprise is its staff. The quality of the personnel of any enterprise is formed by the knowledge, skills and professional level possessed by the employee. Also, an important factor of full, effective, competitive and well-established work of the enterprise is the system of adaptation of each employee to the relevant conditions and requirements of labour. This adaptation process requires the HR manager to understand the concept of adaptation, the ability to form flexible skills for the staff to perceive changes and ensure the effectiveness of using various adaptation tools. That is, integral elements of adaptation are knowledge, experience, competencies, awareness, etc. At the same time, these elements become the main subject of effective management in the company.
The process of adapting employees to working conditions in a new place is a necessary link in personnel management. Indeed, becoming an employee of a certain enterprise, the employee is faced with the need to accept organizational requirements: the mode of work and rest, position, job descriptions, orders, orders of the administration, etc. He also accepts the totality of the socio-economic conditions that are provided to him by the enterprise. It is worth noting that the importance of introducing a system of adaptation of workers in Ukraine is not taken seriously enough by managers and therefore this topic is quite relevant in our time.
Adaptation of personnel is a set of measures aimed at the successful entry of a new employee into the labour collective and its organic inclusion in the system of industrial relations. This process is twosided: on the one hand, the employee must adapt to new working conditions, requirements, rules and regulations, on the other - the organization must create conditions for its successful entry into the labour collective.
As of today, there is a large selection of systems, methods and tools for personnel adaptation, which provide additional opportunities for the development of personnel management and the enterprise as a whole and create conditions for the formation of competitive and effective labour potential. The introduction of modern tools for staff adaptation at enterprises provides:
- prevention of mistakes that new employees may make;
- minimization of the company's costs for the adaptation of employees at the new workplace;
- reducing staff turnover;
- formation of loyalty and improvement of personnel quality;
- forming the image of the enterprise and building good relations in the team.
Domestic researchers in the field of personnel management interpret the concept of personnel adaptation at the enterprise as a process consisting of the following stages [8; 9]:
- analysis of the level of qualification and preparation of the employee for a new job. At this stage, the employee's skills and knowledge in this area are monitored, an approximate period of adaptation is assumed;
- familiarization with the work of the enterprise, with duties and working conditions. This stage helps to pass personnel managers;
- practical adaptation in a new place. At this stage, the employee has the opportunity to demonstrate his competence, effectiveness and efficiency;
- functioning. This is the final stage of adaptation of the new employee. It is characterized by the gradual overcoming of psychological discomfort in the new team, production problems, the transition to stable effective performance of duties.
In modern conditions in Europe and the United States are actively implementing such a system of personnel adaptation at enterprises as a handbook. This method is especially relevant in international companies that attract individual employees or organizations to work on certain projects. In the management of personnel of Ukrainian enterprises only comes the understanding that communication with colleagues should be built confidently, openly and benevolently.
Handbook is a comprehensive guide that outlines the policies, procedures and expectations of the company's employees. This is an important tool that helps new employees to adapt faster to the new environment, and acting - to better understand the rules and norms of behaviour in the organization. That is, it is an official document containing information about the enterprise (goals, values, corporate culture, procedures, benefits, job descriptions, compensation packages, disciplinary procedures and any other information). Handbook can be aimed at both new and existing employees. This method of forming a system of adaptation of personnel helps to ensure the unity of views on the policy of the enterprise and contributes to the formation of a positive culture in the workplace. Preparing an effective and well-organized handbook requires, above all, careful planning and attention to detail.
The main functions of the Handbook are: (Figure 1).
To maintain the proper level of competitiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to ensure the conditions for its economic and financial growth, and sometimes the preservation of personnel potential. After all, it is the staff that ensures the effective use of the enterprise's capacities and its efficiency.
Handbook, as a modern system of personnel adaptation in enterprises, has different types and is oriented to each group of personnel separately:
- Handbook on a specific task/topic. This adaptation is aimed at a specific task, or is devoted to a separate topic: corporate ethics, rules of conduct, enterprise culture, safety rules, algorithm for performing certain tasks, etc.;
- Handbook for new employees of the enterprise. This type of communication is aimed at familiarizing the new employee with the necessary information on the work of the enterprise.
Figure 1. Basic functions of Handbook in enterprises
Source: formed by the author on the basis of [4; 7]
employee handbook personnel adaptation
- Handbook for employees of the enterprise. This type of adaptation contains information about the rules and norms of behaviour, career opportunities and other issues that may be of interest to current employees.
Efficient and quick adaptation of employees allows achieving several goals (Figure 2).
Also, the introduction of an effective system of personnel adaptation at enterprises usually depends on a number of factors, namely:
- information content: the Handbook should clearly and concisely cover all the necessary information on the work of the enterprise, job descriptions and duties of personnel;
- holistic structural structure: Handbook should be logically and consistently structured, for easy and quick perception of information by staff;
- modern design and design: Handbook should be attractively aesthetic, bright and interesting to read;
- openness and accessibility: Handbook should be open, accessible to staff on an ongoing basis. If this adaptation system is used in an international company, then the Handbook must be in several languages for ease of use.
The formation of an effective and modern system of personnel adaptation at enterprises ensures an increase in the probability of securing an employee in a new/updated workplace. This becomes possible due to the impact on his motivation and the formation of a desire to work in the company.
The overall goal of an effective staff adaptation system is to ensure a balance between the implementation and use of adaptation systems and methods to improve the staff adaptation process and ensure its quality and effectiveness. In addition, it should be noted that the active introduction of digitalized technologies provides an opportunity not only to increase the efficiency of the adaptation process, but also to significantly simplify the adaptation process, which encourages the progressive, innovative development of the enterprise.
Modern information technologies that are actively implemented in enterprises provide promising opportunities for professional development, training and human resources management during the period of employee adaptation. Also, the main aspect of using digital tools is to reduce material and time costs, ensure confidentiality, reduce the participation of managers/responsible persons in the adaptation process.
Digitalization of the adaptation process allows you to organize it faster, more efficiently and more flexibly. Thus, many international companies are already actively introducing the electronic Handbook - a digital version of the traditional paper directory containing basic information about the enterprise. Creating an employee's electronic directory has a number of advantages (Figure 3).
The formation of a personnel adaptation system using the Handbook provides a process of quick and effective inclusion of the employee in the organizational environment of the enterprise. The process of managing the adaptation system depends on the understanding of managers and HR managers of the complexity and importance of this process.
Conclusions from the conducted research
So, we can conclude that the formation of a system of adaptation of workers in enterprises is an important element of the process of enterprise management. This is what makes it possible to effectively manage human resources, be a competitive enterprise in the market and achieve your goals. Thus, the effectiveness and success of adaptation depends on the characteristics of the environment in the enterprise and the employee himself. The more difficult the conditions, the harder the adaptation process. The introduction of such a modern method of adaptation of personnel as Handbook will provide a number of advantages and accelerate the adaptation process itself.
Figure 3. Advantages of implementing and using an electronic Handbook in the enterprise
Source: formed by the author on the basis of [6; 8]
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Бібліографічний список
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4. Бессонова А.В., Чернатна Т.М. Аналіз методів розвитку кадрового потенціалу підприємств. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки. 2021. Вип. 6 (39). С. 97-105.
5. Laakso-Manninen R., Viitala. R. Competence management and human resourse development. Haaga- Helia University of Applied Sciences. 2007. 121 p.
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8. Тімінський О.Г. Технології адаптивного управління як механізм забезпечення ефективності організаційно-управлінських систем. URL: http://repositary.knuba.edu.ua/bitstream/handle/98765 4321/4977/21.pdf (дата звернення: 15.02.2024)
9. Наливайко Т.Л. Ідентифікація понятійно- категоріального апарату адаптивного управління. Економіка та держава. 2019. № 8. С. 95-102.
10. Smachylo V.V., Nalyvaiko T.L. Adaptive control of the personnel of the enterprises: the theoretical aspect. Theoretical and applied aspects of sustainable development. Monograph 33. Edited by Tetyana Nestorenko and Aleksander Ostenda. Publishing House of Katowice School of Technology, 2020. Р 58-65.
11. Смачило В.В., Наливайко Т.Л., Різник П.А. Адаптація персоналу підприємницьких структур: сутність та складові: Збірник наукових праць Національного університету кораблебудування імені адмірала Макарова. 2019. № 1. С. 221-228.
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