Optimization of business organizational communications between the university and governmental and administration bodies in the context of the RBM methodology

Advantages of the results based management methodology. The directions of organizational communications between the university and local authorities and management in the context of information age. The ways of using the tools of the RBM to optimize them.

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Дата добавления 12.05.2024
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N. Khymytsia,


The relevance of the article. In the modern information era, strategic communications management has become one of the conditions for competitiveness and effective development of any organization. Thanks to improved communication processes, social institutions make a significant leap in the direction of improving management, interaction with various audiences and interested parties in solving strategic tasks. There is also an increase in the intensity of organizational communications, which are now necessary for the effective operation of commercial and government structures. Organizational communications help enterprises and organizations interact more effectively with the environment by exchanging information. Representatives of various fields of activity become participants in organizational communications, and they include various forms of business communication. The relevance of this problem is determined by the fact that modern organizational communications are already an independent management function, the effective implementation of which is possible only under the condition of a professional approach. The effectiveness of organizational communications is a guarantee of success for all organizations and institutions, especially for those with a wide branched branch structure.

The purpose of the article -- to analyze the main aspects and advantages of the RESULTS BASED MANAGEMENT (RBM) methodology, to consider the current directions of organizational communications between the educational institution and local authorities and management in the context of the modern information age, to outline the ways of using the tools of the RBM methodology to optimize organizational communications between the university and authorities.

The methodology. Analytical method, methods of description, comparison and generalization were applied in the research process.

The results. The essence and basic principles of the RBM methodology are described. The specifics, forms, ways and methods of communication in the context of the RBM methodology are outlined. The issue of active participants in external communications was considered. An algorithm for building a detailed scheme of external communications is provided, and a kind of map of all authorities and management bodies interested in communication is created. A table with a list of communication formats (information interaction) has been developed for each local authority and management. The expediency of choosing a communication format is specified.

The scientific novelty. In this study, for the first time, an algorithm for optimizing external communications between the university and local authorities and management in the context of the RBM methodology is proposed.

The practical significance. Research materials and conclusions can be used for the development of information and communication strategies of universities and the optimization of communication policies in the work of public authorities and management.

Conclusions. The practical application of the methodology of results-based management (Results-Based Management) is extremely relevant in the cooperation of university institutions with authorities and local administration, since it is precisely such interactions that currently require development, planning, implementation and monitoring.

Communications, information campaigns, interaction and cooperation with institutions and stakeholders play a key role in this methodology.

Keywords: communication, social communications, communication technologies, business communications, organizational communications, RBM methodology, university, state authorities, management bodies, web communities, social networks.

Оптимізація ділових організаційних комунікацій між університетом і органами влади та управління в контексті методології RBM

Н. Химиця, О. Морушко

Стаття присвячена актуальній проблемі оптимізації ділових організаційних комунікацій між університетом та місцевою владою. Розглянуто актуальність і важливість організаційних комунікацій у контексті сучасної інформаційної доби. Описано основні аспекти та переваги методології RBM. Розроблено методологію оптимізації бізнес-організаційних комунікацій між університетом та органами влади й управління в контексті методології RBM.

Ключові слова: соціальні комунікації, комунікаційні технології, ділові комунікації, організаційні комунікації, методологія RBM, університет, органи державної влади, органи управління, вебспільноти, соціальні мережі.


The dynamic component of the organizational structure of the management system is organizational communications, the quality of which determines the efficiency of communication and information processes, the communication climate, which, as a result, will affect the efficiency of the company as a whole. Timely analysis of organizational communications allows identifying the most (least) information-intensive units and determine the nature of interaction that led to the established level of intensity; assess the degree of adequacy of information exchange between units within and outside their block; evaluate the effectiveness of feedback between elements of the management structure; determine the effectiveness of communication and information processes, etc. All this determines the relevance of optimizing business organizational communications by the state apparatus of Ukraine and such a key institution as a university.

Related works

Many foreign and domestic researchers study the issue of the communication system. The problems of development and management of communications are addressed in the works of such scholars as D. Bell (Bell, 1973), E. Toffler (Toffler, 1980), G. Lasswell (Lasswell, 1946), V. Orel (Orel, Kralia, 2016), O. Shubin (Shubin, 2010), T. Momot and Kadnychanskyi (Momot, Kadnychanskyi, 2007), А. Bodnar (Bodnar, 2011), V. Bebyk (Bebyk, 2005), O. Drahan (Drahan, 2006), Yu. O. Terletska (Terletska, 2014) etc. The management of the communication process in an organization is a model through which connections between its internal environment and the external environment take place.

A number of researchers propose to use methods for assessing the effectiveness of communications based on questionnaires of employees, managers of different levels, and different parts of production and management. One of the approaches to determining the quality of organizational communications is based on expert assessments ofvarious indicators. Thus, Momot T. and Kadnychanskyi M. (Momot, Kadnychanskyi, 2007) define the quality of organizational communication management as an investment criterion, as the degree of satisfaction of the investor and other stakeholders in corporate relations with the results of the enterprise's activities based on the construction of an aggregate rating of corporate governance quality, taking into account the independent opinion of experts.

Despite the significant contribution of scientists to the consideration ofvarious aspects of improving communications, in our opinion, the area of optimizing communications between the authorities and the university remains insufficiently covered. An urgent task is to optimize business organizational communications at the local and regional levels, taking into account the accumulated international experience.

The purpose of our study is to examine the directions of organizational communications between an educational institution and local authorities in the context of the modern information age. To analyze the main aspects and advantages of the RBM methodology. To outline the ways of applying the tools of the RBM methodology to optimize organizational communications between the university and the authorities.

The main aspects and advantages of the RBM methodology. RESULTS BASED MANAGEMENT (RBM) is a globally recognized approach to public administration. It is a comprehensive approach that aims to achieve specific, relevant and measurable results. Communications, information campaigns, interaction and cooperation with institutions and stakeholders play a key role in this methodology.

The purpose of the RBM methodology is to improve project management and program life cycles: from initiation (project analysis, planning, and design) to implementation (monitoring, adjusting, and reporting based on results) and completion (final evaluation, as well as integrating lessons learned into future programs) (Result-oriented management RESULTS-BASED MANAGEMENT (RBM), 2021).

In Ukraine, the RBM methodology began to be actively implemented in 2014 at the initiative of the Government of Canada, which recognized building the capacity of Ukrainian civil servants to conduct strategic planning as one of the priorities of cooperation with Ukraine.

RBM is based on the following principles: result-oriented principle, participatory principle, clear hierarchy of results at different levels, causal link between what we want to achieve and how to achieve it, focus on achieving change, human-centered, specific, valid, coherent, time-bound and measurable. RBM also operates with a large package of tools that allow to carry out the necessary analytical, planning and communication activities for stakeholders in a clear and simple way.

In the context of the RBM methodology, the function of communication is to identify the need for change, build trust, share knowledge and skills, build policy, discuss and learn for sustainable/resilient and meaningful change. Optimization and improvement of communications for organizations and institutions ensures the effectiveness of informing the target audience about the results of their work. In accordance with the basic provisions of the RBM methodology:

- Communication is an integral element of the workflow;

- If you don't tell, you don't do it;

- Who to tell -- managers, colleagues, partners, stakeholders, journalists, experts and various groups of society;

- Information interaction is a two-way process -- communication improves the quality of work results and products that society receives as a result of the institution's activities;

- Storytelling -- to get feedback, to find out how different groups understand the content and results of your work, to test your ideas and assumptions about the necessary initiatives and means of their implementation.

In the context of the RBM methodology, forms, ways and methods of communication are:

- Communication messages -- based on documents and statements of state and institutional leaders, not an abstract set of creative improvisations;

- Effective communication is a timely response to the requests of the media and society (target audiences) -- not bureaucratic and regulated “according to the requirements of the law”;

- Communication is not manipulation, but information interaction;

- Integration of the requirements and recommendations of the Euro-Atlantic Integration Communication Strategy into the communication activities of government agencies.

According to the RBM methodology, the following participants are involved in optimizing external organizational communications

- representatives of partner organizations (government agencies that are partners in the implementation of the communication strategy)

- Subject-matter experts -- for example, representatives of research centers and industry associations,

- representatives of the media -- socio-political or specialized industry media,

- the audience of the page/group in new media (social networks, messengers) of the organizations concerned

- one of the social groups in a particular city, to solve the problems of which communication activities are aimed,

- a territorial community whose residents should feel positive changes as a result of the implementation of communication activities.

Determining the list of local executive authorities and local self-government bodies that are active subjects of the institution's communication. In order to optimize external communications, we believe it is important to develop a detailed scheme of them, i.e. to create a kind of map of all government and management bodies interested in communication.

We take into account that the structure of the state apparatus of Ukraine includes:

- local executive authorities (regional, district, local state administrations, state-owned enterprises, institutions);

- local self-government bodies (village, town, city councils; executive bodies of village, town, city councils; district and regional councils; bodies of selforganization of the population);

- control and supervisory bodies (local prosecutor's offices; tax administrations, sanitary, control and audit and other state inspections).

In Ukraine, local executive authorities are:

1) local state administrations -- local executive authorities of general competence.

2) territorial bodies of ministries and other central executive authorities -- local executive authorities of special competence.

Regional state administration (RSA) is a local state administration, a local body of state executive power that is part of the system of executive authorities of Ukraine. Within the scope of its powers, the RSA exercises executive power on the territory of the respective administrative-territorial unit -- the oblast, and also exercises the powers delegated to it by the respective oblast council.

RSAs interact with village, town and city councils, their executive bodies and village, town and city mayors, assist them in exercising their own local selfgovernment powers, in particular in addressing issues of economic, social and cultural development of the territories, strengthening the material and financial base of local self-government, monitor the implementation of executive powers granted to them by law, consider and take into account in their activities proposals of deputies, local self-government bodies and their subordinates.

The system of local self-government in Ukraine includes:

- territorial community;

- village, town, city council;

- village, town, city mayor;

- starosta;

- executive bodies of the village, town or city council;

- district and regional councils representing the common interests of territorial communities of villages, towns, and cities;

- bodies of self-organization of the population.

Village, town, and city councils are local self-government bodies that represent the respective territorial communities and exercise on their behalf and in their interests the functions and powers of local self-government as defined by the Constitution of Ukraine and laws.

Let's take into account the structure of the state apparatus of Ukraine described above to create a consistent scheme of external communications between the university and local authorities.

Let's take Ivan Franko Lviv National University as an example. This is a classic higher education institution. Its main goal is to ensure high educational and scientific standards, cultural and social needs of the individual, society and the state in the process of training highly qualified specialists. The university's activities are based on the principles of preserving Ukrainian culture and traditions, developing national consciousness and identity (Fig. 1).

On the website https://www.kmu.gov.ua/, we determine the list of central government and administration bodies by searching in the following sequence: “Government and agencies”, “Executive authorities” (Fig. 2).

Select the relevant Ministry and its subordinate body and enter the information in the appropriate block of the diagram. In accordance with the specifics of the university's activities, we selected the Ministry of Education and Science and its subordinate bodies -- the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine, the National Commission for State Language Standards (Fig. 3) and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Determine the list of local governments that communicate with the university and enter the information in the appropriate block of the diagram.

Fig. 1. Official website of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Fig. 2. Government portal

Figure 3. Ministry in charge and subordinate bodies

On the official website of the Lviv City Council (https://city-adm.lviv.ua/), we find information about the type of activity, structure, departments, and offices (Fig. 4).

The following departments will be relevant for external communications of the university:

The Development Department, which ensures the implementation of the policy of the executive bodies of the City Council on the organization of activities related to the preparation and implementation of tourist events, the introduction of modern information technologies in the Lviv City Council and its subordinate enterprises and institutions;

The Department of Financial Policy is an executive body of the Lviv City Council that exercises organizational and functional powers in the financial sphere in order to ensure balanced economic and social development of the Lviv territorial community and efficient use of its financial resources.

We add to the scheme the Lviv Regional State Administration, which, within its powers, exercises executive power in the territory of Lviv region and also exercises the powers delegated to it by the council (Fig. 5).

The LRMA has the following list of structural units (Fig. 6).

Let's select the relevant departments:

Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions -- the main tasks are: ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of public life; promoting the revival and development of the traditions and culture of the Ukrainian nation, ethnic, cultural and linguistic identity of national minorities;

Department of Education and Science -- the main tasks of the Department are to implement state policy in the fields of education and science.

Department of Digital Development -- the main tasks are informatization, digital transformation, digital development, digital economy, digital innovations, e-governance and e-democracy, development of information society, development of telecommunication technologies and communications, including participation in the development and implementation of regional programs and activities related to the introduction of modern telecommunication technologies and organization of interaction of the regional state administration with enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Figure 4. Structure of Lviv City Council

Figure 5. Official website of the Lviv Regional Military Administration

Figure 6. Galician district administration

Also, for the communication scheme, we add the Galician District Administration, since the university is located in this district of the city (Fig. 6). Main tasks of the Galician district administration:

- observance of the Constitution ofUkraine and laws ofUkraine, implementation of acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, resolutions of the city council, decisions of the executive committee, orders of the Lviv mayor and other regulatory documents;

- Implementation of programs of socio-economic and cultural development, protection of the historical environment and the environment on the territory of the district;

- preparation of proposals for expenditures necessary to manage the socioeconomic and cultural development of the district;

- controlling the activities of subordinate enterprises, institutions and organizations, reviewing draft plans, making comments and suggestions to them, monitoring the implementation of plans, performance, level and quality of services provided, use of profits in accordance with the established procedure, hearing reports of managers;

- performing the functions of a guardianship and trusteeship authority in the district.

Follow the link: https://www.dlab.com.ua/filialy/2765 and get acquainted with the branches of the Halych District Administration.

The Halychyna District Administration has the following departments: Housing, Utilities, Children's Affairs, General Organizational Department, Administrative Services Center, and Legal Department. Among them, the General Organizational Department was chosen to plan and conduct external communications on behalf of the university. The subjects of external communications of the university will also be control and supervisory bodies (local prosecutor's offices; tax administrations, sanitary, control and audit and other state inspections), as they belong to the state apparatus of Ukraine. In the context of the university's activities, planned and systematic communication with the Pension Fund will be relevant, so we include this state body in the list.

The State Tax Service was chosen as a controlling and supervisory body, which includes: tax administrations, sanitary, control and audit and other state inspections (https://tax.gov.ua/pro-sts-ukraini/kerivnitstvo/).

The State Tax Service has a number of subordinate units, including: The Department for Prevention and Detection of Corruption and the Department of Information Technology.

We use the following resources to search for CSOs:

1. Infomisto website. URL: https://infomisto.com/uk/lviv/catalog/gromadski- organizacii/ (Fig. 7.) ;

2. Website “Lviv Social”. URL: https://social.lviv.ua/ngo/perelik-gromadskykh- organizaciy/;

3. Public organizations of Ukraine. URL: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki

We also determine the list of public organizations that can communicate with the university and enter the information in the appropriate block of the diagram.

Fig. 7. Website “Infomisto”

The following public organizations will be relevant for the university to establish cooperation:

The Small Academy of Literature and Journalism is a non-governmental organization whose main goal is to support the creative work of young writers and journalists;

The Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian Society “Prosvita” is a Ukrainian public organization of cultural and educational orientation. It operates both in Ukraine (historical and modern) and in the centers of the Ukrainian diaspora;

Osvitoria is a non-profit public union that develops education in Ukraine;

The Public Institute of Historical Memory is a project implemented jointly by the Institute of the President Viktor Yushchenko “Strategic Initiatives”, the project is an alternative to the state Institute of National Memory;

Kobzar is an organization created to “unite citizens to satisfy and protect social, economic, creative, age, national and cultural interests”.

Based on the information found, we form a detailed scheme of external communications and generate a kind of map of local authorities and governments to plan communication formats (Fig. 8).

Optimization of the formats of external communications between the university and government and administration. We take into account all the subjects interested in external communication and determine the appropriate forms of communication (information interaction) for each of the target audience groups.

Fig. 8. The main directions of external communications between the university and government and administration

The list of communication formats (information interaction) is presented in Table 1.

The list of communication formats

Table 1

Subject of communication / target audience

Communication format

Explanation of format selection

The Ministry of Education and

Science of Ukraine and its subordinate bodies:

State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine

National Commission on State Language Standards

- holding briefings, press conferences, and round tables;

- cooperation with the press service of the institution involved in solving the actual tasks of the university to cover information on their official websites;

- regular publication of reports on successes and problems in the implementation of the tasks;

- pages, groups and channels in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, etc.);

- high requirements to the quality of information, sources of its further dissemination and communication to the target audience dictate a certain high level of such measures.

State Tax Service

of Ukraine and its inspections

Department of Information Technology Department for Prevention and Detection of Corruption

- a separate section on the website;

- a separate information portal to cover business events;

- the specificity of obtaining information for experts is to obtain information directly from official sources and the ability of experts to use and find such sources;

Lviv Regional State Administration

- holding briefings, press conferences, and round tables;

- cooperation with the press service of the institution involved in solving the actual tasks of the university to cover information on their official websites;

- regular publication of reports on successes and problems in the implementation of the tasks;

- pages, groups and channels in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, etc.);

- high requirements to the quality of information, sources of its further dissemination and communication to the target audience dictate a certain high level of such measures.

Lviv City Council

- communicating information directly through the Council, relevant departments -- at meetings, Council sessions, etc;

- local radio stations;

- the Council's official website and Facebook page.

- the specifics of communication and information delivery in the territorial community, the personal level of trust of each citizen in the community residents, and especially in the heads and councils of the territorial community.

Galician district administration

- Holding a roundtable discussion with representatives of the district administration;

- creating an online platform to ensure interaction between representatives of the state, business and academia in order to coordinate efforts to increase the level of public involvement in discussing innovations in the work of universities;

- ensure effective

interaction between the government and the university to coordinate efforts.

Pension fund

- a separate section on the foundation's website;

- a separate information portal to cover the course of events;

- the specificity of obtaining information for experts is to obtain information directly from official sources and the ability of experts to use and find such sources.

Public organizations

- invitations and accreditation to events with the provision of a press release;

- briefings;

- press conferences, round tables, etc.

- a common way of exchanging information in social groups is mainly through communication between group members in relevant social media groups and at personal meetings and gatherings.

management organizational communication university


Today in Ukraine, innovative communications are actively functioning in various business areas, while at the same time, this issue is not yet being paid sufficient attention at the state level. The practical application of the Results-Based Management methodology is extremely relevant in the cooperation of university institutions with local authorities, because such interactions today require development, planning, implementation and monitoring. It is important that communications, information campaigns, interaction and cooperation with institutions and stakeholders play a key role in this methodology.

Список посилань

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11. Toffler, Alvin. (1980). The third wave. William morrow and company, inc. [In English].

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13. Lasswell, H.D. (1948). The structure and function of communication in society. The Communication of Ideas. [In English].

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