Cluster model of rural touristic organization in the European Union: theoretical and practical aspects

Formation of a cluster model of the organization of rural tourism. Diversification of tourism in the conditions of globalization and post-crisis development of the pandemic. Using the Agile method, an innovative component of smart technologies and ICT.

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Дата добавления 24.11.2023
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Cluster model of rural touristic organization in the European Union: theoretical and practical aspects

N. Venherska

A. Cherep

V. Voronkova

L. Bezkorovaina

O. Cherep, O. Boika


The purpose of the research is cluster model formation in the organization of rural touristic and the search for rural touristic diversification in the conditions of new globalization trends and post-crisis COVID-19 pandemic development.

The research is based on the analysis of the theoretical and practical cluster model foundations in the rural touristic organization of in the European Union, which is based on digital technologies, which serve as a powerful potential that changes tourism in its practical part. To form the concept of a cluster model of the organization of rural touristic in the European Union, we use a synergistic methodology that contributes to the analysis of achieving self-organizing process sustainability of a touristic organization. To improve cluster model attributes and concepts, the Agile method was used as a adaptive system method, which includes an innovative component of smart technologies based on the ICT use. Cluster model of rural touristic structuring is helped by innovative Data scientific technologies, data mining (data search), determined by the Big data law, caused by the doubling of information in the digital society. The comparativist method made it possible to compare various cluster model aspects in an rural touristic European Union organization and to consider its economic and socio-cultural dynamics in space-time coordinates, comparing with different EU regions.

The methodology also includes general philosophical methods - analysis and synthesis, generalization, modeling and forecasting, historical-logical and comparative analysis. Practical implications. A transformative sustainable development rural touristic organization vision the was formed, which includes a change plan and the trajectory of the digital development strategy with the aim of finding the imbalance between man and nature for the sustainable development of rural touristic. The model of the tourist destination of the rural region was formed and the analysis of the development of rural smart tourism, based on creative and intellectual resources, have been presented.

The result of the research led to the conclusion that casterization contributes to effective competitiveness due to increased productivity and diversification of creative rural touristic directions, introduction of smart innovations and development of new technologies, latest quality standards introduction and better access to the touristic market, which makes it possible to evaluate opportunities in a new touristic way.

The scientific novelty, the main value and originality of the research is that rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union is innovative, as it reveals digital rural touristic creativity indicators, which contribute to taking decisive steps to change the touristic concept. At the core of the cluster model of rural touristic organization is the formation of values based on the principles of balance, inclusiveness, man, nature, information and knowledge, which helps managers to rebuild the touristic organizational concept in order to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic consequences, involving powerful interactive platforms and large information data for achieving their goals.

Keywords: cluster model, diversification of rural touristic, branding model, rural touristic model.


Кластерна модель організації сільського туризму в європейському союзі: теоретичні та практичні аспекти

Н. Венгерська, к.е.н., доцент кафедри міжнародної економіки, природних ресурсів та економіки міжнародного туризму;

А. Череп, д.е.н., професор, декан факультету економіки, заслужений діяч науки і техніки України, академік Академії наук вищої освіти України;

В., Воронкова, д. філос. н., професор, академік Академії наук вищої освіти України, завідувач кафедри управління та адміністрування, Інженерний навчально-науковий інститут ім. Ю.М. Потебні;

Л. Безкоровайна, д.п.н., професор кафедри туризму та готельно-ресторанної справи;

О. Череп, д.е.н., професор кафедри управління персоналом і маркетингу;

О. Бойка, к.б.н., доцент кафедри генетики та рослинних ресурсів, Запорізький національний університет (Запоріжжя,Україна)

Метою дослідження є формування кластерної моделі в організації сільського туризму та пошук диверсифікації сільського туризму в умовах нових глобалізаційних тенденцій та посткризового розвитку пандемії COVID-19. Дослідження базується на аналізі теоретичних і практичних засад кластерної моделі в організації сільського туризму в Європейському Союзі, яка ґрунтується на цифрових технологіях, які є потужним потенціалом, що змінює туризм у його практичній частині. Для формування концепції кластерної моделі організації сільського туризму в Європейському Союзі ми використовуємо синергетичну методологію, яка сприяє аналізу досягнення стійкості процесу самоорганізації туристичної організації. Для вдосконалення атрибутів і концепцій кластерної моделі використано метод Agile як адаптивний метод, що включає інноваційну складову смарт-технологій на основі використання ІКТ. Кластерній моделі структурування сільського туризму сприяють інноваційні наукові технології даних, інтелектуальний аналіз даних (пошук даних), визначений законом про великі дані, спричинений подвоєнням інформації у цифровому суспільстві. Компаративістський метод дав змогу порівняти різні аспекти кластерної моделі у сільській туристичній організації Європейського Союзу та розглянути її економічну та соціокультурну динаміку у просторово-часових координатах, порівнюючи з різними регіонами ЄС.

Методологія включає також загально-філософські методи - аналіз і синтез, узагальнення, моделювання і прогнозування, історико-логічний і порівняльний аналіз.

Практичні наслідки. Було сформовано бачення трансформаційного сталого розвитку сільської туристичної організації, яке включає план змін і траєкторію стратегії цифрового розвитку з метою пошуку дисбалансу між людиною та природою для сталого розвитку сільського туризму. Сформовано модель туристичної дестинації сільського регіону та представлено аналіз розвитку сільського інтелектуального туризму на основі творчих та інтелектуальних ресурсів.

Результати дослідження дозволили зробити висновок, що кластеризація сприяє ефективній конкурентоспроможності за рахунок підвищення продуктивності та диверсифікації креативних сільських туристичних напрямків, впровадження інтелектуальних інновацій та розробки нових технологій, впровадження новітніх стандартів якості та кращого доступу до туристичного ринку, що дає змогу по-новому оцінити можливості.

Наукова новизна, головна цінність та оригінальність дослідження полягає у тому, що модель сільського туристичного організаційного кластеру в Європейському Союзі є інноваційною, оскільки виявляє цифрові індикатори сільської туристичної креативності, які сприяють рішучим крокам щодо зміни туристичної концепції. В основі кластерної моделі сільської туристичної організації лежить формування цінностей на основі принципів балансу, інклюзивності, людини, природи, інформації та знань, що допомагає менеджерам перебудувати туристичну організаційну концепцію з метою подолання COVID-19, наслідки пандемії, залучаючи потужні інтерактивні платформи та великі інформаційні дані для досягнення своїх цілей.

Ключові слова: кластерна модель, диверсифікація сільського туризму, модель брендингу, модель сільського туризму.


The relevance of the research topic on rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union is that this topic has not been sufficiently researched, especially after the crisis in the touristic industry during COVID-19, which necessarily requires the reformation of the concept of tourism from urban to rural, the development of social partnerships between them and rural touristic diversification. The formation of a rural touristic cluster is motivated by global trends in the healthy lifestyle development, a return to nature and preservation of the environment, the use of renewable energetic sources and biodiversity preservation, which makes the sphere of rural touristic organizational cluster model more attractive. Clustering leads to competitiveness due to increased rural touristic productivity and efficiency, implementation of smart innovations and development of new technologies, the latest quality standards and better access to the touristic market. Clusters contribute to the economic development of individual regions, as they are particularly important for increasing exports and business internationalization in order to develop the creative rural touristic potential. In connection with the touristic development and agriculture, a new agro-touristic cluster is emerging, which brings many advantages and opportunities that are much more difficult to realize separately. Rural agro-touristic cluster in the European Union is considered one of the most prioritized today, in the context of which clusters are used as a strategy for the rural touristic-oriented regional development as one of the main income sources.

Therefore, studying key rural touristic organizational cluster model problems in the European Union and its selective forms contributes to the development of such development models, based on the coordination of ecological and economic interests, which contribute to sustainable creative growth, as they will benefit local rural communities. Rural touristic organizational cluster model is based on the destination model of a specific region, which is accepted throughout the world as an appropriate survival strategy and a logical sequence of the development of the digital economy in the conditions of globalization, including natural, cultural, gastronomic and historical features (Voronkova, et al., 2020). In order to be a competitive cluster model for the organization of rural touristic in the “tourism value chain”, a branding model should be identified that can offer more competitive rural touristic destinations that will be popular among tourists, promote the development of additional tourism brands that include accommodation, transport, food, national cultural and natural traditions that will encourage tourists. One of the research subjects is European agricultural gardens as subjects of cluster tourism development, contributing to the development and improvement of rural touristic in the EU, which affects all spheres of the economy, people, culture and value dimensions (Nikytenko, et al., 2020a).

Among other achievements of rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union is the diversification of the economy with added value in production chains, including the development of rural smart tourism that complements the agricultural sector. “Smart tourism” and “smart destinations” are attracting attention as new frameworks in the context of which the impact of the latest information and communication technologies (ICT) on relations between enterprises, destinations, regions and tourists is taking place.

Another important step is the change it creates in the mentality of rural residents, evolving from a negative, passive acceptance of their situation to a more positive, proactive mindset aimed at achieving rural meta-development through rural touristic, even giving rise to the new term “smart tourist”. The scientific novelty of the study is that rural touristic organizational cluster model provides an understanding of how European tourism entities work in the era of the post-crisis development of the COVID-19 economy, the recovery of which took place due to the development of breakthrough digital technologies, robotics, data science and data mining. who actively broke into the tourism industry. Researchers call for solving the problems of the development of rural touristic and promoting the qualitative development of rural touristic, therefore a new term “high-quality development” of rural touristic appears. It refers to the behavioural diversification of development models, differentiation and development of different types of agricultural products, promotion, improvement of the quality of services, recreational opportunities, etc. To help measure the effectiveness of the rural touristic cluster model, the European Commission has developed the European Tourism Indicator System (ETIS). ETIS is a system of indicators suitable for all tourism destinations, encouraging a smarter approach to tourism planning. ETIS is a tool for managing the cluster model of rural touristic organization, a sustainable approach to managing its various types; an easy-to-use monitoring system for collecting data and detailed information. It represents an information tool useful for politicians, tourism enterprises and other interested parties to identify its effectiveness, and allows monitoring the effectiveness of the development of rural touristic from year to year.

Research objectives. The purpose of the research is to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union. Research objectives:

1) to show a transformative vision of sustainable rural touristic, preservation of biodiversity and the imbalance between man and nature for the sustainable development of rural touristic;

2) to reveal the essence and content of the agro-touristic cluster of rural touristic;

3) to form a model of a rural region tourist destination;

4) to form a model of tourism branding of the rural region;

5) give an analysis of the development of rural smart tourism. The object of the research is rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union, and the subject is the directions of improvement of rural touristic organizational cluster model due to the use of creative digital technologies in the conditions of new globalization trends and postcrisis development after the COVID-19 pandemic (Vengerska, et al., 2021a).

Theoretical background and literature review. To analyze rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union, we use the works of our own domestic works, which were developed in the context of the implementation of the tasks of the project “Diversification of rural touristic through sustainability and creativity: the spread of European experience in Ukraine”/“Diversification of rural touristic through sustainability and creativity: disseminating European experience in Ukraine” (DIRUT) 620720-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE with the support of the Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Program ofthe European Union, implemented at the Zaporizhia National University (2020-2023). We considered the trends of clustering of the tourism sphere of Ukraine and the ways out of the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic (Rybalchenko, et al., 2020). From the research literature, it has been established that social regulatory elements play an important role in promoting the sustainable development of rural touristic. Since 1994, the academic community has been trying to study rural touristic as a special type of activity in the field of sustainable tourism.

For example, the European Union has specifically proposed that the state provide political support to rural touristic in terms of funding, policy, education and training. EU countries advocate sustainable development of rural touristic through methods such as advocacy and education. Scientists believe that the development of rural touristic using the green standard can not only legalize the consumption of green landscapes by consumers, but also regulate sustainability to reduce the guilt of environmental damage while protecting businesses. Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed: there is a significant and positive relationship between social regulatory elements and their attitude to the sustainable development of rural touristic. It is believed that the search for relevant stakeholders should be considered from A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Being in the environment of the development of rural touristic, not only material needs are taken into account, but also spiritual, cultural, the realization of the needs for safety, belonging and love, the need for respect and self-actualization. This means that stakeholders may be interested in developing their own cluster model of rural touristic organization to achieve a “fair win”. Therefore, understanding the interests of stakeholders is the key to solving the problem. For the analysis, we use the works of the authors: Bezkorovaina L., Voronkova V., Wengerska N., Cherep A., Cherep O. These works are: Tourism infrastructure: sustainable development strategy (project management, corporate culture and business ethics of tourism and hospitality enterprises) (Vengerska, et al., 2021d);

Creative digital technologies as megatrends in the development of tourism business: the spread of European experience in Ukraine, 2020. In these works, a great role was given to the influence of digital technologies on the development of the tourism industry, in particular, rural touristic, which began to actively use analytical information, facilitate the search for data about its customers or clustering data using property data and Data science.

A major role was played by the work “Practical measures to combat the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic in the countries of the European Union” (Voronkova, et al., 2022d). Scientific developments of the authors indicate that the field of tourism suffered the most as a result of the pandemic, therefore today it has a high ability to regenerate and manage the tourism industry as a creative technology (Nikitenko, et al., 2021b).

According to the experts of the World Tourism Organization, rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union will be affected in the next few months by:

1) technical model (hard skills) - creation of new business models, data analysis, digital security, e-management;

2) creative model (soft skills) - design thinking, digital psychology, emotional intelligence, etc., aimed at destroying unproductive informal institutions that hinder digital transformation;

3) development of outsourcing and other forms of network service (as opposed to traditional production cooperation) interaction based on digital platforms.

In this regard, rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union aims to develop a concept of a rural touristic business model based on a digital platform. We highly appreciate the contribution of European scientists to the development of rural touristic, in particular. We can note that the development of a cluster model of the organization of rural touristic in the European Union is relevant and necessary in order to solve the current problems of clustering, which remains open, and this article is devoted to its solution. As a result of these processes, a unified point of view on the content and main directions of self-regulation of the cluster model of rural touristic has not yet been developed, and there is no proven mechanism for its implementation in the conditions of the post-crisis development of the tourism industry.

Methodology of research. The study of rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union is based on the application of a comprehensive approach that takes into account all aspects, phenomena and processes of rural touristic as a complex phenomenon, the evolution of which takes place in the system of tourist clusters, the application of new information components (cluster model, diversification of rural touristic, model branding, rural touristic business model). All this requires the conceptualization of rural touristic as a socio-cultural multidimensional phenomenon, a complex social, economic, cultural phenomenon and a dynamic process that is actively developing. The comparativist method made it possible to analyze various aspects of rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union and to consider its economic and socio-cultural dynamics in space-time coordinates, comparing with different regions of the EU. The system-structural method made it possible to explicate rural touristic organizational cluster model in the European Union as a complex system of the information society that is self-developing and has a certain structure consisting of various components that make up a complex system. Quantitative analysis was used in the study to study the statistical data of rural touristic organizational cluster model, which affect the key areas of the village revitalization strategy, which contribute to the diversification of rural touristic, the development of branding models and the formation of business models of rural touristic due to the influence of creative innovative technologies on the sustainable development of tourism industry in Europe (Wengerska, et al., 2021b). The synergetic methodology facilitates the analysis of self-organizational processes at all levels of achieving the sustainability of the tourism organization, for which the Agile method of flexible, adaptive, non-linear methodology of complex adaptive systems, which includes an innovative component of the formation of smart technologies based on ICT, is used. Jurgen Appello can be called the founder of Agile methodology, who developed the theory of flexibility (adaptability), which is based on a road map for overcoming uncertainty, stochasticity, asymmetry of information in the field of tourism (Appello Jurgen, 2019). The philosophy of the Agile methodology is very useful for the analysis of the cluster model of rural touristic as a complex dissipative nonlinear system developing in the space of a stormy world that unfolds based on the principles of social entropy, chaos, and energy dissipation. Cluster model formation\ of the organization of rural touristic in the European Union requires flexible management, flexible philosophy of complexity and adaptability, flexible economy and management.

The cluster model will contribute to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of management based on the principles of balance, inclusiveness, the balance of man and nature, information and knowledge, as it helps managers of tourism organizations to overcome chaos in the complex digital tourism world. Data structuring is helped by innovative Data science technologies, data mining (data search), determined by the law of Big data, caused by the doubling of information in the digital society. The specific application of modeling techniques to the data contributes to the creation of a model and the application of other patterns and rules of behaviour in the tourism business, the identification of new problems that significantly expand the horizon of research problems. When conducting the research, general philosophical methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, transition from the abstract to the concrete and vice versa, comparison were also used, which made it possible to penetrate deeply into the phenomenon of tourism, which affects its dynamics and unfolds in different regions of the European Union. Recognizing the change in tourist behaviour due to the emergence of disruptive factors, the concept of “smart tourist” has recently emerged. This new type of tourist is described through the description of his attitude and behaviour, his role in the scenario of intelligent destination to achieve the imbalance between man and nature, man and machine (computer). When forming a cluster model of the organization of rural touristic in the European Union within the framework of relevant theories, the system methodology, which considers tourism as a complex organized system, also contributes to modern knowledge about tourism.

Structural and functional analysis also proved to be useful in order to understand the extensive system of tourist service and service provision. The transformation of tourist behavior and its evolution towards smart tourism can be analyzed using the axiological method based on the values and value orientations of a smart tourist. Therefore, it is necessary to look closely at four industries that will define the future - the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence (Dixon, Patrick, 2021).

post crisis cluster rural tourism agile smart technology


Transformative vision of sustainable rural touristic

The transformative vision of sustainable rural touristic is linked to new demographic trends that affect EU regions in several ways. Europe is rapidly aging, this process is caused by a significant increase in life expectancy and a lower birth rate. The share of people aged 80 and older in the EU is 28 percent. The population is expected to more than double by 2050 (from 5.4% of the population in 2016 to 11.4% in 2050). Therefore, aging is likely to affect all EU regions sooner or later. According to Eurostat, population decline can be seen in many parts of the Baltic and Northern European countries, as well as in Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany, Portugal, Greece, Spain, and Italy. Rural areas make up from 44% to 80% of all EU countries. These territories represent a variety of flora and fauna, a variety of natural conditions. They provide food and resources, promote growth and prosperity, and help maintain cultural heritage. The countryside is indeed at the heart of Europe, and biodiversity loss and species extinction are closely linked to continuous deforestation and drying up of wetlands. Rural touristic seeks to take into account climate change, which is based on biological diversity, so humanity must live in harmony with nature, in which wildlife and other living biological species are protected. Rural touristic advocates for the protection, reproduction and promotion of sustainable use of land ecosystems, sustainable forest management, combating environmental devastation, halting land degradation and restoration, halting the loss of biological diversity (often caused by increased traffic) in order to halt environmental degradation and promote sustainable development. The International Resource Group conducted a preliminary assessment of the relationships and trade-offs between the various Sustainable Development Goals and found that a significant number of the goals related to human well-being (11 out of 17) depend on the “recreational use of natural resources”. The human development index is a composite indicator of the state of education, health care and income per capita, which affects the sustainable development of tourism. However, there is not a single country in the world with a high level of productivity on all “three levels” - economic, social and environmental. For this, the technological, economic and political approaches to the formation of a comfortable and sustainable life in the rural regions of Europe should be reconsidered for decades. Moreover, technological innovations are accelerating today, digital technologies based on information and communication technologies, the presence of which has become all-encompassing in rural touristic, which demonstrates the acceleration and introduction of new products and services, the change of traditional processes to innovative and digital ones. Software development, telecommunications, and the Internet are examples of powerful positive network feedback in rural touristic services, as “exponential innovation” can make a breakthrough in all areas of human activity in the countryside.

It is assumed that a small group of “exponential entrepreneurs” is able to find solutions to serious problems by applying “D cycles” - digitalization, disorientation (until a sufficient level of growth is achieved), demotage (undermining), demonetization, dematerialization and democratization (Altrade Dagogo, 2021). The transition to sustainability requires deep changes in understanding, interpretive base and expansion of cultural values, as well as requires transformations of practical activities, institutes and social structures that regulate and coordinate the field of rural touristic. Compared with urban tourism development, rural touristic development has a completely different concept and development process on how to organize limited resources for the sustainable development of rural touristic. If the concept of urban tourism believes that the satisfaction of tourists and the higher effect of the spread of the industry chain can achieve sustainable tourism development, while the sustainable development of rural touristic requires not only the satisfaction of tourists, but also the environmental sustainability and improvement of the living environment of local residents, especially the impact of local employment residents and local social and cultural integration. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a significant positive relationship between the elements of the value structure and their attitude towards tourism in order to “avoid harm”, which is a much higher value than the consideration of “increasing profit”, and for this to maintain the “comfortable status quo” complex “caused by digitalization changes.

Model of the tourist destination of the rural region

Tourist destinations are increasingly called to solve social, cultural, economic and environmental problems, for which innovative aspects of the development of creative technologies of the national and global tourism industry should be developed in the conditions of COVID (Voronkova, 2021a). The ETIS toolkit uses indicators (main and additional), complements other existing tools and methodologies at the international and European levels. The supporting electronic documents consist of a destination profile, data tables, a glossary, surveys and an invitation letter template. All of them are available for download. The destination data set is an Excel document that can be used manually to capture the data collected during ETIS implementation. Rural touristic is driven by the search for data that would demonstrate unique and memorable experiences in certain places, so the focus is on a model that emphasizes the influence of destination service quality (DSQ) parameters (local transport, accommodation, cleanliness, hospitality, various activities, airport, language communication services) and their impact on the satisfaction of tourists in the tourism industry of EU countries. From the point of view of sustainable tourism, experiences that link tourists' value orientations with sustainability increase their desire to travel, and escaping the crowds is an important motive for visitors to outdoor recreation today and the use of creative digital technologies as megatrends in the development of tourism business in the context of diffusion of European experience in Ukraine (Voronkova, et al., 2020c). The shared cultural and natural assets of rural places, such as heritage, culture, food and landscape, mean the formation of identity and awareness of rural tourist destinations. In addition, rural touristic destinations are still limited in their capacity, individual rural destinations are often too small to form the critical mass necessary for the primary destination, taking into account the practical measures to combat the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic in the countries of the European Union (Voronkova, et al., 2022e). As a result, an effective concept of rural touristic still lacks resources and opportunities for competitive promotion and marketing of its destinations. To overcome these limitations, the concept of a partnership based approach is an indispensable source of the necessary resources to begin the destination branding process. In this case, one way to overcome these limitations is to create a new brand and initiate marketing activities. Recent studies have recognized the important role of destination branding in rural touristic destinations and the constant increase in competitiveness in agricultural tourism destinations under the influence of creative technologies in the field of tourism (Vengerskaya, et al., 2021c).

Development of digital creative technologies in the field of tourism in the context of the COVID- 19 pandemic. More attention has been focused on how branding can be used to promote rural places. Despite the importance of branding, the literature on destination branding indicates a lack of theory for developing a tourism destination brand that takes into account rural settings and community stakeholders. The role of stakeholders in the development of the rural destination brand is an important component of the development of the destination brand. It is important to focus on the attractiveness elements of a tourist destination, destination attributes, main resources and attractors as a positive attractive force. It is important to identify relevant theories for tourism destination brand development underpinned by relationship-based theories (stakeholder theory) and relationship management theory. It should be noted that the main objective of this study is to develop a structure of a destination brand for rural touristic using agile management approaches and a synergistic methodology based on self-organization and self-regulation based on how best to develop a rural destination brand and existing frames and levers for their support.

Development of rural smart tourism

In recent years, the European touristic market has developed rapidly, so it is necessary to emphasize the development of smart tourism based on the Internet of Things, which is called “smart tourism”. It combines technology and digital management, big data technology and digitization of all processes to make traditional rural tourism more intelligent in an interaction context of intelligent man and intelligent society (Buhaychuk, et al., 2022). Smart tourism aims digitally improve the rural touristic management in order to develop the rural economy, improve it's management and services based on big data technology. The development of smart tourism is based on the innovative big data application, economic analysis of impressions, which include rural tourism, which is carried out with big data help. The flow density of people helps tourists to choose routes according to the density and travel agents to manage the dense flow in time, offering effective measures and developing various directions for the digital transformative development of the latest technologies and economic recovery after pandemic impact (Voronkova, et al., 2021b). They aim to improve the information rural smart touristic platform, formulate smart service standards, create a smart service platform, and create a new marketing rural smart touristic model. The Internet of Things is the connection of various devices based on communication capabilities using communication protocols provided by relevant organizations, electronic components with computing capabilities, electronic equipment with communication capabilities. The Internet of Things has gradually entered all rural life areas, such as smart homes, smart cities, smart parks, and various engineering construction monitoring needs (Ernst Weizsacker, et al., 2019). Big data construction and Internet of Things platforms can realize the collection, sorting and rural touristic data storage to provide data support for rural touristic management, digital marketing and services; to effectively integrate the rural touristic resources in order to improve the quality of tourist facility services; promote the rural areas revival to ensure the economic sustainable development and rural touristic. Smart rural and touristic is an objective need for better and faster touristic industry development, its infrastructure (project management, corporate culture and business touristic and hospitality enterprises ethics) (Bezkorovaina, et al., 2021). It can not only provide tourists with a variety of services, but also provide tourism products with a better experience, which will promote the management of the entire rural touristic industry.

Summary and conclusion

As a result of the analysis, it is proposed to form organizational clustering rural touristic concept in the European Union in overcoming instability context, stochastic uncertainty, determined by the “technological singularity”, which requires sustainable development and digital value introduction into the rural regional life. It is recommended to use a holistic approach for the clustering model in order to implement the sustainable development tasks of rural areas, from which everyone will benefit - society, state, international partners, future generations. The basis of the rural touristic organizational cluster modeling concept in the European Union is the implementation of the complex and innovation theory, software (software) and information and computer technologies, which contribute to the improvement of the tourism sector in the countryside, which requires flexibility and adaptability to complex operating conditions. The practical impact dimensions in globalization and global governance require cluster model formation / of the rural smart touristic organization in the European Union to draw special attention to the way technology and tourism coexist. The main goal of the research is to show that the fundamental and global nature of the digital revolution is inseparable from all countries, economies, sectors and people, which will allow us to better adapt to the powerful technological transformation, direct and conquer its potential and put it at the rural touristic service. Cluster modeling organization concept of a rural touristic in the European Union includes:

1) a general tendency to expand rural touristic scale;

2) high service quality and high level of rural touristic service offer;

3) the emergence of an increasing number of interested parties involved in the organization of rural touristic and overcoming the conflicts that arise between interested parties.

There may be many variables in stakeholders' demand drivers, the study of these variables is useful to achieve sustainable development of rural touristic, to reveal stakeholders' attitudes towards rural touristic and their relation to the implementation of the concept. Clusters contribute to the economic development of individual regions, as they are of particular importance for increasing exports and internationalization of business in order to develop the digital potential of rural touristic. It has been found that tourism destinations are increasingly called upon to address social, cultural, economic and environmental issues, and the ETIS toolkit provides basic support and clear explanations of what the indicators (core and secondary) of effective rural touristic development include, how to use them, complementing existing tools and methodologies at the international and European levels with a new digital methodology.

Scientific research prospects include the continuation of work on the project “Rural touristic diversification through sustainability and creativity: disseminating European experience in Ukraine”, which is based on the of the European experiencing rural touristic and development new conceptual smart touristic research use new creative technologies in rural touristic.


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